Read The secrets of Dorta Page 16

sincerity and maturity in his eyes which was far beyond his age.

  "Are you having something to eat, my sister had not eaten anything since yesterday,"he said.

  I forced myself to look behind him ,there I saw an eight years old girl,looking at me with a hope and tears in her eyes, I was not having anything to give them at that time,but that tears in those quiet eyes were forcing me to help them.

  "Come with me" I hold the finger of both of them and took them to the stall of ice cream, the owner of which was getting ready to close it.

  "Two strawberries cone please"I said to him and he get it to me with a brimming smile.

  "Take it"I said giving it to them.

  The happiness which was coming from inside myself was really boosting, those two persons were having the ice cream with such a great joy as its the best thing which they had ever eaten in their life,I moved my hands in my pocket to give the stall keeper his payment but didn't found anything.

  "Oh shit "I said.

  "What happened sir,is everything fine?"he asked to me.

  "Oh, yes every thing is fine"I tried to bring a smile on my face.

  "I think you had forgotten your purse, no matter sir, give it tomorrow,"he said.

  Hearing his words many questions came in my mind and they didn't take much time to come to the mouth, in the time of that depression, I was not aware what informal thing I was going to ask but I asked it.

  "Why are you believing on me, what the guarantee is ,if I would not return back ,you should not allow a person to go without making payment ,he may betray you and that's against the law of business also"I said.

  "I don't know any law sir ,I would not have allowed anyone else to go like this but you can".


  "Sir a person who has brought two hungry children for a ice cream can't be too bad,I can believe him with closed eyes also"he said and started moving away in the dark.

  “good night sir"he said looking behind.

  "Good night"I also replied,it was a new lesson for me, that success is not always the destination, it's the path that matters,the two kids standing beside me had now finished with their ice cream,there was it's remaining's all around their mouth and they were looking at me with a smile.

  "Thanku"the boy said passing his hand through his mouth to clear the ice cream.

  "Your welcome,so where you will sleep now, are you having parents here somewhere?".

  There was not any answer given from the other side, so I made it the conclusion that they are alone in this world,but my prejudices were all threatened by a voice that came from behind.

  "Nick what are you doing here at this stage of night,I was searching you in the whole campus".

  It was that Japanese fellow only,for once I would have taken it as a symbol of parents love but now I was sure that this couldn't be the thing because the photograph which we had seen before was not depicting these figures.

  "Are they your children?"I asked though I was knowing the answer.

  "Er, it's too late young boy ,if you don't want to put yourself in trouble then please reach your room soon".

  Instead of giving me the answer he was advising me to reach my place,and was pretending as if he has not heard what I was asking.

  "Sir bought us two ice cream ,"it was that girl,her voice was really quite pleasant.

  "If this is the thing then I would like to say you thanku it's the least I can do"the man said.

  "It's the best I wanted".

  I replied with a brimming smile and gave a hug to the brother and siste.

  "Bye",the sweet sound said.

  "Bye"I replied and turned to visit my room.

  I was really happy ,now the cold breeze was quite pleasant,there were lights coming out from two rooms one was from ours and the other was from the next one which was Gilanis room,I was quite surprised to see that Goku has not slept yet.

  "I thought you would have slept?"I asked,

  "No, Farhan and I were giving a look to the books,they are quite new till now",Goku replied.

  I was not in a mood to say sorry or anything else to them,because it is the universal truth that the dictionary of Napoleon don't carries the word impossible and the dictionary of friendship,the word sorry.

  "Are you feeling well now?"Farhan asked.

  "Yes, feeling better,"I replied.

  "Mr Yaseen was asking for the practice, we should not leave it,"Goku said.

  "Yeh,we will be doing it from tomorrow I am quite tired today"I said and caught the bad .

  Though my eyes were still not having sleep to any extent but I was also not in a mood to talk much.

  "By the way thanku"Farhan said after five minutes when I lay on the bed, they were knowing that I was still in my senses.

  "For what?"I was quite surprised that his words.

  "For the gifts".

