Read The name of Snow Page 3


  “Hello.. my name is James Jarrett.. and I know this is going to sound a little bit odd but please bear with me.. err.. I met a girl on a recent skiing holiday.. in Norway.. and somehow we parted ways without exchanging phone numbers.. so I was wondering if you could possibly send a message on to her from me?”

  There was a long silence at the other end of the phone. Jay wondered if this could be due to incredulity or maybe the woman had just put the phone down. After waiting for what seemed like an eternity, another woman’s voice responded.

  “It is not Globus Travel’s policy to give out any information pertaining to any of our customers to third parties.. I would suggest that you should have exchanged details at the time.. Good day!”

  “No.. wait!.. I..” Jay could already hear that the line had dropped, as had any hopes of assistance from Globus Travel. Jay looked around the office. Everyone was out at lunch and he was still not hungry. He decided to speak with his father instead.

  Jay’s relationship with his father had been close but not as close as Jay would have liked. He was brought up in an environment where boys should be boys and girls should be girls. His father worked more often than not, away from home, leaving his mother to deal with the daily routine of the household together with looking after the kids. His dad was sincerely convinced that he was doing his best by providing for his family, at least economically. He had had a hard life. He had experienced many setbacks in his career and he felt compelled to ‘do his bit’, at least, that was Jay’s interpretation. And then came the divorce. It felt like the end of Jay’s world. He was just six years old. Jay remembered the early morning drizzle which caused him to shiver as the chill reached his tender young skin. He stood crying on a slippery field gate, alone at the side of his parent’s house. They had told him and his sister the previous evening, saying everything would be ok. It wasn’t. Jay was unable to sleep. He couldn’t understand why his father now slept in the guest room and why his parents couldn’t still be friends. But his parents were guilty of destroying everything he cared about. He just wanted to die of pneumonia, or for the world to just go away. And now those sad memories clung to him like napalm to his skin.

  “Allo?..This am being the Indian Embassy.. Allo?” The strange mixture of a very poor impression of an Indian accent together with heavy northern English overtones jolted Jay back to reality.

  “Hi dad”

  “Is that number one son?”

  “Yes dad.. This is your only son.. Just wanted to know how you’re doing.. Is everything alright?”

  “Mustn’t complain son.. mustn’t complain”

  Jay somehow had the feeling that his dad was about to do just that.

  “Still no work though.. and the buggers at the dole office are trying everything to stop me money”

  “Sorry to hear that dad.. So how are you keeping yourself busy?.. Aren’t there any moonlighting jobs you can do?”

  “God no.. They’re like bloody hawks now! ..They check every business constantly.. and then there are the sods who like telling the tax office that you haven’t used both sides of the toilet paper”

  Jay sniggered “I suppose there’s nothing anyone can do about that.. Everyone’s in the same boat.. Just a shame that they don’t start more incentives to help people like you get back to work”

  “Oh.. they do.. They keep trying to send me out to cleaning jobs the buggers!.. Ee.. and then there’s your mother taking me for every penny I’ve got..”

  “Dad.. don’t start on that again.. She only did what she was entitled to”

  “What she was entitled to?! She robbed me.. that’s what she did.. and with the councils backing!.. She was the one having it off with Tom, Dick and Trevor! Why was I stitched up for all me money?! ..Where is the bloody justice in that?!”

  “Mum was looking after us dad.. You know that.. And we were living with her.. That’s why you had to pay child allowance.. just like anyone else would have to”

  “You’ve always defended your mum Jay” Jay’s dad sighed “Suppose that’s to be expected really.. You’re a good lad Jay”

  “Dad.. we’ve always tried to be impartial.. but it isn’t easy when both of you drag us into your constant battles.. We just wanted.. we just want peace dad.. That’s all.. not this blame-game with never-ending arguments about money.. It was almost as if winning your goddamned battles meant more to the both of you than us!”

  “Maybe you’re right son.. maybe you’re right” There was a pause for a few seconds “How is your mum anyway?”

  Jay and his father talked for a further ten minutes until Jay had to get back to work. He felt a little dejected after the telephone call with Globus Travel but he was thankful at least that he was not in his father’s shoes. Jay philosophised a little about Yin and Yang, concluding that whenever you are up, you will almost certainly be pulled down again. It was strange that it never seemed to work the other way round though.

