Read The secrets of Dorta Page 10

sight that no one of us was expecting in our dreams also, my eyes got closed without my will,I waited for someone to tell me that it was a joke,our most bad dream was standing in front of us,Mr Ashlesh was having his one hand on his spectacles and the other was waiting eagerly to write our removal letter or more probably the danger letters to our family.

  "I hope you are aware of the rule that roaming in the college campuses after ten is not at all allowed".

  “Sorry sir we were with Mr Yaseen".

  "Why so taking some punishment from him?".

  We were not knowing what to say, we could not tell him the truth that it was about him only and our minds also were now not in such a condition to think any" good reason,good enough to make a fool of that old man.

  "Sir,we were discussing some questions with him"Goku said in a very confident manner “aren't we Rajendra?".He looked at me for making it sure that he was telling right.

  “Oh,yes sir it was about that great criminal Ron Clark,we were quite eager to know about it after you told us his greatness so we went to him to satisfy ourselves,he really explains well sir,".

  The old man was looking at me in some confusion,I was also not knowing that why I said it but the reason was really powerful, because both my friends were looking at me in admiration.

  "I had solved your problem, now reach to your beds'"he said and continued his way,we were completely unaware that the principals also room in the night for inspection.

  "We were not knowing that this good man tells lie in,such a great manner."Farhan said looking at me with a smile.

  "I ,I didn't tell lie we were discussing about him only so it's not lie,"I said in exhaustion.

  "He said that he has solved our problem what he was talking about",Goku said in a deep voice,"we are having so much problems so he would have also think that I should help them",Farhan said taking it lightly ,I didn't say anything till we reached the room because I was sure that Farhan was not in a mood to listen to me,we opened the gate and then moved inside, our eyes were getting heavy, so we don't talk much accept the thing that the sound of snoring was not coming now.

  "So he was talking about solving this problem,I really did not expect it from him,he was according to us quite a cruel man so,his nature of helping us was not at all admired.

  "He was afraid of us"Farhan said.

  "Why so, the man who did not get afraid from death would afraid from us ,what a joke,"I said revolting against him.

  “He would have also think that we were not from among those who would accept his dictatorship, so he is now trying to keep us happy".

  "There is nothing like this Farhan, he is a good man,I don't know why these thoughts are coming in my mind but….. ,"Goku stopped hear, I was happy that this time he was supporting me.

  "But what? ".

  "But I think that there is some intention of him in this".

  “What intention,I don't think there would be something like this and if there is also than who cares,so now we should have a good sleep ,it is the least we can do now"Farhan said and we all went to the bed I don't know whether Goku slept or not but I got sweet sleep thinking about him.




  The next morning our classes were not more, so we did not feel too much tired ,there was little bit excitement also about the reason why Mr Yaseen would have called up, what he was going to tell us today, some assumptions were also there like, he would be telling us the next part of the story but Goku was not saying anything ,in fact his eyes were searching for something here and there.

  "See him, looking like searching for anything serious"I said to Farhan .

  "He is searching for Priyanshi I am sure, why a man would be accepted to do anything else".

  We were quite surprised to know that she was absent today because she was well punctual to classes,the seat behind Goku remained empty that day but there was one good news also for us, Mr Yaseen didn't say anything about us in the class,after the last class of the day which was of"the tools of crime” we were told to assemble ourselves in the auditorium not only of our Batch,but the whole college was invited, Mr Ashlesh was standing in front on the stage already, which he normally don't do and to our surprise another man looking quite young in age as compared to our principal was in front of us.

  "You all are requested to take your seats please"he said and all the students including us sat down.

  “There is a thing of proud for us today for all of us including me that Mr Jorge Luis has kindly agreed to take my place".

  There was a deep silence in the auditorium, what we were hearing was completely undesirable.We were shocked very very shocked.

  "I hope you will keep Mr Louis happy, it's the least you can do,now I would request our worthy “PRINCIPAL” sir,to address his children",he said and then handed over the place to the another man named Louis.

  "I would like to thank sir,for giving me the opportunity for carrying out the administration of such a great college ,though I had never thought of coming again to this college after the completion of my studies but I had got such a great chance,that's like fulfilling of your dream, I am now taking place of a person who taught me to walk when I was not be able to, I know that there would be something missing in my work but I promise you sir that I would try my best to carry on with it thanku".

  We were quite surprised to know that he was a student of this school only and now is taking over as principal.

  "We should never try to take all the things with us that comes in our way because its not possible ,we have to forget and leave behind the things, sometimes it becomes painful to leave but we should do it, we should move on and try our best to achieve the things which we had desired, dear students,you are going to study detection in which the thing that comes first is your point of view, see this glass"he was holding a glass filled half with water.

  "Some of you will say that it is filled half with water and the other's will be favouring that it is half empty but I am quite admired by the words of a political Indian leader Mr Narendra Modi ,he said that the glass is completely filled, half with water and the half with air,I hope you would have understood the point."

  These were the last words we heard from that man and then in his usual dress only he moved down and then got disappeared.

  "Where is he going?"I exclaimed.

  "How I will be knowing"Farhan said.

  "We will follow him ,I wish to have some words with him"Goku said an another thing which was completely impossible because in front of these too many people any one can notice us."What are you saying we can't move from here now, it is very difficult".

  "But it's easy as compared to hearing that gentleman the incidence of his school time which may will go on for another fifteen minutes,”he said ,got up and moved slowly from the door, our mouths remained opened.

  "Now its my turn"I said and followed the same path.

  "Where are you going gentleman"Mrs Reema Hassan was standing in between me and my door.

  "Er… to answer the nature's call and if I didn't reach the right place within five seconds then the call will be answered here only"I said and without wasting a single second waiting for her answer I escaped out of the door.

  The last expression that came on her face when I leFT the hall was quite good,good enough to make our beloved former principal laugh which was as difficult as to force the Sun to rise from the west.

  "So you came?”, Goku was waiting for me there standing near the exit, we waited for few minutes but Farhan didn't come.

  "Mrs Reema would have stopped him, she tried her best to stop me also but I escaped from her clutches".

  “So we should move on"he said and as we moved a single step the door again opened and Farhan came stamping hard.

  "What happened?"

  "Nothing if you don't want our old man to left ,than please we should move on, it's least imp
ortant what happened inside"he said and we ran as fast as we could.

  Mr Ashlesh was there standing at the huge main gate talking happily with our Nepali fellow and that black Nigerian man who helped us to the graveyard, it was a very good scene, the way he was talking to his servants almost was completely admirable,we moved forward to them.

  "You should carry on with your work and don't hesitate to give advice to the one who is going to take my place, I remember that you feel very uncomfortable when ever I used to ask you people for the same".

  It was quite surprising that such an experienced person seek for the advice of clerks and they themselves were looking quite familiar to the principal,I remember my first day when the Nepali man was telling me about something for which he was not satisfied with the work of administration,now I came to know that it was for this reason.

  "Sir we will miss you a lot,"the black man told him, there were tears in his eyes.

  "No that's just a matter of few days and again you will be okay with the new man, he is quite good in nature"it was this time only when Mr Ashlesh noticed three of us standing there, he smiled a little,and then said,"again trying to do some mischief ,you three get escaped from the auditorium,breaking rules?"

  "Sorry sir.".

  "Ok it can be forgotten, so why you are here?".

  We all looked at each other"sir,..."Goku stopped here.

  "Will you moved ahead of “sir,?"

  "Why you are leaving sir?.

  We were also having the same question in our mind but this doesn't mean that we will go