Read The Zombie Story The Chronicles of Orlando Page 6

  Orlando was not to sure about that. He knew his grandfather had been a hunter when he was younger and could probably handle himself but these were not the same kind of zombies that were present in his grandfather’s day.

  Ruben made his way over to them, he had just finished, one of several phone calls and was now satisfied with the progress he had made. He had a few contacts back home who he knew he could trust. They had filled him in on the status of the zombies back home in L.A.; he was told that the night had been quiet. He shared this with Orlando and his sister.

  “How are you guys going to get across the border?” Elodie asked concerned.

  Orlando didn’t think getting across should be a problem. They both had their identification; they could simply walk across. “I don’t see a problem, Elodie.”

  She cleared her throat, “It’s not going to be as simple as you think, and border patrol is not going to let two guys cross who are heavily armed. They’re going to check you before they let you cross.”

  Ruben didn’t look bothered by this news. Orlando asked him about it. He simply replied, “I already got that figured out. I made a few phone calls. I already have a plan to get us across the border.”

  Michael came over to their group, “I could help you with that.” He tilted his head back towards his friends as he said, “we go back and forth all the time.”

  Ruben cleared his throat, “Thanks, but I already got it figured out.”

  “Okay, well do you need a ride anywhere?” Michael asked.

  Orlando couldn’t see what the problem was, he was all for any ever help they could get. Ruben had suddenly developed trust issues. “Yeah, thanks.” Orlando jumped in with a reply before Ruben could dismiss it.

  “We don’t need it.” Ruben stated.

  Elodie smacked her hand on the back of her brother’s head, “These are my friends Ruben and I trust each one of them.”

  The others in the room became quiet, in order to break the stillness that now claimed the room, Raquel stood up from her seat and held a hand out to the young girl, “Mirabel come help me clean up.”

  Mirabel shot to her feet to help.

  Chapter Fifteen – Zombies

  Louis had stepped outside after making a quick excuse; he lit a cigarette as he walked out.

  “Michael, I think that’s a great idea.” Elodie spoke to him but her eyes were on her brother in case he chose to argue.

  Louis suddenly flew back into the shack as he tossed the cigarette he had just lit on the ground and stomped it out with his foot. A look of terror on his face as he said, “There are zombies outside!”

  They each jumped to there feet in utter disbelief. Ruben was the first to act as he ran outside the shack to see for himself.

  “Elodie, go now, take my grandfather with you.” Orlando said in a deadly calm voice.

  His grandfather did not want to leave without him, “I’m not going and leaving you here to fight them by yourselves. I can help you.”

  “Elodie, please, take him and go.” He didn’t look at his grandfather as he urged her to take his grandfather and leave.

  “But I can help,” she said.

  Ruben rushed into the shack to pick up his weapon. Michael pulled out a cache of weapons from a nearby hiding place.

  “Raquel, take Mirabel to the panic room.” Michael spoke in a calm voice as he loaded up on weapons.

  “You guys got a panic room out here?” Orlando said off handedly.

  No one answered him for they were suddenly rushing to different areas, Raquel and Mirabel hurried out the door and Michael pulled down a ladder from the shack’s narrow ceiling. He quickly climbed the ladder.

  “How did the zombies know to find us here?” Orlando’s grandfather asked.

  “Who were you talking to Ruben? Did you tell anyone where we are?” Orlando asked irritated.

  “Of course not!”

  Turning back to Elodie, Orlando urged her once again to take his grandfather and go.

  “But I am better crafted with my magick then you are Orlando. You are still a newbie when it comes to your magick.”

  Ruben cut in, “Take him and go Elodie.”

  “I have a say in where I go, and I say Elodie and I both stay and help.” Orlando’s grandfather said determinedly.

  “Elodie.” her brother had a set look on his face, with a grunt Elodie took Orlando’s grandfather by the hand and as the orange smoke began to circle around them she could be heard saying, “But I’m coming right back.”

