Read The curse of Friday 13th Page 1

The curse of Friday the 13th


  Grace Yip



  Grace Yip on Smash-


  The curse of Friday the 13th

  Copyright © 2012 by Grace Yip



  I'd like to thank Samar, Yianna, Vivian, Hanna, Anjali and Jessica for helping me with the tiniest things like ringtones to gigantic things like names and my dad that taught me to always believe in myself. They have been giving me confidence and courage throughout the story and I'd like to say Thank you. I hope you enjoy the story!


  Thank you for picking this book and I hope you enjoy it!


  Table of contents





















  The thunder was rumbling while he drove. He knew he had to stop the curse…. His thoughts had yet returned to his family again, he was doing it for them. Once he stopped the curse his family wouldn’t have to deal with it ever again. He had to. The storm had striked without warning and at full force. But he was already ready for today. He had to face it. It was 11:45 and once he returned home he would be safe. Once 12:00 came, it would all be over and he would never speak of it again like it was simply a bad dream. He snapped back to full concentration to the road at the sound of a snap as fear came the tree that was suppose to have landed beside, landed on top. He stepped on the brake but he was too late as he started to black out with pain and the sound of siren’s…

  Chapter 1

  I woke up startled at a snap. I climbed out of bed but to see nothing. I was beginning to have the nightmares of my dad again. Each year when my birthday was coming close, I would start to have nightmares of my dad. My Dad had died at the same day I was born Friday December 13th. My mom had been pregnant and the doctor had said that I would be born at about December 20th. But I was born early and on the day my dad died... I had been nagging at my mom to tell me how my dad had died when I was 10. My mom had tried to change the subject but I wouldn’t so my mom had relented. I wish I never asked now. That was when my nightmare’s had started. My dad had been driving home when a tree had been strike by lightning and fell on top of the car. This year I was turning 13 and adding on to my luck or should I say bad luck this December 13th would be a Friday. My mom had been already acting weird when December had come. She started checking on me constantly, when I was out with my friends and when my mom was going to be late or if she couldn’t be home. If she had to be at work late, she asked Mel if I could come to her house. Mel had been best friends with me since kindergarten because her mom had been best friends with my mom. I got out of bed and picked up jeans and a hoodie and got ready for school. I glanced at the clock and sighed it was only 6:49 am all the nightmares I had made me wake up earlier each morning. I quietly made my way down stairs trying not to wake my mom. But I was surprised to see mom already sitting at the table sipping coffee. ”Why are up so early?” I asked and she glanced up “I couldn’t sleep. What about you?” She asked “What about me?” I said confused. “Why are you up so early?” She asked again “Oh I just had a nightmare.” I said quickly opening the fridge to get milk so she wouldn’t question me anymore.

  Chapter 2

  The sky was dark and gloomy as I rushed to catch the bus. As soon as I entered Mel grabbed my hand and pulled me to sit beside her. “Well that’s a new Hi for today” I said sarcastically. “Someone’s grumpy!” she said laughing. “Who wouldn’t be sleeping at 12:00 and waking at 6:49.” I answered. “You got another nightmare? She said worriedly. “Why? Do I look horrible?” I asked. Mel was the only person that truly understood me and wouldn’t laugh or make fun of me. I’m about 160 cm tall with long brown wavy hair and hazel eyes. But Mel was the one that has the good looks. She was also about 160 cm tall, beautiful green eyes, golden brown hair, and she looked good with almost anything on. If she wasn’t my best friend, I would be jealous of her. “Earth to Lexi you there?” Mel said waving her hand. “Sorry what didn’t hear?” I said snapping back to her. “Well I was just about to tell you when you entered the bus but I guess you don’t want to know.” Mel said smugly. “Mel just tell me” I said rolling my eyes. “Well since I’m your bestie …” “Skip the mushy stuff will you!” I say impatiently! “OK, ok jeez I got a text and we have a new kid at school.” she said. “Is that the interesting part yet?” I asked. “Well there all saying he’s hot!” She said excitedly. Mel was always the one reading the newest fashion magazines, updating me about the newest songs, best singers, and popularity at our school. “So it’s a boy?” I ask. “Seriously Lexi! Courtney is already drooling all over him!” she said. As always every school has a popular group and here in Greensborough its Courtney. Her family has money and she’s got good looks and everyone likes to be with her. So far most of the boys in the class already have a crush on her and all the girls follow her like idiots! “Well if Courtney has her little pinky around him already I’ll be surprised if they haven’t had a date planed already. “ I say sarcastically. “Well so far everyone’s saying he’s just pushing her off to the side.” Mel says with a smile understanding how much I hated her.

