Read The name of Snow Page 12


  The front door opened before Jay even touched the doorbell. Zu beckoned him inside with a slightly nervous looking smile. Jay could make out what he presumed was Zu´s family lined up in the dimly lit hallway, standing in reverse height order. There was a boy of about 12, an elegant middle-aged woman and, at the end, a rather portly man. Jay could just about make out some of their facial details as his eyes became accustomed to the light. Jay braced himself. The boy looked irritated, having apparently been dragged from his gaming console in order to meet Jay. Jay noticed that the boy was still defiantly clutching his controller.

  “This is Omar.. my cute little brother” Zu tussled his hair as Jay offered his hand to Omar.

  “Pleased to meet you Omar.. I’m Jay”

  Omar shook his hand politely but quickly and reciprocated “Pleased to meet you too” He then turned immediately to his mother who merely nodded back at him. Without hesitation, Omar flew up the stairs and continued his game.

  “Please excuse our youngest son.. He is normally very well behaved” The middle-aged lady reached out her hand “I’m Mimi.. Zulekha’s mother.. Pleased to meet you” Jay noticed how soft her skin was as he shook her hand. Her face was that of an attractive woman in her early fifties who had aged little since her thirties. Zu obviously took after her mother Jay concluded.

  “The pleasure is all mine.. I’m James.. but please call me Jay.. And I think Omar behaved perfectly.. better than I did at his age at least”

  The third handshake was very powerful yet still gentle.

  “Habib.. I pay the bills here.. oh.. and I’m Zul’s father.. Very pleased to meet you Jay.. Welcome to our humble abode!”

  “Thank you Habib.. I’m very pleased to meet you too”

  Habib signalled that everyone should go in to the living room. Jay glanced around the room, getting a distinct impression of ‘East meets West’. An oriental rug covered most of the wall to one side of a large corner sofa whilst a huge mirror hung on the opposite side of the room. A poor photocopy of a certificate stood on a mantelpiece, leaning against the bottom of the mirror. The writing was in Arabic so the only thing Jay could make out was the name, ‘Habib Mumman’. Small leather stools bearing motifs of camels and palm trees nestled around a large oak coffee table. The coffee table itself was laid out with gold plated cups and matching coffee jug and sugar bowl. Sweets, dried fruit and nuts were piled up in three bowls spread around the table.

  “Please” Habib´s hand opened out towards the sofa “Please sit” Habib picked the certificate up from the mantelpiece “This is a copy of my first doctor’s certificate from Iraq.. It’s not worth anything.. but it has sentimental value” Habib held the frame up in front of him before putting it back in place.

  Jay sat down next to Zu whilst Mimi sat opposite in one of two armchairs. Habib placed himself in the other.

  “We have another son too.. his name is Sharif.. but he is out this evening.. I suspect this is why Zulekha has chosen to invite you home to us tonight” Habib smirked towards Zu who said nothing in response but shook her head in small angry movements towards her father.

  ”Coffee Jay?” Mimi held both coffee pot and cup ready.

  “Yes please.. It smells very good”

  Mimi poured black coffee into his cup and placed the cup in front of him.

  “Thanks” Jay looked around for milk but to no avail. He decided he would try to drink the coffee black. Zu slid the sugar bowl towards Jay´s cup, explaining that it contained lumps of natural sugar.

  “I´m ok thanks” Jay took a sip of the coffee. The coffee was extremely strong –an espresso on steroids Jay thought. Jay had never tasted anything like it as he reached over for the sugar bowl and put two lumps in his cup, stirring quickly. Zu gave Jay a look as if to say ‘I told you so’

  “Sorry Jay.. Would you like some milk?” Mimi was already standing up as she spoke.

  “Oh.. yes please.. It.. it tastes very nice.. but it is a little stronger than what I’m used to”

  Habib sat back in his chair chuckling loudly “We Iraqis believe that if something is worth doing.. it´s worth doing well!”

  “Yes.. I can see ..and taste that” Jay smiled back at Habib whose rotund figure almost filled out the armchair. Jay noticed Zu was drinking something else.

  “What are you drinking?” he whispered.

  “Cardemom tea.. Would you like to try some?” Zu whispered back, adding “Why are we whispering to each other?”