  Gun shots sounded from above the shack. “Bullets are not as effective on zombies.” Ruben said under his breath before heading out the door.

  Over the hill a herd of zombies came charging with Maxwell in tow. Ruben ran towards them engaging in combat with the first zombie he met. The zombie lets loose a blood curling cry as it reached for Ruben.

  Ruben rolled to the right side of the zombie, who was not as quick on his feet. He sliced into the zombie, the skin was like leather. Ruben hacked into its side cursing at it as he did so.

  Using the back of his hand the zombie sent Ruben flying, head first into a tree leaving him stunned, and waiting for his head to stop spinning so that he could regain his feet.

  The zombie made its way toward him, joined by another.

  Orange smoke circled Ruben’s feet. He looked around for its source. Elodie. She had come back.

  The orange smoke circled the head of one of the zombies as it looked down at Ruben. The smoke lifted the zombie off the ground smacking it into the other one.

  Ruben regained his feet and drove his sword into the neck of one of the zombies. Using his body weight he severed the zombie’s head.

  The other one took a swing at Ruben with its claw-like hand knocking him down for the second time.

  “Ruben!” Elodie shouted. She drew a hand gun out of thin air, pointing it at the zombie she fired several times.

  It drew the zombie’s attention and it charged at her.

  Ruben picked himself up and ran after the zombie tackling it to the ground. He took the brunt of the impact as the zombie had fallen on him.

  Ruben took a dagger out of his pants pocket stabbing the zombie in the eye. Rolling on top as the zombie screamed in pain he removed the dagger and severed the head.

  Wiping the blood from his eyes he stepped away from the zombie. Turning to Elodie who flinched seeing the anger in his eyes, “I told you to leave.”

  “I did, but I came back.”

  Ruben was not able to yell at her further. There were too many zombies. He had to get Elodie to safety.

  A quick look down the yard showed Orlando in combat with a couple of zombies. It looked like he was fairing better then Ruben had.

  Orlando ducked as the zombie swung at him. As he came up for air he sliced the zombie from the midsection to its neck. With a twist of his wrist he killed it.

  “ORLANDO!” He heard his name. Looking about he discovered Maxwell guarded by a zombie. He had blood dripping down the side of his head and one eye was swollen shut.

  From the roof of the shack bullets rained down upon them. Michael and Louis sat on the roof, shot guns in hand.

  A zombie took a dagger and threw it up at them hitting Louis in the chest knocking him off the shack.

  Orlando lunged for the zombie cutting through the leathery skin. The zombie clawed out at Orlando’s chest in retaliation. Orlando let out a roar of pain feeling as if his skin was on fire. He dropped to his knees clutching at the wound on his chest.

  The zombie reached out clamping onto Orlando’s shoulders, its claws digging down deep.

  Summoning up strength, Orlando rammed his sword into the belly of the zombie. Flames erupted from the sword setting the zombie on fire.

  Orlando staggered back, putting distance between them in order to ensure that the zombie would not fall upon him.


  He dug the hilt of his sword into the dirt so that he could use it
to help him rise. Ruben had killed the zombie who had been guarding Maxwell and was now leading him back to the shack. Elodie appeared by Orlando’s side and helped to brace him as they walked into the shack.

  “Lie down, let me look at that.” She said, urgently.


  “Fine, have it your way. Let me see what I can do.” Using her orange smoke she slowly healed him, leaving a faint trace of a scar.

  Orlando was not able to ask her how she had developed her magick, as they were interrupted by Ruben dragging Maxwell into the room.

  “How did you know where to find us?” Ruben shouted the question at him.

  Maxwell looked over at Orlando before he answered. “When Orlando was in my lab I had placed a tracer on him. In case he was to escape.”

  “You did?” Orlando asked none to happy with that news. “How do I remove it?”

  “You don’t have to; it wears off in a few days.”

  “Just great,” Orlando mumbled.

