Read The Young Visiters or, Mr. Salteena's Plan Page 4

  Well now I must get along back to the levie announced the princeputting on his crown I have booked a valse with the Arch duchess ofGreenwich and this is her favorite tune. So saying they issued back tothe big room where the nobility were whirling gaily roand the moresearious peaple such as the prime minister and the admirals etc wereeating ices and talking passionately about the laws in a lowundertone.

  The earl was soon mingling gaily in a set of lancers but Mr Salteenadare not because of his trousers. However he sat on a velvit chair andquite enjoyed over hearing the intelligent conversation of the primeminister. And now we will leave our hero enjoying his glimpse of highlife and return to Ethel Monticue.

  [Pg 74]CHAPTER 7


  After Mr Salteena had departed Bernard Clark thourght he would showEthel over his house so they spent a merry morning so doing. Ethelpassed bright remarks on all the rooms and Bernard thourght she wasmost pretty and Ethel began to be a bit excited. After a lovly lunchthey sat in the gloomy hall and Ethel began to feel very glad MrSalteena was not there. Suddenly Bernard lit his pipe I was thinkinghe said passionately what about going up to London for a weeksGaierty.

  Who inquired Ethel in a low tone.

  You and me said Bernard I know of several splendid hotels and we couldgo to theaters and parties and enjoy ourselves to the full.

  [Pg 75]So we could what an idear cried Ethel.

  So the merry plan was all arranged and they spent the afternoon inpacking there trunks. Next day they were all ready in the hall whenthe handsome viacle once more clattered up. Ethel had on her bluevelvit get up and a sweet new hat and plenty of ruge on her face andlooked quite a seemly counterpart for Bernard who was arrayed in awhite and shiny mackintosh top boots and a well brushed top hat tiedon to him with a bit of black elastick.

  Well goodbye Minnit he cried to the somber butler take care of yourgout and the silver and I will pay your wages when I come back.

  Thankyou kindly sir murmured Minnit when may I expect your return.

  Oh well I will wire he said and dashed doun the steps.

  Ethel followed with small lady like steps having bowed perlitely toMinnit who closed his eyes in acknowlegment of her kindness.

  [Pg 76]The sun was shining and Ethel had the feeling of going to a very jollyparty and felt so sorry for all the passers by who were not going toLondon with Bernard.

  Arrived in the gay city Bernard hailed a eab to the manner born andgot in followed by Ethel. Kindly drive us to the Gaierty Hotel hecried in a firm tone. The cabman waved his whip and off they dashed.

  We shall be highly comfortable and select at the Gaierty said Bernardand he thourght to himself how lovly it would be if he was married toEthel. He blushed a deep shade at his own thourghts and gave a sidelong glance at Ethel who was gazing out of the window. Well one neverknows he murmerd to himself and as one of the poets says great eventsfrom trivil causes springs.

  Just then they stopped at the gay hotel and Ethel was spellbound atthe size of the big hall--Bernard poked his head into the window ofthe pay desk. Have you a coupple [Pg 77] of bedrooms for self and younglady he enquired in a lordly way.

  A very handsome lady with golden hair and a lace apron glanced at abook and hastilly replied Oh yes sir two beauties on the 1st floornumber 9 and 10.

  Thankyou said Bernard we will go up if you have no objection.

  None whatever sir said the genial lady the beds are well aired and theview is quite pleasant.

  Come along Ethel cried Bernard this sounds alright eh.

  Oh quite said Ethel with a beaming smile.

  They went upstairs and entered number 9 a very fine compartment with alarge douny bed and white doors with glass handles leading into number10 an equally dainty room but a trifle smaller.

  Which will you have Ethel asked Bernard.

  Oh well I would rarther you settled it [Pg 78] said Ethel. I am willingto abide by your choice.

  The best shall be yours then said Bernard bowing gallantly andpointing to the biggest room.

  Ethel blushed at his speaking look. I shall be quite lost in that hugebed she added to hide her embarassment.

  Yes I expect you will said Bernard and now what about a little tabled'ote followed by a theater.

  Oh yes cried Ethel and downstairs they went.

