Read The secrets of Dorta Page 28

remember rightly,he said me never to open it and handed me that thing,I was a child that time so there was a very keen feeling of the thing what was there in the napkin,but before I could reach my home the news spread that Mr Mountbatten has been killed,there established a fear in me that if I opened it then he will come to me and will give me punishment,so I never opened it,"Saruki stopped here.

  "You don't know what you……., how important you are for us,"Farhan said to him.

  "Did anyone ever enquire about this from you,I mean if anyone had talked about that,"Goku asked.

  "Yes one has done it usually but till now I had not told him anything."

  "Who was that?"

  “I don't know, I never asked his name,"Saruki said, he was a little bit frightened,"if you can show us that thing,"Goku demanded.

  Saruki thought a little,"that is not with me."

  "What?"we shouted at once.

  "That day only I put that in the house and after that day I had not entered the house or garden for once also."

  The boy said,I took a large breath,"then you should go now and bring it up,"I said.

  "What? I,but"he was not at all willing to go there.

  "I don't know why you are so afraid?,"Goku was becoming a little bit angry now, it was the first time when we were seeing him in an angry mood.

  "I am not afraid,"he said and at that time only I came to understand that he was not angry at all but just it was a trick which he was playing on the innocent boy,"then you should go and prove it,that you are not afraid."

  "Yes I will do that,"he replied, we were successful in our mission,the boy was boosting with self confidence.

  "If you want us also to accompany you, then we can."

  "No,no need of that I will go alone there,"got the reply from the other side.

  "That's your wish, go right now and bring that thing, we will have our lunch in that time,"Goku said and picked up a bite of it.

  "Fine"he said and moved towards the way but after a second he again turned back.

  "What happened now?"Farhan exclaimed.

  "Will be the door open or..?"

  "It is open, you will not have to worry about that at all,"Farhan only gave the reply.

  "He is mad I think, afraid as if that ghost is going to kill him"I said in order to create a humour.

  Goku picked up another bite but before he could put it in his mouth,his hands stopped,his eyes were fixed upon some thing in order to make sure what was that, we also looked at that side but we found nothing.

  "What happened?"I asked him.

  "Lets go,"he said in a great exhaustion.

  "But what had happened?"

  "That boy is in danger I saw someone like that night ,there also and he reacted in the same way"he said,it took a few minutes for us to understand what was the matter.

  "The person is behind that thing only, we were right and he was knowing also that who we are and for what purpose we are here," Goku said when we hurried behind the boy.

  "He would not have reached so far,"I said because there was just a gap of average seven minutes between us and him.

  "Should we inform Mr Yaseen about this?"

  "Yes we should do, Farhan you should go there and call him, during this time we will catch that boy,"I said to him and he stopped in front of the hotel only,the car of Mr Guptill was standing at a side.

  "Should we take this?"Goku said.

  "But I don't know to drive a car"he added.

  "But I do know?"I said to him.

  "The car needs a key to start,which will be there with that Guptill only,"I added.

  "You don't care,"Goku said ,pulled out a bunch of some small things put the one quickly in the lock,and turned it,bingo it was opened.

  "I was not knowing that you know such things also."

  "No ,but its my father's last gift to me,"came the reply,I was not at all knowing that Farhans father was not there,he had already died but what a thing he had given to him on his last birthday,a bunch of instruments to open the cars and start them.

  "See its started now, please join it"he said and I sat in it,without saying a single thing he moved with a great speed.

  "If you want that we should catch that Steel then please drive slow otherwise we will be meeting him in the heaven only."

  "No he will not be going there,because his seat has already been reserved in the hell,"I replied.

  Soon we caught our man on the way, he was fine till now and that gave a feeling of relief to me.

  "Hey Saruki join us in the car if you don't want to get tired,"Goku said to him, at once he was surprised to see us but the next moment he got to his senses and said"I told you to be there only, now who is there at my shop"his this question was also a bit bad.

  "We had left Farhan there,he will take care of your shop"we said a lie but it was said for his favour only.

