Read The name of Snow Page 9

  Thirteen Great Men

  If I could only be like them

  And teach the wayward how to bend

  To the ways of our customs, our traditions must live;

  It's a shame that she died, but her parents didn't give

  When I grow up, I'll do the same

  Throw acid in the face of those to be tamed

  And uphold our principles as our leaders tell us to;

  It's a shame when they die, but that's nothing new

  What now, this terror that comes to me?

  An inquisition, a torture in my own family

  What value this justice, this reason, this lie?

  As I lay my sister to rest - humanity continues to die.


  “Good morning chaps!” Simon’s emphasis on the word ‘CHAPS’ brought a smile to Jay’s face even though his thoughts were focussed on the impending flower delivery in Kilburn. He hoped that the florists would deliver on time and to the right house. Jay started imagining that she may have left for work already, only to arrive home that evening to a bunch of shrivelled up flowers. Would she even like them? What if she suffered from hay fever? And would she think he was stalking her? His stomach churned and began to hurt, so much so that he had to make his way to the lavatory.

  Comfortably seated in his usual cubicle in the second floor toilets, Jay’s concentration was quickly interrupted by a man talking agitatedly on a telephone in one of the other cubicles.

  “Yes dear.. I’ll do all I can.. but I still think it’s more than we can afford to pay..”

  It was Beck’s voice. Jay’s ears pricked up immediately. A toilet roll holder squeaked as Beck completed his ablutions.

  “Yes.. it is very nice and it’s in a nice location..” continued Beck.

  Jay subdued a desire to cough. Beck was still talking.

  “No.. I know we don’t need to refurbish it.. but it.. Ok Cookie.. We’ll talk about it tonight.. Kisses to you too”

  Silence fell as Beck’s belt buckle rattled into action and the toilet was flushed. Jay concluded that Beck was buying a new house. Maybe he was moving? Jay became excited at the prospect. Maybe Beck would change jobs too? It was difficult for Jay to contain his enthusiasm until Beck blew his nose loudly and slammed the main toilet door behind him. Beck hadn’t even washed his hands noted Jay to himself. And who on Earth would call their wife ‘Cookie’? . Jay smirked as he flushed the toilet, washed his hands and left quietly, not wishing to be noticed by Beck.

  Jay’s thoughts returned to the flower delivery. It was now 09:08 am. Jay returned to his desk and opened his private emails. There was nothing new.

  The rest of the day went by extremely slowly without any response. Tuesday and Wednesday came and went without any sign of a reaction. Jay tried to keep himself occupied with work, but his nerves jumped every time his mobile phone made a noise. It was difficult being passive. He felt he had to do something. Jay decided he had to meet up with her, no matter what the consequences.