  “Maybe I can remove it sooner.” Elodie placed her hands on either side of his head and closed her eyes. “Searching, hmmm, there it is, it’s very faint, but I think I can remove it, or rather wash it away.” She opened her eyes and took a step back from him, a smile on her lips as she said, “done.”

  Michael came in, covered in blood. “Louis is dead.” He paced the room like a caged tiger.

  “I’m sorry, Michael.” Elodie said she knew Louis had been like a brother to Michael.

  “It doesn’t matter.” The rage in his voice said otherwise.

  “This guy brought them here.” Ruben said pointing at Maxwell.

  Michael crouched down to where Maxwell sat; his eyes seemed to be looking into Maxwell’s soul. “How do we find them?” Michael asked quietly.

  Maxwell blurted out, “You want to find them? Why?”

  “They’re being made somewhere right? Where is the shop?”

  “They have been to my lab,” he said pointing to Orlando and Ruben. “My lab is no more.”

  “We just fought a truck load of zombies, that lab was not large enough to create that many zombies.” Ruben said.

  “Where is the shop?” Michael asked again.

  “What do I get out of it if I help you?”

  Orlando pulled Maxwell up to his feet clenching the front of his shirt. “You don’t look so well, Maxwell. I don’t think the zombies have been taking good care of you. Would you rather go back to them?”

  Maxwell didn’t think it over long, “There is a shop, but it’s more of a warehouse. It is in the border town south of El Paso, Texas.”

  Maxwell gave them the details. Elodie headed outside as he did so. Orlando followed her out.

  “What is it, Elodie?” Orlando asked.

  “I can’t take all of you, not through magick.”

  “We know that, we will figure out another way.”

  “I know, but I also know that Ruben is going to have a fit if he finds out I’m going with you guys.”

  Orlando nodded his head and changed the subject by asking, “How did you get so good with your magick? Were you tested?”

  Elodie let out a laugh before answering, “There are ways of getting around testing. Something you should learn if you want to avoid it, which I think you should if you want to keep what’s left of having a normal life.”

  “I heard the stories about what happens to classified wizards. But how did you learn to use your magick?”

  “I taught myself.”

  Orlando was impressed, “You did?”

  “Of course.” In a more serious tone she added, “Look, please don’t let Ruben know that I’m going to tag along. Let him think that I headed back home. My brother can be a royal pain when his orders are not carried out.”

  “Sure, I won’t say anything.”

  Elodie smiled, “No, I don’t think you will.”

  Chapter Sixteen – The Warehouse

  A few days went by without a sign of any zombies. Ruben began to doubt Maxwell, believing that he shouldn’t have been trusted.

  The group had grown by one more, with Michael deciding to join them. He wanted vengeance for his friend’s death.

  They reached the border town and found strangely dressed men walking up and down the streets. They checked into a hotel room leaving Maxwell with Michael while Ruben and Orlando went to check out the town.

  They headed northbound following a particular group. “What are they?” Orlando asked.

  “I’ve no idea … they don’t look like zombies …” his voice trailed off as they watched the strange group of men head into a factory. Before the door closed a zombie looked out checking the street.

  They circled the warehouse looking for another way in. Climbing a set of stairs they found another set of doors and quietly entered. Looking below they found zombies seated with the strange men waiting for someone or something to approach what looked like a stage.

  They were not kept waiting long. Two holographic images faded in before the strange looking audience.

  The holographic images consisted of two men dressed up in suits looking very dapper. One wore black shades and was the first to speak, “Greatness awaits you … greatness of the magick of wizards will belong to all of us. Not just to a select few!”

  The other holographic image nodded his head in agreement before adding, “The testing that has been done on all of you was not in vain. Only a few more elements remain and our plan will be complete.”

  “Yes.” The other holograph clapped his hands. “The alchemist Maxwell was taken by a rough band of hunters. We need to reclaim him in order to complete our research.”

  “Find him.”

  Both holographic images faded out leaving the audience in an uproar. The audience members provoked each other and fighting broke out amongst them.