  "Ok then"he said and sat in the car.

  "What to do now, should we go to that house to search for that or return back?"Goku asked me.

  "No we will go there,he would be quite behind and what goes of ours in taking a face to face talk with the person whom the world is searching for such a long time."

  "What are you people talking about, is there anything serious?”Saruki asked from behind.

  "No not till now"Goku replied, by this time we were there in front of that gate again,there was a feeling in my mind that either we will live today or that Robin steel

  "This place is now also same except the few changes?"

  Our passenger said.

  "We are not having so much time that we can think of the past which you had spent here "I said.

  "Ok I am going there but you remain here only."

  "Don't be so brave we are coming with you,if you want your self to be safe then don't give your useless suggestions."I said to him and it was correct also we were there to save his life and he was guiding us only what to do and what to not.

  "I request you to be here only,if something will happen to me then not much will change because there is no one of me in this world but if something happened to you then a hundred more will die,"he said and hurried into the house.

  I was very much amazed at his words, he was a foolish though but whatever he had said was quite far beyond his age.

  "Now I understood that why a person like Mr Mountbatten liked this boy.”

  We waited for another ten minutes but no one came out.

  "He should have reached here till now,"Goku said.

  "Yes it's becoming quite late,I hope everything is fine inside,should we enter there?"

  “Yes we should now,lets see what's the matter,"we were looking at each other as if we were going on our last walk,there was smile on our faces not the fear of any death,holding each others hands like the two heroes of Bollywood we opened the gate,there was quietness all around.

  "Saruki!"I shouted saying his surname only because I had forgotten his name. There was not any reply though the sound echoed through the whole house.I shouted again but this time also failure.

  "Shit,"Goku said and started climbing up the stairs,I also followed him.

  "He was going in that room only where Mr Mountbatten was killed if I am not wrong?”

  He would have gone to that room only,but this time the room which was just before it, was also opened,Goku stopped behind that and same did I,no voice was coming from there, we slowly looked inside,there was no one.

  "I thought that he is in this room,"Goku said.

  "Now what, he has also got killed?"I said though I was not at all willing to say this.

  "What are you saying, he will be somewhere here only.”

  There was no one in the next room also but we found something which did not allow us to close our eyes,there were some faces on the ground,not like those of usual men but like portraits, I felt as if my legs has got fixed.

  "Wh..what,is..this?"My words were not coming out from throat.

  "Nothing,nothing,lets move from here move right now"Goku said and with heavy leg
s we moved down the stairs.

  "Stop there only where you are"came a heavy voice from behind,we were not at all having so much will to look behind and see someone which we don't find in both the rooms and who was not at all afraid of the faces which were appearing there,but we did it,the person standing above the stairs was looking like a normal human being only with a long formal cloth coming towards his knees and a pure white pyjama.

  "Who are you?"Goku asked,with a bold voice.

  "I am Bose,Satyendra nath Bose."

  We were quite struck hearing this name ,he was the famous killer Satyendra nath Bose,I looked at him more seriously,the face was only a little bit changed from the one whom we saw in the photo,meaning that the person standing in front of us was dead.

  "But he is already dead,"Goku said.

  "Yes, he is dead but only in the eyes of the world,you only tell that how a person who had died is standing in front of you,that's the world which has made me dead though I never died"he said.

  "But where were you now,we had already checked the whole room and did not find a single one there?".

  "You would have not seen rightly I was there only,sitting beside the old bed this is a weak point of a detective.”

  "Where is our friend?"I asked.

  "Where ever he is,he will be fine you don't care about that,now before you would ask me that what I am doing here and all the rest of the questions, I myself will clear everything ,I had come here to help you in catching that Steel,it was I only whom you had seen that night and now before coming here."

  "What? A person who himself is a criminal will help us in catching the one of the same breed."

  "I was a criminal but for only the rich people, I used to kill them only who were going on wrong path,I was like Robinhood and the world took me as a criminal though they were not knowing that it