  Chapter 3

  Once I walk in the class a whole group of people were already surrounding a person. Without bothering to see the newbie I start dumping my agenda and homework into my desk. “Miss Alexa.” I turn around to find Mr. Wong our homeroom teacher calling me. “Yes Mr. Wong?” I asked. “This is Alex and he just came from Edmonton. Can you take him around the school and show him around?” He asked. “Sure no problem” I say as I glanced up I could see why Courtney was so interested in him. He had eyes the color of emeralds, he’s hair was brown and he would be what grade 7 girls would call “hot”. “Should we go rig…..” “Yes now” Mr. Wong said cutting me off and waving his hands to go. Mel was at the back smiling and giving me thumbs up. Smiling at her enthusiasm I lead the way out. Not sure what to say I lead him to the bathroom. “Um… So this is the bathroom” I say unsure where to go next. “Well maybe it would help me more if you showed me the boy’s bathroom.” He said laughing as I started to blush. Walking down the hallway I say “Now this is the boy’s washroom.” Trying to start a conversation, I ask the lamest question ever. “So your name is Alex?” “Yeah. How about you?” he asked. “Oh I’m Alexa but you can call me Lexi, that’s what most people call me.” I say blushing. “So who do you know so far?” I ask curiously. “Well I know about half the boys, Mr. Wong, Courtney, and you.” He said smiling. Not surprised that Courtney didn’t let any other girl have a chance to chat I thought. “So this is the water fountain and beside it is our science class.” I said and we walked downstairs. When we came back to the class room Mr. Wong is already beside me and asking me all the questions. “Does he know where all the washrooms are, The 8 fire alarms, the office, the fire exit, all the classes, the library , the gym, the janitors office, and the water fountain.” He asks not a bit breathless. Use to the chain of questions I said “Yes, we walked by the fire alarms, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, we walked past the janitors office, and yes.” Everyone not including Mr. Wong and Courtney was looked pleased at how I remembered all his questions. “Should I take him to all the fire alarm and into the janitor’s off
ice?” I ask smiling. “No I will personally do it. It seems that grade 7’s at this age can’t do what their teachers ask.” He says glaring at me. “But you just told me to sh…” I said confused. “GO TO WORK NOW!” he yells cutting me off. Everyone looked weirded out except Courtney who was smiling.

  Chapter 4

  Right as the bell rang for recess Mel dragged me all the way out and stared at me. “What?” I ask. “WHAT?! OH MY GOD Lexi you just got chosen to show the new hottest boy in grade 7 around the school! WHAT HAPPENED!” she yelled. “Ok ok we chatted a bit that’s it!” I say smiling. “That’s it?! That’s it?! You’re the only girl right now to talk to him even more then Courtney! You should have seen his face when Mr. Wong chose you! She almost talked back to him!” She said. “Ok you should have so taped it down” I said and we both start laughing when a cough came from my back turning around to see Courtney. “What are y…” He’s mine and you don’t ever come close so back off! In case you don’t know I get what I want.” She said glaring at me. “Is that supposed to be a threat cause that didn’t come out like one” Mel said always loyal to me knowing that I was shocked. Courtney completely ignoring her was staring at me. “So do you have a voice or not.” she snapped. “Look I don’t even like him.” I say. “Well you better not cause I have my eyes on you!” and she walked off. When she was out of eavesdropping distance we both burst out laughing and Mel imitated Mr. Wong’s voice saying “I got my eyes on you young lady!” “Omg Mel how do the other girls take her seriously!” I asked and we both burst out laughing again. Once our laugh died down she looked at me seriously. “You do like him though right?” she asked. “Well he’s taken and….” I said. “No seriously imagine if Courtney never came here or even didn’t exist. Would you like him?” she said cutting me off and I paused biting my lip. “Well I guess I have a tiny crush….” I say softly. “Well then just block Courtney out of your mind for now and talk to him.” She said smiling. “Ok I’ll try…” I said trailing off. “Great! Now are you having a birthday party?” Mel asked. “What?” I say confused at the changed of topic. “Hello your birthday remember December 13. We have three more days adding today until your birthday!” She said excitedly. “Well you know how we don’t celebrate it since my dad died at the same date plus it’s on Friday this year.” I say looking at the cloudy sky. “Do you guys really believe in this superstition nothing?! You guys have to forgive what happened! Plus you’re turning 13 how many times do you turn 13 in a lifetime?” Mel said. “I’m sure he doesn’t want you guys in all this pain…” She added softly. “How about I ask my mom tonight.” I say not making any promises. “Yes!” she said pumping her hands. “But don’t get too happy in case she says no.” I warned her. “She won’t.” she said smiling.