  “Dunno” Jay took a sip of Zu´s tea and was pleasantly surprised by the taste. The tea was sweet and weaker than the typical English Breakfast tea which he usually drank. It was also without milk. Two half-crushed pods of something floated on the top, giving of a delicate sweet aroma.

  “What’s this Zu?” asked Jay prodding one of the pods with a teaspoon “Is it cardamom?”

  “Yes.. those are cardamom seeds.. Do you like it?”

  “Yes.. I do.. and I’ve never seen cardamom pods before either.. so I’m learning something new as well.. Is it just normal tea otherwise?”

  “Yeah.. I normally just make it using Assam tea”

  “Hmm.. It’s very nice.. very nice.. You’ll have to show me how to make it” Jay handed Zu´s cup back to her as Mimi returned with a jug of milk.

  “There you are Jay.. Sorry.. I always forget that normal people use milk”

  “Yes my dear” Habib stretched out his arm, squeezing Mimi´s hand gently “But we are far from normal as you know!” and gave out another loud outburst of deep, resonating laughter.


  “I think they liked you” Zu took Jay´s hand in hers as they walked down the steps outside the house “Where did you park?”

  “The car’s just here.. Do you think so? I do try to make a good impression.. or at least.. I try to avoid getting hit by parents” Jay winked as he opened the car door for Zu “But I think your parents are really nice.. and Omar.. I felt almost at home”

  “That’s good to hear.. but don´t worry Jay.. we have some dark horses too”

  On arrival at the Thai Garden restaurant in Golders Green, Jay headed directly for a small table by the window, beckoning Zu to take a seat.

  “Another table with a view Jay.. Very impressive!”

  “Well.. I don’t know how good it is having a view of the main road.. but there was another reason for me picking this spot” Jay pointed upwards “Their air conditioning outlet just happens to be over this table”

  Zu looked perplexed. “Why’s that good?”

  “That’s mainly for my benefit I have to admit.. Let me know if you get too cold and I´ll come over to your side and give you a cuddle.. ok?”

  “Ok” Zu smiled at Jay as she picked up the menu “What are you going to have Jay?”

  “I’m going to go for the Satay Chicken followed by a Green Curry.. Do you fancy that?”

  “Well.. I have absolutely no idea what’s in them but.. yes.. why not? Is the Green Curry very spicy?”

  “The satay chicken is fairly innocuous but yes.. the curry tends to be a little hot.. It’s not ‘over the top hot’ though”

  Jay signalled the waiter to take their order.

  “Two Satay Chickens and two green curries please.. Oh.. and we’d also like a large jug of water please” Jay turned back to Zu “Would you like some wine or beer Zu?”

  Zu shook her head.

  “That’s all then thanks”

  The waiter sped off towards the kitchen as Jay fed a prawn cracker in Zu’s mouth.

  “Do you like it?”

  Zu pulled the remainder of the cracker out of her mouth to inspect it.

  “Yes.. I think so” Zu turned the cracker over “What is it?”

  “It’s a prawn cracker”

  “Really? Prawn?.. Ok.. I didn’t expect that but.. yeah.. it tastes good” Zu picked up a new prawn cracker from the bowl on the table “And they actually look good too”

  Jay smiled and reached out to hold Zu?
??s unoccupied hand, sandwiching it between both of his “As do you my beautiful little cracker”

  “Thank you” Zu wiped crumbs off of the corner of her mouth, trying to retain some semblance of decorum “You are allowed to compliment me whenever you like”

  “Thank you.. You are very gracious.. Anyhow, you obviously don’t think I’m too ugly either” Jay squeezed Zu’s hand gently, smiling as he gazed into Zu’s dark, seductive eyes. She looked perplexed. “You called me ‘Jameela’ in your text message which.. according to my research.. means ‘beautiful’.. so thank you too!”

  “Aha! ..Well... yes.. you are welcome Jameela” Zu munched through her prawn cracker.

  Jay tried to formulate a politically correct way of asking about Zu’s older brother as their starter arrived. Jay sensed that her brother may have been the ‘dark horse’ she had referred to.

  “So.. what did your dad mean when he said that about you only inviting me home because Sharif wasn´t there?” Jay was in the meantime trying to coax recalcitrant cubes of chicken away from the wooden pin they were skewered on to.

  “There you go again.. worrying about things as per usual Jay.. It´s just my dad making mountains out of molehills.. that’s all!”