  "And which gifts?".

  "Those only which you bought for us from Laputa,they are very nice",I was completely shocked with it, I didn't talk with them about that but then also they were knowing about it.

  "So,you found them, if I am not wrong then I had not kept any tag on them which was telling that they belong to you"I said.

  "Yes you didn't but don't forget that you're living with detectives so there remains no question of hiding anything bro.."Farhan said.

  "We were just seeking through your bags and these shirts were of our size not for you and so we estimated and came at the conclusion"Goku added.

  "You both”.

  I began running behind them shouting in joy, I was throwing pillows on them and they were escaping from that and at that time, someone knocked the door, we stood quiet there.

  "See who is that?"I said to Farhan and he went there to open it, I crossed my fingers.

  "All is well,All is well".

  This was the dialogue of an Indian film .

  "Who is this?"Farhan said opening the gate.

  "You foolish boys,don't you understand that I am busy in studies, your shout is disturbing me and I am not able to concentrate in my studies,if my grades get disturbed then the reason for that will be you only and now if you don't want me to complain to the high command then please keep quiet.".It was Gilani.

  "Sorry"Farhan replied.

  That Gilani had spoken too much in just one go that we were nearly not having anything to speak.

  "You should" he said and went away.

  Farhan closed the gate slowly and then there was a loud burst of laugh.

  "He is completely mad, I was considering him to be the half,"Goku said.

  "He is studying now also, I simply don't understand how do they do it".

  "Yeh I am sure that his mind is going to be out of his control till the end of this session, don't you think this"Farhan was making a joke of the boy.

  "But he is studying hard,and that will only take him to the pinnacle one day,"I said.

  "But he is not studying because he doesn’t like it ,it's just for the career and future"Goku said putting the pillows aside.

  "So what, we all study for the same thing,for better package and a good wife"Farhan was now also not coming out with his mentality.

  "One can't be forced to read,if one reads for knowledge it's a different thing but for future’s sake is a bad option and if at last you want to make your future only safe than this world is full of such occupation's where just is the need of devotion,a person can make it's future safe in that condition also when he is perfect in making locks or cutting hair,"Goku was now becoming practical .

  "So Mr Goku. the finest quality of career experts in the world, please stop your lecture now, because its becoming quite difficult for me to bear it and now there is a need of good sleep,tomorrow we will wake up early for the practice of that gun shooting o.k."Farhan said.

  "Ok but if we kept asleep,then what?"I said making a situation.

  "No I will make you wake up,now a days I am not getting a good sleep actually so,my eyes are coming at their work early"Farhan was having a sort of self confid

  "Ok "Goku said,and without giving our body much pain we accompanied the pillows.

  I was tired because the day was quite different from usual, so my eyes were closed within a few seconds,the next day as expected I was the only one to wake up first though it was only one hour before the class ,but then also I was the first,the person who was taking responsibility to wake up us, was now also in sweet dreams holding the pillows tightly ,and the other one as usual, completely away from any responsibility I wake both of them.

  "You should have woken up us before only"Farhan said rubbing his eyes.

  "I woke up you on time though it was your responsibility and then also you are advising me"I said in a angry manner.

  "Stop this stupid talk and get ready, we will have to reach the class on time otherwise Mr Yaseen will not be thinking of leaving us "Goku said.

  We considered the point gravely for a moment and then busied ourselves in the work,after finishing the classes when we were on our way to restaurant there was another cluster of people.

  "Now what today,I hope it is something related to the previous thing".

  "See that Gilani, how happy he is"I said, the things were showing the signs of my fear.

  "I hope it is the list,the list of students who are selected,"Goku said looking at me,my heart was beating very fastly ,the students were coming away from the crowd with the sad faces which make me more depressed.

  "I should have a look it"Farhan said and moved towards the board.

  "Everything will be good for us"Goku said putting his hands on my shoulders.

  "Yes I hope so, I think we should also move through it,we will also see who are selected"I said and moved into the crowd.

  It was a little bit difficult to make the way because the students who didn't find their name were expressing their anger by