Read The adventures of Tinchi Page 7

" Almighty eternal God , thank you for giving us wealth and food , thank you for giving us the courage to fight , to fight a glorious battle back from the greedy selfish plutocrats ..................... we deserve ."

  Uncle Wong and Aunt read aloud prayers, at the same time, the other village residents invariably prayed. In the rural quiet night, this collective prayer, so terrible.

  "Come , enjoy to eat ! " Uncle Wong seemed extra pride.

  In fact, this dinner was really very rich with fish chicken and duck. Far more than the weight of four servings. Makes nearly a week just to eat bread and Xiao Tinchi salivate.

  "You all believe Eternal God? I have seen them in the streets of Hong Kong to promote." Tinchi devoured side edges curious inquiry .

  "Yes ! Entirely believe it, we can be rich, be considered to do to live a little dignity! Church provide quality seeds to grow high quality vegetables, also give us tractors, imported fertilizers. be our underwriting ......... "

  "Yes, the church has done a matchmaker and introduced him to me so that I can get married ...... ." Silent Mrs Wong interrupted when her husband's speech, became eloquent, dancing, ecstatic.

  Tinchi and Xiao looked at each other.

  "Eternal God knows our plight of these farmers , sent its envoy to help us , we need not pay , regenerate as our parents . Haha , do not know where you come from , I have just heard you seen our missionary work in Hong Kong , Hong Kong people do you ? “Uncle Wong asked .

  " Right" Tinchi replied .

  "Then why get here? She is your wife ? " Uncle pointed Xiao Lian .

  Xiao suddenly containing shyly and lowered her head, face revealing an extremely giggle like a child’s innocence .

  Tinchi too late to respond , Wong said: " newlyweds , still shy ! "

  "My husband stop making our guest embarrassed! I'll look to the room tidy up, so you sleep comfortably tonight ...... "

  "Haha , they will not go to sleep ! Assured you both upstairs sound good , and you can put a little play , ha ha ," Uncle smiled and seemed somewhat obscene .

  Tinchi and Xiao embarrassing! Same time speechless.

  Uncle took two bottles of beer from refrigerator, and then mercilessly Tinchi and Xiao glass filling .

  Warmed with wine, Tinchi began talkative, not consciously spoke his bitterness.

  “Uncle Wong , in fact, living in Hong Kong have begun to suffer ."

  "Why? My uncle came to Hong Kong and worked hard before , telling us where could earn money easily and had many opportunities to develop career , making our heart itch ! Think about migrate to Hong Kong. Is not that true?"

  " 30 years ago was indeed the case. Those years in Hong Kong had industry, there were a lot like your uncle immigrants came with skill of entrepreneurship. Began development of financial markets , the Government actively explore the land , mass development of satellite cities together with creativity and social atmosphere inclusiveness , blossom , so regardless of industry and commerce , construction , even to have a significant growth in the creative industries , I like to watch old -hour domestic comics, but now this is really non- pity than . "

  "And now, everyone is simply speculation, fight differentiation without a break. Many of the younger generation spoiled by their parents, become fragile and unambitious. Mall flooded with large chain stores , small shops unable to cope with high rents , cannot survive . Housing too expensive which a normal person can afford , the government has only siding large business group, like railway companies earn billions every year are approved fare rise ......... " Tinchi more discontented , gradually incoherent up .

  He also picked up an empty bottle, threw on the ground , immediately broken .....................

  "I'm sorry, let me help him, then clean for you ! " Xiao Lian embarrassed.

  "It doesn't matter. I understand the circumstances and helpless of poverty, so my mom went as we could not afford medical fee." Uncle’s mood suddenly sharp turned , tears fell out.

  Tinchi drunk sleepy but revolted again: " very unfair , no sympathy in the world , the rich will not be kind to poverty because of his excellent environment, but no intention to feed back to the community ,and not willing to spend just a little time to think about how to make the world better . "

  "Eternal God can save us, eternal God, long live” Wong cried .

  Mrs Wong took the broom from the kitchen and garbage shovel out and ready to clean, Xiao wanted to help her, but she called wink, hint Xiao upstairs with Tinchi to rest.

  Xiao Lian took Tinchi , gingerly climbed the attic , into the room , he began to vomit , Xiao Lian immediately open the bag, in a timely manner and got those filth .