  “But don’t you think Sharif would approve of me?”

  “Well.. probably not if I’m to be honest.. But I don’t think Sharif would approve of anyone coming anywhere near his little sister.. He’s very traditional.. But don’t worry about Sharif Jay.. He’s a lamb really.. And whatever happens.. it’s not up to him to decide who I’m with!”

  “Yeah but Zu.. I don’t want to cause any unnecessary problems.. You hear about these horror stories know.. about families killing people because of ‘family honour’ and that”

  “God no! We’re not the mafia Jay!” Zu almost threw her napkin onto the table.

  “No.. no.. of course not.. That wasn’t what I meant.. I was just..” Zu pipped him at the post before Jay could gather his thoughts.

  “Jay.. my family comes from Iraq.. We are Muslims.. not mafia.. not aliens.. just Iraqis who now live in England.. That’s it.. there is no big deal.. no danger.. really!.. And the fact that Sharif is over-protective towards me is neither here nor there.. It has nothing to do with culture or religion!”

  “Yes.. I got that..” Jay tried to formulate his thoughts “I hope you don’t think I was inferring anything.. because I really wasn’t Zu.. you’ve got to believe me..”

  “I know Jay.. Maybe it’s just me being over-sensitive.. It’s just when you live in a huge multi-ethnic metropolis like London.. you would think that you could just disappear amongst the masses.. but it’s just not that easy.. There are still idiots out there who have to point out the differences.. who believe they are more ‘British’ or more ‘Danish’ or whatever because of what’s written in their passports.. I just hate it when people have pre-conceived ideas about what and who you are before they even speak to you.. especially the ones with inferiority complexes.. they feel somehow threatened by people who are different from themselves”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well.. take Scandinavia.. They say they want to help asylum seekers.. and we.. my family.. are obviously very grateful for that.. But as soon as get there you become ghettoised.. sent off to an area where only other asylum seekers live and where you should preferably not be seen nor heard.. There were huge integration problems in Denmark.. but no-one admitted to them.. and if foreigners complained, they were treated like ungrateful layabouts.. I suspect that many people have a desperate fear of foreigners.. but want to help anyway.. It’s a bit like a moth dancing around a flame.. a fear of the unknown.. I suppose we all have that in us.. and we can all be found guilty of hoping that our problems will just go away by themselves.. But then there are the extreme nationalists who use nationalistic ideologies as a form of protection against change..” Zu paused for a moment, looking thoughtful “..I remember once reading a story about a native American.. you know, a Sioux or something ..who had settled in Prague of all places.. When the journalist asked him about his feelings of national identity he merely said ‘wherever I lay my hat.. that is my home’.. and thought it was very strange concept that anyone could feel a sense of national allegiance to a set of lines which were arbitrarily drawn up on a map.. I have to laugh when I hear people talking of national pride and at the same time denouncing foreigners.. The fact is that they themselves were probably foreigners in their countries a few generations back..” Zu looked out of the window and glanced back at Jay “What is it that happens to us all when we ‘grow up’ Jay?..” Jay shook his head, not having any ready answer “..I mean.. just look at children and how they can play on any beach with any other children.. They don’t care what they look like or what religious background they have.. they just play.. and kick sand in the face of bigotry and cultural divide.. What is it that makes us change as we grow older and ‘wiser’ Jay?..” Jay shook his head again “..Yes.. religion..”

  Jay was conscious of the fact that one of Zu’s red buttons had been pushed, but curiosity got the better of him anyway “What about religion?”

  “Look at virtually any religion in the world and you will see fanatic factions.. groups of so-called ‘evangelists’ whose sole purpose in life is to brainwash others into sharing their believes.. and thereby massage their own egos”

  “That’s a bit harsh isn’t it? There are good people out there.. aren’t there?.. What about Mother Therese.. the Dalai Lama and so on?”

  Zu’s shoulders fell “Maybe you’re right.. Maybe I’m just getting a bit carried away..”

  “No.. it’s fine Zu.. really”

  “Ok.. but..” Zu held her glass up to her mouth, ready to drink “..what’s your religion Jay?”

  “Me? ..Oh.. I’m a devout..” Jay tried to anticipate a negative reaction from Zu “..I’m a devout atheist”

  Zu put the glass down “You know.. some people would actually condemn you for that?.. To some people being an atheist is actually worse than believing in one of the ‘wrong’ religions”

  “I know.. I’ve had some very heated discussions in the past.. But how do you feel about me not believing?”