  [Pg 79]CHAPTER 8


  I tell you what Ethel said Bernard Clark about a week later we mightgo and pay a call on my pal the Earl of Clincham.

  Oh do lets cried Ethel who was game for any new adventure I woulddearly love to meet his lordship.

  Bernard gave a frown of jellousy at her rarther mere words.

  Well dress in your best he muttered.

  Ethel skipped into her bedroom and arrayd herself in a grass greenmuslin of decent cut a lace scarf long faun colored kid gloves and amuslin hat to correspond. She carried a parasole in one hand also agreen silk bag containing a few stray hair pins a clean handkerchieffive shillings and a pot of ruge in case. She looked a dainty vishen[Pg 80] with her fair hair waving in the breeze and Bernard bit his lipsrarther hard for he could hardly contain himself and felt he mustmarry Ethel soon. He looked a handsome sight himself in some exquisitewhite trousers with a silk shirt and a pale blue blazer belt and cap.He wore this in honour of the earl who had been to Cambridge in hisyouth and so had Bernard Clark.

  At last they found themselves in the entrance hall of the Crystalepalace and speedily made their way to the privite compartments. EdwardProcurio was walking up and down the passage looking dark andmystearious as usual.

  Is His Lordship at home cried Bernard Clark cheerily.

  Which one asked Procurio many lords live here he said scornfully.

  Well I mean the Earl of Clincham said Bernard.

  Oh yes he is in responded Procurio and to the best of my belief givinga party.

  [Pg 81]Indeed ejaculated Bernard we have come in the nick of time Ethel headded. Yes said Ethel in an excited tone.

  Then they pealed on the bell and the door flew open. Sounds oflaughter and comic songs issued from the abode and in a second theywere in the crowded drawing room. It was packed with all the Elite anda stout duchess with a good natured face was singing a lively song andcausing much merriment. The earl strode forward at sight of two newcomers. Hullo Bernard old boy he cried this is a pleasure and who haveyou got with you he added glancing at Ethel.

  Oh this is Miss Monticue said Bernard shall I introduce you----

  If you will be so good said the Earl in an affable tone and Bernardhastily performed the right. Ethel began a bright conversatiun whileBernard stroled off to see if he could find any friends amid thethrong.

  [Pg 82]What pleasant compartments you have cried Ethel in rarther a sociertytone.

  Fairly so so responded the Earl do you lire in London he added in aloud tone as someone was playing a very difficult peice on the piano.

  Well no I dont said Ethel my home is really in Northumberland but I amat present stopping with Mr Clark at the Gaierty Hotel she continud ina somewhat showing off tone.

  Oh I see said the earl well shall I introduce you to a few of myfriends.

  Of please do said Ethel with a dainty blow at her nose.

  The earl disserppeard into the madding crowd and presently came backwith a middle aged gentleman. This is Lord Hyssops he said my friendMiss Monticue he added genially.

  Ethel turned a dull yellaw. Lord Hyssops she said in a faint voice whyit is Mr Salteena I know him well.

  [Pg 83]Hush cried the Earl it is a title bestowd recently by my friend thePrince of Wales.

  Yes indeed murmered Mr Salteena deeply flabbergasted by the ready witof the earl.

  Oh indeed said Ethel in a peevish tone well how do you come to behere.

  I am stopping with his Lordship said Mr Salteena and have a set ofcompartments in the basement so there.

  I dont care said huffy Ethel I am in handsome rooms at the Gaierty.

  Nothing could be nicer I am sure
struck in the earl what do you sayHyssops eh.

  Doubtless it is charming said Mr Salteena who was wanting peace tellme Ethel how did you leave Bernard.

  I have not left him said Ethel in an annoying voice I am stopping withhim at the gaierty and we have been to lots of theaters and dances.

  Well I am glad you are enjoying yourself said Mr Salteena kindly youhad been looking pale of late.

  [Pg 84]No wonder in your stuffy domain cried Ethel well have you got any morefriends she added turning to the earl.

  Well I will see said the obliging earl and he once more disapeared.

  I dont know why you should turn against me Ethel said Mr Salteena in alow tone.