  Orlando and Ruben left the way they had come. Knowing far more then they had before.

  Chapter Seventeen – The Crossing

  Orlando and Ruben walked into the hotel lobby. Each one of them keeping their thoughts private, perhaps that was a good thing. The hotel had no elevator so they had to take the stairs to reach their floor.

  Orlando knocked on the hotel room door in a rhythmic pattern. After a moment Michael opened the door for them.

  Maxwell was tied to a chair. Ruben advanced on him, “Who were those two dudes in suits? What are they trying to do, because, they sure as hell are not going to be giving whatever they promised to those freaks in the warehouse.”

  It took some time for Maxwell to answer Ruben’s questions. Orlando thought that maybe Maxwell was not going to co-operate so he said, “They are looking for you, Maxwell. They have orders to bring you back.”

  Maxwell seemed to respond to that, he looked up at Orlando. Maxwell had aged so much in such a short amount of time.

  “How many ‘dudes’ in suits did you see?” Maxwell asked.

  “There were two.” Orlando answered.

  “There are six of these men. Each one performs a specific job. Each one is a con-man and a cut throat. I have been working for them for several years. I was to develop ways to make their magick stronger, more effective. Those six men have high goals and expectations. They desire a future where the right price could help anyone to climb higher up the magick ladder.”

  Ruben grabbed a fistful of Maxwell shirt, “Why were you experimenting on hunters?”

  The hold on his shirt squeezed his lungs causing Maxwell to have a fit of coughing. Ruben relaxed his grip, slightly, allowing Maxwell to answer the question.

  “It seemed like a good idea at the time.”

  Ruben decked him sending both Maxwell and his chair sliding across the hotel room.

  Michael rose from his seat on the bed, “He is not going to tell you anything.”

  “You just don’t know how to handle him.” Ruben replied, striding over to Maxwell to lift him up off the floor.

  “What else is at the factory?”

  Maxwell hesitated; the look in Ruben’s eyes prompted him to speak, “Most of my research. But there are copies elsewhere.”

  “Why are they having you create zombies? What are they for?”

  “They are the failures of my trails. My mistakes,” he said.

  Orlando pushed Ruben away from Maxwell to ask a question of his own, “Why are you doing this? My grandfather told me what happened to your father and what you were trying to do. What changed you?”

  “Greed.” Ruben called out from over his shoulder. He walked over to the door, put his hand on the handle and said, “I’m getting some air.” Ruben slammed the door behind him.

  “Orlando,” Maxwell began. “I want to help you.”

  Michael laughed. “Oh good, you had a change of conscience. Lucky us.” He walked over to the window pushed the shade aside and looked out. He watched as Ruben walked across the street. Closing the shade he added, “Your zombie friends killed a good man when they attacked us. You created them, which means that you killed him.”

  “He has not been the only one to die. I am sorry for all that I have done.”

  Orlando didn’t buy it. “Look, we don’t have the energy to watch you play Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Tell us more about the six, the ones who employ you.”

  “Dr. Jekyll?” Michael asked with a smirk.

  Orlando ignored him as he had his attention fixated on Maxwell, waiting for answers.

  “The six of them use holographic form to communicate. They keep their identities private. Each one lives in different part of the country, but I do have some information on one of them. At the warehouse you will find a vault, in that vault is information about one of the six. He was the one who recruited me.”

  Orlando did not want to return to the warehouse. It was guarded by too many zombies, not to mention those strange looking men he had seen.

  “I can see you are in no rush to return to the warehouse. You would have a better chance in going alone. I can give you a map of the warehouse. Give me paper and a pen and I will draw it out for you.”

  “You couldn’t tell us this before?” Orlando asked, roughly.


  Orlando didn’t like the idea of going back to the warehouse alone. But, Ruben was to heavily involved. Maxwell had turned some of his friends into zombies, and Michael had just lost a friend. Neither one of them would be any good in a tight situation.