  Zu looked thoughtful as she pushed her plate to one side.

  “I don’t think it makes any difference.. I believe in God.. but I don’t see why I should force you to.. I think it’s a personal thing.. Anyway Jay.. you seem to have an aura of honesty about you.. maybe even.. dare I say it.. goodness?..” Zu winked cheekily at Jay “..I hope you won’t prove me wrong!” Zu chinked her glass forcibly against Jay’s.

  “Well.. thank you Zu.. I think.. And I will do my best not to prove you wrong!.. But are you saying that atheists are per default bad people until proven otherwise?”

  “No.. not at all.. But we all have our own prejudices.. even though we may not admit to them” Zu wiped her fingers on her napkin “Should we change the subject Jay?”

  “Hmm.. that might be wise..” Jay placed his spent skewer on the plate in front of him and reached out to grab Zu’s hand “..I know.. Let’s talk about luvv..”

  “Good idea!..” Zu pulled her hand from under Jay’s and placed it on top of his, giving it a little squeeze “..I just need to go and powder my nose.. so keep that thought!”

  Zu stood up, picked up her handbag and made off to the ladies’ toilet, swaying her hips subtly as she went.

  Jay wondered why women always took their bags with them to the bathroom, comparing it if men took their briefcases with them. Jay switched on his mobile phone to check for messages. To his surprise he could see that Ben had sent him a dozen or so texts within the last half hour. Jay hopped directly to the last message Ben had sent.

  ‘And remember to delete these messages!!’

  Jay opened the previous message.

  ‘They’ll be paying you a visit too so u need to destroy ALL evidence!’

  Being none the wiser, Jay decided to start from the beginning and opened Ben’s first text message

  ‘Hi Jay. Just to let u know- had a visit from the Rozzers. They asked about Globus! Didn’t say much, but they want 2 c me @ the nick tomorrow! :-o’

  Jay opened the next.

  ‘Did you get my last msg?’

  And the next..

  ‘Maybe you could give me a call??’

  After all the messages had been read Jay could feel a cold shiver run down his spine and a cold sweat come over his body. If the police were going to question Ben then it would be a matter of time before they would want to question him too. Jay was wracked with guilt. Poor Ben; it was all his fault.

  ‘Got the msgs thx Ben. Try 2 stay calm. I’ll call you as soon as I can!’ Zu arrived back at the table just as Jay pressed the send button.

  “So, where were we Jay? Ah yes.. luuuuuvvvv” Zu sat down and clutched Jay’s hand in hers again.

  The smell of soap and the warmth of Zu’s touch pacified Jay momentarily, but his heart raced and beads of sweat were beginning to appear on his brow.

  “Are you ok Jay? Did you get a nasty message or something?”

  “Me? Oh no.. No I’m fine thanks. Just been reading work emails, that’s all” Jay wiped the sweat from his forehead using a serviette “Phew.. it was a bit spicy anyway”

  “You should relax” Zu stroked the back of Jay’s hand soothingly “You’re not at work now.. and anyway.. you know what they say.. seventy percent of all problems sort themselves out” Zu’s caring eyes brought a smile back to Jay’s face. He just hoped that this would disguise his inner feeling of utter panic. Jay poured more water for them both, wishing he had ordered wine.

  “So Jay.. Tell me about your dreams”

  “Um.. I don’t really remember my dreams Zu.. Do you think they mean something?”

  “No.. that’s not what I meant.. I meant your aspirations ..what do you want out of life?”

  “Ah! Sorry Zu.. I’m not always this dense”


  “It’s colloquial for stupid”

  “I don’t think you are stupid Jay.. You’re actually quite sweet” Zu stroked Jay’s cheek with her free hand.

  “Oh.. the dreaded ‘S’ word! ..It’s normally used by people.. specifically women.. who want to say ‘I like you a lot.. but that’s about it’”

  “That’s not what I meant either.. You are really nice.. and I do like you!”

  Jay looked down at the table “Is that where it ends Zu?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well.. do you see any future in us.. as a couple I mean?”

  “Yes.. I could do.. I suppose” Zu clasped Jay’s hand in both of hers “But we can never know what the future will bring.. can we?”