  Ethel patted her hair and looked very sneery. Well I call it verymystearious you going off and getting a title said Ethel and I thinkour friendship had better stop as no doubt you will soon be marrying aduchess or something.

  Not at all said Mr Salteena you must know Ethel he said blushing adeep red I always wished to marry you some fine day.

  This is news to me cried Ethel still peevish.

  But not to me murmered Mr Salteena and his voice trembled in hischest. I may add that I have always loved you and now I seem to do somadly he added passionately.

  [Pg 85]But I dont love you responded Ethel.

  But if you married me you might get to said Mr Salteena.

  I think not replied Ethel and all the same it is very kind of you toask me and she smiled more nicely at him.

  This is agony cried Mr Salteena clutching hold of a table my life willbe sour grapes and ashes without you.

  Be a man said Ethel in a gentle whisper and I shall always think ofyou in a warm manner.

  Well half a loaf is better than no bread responded Mr Salteena in agloomy voice and just then the earl reappeard with a very brisk ladyin a tight silk dress whose name was called Lady Gay Finchling and herhusband was a General but had been dead a few years. So this is MissMonticue she began in a rarther high voice. Oh yes said Ethel and MrSalteena wiped the foaming dew from his forehead. Little did Lady [Pg 86]Gay Finchling guess she had just disturbed a proposal of marrage.

  The Earl chimed into the conversation now and again and Lady GayFinchling told several rarther witty stories to enliven the party.Then Bernard Clark came up and said they had better be going.

  Well goodbye Clincham he said I must say I have enjoyed this partymost rechauffie I call it dont you Ethel.

  Most cried Ethel I suppose you often come she added in a tone of envyto Lady Gay Finchling.

  Pretty often said Lady G. F. well goodbye as I see you are in a hurryto be off and she dashed off towards the refreshment place.

  Goodbye Ethel said poor Mr Salteena in a spasam and he seized hold ofher hand you will one day rue your wicked words farewell he repeatedemphatically.

  Oh well goodbye said Ethel in a vage tone and then turning to the earlshe said [Pg 87] I have enjoyed myself very much thankyou.

  Please dont mention it cried the earl well goodbye Bernard he added Ishall look you up some day at your hotel.

  Yes do muttered Bernard always welcome Clincham old boy he addedplacing his blue crickit cap on his head and so saying he and Ethelleft the gay scene and once more oozed fourth into the streets ofLondon.

  [Pg 88]CHAPTER 9


  Next morning while imbibing his morning tea beneath his pink silkenquilt Bernard decided he must marry Ethel with no more delay. I lovethe girl he said to himself and she must be mine but I somehow feel Ican not propose in London it would not be seemly in the city ofLondon. We must go for a day in the country and when surrounded by thegay twittering of the birds and the smell of the cows I will lay mysuit at her feet and he waved his arm wildly at the gay thought. Thenhe sprang from bed and gave a rat tat at Ethels door.

  Are you up my dear he called.

  Well not quite said Ethel hastilly jumping from her downy nest.

  Be quick cried Bernard I have a plan to [Pg 89] spend a day near WindsorCastle and we will take our lunch and spend a happy day.

  Oh Hurrah shouted Ethel I shall soon be ready as I had my bath lastnight so wont wash very much now.

  No dont said Bernard and added in a rarther fervent tone through thechink of the door you are fresher than the rose my dear no soap couldmake you fairer.

  Then he dashed off very embarrased to dress. Ethel blushed and felt abit excited as she heard the words and she put on a new white muslindress in a fit of high spirits. She looked very beautifull with somered roses in her hat and the dainty red ruge in her cheeks lookedquite the thing. Bernard heaved a sigh and his eyes flashed as hebeheld her and Ethel thorght to herself what a fine type of manhood hereprisented with his nice thin legs in pale broun trousers and wellfitting spats and a red rose in his button hole and rarther a sportingcap which gave him a great air [Pg 90] with its quaint check and littleflaps to pull down if necesarry. Off they started the envy of all thewaiters.