  Jay typed the name ‘Emily Murray’ into the personnel database and cross-referenced the credentials with the central authorisations database, thus ensuring that it was indeed her who had logged on to the system at the time the dubious Stocks transactions took place. He created an official report and printed it on paper, packing it all in a sealed envelope which he then placed on Simon’s desk.

  That evening, Jay nursed his melancholic tendencies with a cognac whilst he wandered around his apartment wearing only his underwear. He chatted with Steve and Ben on his pad computer. Jay had convinced himself that a small cognac, once in a while, did not push the boundaries he had set himself regarding alcohol intake.

  “Ben.. much as I’d like to go along with that thought.. I don’t think people can just claim constructive dismissal and then automatically get millions in compensation”

  “Yeah.. I’m telling you Jay.. I read an article somewhere about a guy who was in exactly your situation.. You ought to do something mate!”

  “I’m not really interested in revenge Ben.. although I did have a very strange dream last night.. I dreamt that I stabbed Beck.. in the head!”

  “What?! They’re going to section you if you’re not careful Jay!”

  “I don’t think they cut people up just for thinking that sort of thing Steve”

  “You are so stupid Ben.. It’s not that type of sectioning I meant”

  “Guys! The point is.. this is how things are and.. quite frankly.. I’m glad I got away from that arsehole.. Anyway.. on a more important matter.. I was actually calling to see if you fancied grabbing a curry tonight.. down at the Bangladesh?”


  “Three Chicken Tikka Masalas, poppadums, pickles and three pints of lager please” The waiter was already one step ahead of them and had jotted their usual order down on his note pad. The waiter went away to the kitchen.

  Ben pulled out his telephone “Hey guys.. I’ve got something to show you.. but before I do that I’ll give you a little background history..”

  Jay and Steve looked at each other in concerned anticipation.

  “..You see Jay.. this Beck Guy.. your old boss.. he’s been a bit naughty..” continued Ben whilst Jay and Steve tried to fathom out what he was talking about “..he’s been chatting with some women online.. and I managed to take a screen-shot..” Ben switched on his telephone and turned the display towards Jay and Steve.

  Jay immediately jumped back in his seat “Jeez Ben!.. What the fuck?!”

  “Yes Jay.. that is what is commonly referred to as the ‘Beck family jewels’.. I can print it out if you like?”

  “No thanks!!” answered Jay and Steve in unequivocal unison.

  “How did you get that?” asked Jay.

  “Well.. I just logged onto Beck’s laptop from a jump station I found on the Internet.. and I just.. well.. looked around a bit.. Then Beck started one of his chat sessions whilst I was on there.. so I just seized the moment”

  “You’ve got to be more careful Ben.. seriously..” warned Steve “..
You remember the agro we had after we ‘looked around’ the Uni’s alumni system.. right?”

  Ben turned to Jay “Does this mean that you don’t want the picture then?.. You don’t want to plaster it around the walls of Beck’s office or anything?”

  “No Ben.. Much as I think the idea would be amusing.. It would only rile him even more.. and someone’s bound to find out sooner or later where the picture came from..” Jay pulled his chair closer to the table and lowered his voice “..But changing the subject a little.. I’ve got a little job for you both.. if you’re up for it?..”

  Ben and Steve nodded.

  “..I need you to get me a list of all the names and addresses of people who have travelled to Norway on skiing holidays through Globus Travels within the last month”

  “That’s very specific Jay.. Why do you need that?” asked Steve.

  Jay looked sheepishly away for a second before turning back “It’s because.. erm.. it’s because I want to find the girl that I bumped into at the bar in Norway”

  Ben began singing ‘Love is in the air’ whilst hugging himself and swaying in his chair.

  “Seriously guys.. There’s just something about her.. something very compelling.. I don’t really understand it myself”

  “It’s called ‘being horny’ Jay.. that’s what it is!”

  “Thanks Ben.. Understanding as always!..”

  The incessant but comfortingly familiar twang of Indian music played on in the background as the three friends discussed Jay’s wishes further. They agreed a plan. Steve would see if he could get some useable access and logon information and Ben would extract the data. Jay would then decrypt the data as necessary.