  “Does that mean you will be my girlfriend?”

  “Hmm.. you are being pushy Jay.. and I hardly know you.. I’d like to give it some time before I answer that.. if that’s ok?”

  “Ok.. I.. I didn’t mean to be pushy” Jay tried to change tack “Shall we talk about previous relationships?”

  “Why? Is that important to you? ..I thought you were more the ‘looking into the future’ kind of person?”

  “I am .. I am.. but I have to admit ..I’m also very curious.. I just want this to work.. so I need to do my analysis first”

  “Aha.. is that right? Ok then.. but tell me about your previous relationships first”

  “That won’t take long.. I haven’t had many girlfriends..” Jay counted on his fingers “There was Alison at school when I was about ten I think.. In all honestly.. I was forced into that relationship.. Alison was adamant.. even at that age.. and she was older than me at ten and a half!” Zu laughed “I believe she now has six kids, two Volvos and a horse.. so she’s happy.. Then there was Caroline when I was nineteen.. that lasted until I basically left university.. but her mother didn’t approve of me.. She thought I was some kind of headbanger who just played guitar all day.. which I did if truth be told “ Zu smiled and clenched his hand in mock disapproval “My hair was a bit longer then..”

  “Wow.. I can’t imagine you with long hair Jay”

  “I was a bit of a scary sight I have to admit”

  “Well.. in that case I’m glad I met you now.. But is that it? No others?”

  “You sound disappointed?” Jay winked at Zu “No.. not quite.. Then there was Gemma”

  “Ok.. Who was she?”

  “I lived with Gemma for two years.. “ Jay looked down at his hands as he twiddled his thumbs “Then she dumped me about a year ago” Jay looked across to Zu “She ran off with one of her work colleagues”

  Zu let out a little chuckle “Sorry Jay.. You just made it sound so melodramatic.. That must have been awful for you.. Are you over that now?”

  “Yes.. it took time.. but I got her out of my system.. And I have some very supportive friends” Jay looked thoughtful for a moment “It’s funny how there’s such a fine line between love and hate.. I really think I hate her now”

  “Really? Did you love her?”

  “Yes.. but what she did was so unbelievably horrible.. it turned all of my love.. all of our memories.. into dust.. I became bitter and resentful I have to admit”

  “Are you sure you are over her? Do you really want to get involved in another relationship?”

  “Yes.. I’m very sure” Jay stroked Zu’s hand gently and looked deep into her eyes “I’m also sure that you are ‘the one’ for me” Jay stood up, leant over the table and kissed Zu on the lips.

  “Thanks.. erm.. I don’t really know what I’m supposed to say to that”

  Jay had a mischievous twinkle in his eye “Well.. you could always say that you are sure that I am ‘the one’ for you too!”

  “Your one-two? ..That sounds too much like a boxing match for me”

  “Very clever Zu.. You win that round then” Jay smiled at Zu “Anyways.. what about your past boyfriends? ..You’ve heard all my gory details”

  “Well.. let me see” Zu mumbled something whilst she too began counting on her fingers “Well.. Do you really want to know Jay? You might be disappointed”

  Jay tried not to look concerned “Yes.. of course.. Come on.. we mustn’t have any secrets from each other.. And besides.. I think we should start with a clean slate.. What’s happened has happened.. and it’s all in the past”

  “Ok.. but there’s really not that much to tell.. I’ve only really had two proper boyfriends.. Amir.. an Iraqi in Denmark and Peter here in the UK.. but they didn’t last very long.. They both turned out to be a bit.. well.. weird”

  “Weird? How weird?”

  “Well.. let’s just say they had attachment issues... They both seemed to get quite attached to anything in a skirt that just happened to walk past them”

  “So you think loyalty and fidelity should be paramount in a relationship?”

  “No.. I think love should be.. although I don’t think love can exist without loyalty and fidelity.. as well as several other things like.. for example.. respect, honesty, friendship, physical attraction etcetera etcetera”

  “I agree” Jay took a slug of water to counterbalance the heat from a mouthful of green curry “So how long were you with Amir and Peter exactly?”

  “You do like your details don’t you Jay?”

  “I do.. That’s what makes me so intelligent”

  “And modest too! ..But your intelligence obviously doesn’t stop you from eating food that is too spicy for you” Zu glanced at Jay’s sweaty forehead which Jay accordingly dabbed with a serviette.