  Chapter 5

  “No” she said and that was her final answer. “Mom every year I’m the only one without a party!” I say ok well exaggerating a bit. “Look my final answer is no and since you brought up the subject I was going to tell you tomorrow but you’re staying home on Friday.” She said seriously. “Whoa…” I say frowning. “Look It’s just… we have to stay at home.” She said. “Ok this is no way you’re getting out of this one without a good reason!” I say shouting. “It’s nothing can you just please stay home.” She said weakly. She had bags under her eyes and looked like she hadn’t sleep in a week. “Are you ok you don’t look that well.” I asked concerned. “I’m ok.” She said trying to smile. “Ok I’m turning 13 and I deserve to know what’s going on in this family!” I say not shouting but with a firm voice. “Look it’s nothing just can you stay?” she said close to tears. “Mom we’re a family if there’s a problem we solve it together ok?” I say gently. Hesitating she said “I’m not sure… Maybe I should tell you when you’re older.” She said trying for the last time. “Mom” I say glaring at her. She sighed “Ok but take it down slowly.” She said as I raised my eyebrows. “Do you remember the story of what happened to you dad?” she asks. Nodding she continues. “Well it wasn’t an accident.” She said solemnly. “Wait what do you mean? It’s not like a person chopped it down right?” I ask, my mind bursting with questions. “No it’s …..” she said pausing and with I voice I could barely hear she said “Your dad was cursed.”

  Chapter 6

  “HE WAS WHAT.” I said not feeling well. “You’re joking right. A curse is just…. a superstition nothing!” I say. She shook her head slowly. “It’s real.” She said. A few minutes passed with silence. I knew my mom wasn’t a superstitions person. But I wasn’t so sure about my dad. “So are you saying I’m cursed?” I ask still not believing this whole thing. “Honey you know I would never say that, it’s just because….” She said trailing off. “Because?” I asked . “It started generations, and generations ago... It wasn’t just your dad that was cursed. Your uncle, your grandpa, and tons of other people were cursed.” She said. “So what’s this curse and what will happen?” I ask. “Well I’m not completely sure but it seems to go in biggest to smallest kid and it usually starts for the smallest kid when the smallest has a kid so that the curse can continue.” She said not looking too sure. “But I don’t have a kid yet so does the curse just end here?” I ask hopefully. “Well I just found out that your uncle had already had married and had kids before he died. So he’s kids are a lot bigger then you and already have kids. Because of that the curse will finish you first and go on to them. The curse usually happens on bad dates….” She said trailing off again. “Yep boy I’m lucky this year December 13th falls on a Friday so I die….” I say being sarcastic covering up my choke. “That’s why I’m keeping you home so nothing can happen.” My mom said firmly. “Is there any other way to stop the curse forever?” I say crossing my fingers underneath the table. “Well that was what you’re dad was trying to do. He didn’t want you to have to experience it… so he did the only thing that could stop it. He had to go through the whole day without fear. He had to think of everything... Let’s just say he had to be positive and believe in himself with confidence.” She said. “Then what happened?” I ask quietly. “Well the tree that got strike was supposed to have landed beside the road but….” she trailed off as tears started to well up in her eyes. Handing my mom the tissue box, I asked “So did the police have any other reasons why the tree had landed on top?” I ask. “Well they said it might have just been the wind but even they didn’t even believe the theory. There was no chance that the wind could have been so strong and quick to blow the tree to another different direction. Or maybe it was because he wasn’t paying attention to the road… ” She said. “Look judging of what happened sounds like the devil won’t be much easier on me if we were hiding under a house. They aren’t going to be kind and go all pity, pity on me because I’m 13, there going to tear the house down and if you to help me.. They probably won’t let anyone interfere with there plans... So I’m going to do what my dad was doing and I’m going to save my whole family.” I say. “And that’s my final answer.” I added. Knowing that nothing was going to change my answer my mom said slowly “That line sounds familiar.” And we both smile weakly.