  They then reminisced about the good old days when they were at Southampton together, when beer was ten pence a pint and ‘Loose Lips’ Linda was always game for a bonk on the stairs.


  The next morning started with a group meeting where Jay presented his findings in relation to the Stocks case. Simon thanked Jay and asked him if he could keep his calendar open at 11 o’clock as he would like him to participate in a ‘hush hush’ meeting.

  Jay arrived at the meeting a few minutes early. He was surprised to see three others were already in the meeting room including Charlotte Hewsen, the HR manager. Jay became nervous. What if Beck had stirred things up and he was about to get fired? He mustered up the courage to enter the room anyway. He noticed an older woman comforting a younger woman who was crying uncontrollably. Simon followed Jay into the room so quietly that he caused Jay to jump when Jay realised he was there. Simon motioned Jay to take a seat.

  Charlotte Hewsen looked her normal self - a wordly business woman in her forties. She almost made the Duchess look tame in comparison. But Charlotte appeared to be somehow subdued. Something must be wrong Jay thought. He glanced over to the crying woman. The older woman draped an arm around the younger woman’s shoulder. Simon closed the door gently behind him.

  “Emily.. as you know.. we’re here to discuss this very serious matter..” Charlotte cleared her throat “..a case of fraud where we believe that the evidence speaks for itself” Charlotte pushed a folder over towards Emily Murray “Given the severity of the matter.. I have invited your union representative.. Mary Stewart.. to observe the proceedings.. Simon Darrell and James Jarrett are here representing the IT security department and they will be presenting their evidence as necessary.. Do you have anything to say?”

  There was a pause of a few seconds which was finally broken by Emily.

  “I didn’t do it for the money.. honestly.. I just wanted to keep my job.. I had to enhance my figures a little with the market being as it is” Emily looked towards Charlotte as tears poured down her face “I love my job.. really.. I..” Emily started crying uncontrollably again.

  “Emily.. there are certain rules that have to be obeyed” Charlotte spoke softly but with authority “This is especially relevant in the financial sector where security and image are paramount.. You know that.. There’s nothing new in that.. On the positive side.. we will not be pressing criminal charges against you Emily.. The police will not be involved.. We will however be releasing you from your duties with immediate effect” Charlotte turned a page in front of Emily “Please sign here.. It is a contract whereby you agree not to inform anyone of this matter.. whether they be inside or outside the organisation.. in return for the bank not pressing criminal charges” Charlotte handed Emily a pen “Do you have any comments?”

  Emily shook her head, wiping her nose with one hand and taking the pen from Charlotte with the other. Charlotte looked over towards Mary.

  “Mary.. Do you have anything to add?” Mary shook her head. Emily signed both copies slowly, pausing to wipe tears from her face. Charlotte handed her a copy, gathered her things and stood up.

  “Emily.. I’m sorry to see things end this way.. You’ve been a good employee.. I will ask Mary to escort you back to your desk where your manager will assist you in collecting your personal items.. Your manager will then escort you out of the building” Emily stood up as Charlotte reached out her hand “Emily.. I wish you all the best in the future” Emily shook Charlotte’s hand with a short, quivering handshake “Good luck” Charlotte turned and left the room. Simon and Jay followed.

  Jay looked over at Simon as they walked down the corridor. Simon’s face showed sombre empathy, but it also had the look of someone who had tried this sort of thing before; numbed, but still not at ease with it. Simon glanced back at Jay and swayed his head from side to side. They joined Charlotte in the elevator.

  “Well gentlemen.. Good job.. Let’s hope we don’t get too many more of those eh?” Charlotte seemed completely oblivious to what had just happened. Maybe she had just hardened to it.

  “No.. let’s hope not Charlotte” Simon managed to force a smile as he walked out, closely followed by Jay.

  “That was horrible” were the first words that came out of Jay’s mouth as they walked side by side towards the office.

  “Remember Jay..” whispered Simon “..this is not general knowledge.. No-one is supposed to know.. And I’m sorry that you have been subjected to this so quickly after your move over to us.. but this sort of thing is very rare.. if that’s any consolation?”

  Jay nodded but felt nonetheless guilty. It was, after all, his data that had proven Emily’s guilt.