  “Yes.. sorry.. This happens to me now and again.. unfortunately.. I love hot food.. it just doesn’t love me.. story of my life really”

  “That’s a shame.. this is sooo delicious! ..Thanks for bringing me here Jay.. You certainly know your restaurants.. I’ll give you that”

  “I don’t know if that is a good or a bad thing.. but thank you.. And the pleasure is all mine” Jay carried on eating.

  “Anyhow.. I dare say you aren’t going to give up until I tell you.. so.
. I was with Amir for about a year.. in Denmark.. and Peter.. yeah.. that only lasted three months I think.. We split up eight months ago”

  “Ok.. So I don’t think anyone can accuse either of us of being on ‘the rebound’ then”

  “On the what?”

  “Rebound.. It basically means.. oh God.. how do I explain this?”

  “I don’t know Jay.. but maybe you should think about what you are going to say before you say anything?” Zu cast a cheeky smile at Jay “..and for someone who is supposedly atheist you seem remarkably keen on mentioning God at every available opportunity”

  “Sorry.. I know!”

  “So what does rebound mean then? You’re not getting off that lightly!”

  “Hmm.. well.. it’s used when people find a new partner a bit too soon after they’ve broken up with someone else.. It’s as if to say.. they are rebounding from one person and bouncing into another.. without really being ready for it”

  “Ahh.. ok”

  Zu liked patience in a man, especially given the fact that she could be provocative at times. She studied Jay’s face, the kindness of his eyes, the small wrinkles appearing on his forehead, his very kissable lips.

  “Phew! I’m so totally full up!” exclaimed Zu.

  “Hey.. you aren’t allowed to be! You’ve just got to try their desserts.. Don’t worry.. we can just share a mango sorbet if you like.. and a coffee?”

  “Ok.. if you insist Jay.. but just order one coffee for you”

  Jay’s mobile beeped again, signalling the arrival of a new message from Ben.

  ‘When u going to ring mate? Guts churning here!’

  “Another text from work Jay?” asked Zu inquisitively.

  “Er.. yeah.. I’d better give them a call later” Jay fumbled his telephone back into his jacket pocket, trying not to let panic take over.

  Jay paid the bill once dessert had been consumed and the two headed off towards Jay’s car. The smell of traffic mixed uneasily with the spices still clinging to their noses and the warm summer air.

  “Thank you Jay” Zu pulled Jay down by his arm and kissed him on the cheek “It’s been a lovely evening!”

  “Thank you for coming”

  “Oh.. I’m so full up” Zu held her stomach to emphasise her predicament “But I think the walk helps.. plus a little ‘fresh’ air”

  Jay opened the passenger door as she gathered her skirt and slid in.

  “It’s not much of a Rolls Royce I’m afraid”

  “Rolls Royce?” Zu looked surprised.

  “Oh.. I mean.. it’s just a Ford Escort.. which has seen better days” Jay closed Zu’s door and went round to take his place on the other side “On the other hand.. I suppose I could wash it” Jay winked at Zu as he switched the engine on and the car spluttered into life.

  “ don’t need to apologise Jay.. a car is a car in my eyes..” Zu pulled Jay down by his jacket lapels and kissed him firmly on the lips. He reciprocated by putting his arm around Zu and pulled her closer to him. Jay felt Zu’s breast pushing against his forearm as their tongues danced in each other’s mouths.

  “We’d better go” panted Zu, breaking off to catch her breath.

  “Ok Zu.. You’re in charge” Jay put the car in gear and drove Zu home.

  “Would you like a coffee?” Zu collected her bag up from the floor of the car.

  “Better not Zu.. much as I’d love to..” Jay held Zu’s hand up to his mouth and kissed it softly “I’ve got some work to do unfortunately”

  “Ok” Zu tried to hide her disappointment and kissed Jay on the mouth “Thank you for a wonderful evening Jay.. Sleep tight.. I’ll miss you!”

  “I’ll miss you too.. but we can meet up again tomorrow, right?”

  “Yes.. of course.. Will you call me when you get home from work?”

  “Deal!” Jay kissed Zu on the lips “Say hi to your parents and your brothers for me”

  “Will do!” Zu made her way up the stairs to her front door, hopping over steps like a nimble gazelle.