  "Xiao Lian , you know I used to live very painful , what are housed in mind , I don’t want people to know I am poor , and friends can have the ability to buy car, house or get married , it is shame to me and I am useless ."

  "I see you like this ...... I am upset ..... " Xiao Lian anxious cried , overwhelmed.

  Tinchi suddenly stopped indignation, stared at tearful Xiao Lian , with the finger wiped her tears .

  "I'm sorry to scare you, I did not mean it, I ..... " Tinchi clasped her hand.

  Xiao shaking her head, gently nestled in his chest.

  "I'm just very sad that so many days and coma before, you still have to take things hard feelings , I don’t want to see you like this ." Xiao Lian slightly raised her head , gently responded.

  "Thank you, I began to find that you are really a nice girl . Well is that you're wearing a skirt, beautiful and cute, you know your smile is so warm. Don’t worry, I will not mention my past again in the future . "

  Xiao Lian nodded and began to redden up the face.

  "I certainly do believe that be your boyfriend is a happy thing, if you get married your man is an extremely lucky guy.”

  Unexpected praised , making little girl could not control breathing and heartbeat so fast , attentive gaze did not know to get where to see .

  Tinchi suddenly hugged Xiao, kissed her more presumptuous .....

  "Goo goo ............... “chicken hooves almost extinct in urban areas broke the silence , also woke up Tinchi of intense desire headache .

  There was still a little bit of heart palpitations, reluctantly opened his eyes, found Xiao sleep in his arms; it seemed like a very sweet.

  In order not to disturb her sweet dream, Tinchi again shut his eyes, preventing from moving the body, took the opportunity to re- take a nap.

  Xiao‘s body moved a bit, then drill down to his chest, making Tinchi feel difficult to breathe. Reluctantly moved her away gently.

  “Painful but very exciting ......... ......... " Xiao Lian spitted out some balderdash .

  "She is dreaming! " Seeing her reddish cheeks, vaguely saw her mouth filled with somewhat similar to the saliva of the water points .

  Xiao ‘s fragrance drift to his nasal , he gently suck this body fragrance . Headaches seemed to be relieved, did her body fragrance has a magical spell? Or panacea?

  “What did I do last night ? Like a drink with that Uncle Wong continuous sixty to seven beer, should be big sticks . What else ......... and uncle poured a lot of minds, everyone seems to get drunk, Xiao seems to put me backs attic , then it .................. "He looked Xiao .

  "Why do we sleep together? I should be drunk unconscious............ Did I do some bad behavior? " Tinchi looked himself and Xiao 's body were all the clothes , helped feeling relieved.

  She slowly woke up, with narrowed eyes looked at him .

  "When is it? I ............... " Xiao Lian a yawn .

  Tinchi looked wall clock, the needle showed half past six , the early dawn just faint , called Xiao to sleep for a while .

  " Throw it ! " Xiao Lian caught leg several times. Tinchi saw Xiao Lian’s legs mosquito coveted , the construction of more than a dozen red towers.

  "So she mess mosquitoes than I , no wonder I can sleep deeply through the whole night ." Tinchi chuckle.

  She suddenly sat up
, and grabbed the itch, which made legs appear a few bloodstains.

  "You’ll catch inflamed , rub with soap for a while, it'll be better ."

  "Well, not yet awake Yeah ! I have some cream, as for my massage ." Xiao Lian pointed to the calf , some sleepy .

  "Well ............ Or you do it by yourself is better ......... " Tinchi little uncomfortable .

  "No ......... Come ............ " Xiao Lian shaking Tinchi .

  " She seems a little different , she treat me like lover. Went back to sleep next to me and so charming. Do we really intimate, and she really loves me?" Tinchi full of doubts .

  Downstairs heard some buzz, Uncle and Aunt should be awake.

  "They get so early, Want to see them ? " Xiao Lian seemed want to know about.

  "It seems not right ! "

  "Could get breakfast to us now ! You drink a lot of wine last night , and then threw many glass bottles on the ground , the broken glass spread over the floor ,but you disregarded it " Xiao Lian pinch Tinchi’s arms .

  They pace slowly , slowly climbed down the little wooden ladder .

  WONGs sitting in the dining room , they moved a similar statue objects, which did not know from where. Respectfully picked cloth to clean