Read The secrets of Dorta Page 25


  "Yes you are right, if he is going to send us to the almighty then we will be permanently relieved from any work,"Farhan said.

  "No we will not because if he will come here then we will ask him na how he died,"Goku said and started laughing.

  "It's not a time to laugh Goku,","I don't think there is a specified time to laugh,"I was really annoyed with this answer.

  "Means there are two persons here,one who killed Mr Mountbatten and the other one Mr Mountbatten itself,"Farhan said.

  "What are you saying, just keep quiet"I stopped Farhan from saying anything more frightening now or rubbish indeed.

  "Don't you think that Mr Mountbatten would have already made the other ghost to pack his bags and move from here,the one who killed him,"Goku was crossing his limits now.


  "Sorry,sorry now I will not speak anything” and that time only, the bulb again got up lighted.

  "What the hell is happening here,"I shouted.

  "Keep yourself quiet Farhan, this is just a bit of the things which you are going to see here,"sir was becoming angry now.

  "Don't allow your fear to get on yourself otherwise it will only make you move on the path of depression,","sorry sir,"I said.

  “Now check the room thoroughly we will definitely find something here, something which will take us to the root of all this stuff."

  We quickly got to on our works, checking every cupboard in the room.We were given one, one torch.

  "Here is nothing great,I don't think we will find anything here,"I said after ten minutes of searching season.

  "May be you are right but as much as I am aware about this place there is something which we are not able to understand,and remember may your criminal would be very smart but he will leave some signs for you, the only thing which you require to understand is your concentration and you will not find this in your books ever,"Mr Ashlesh said.

  "Sir, are you only here in this photograph?"Goku was pointing his torch towards a picture hanged on the wall.Sir looked at it with a great admiration.

  "Yes it is me only,the young Ashlesh"he said.

  It was the same person whom we saw in a photograph at Mr Yaseens house,"you are looking quite good,","yes I am but..."he stopped here only.

  "What ‘but’ sir the photo is quite nice,"Farhan said thinking that he didn't like the photo.

  "Nothing,nothing,"he replied with a little smile.

  "Sir is that person only Mr Mountbatten"I asked.

  "Yes he is,the man who never died,"he said and was having tears in his eyes,"it happens sir please don't cry, if you want we can take this picture with us,it will help you a lot sir,"Goku offered a very good deal.

  "No it will be ok here only,"came the reply.

  I am not knowing why but I was feeling the presence of someone else in that room rather than us,though I refused to say anything at that time but I am sure there was someone standing just besides me because as I moved a little bit that side,I felt a little bit cold at one place,but I thought that if I will say something then everyone will thought that I am saying this because I am afraid.

  "So it means, Rajendra was right, there is nothing here which can help us"at last sir also got agreed with me.

  "Lets go."

  But at that moment only the winds start blowing very tightly in that room,and the gate also moved a little bit closer to its exact position,the windows were moving back and forward at a very fast speed just like any horror film, apart from the movies and usual horror books it was the first time when I was having this experience.

  "The weather is changing now"Goku said,moreover to our bad luck the rain also started at its greatest pace.

  "I would not at all like to spend my night at this place,"Farhan said.

  "I was thinking that we will be finding that Steel here but the scene is completely different to what I had thought.

  "How you thought that, that master will be here,residing in this old cottage,"sir said.

  “Why that almirah is making so much noise just give a look to it Raj,"Farhan was pointing towards a small cupboard or almirah whatever it was, which I had checked earlier.

  "I closed it rightly how it get opened".

  "It happens sometimes you would have mistaken,"sir said,"just check it for once more"he added when I moved to close it.

  There was nothing except some few old pieces of paper's who were looking like as if someone had put water on them some time,I took them out this time, there was something written there in very bad handwriting as if the person was a doctor.

  "Is there anything special? "sir said from behind.

  "Few papers only sir, something is written on them, they are seeming as if they are the papers of a diary ,"I said and sir moved closer to me swinging his torch.