  They arrived at Windsor very hot from the jorney and Bernard at oncehired a boat to row his beloved up the river. Ethel could not row butshe much enjoyed seeing the tough sunburnt arms of Bernard tugging atthe oars as she lay among the rich cushons of the dainty boat. She hada rarther lazy nature but Bernard did not know of this. However hesoon got dog tired and sugested lunch by the mossy bank.

  Oh yes said Ethel quickly opening the sparkling champaigne.

  Dont spill any cried Bernard as he carved some chicken.

  They eat and drank deeply of the charming viands ending up withmerangs and choclates.

  Let us now bask under the spreading trees said Bernard in a passiunatetone.

  Oh yes lets said Ethel and she opened her [Pg 91] dainty parasole andsank down upon the long green grass. She closed her eyes but she was farfrom asleep. Bernard sat beside her in profound silence gazing at herpink face and long wavy eye lashes. He puffed at his pipe for somemoments while the larks gaily caroled in the blue sky. Then he edged atrifle closer to Ethels form.

  Ethel he murmured in a trembly voice.

  Oh what is it said Ethel hastily sitting up.

  Words fail me ejaculated Bernard horsly my passion for you is intensehe added fervently. It has grown day and night since I first beheldyou.

  Oh said Ethel in supprise I am not prepared for this and she lent backagainst the trunk of the tree.

  Bernard placed one arm tightly round her. When will you marry me Ethelhe uttered you must be my wife it has come to that I love you sointensly that if you say no I shall perforce dash my body to the[Pg 92] brink of yon muddy river he panted wildly.

  Oh dont do that implored Ethel breathing rarther hard.

  Then say you love me he cried.

  Oh Bernard she sighed fervently I certinly love you madly you are tome like a Heathen god she cried looking at his manly form and handsomeflashing face I will indeed marry you.

  How soon gasped Bernard gazing at her intensly.

  As soon as possible said Ethel gently closing her eyes.

  My Darling whispered Bernard and he seiezed her in his arms we will bemarrid next week.

  Oh Bernard muttered Ethel this is so sudden.

  No no cried Bernard and taking the bull by both horns he kissed herviolently on her dainty face. My bride to be he murmered severaltimes.

  [Pg 93]Ethel trembled with joy as she heard the mistick words.

  Oh Bernard she said little did I ever dream of such as this and shesuddenly fainted into his out stretched arms.

  Oh I say gasped Bernard and laying the dainty burden on the grass hedashed to the waters edge and got a cup full of the fragrant river topour on his true loves pallid brow.

  She soon came to and looked up with a sickly smile Take me back to theGaierty hotel she whispered faintly.

  With plesure my darling said Bernard I will just pack up our viandsere I unloose the boat.

  Ethel felt better after a few drops of champagne and began to tidy herhair while Bernard packed the remains of the food. Then arm in armthey tottered to t
he boat.

  I trust you have not got an illness my darling murmured Bernard as hehelped her in.

  [Pg 94]Oh no I am very strong said Ethel I fainted from joy she added toexplain matters.

  Oh I see said Bernard handing her a cushon well some people do headded kindly and so saying they rowed down the dark stream now flowingsilently beneath a golden moon. All was silent as the lovers glidedhome with joy in their hearts and radiunce on their faces only thesound of the mystearious water lapping against the frail vessel brokethe monotony of the night.

  So I will end my chapter.

  [Pg 95]CHAPTER 10


  The next few days were indeed bussy for Ethel and Bernard. First ofall Ethel got some dainty pink note paper with silver crest on it andsent out invitations in the following terms to all their frends.

  Miss Ethel Monticue will be married to Mr Bernard Clark at Westminster Abbey on June 10th. Your company is requested there at 2-30 sharp and afterwards for refreshment at the Gaierty Hotel. R.S.V.P.

  Having posted heaps of these and got several replies Ethel began toorder her wedding dress which cost a good bit. She chose a rich satinwith a humped pattern of gold on the pure white and it had a longtrain [Pg 96] edged with Airum lilies. Her veil was of pure lace with acrown of orange blossum. Her bouquett she ordered to be of white dogdaisies St. Joseph lilies and orange blossums tied up with pale bluesatin ribbon.