  Chapter 7

  SNAP! I woke up and went to my window. I blinked a few times a bit dizzy. Expecting nothing, the sight I got made me almost think that I was still dreaming. Our tree an oak with a big and strong stump had broke in half. It was pouring outside. I rush to my mom’s room to find her sobbing. “Do you think it’s a coincidence?” I ask. “It’s…. A sign…” she said. That was all she could manage before she burst into tears again. I patted her as my eyes welled up but knowing that wouldn’t help her at all I hugged her and looked away quickly trying to blink the tears away. After 20 minutes of silence, well crying, she finally got hold of herself. “I’m sorry this is happening to you. But you’re handling this really well. What time is it?” she asks. “Its 6:00 am but I don’t think I can sleep anymore lets go down and chat about what we’re going to do.” I said. Nodding I lead her down the stairs. Making two cups of
hot chocolate we sit down on the sofa. “So do you know anyone that can remove the tree?” I asked. “Don’t worry about that I’ll deal with it.” She said. “Ok so before I went to bed yesterday I thought of a plan for today. Is it ok if I tell Mel?” I ask. She hesitated “Well you can but the curse could stop her from trying… but you can try.” She said. “Ok so once I tell her, I’m planning for us to go to the library to do some research on how to beat the curse. After that I prepare for the worst and hope I don’t die.”I say confidently. “Sounds like a plan. I’ll pick you and Mel from school and go to the library.” My mom said. “Perfect” I say and I got ready for school.

  Chapter 8

  I took a deep breath and headed outside. My mom had insisted to drive me to school but I told her I needed to give a heads up for Mel so she walked me to the bus stop. “Thanks mom I’ll see you after school.” I say while hugging her. “Good luck” she said and we smile. As I got on the bus Mel smiled at me. “Knowing you had a bad dream I won’t pull you.” She said. “How do you know do I look horrible?” I ask trying to look at my reflection on the glass. No it’s just that you look like your really tired and I know it’s getting close to your birthday.” She said saying birthday louder than the rest of the sentence. “Look Melanie….” I said getting cut off. “Ok this is going to be bad judging that you using my full name.” she said. Mel there’s something I really need to tell you.” I say holding the tears that were trying to come out. “Lexi are you ok? Did I do something? What did I do? Is it about Ale….” “Mel its ok it’s nothing about you it’s….. Family matters…” I say cutting her off before she starts to panic even more. Giving me a tissue and hugging she says “Shoot and skip the mushy part” and we both smile. “Ok so….” “Off ladies” Someone said and we looked up to see that we were the only ones left in the bus and the bus driver was looking at us impatiently. As we rush out we yelled “sorry”. As we walked in the class Mr. Wong is in front of us. “You’re late girls.” He says. Glancing at the clock we were just a few minute late. “Mr. Won…..” I said feeling like breaking down. “DESKS NO…..” He said. “Mr. Wong we deserve a chance to speak too! Now will you listen to me!” I say blinking the tears forming. The class looked kind of shocked because I’m not really the kind of kid that talks back. “Look this morning the tree in our front lawn had fallen down and if you don’t think that’s anything my own dad had died when he was driving because a tree had fallen on top on the car the same day I was born! So will it hurt if I’m one minute late? For twelve years I lived with my mom… Always an empty seat, always people asking, no father’s day card to make for my dad nothing.” I say and by now the whole class was silent. Mel looked worry of what happened and suddenly Alex spoke up. “Mr. Wong… Sometimes when your family really needs you… it’s worth that one minute.” He said softly and smiled at me as my vision blurred with the tears I grabbed a tissue. Then the whole class started clapping and Mel looked annoyed that people were clapping at this tragic story. Mr. Wong took a deep breath and nodded not even bothering about Mel. When everyone went back to our seats I mouthed “thanks” to Alex and he smiled back making my heart beat faster.