  "Let me have a look of it,"sir said and picked it up from me."Mount was also in a habit to write diaries,maybe it would be his only,"he gave a keen look to it and then said.

  "Yes it is his only the day, when he was killed eighth May,1975".

  We looked at each other with a very suspicious view.

  "That's a very important clue lets see what he writes".

  "The writing is very bad and difficult to understand,"I said in between.

  "But I am in a habit to read different kinds of writings the students of your college are having such a beautiful writing that sometimes they themselves are not able to read it rightly.

  "It is already ten o’ clock and still I am awake sitting alone in my room with you,I am sure that soon there will be a call for me, from the almighty, I am really fed up of this boring life,today nothing much happened different which I would like to tell you, just apart from this that the children are now also in a habit to come here for playing cricket, hundreds of time's I had told them not to come here but they don't understand,it's the only thing that creates some contrast in ordinary life,I like to see them playing here but when the ball comes inside through any window then I walk behind them,they would make me get a round of the whole garden and then will go,that Saruki is the naughtiest of all, he is their leador,and it is usual that he himself only will hit the ball to my place but he is a good boy by nature,he is in a habit to bring for me some of the delicious items of his ....".

  There was nothing after this ,the ink pen was pressed a quite much hard due to which a big circle was formed there,accompanied by some scratches also, which were in black pen,"did you get something?"Goku suddenly said.

  "What?"we both exclaimed together.

  "That boy was also Saruki if I remember his name rightly, it was Lo- chan saruki, when Mr Mountbatten was murdered he would be of approximately forteen or much smaller than that,and he is having a shop also of food items which Mr Mountbatten has clearly mentioned about that boy it means knew Mr Mountbatten rightly,he visited him frequently, he would be knowing something,something which is till now hidden,"Goku was now having a serious look on his face.

  "If you know him then please visit him,and don't ask him in a way you are enquiring something and if he refused to tell anything then I leave it on you how to handle the situation and pick out the things from him."

  “Have faith on us sir, now that fellow will have to expose the things rightly,"Farhan said in a very enthusiastic manner,at that moment only the rain got stopped,and the wind became calm.

  "Lets go now, your friends will be touring this place tomorrow"he said and we left the place immediately.

  The bulb was now also bulging,the door was still open though there was a huge pressure for some time,sir stopped a moment seeing in the house after we were out.

  "What happened sir?"I asked to him.

  "Nothing great , I don't know why it happens but I am feeling very close to my friend,"sir said a thing which make me to put some pressure on my mind,though I was not at all believing in God's or these spiritual things but at that moment my fortune was forcing me to change my thinking for a while,we moved away from that house, I did not try to look behind also,after few minutes w
e were far ahead from it,I gave a look to my watch it was three am.

  "Have a good sleep now and don't keep on sleeping, tomorrow also you should be on time sharp at seven outside waiting for others to come and try to get something more there if you can".

  "Sure sir but where you will be sleeping,"Goku was now worrying so much about the old man.

  "Don't think of me, this earth is having enough for everybody's need,"got the answer with the same smile as Goku had.

  When we reached the hotel everybody was sleeping a very sweet sleep,we quietly entered it without making any noise and got within our rooms leaving Mr Ashlesh alone on the empty street.

  "Set an alarm in your watch,it will help us to wake up on time,"I said to Farhan,who was napping.

  "Yes I will, don't you think that it would be that Robin steel only who has killed him,it could be possible","yes it could be,but why he would be killing him there was nothing of his interest in the house,"I said and it was right also because he was just having a house to call of him, his child was abroad and he was living there may be because of some attachment that old people usually have to their town or village.

  "Mr Mountbatten was knowing that he is going to be killed, I think"Goku said.

  "May be, but if there would have been some thing like that then he would have mentioned it at that moment in his diary"Farhan was having a point,but what happened there was unknown to us.

  "The god is also with us,"Farhan added.


  "See how we found the papers of his diary and that also of that day only when he was killed,don't you think that its a miracle,I mean it