Read The secrets of Dorta Page 4

stood silent in front of the mike,he looked behind towards the principal,"we are waiting Mr,we are not having the whole day for you"the sound echoed in the whole hall.

  "Sir,there was some problem ".

  "What problem?".

  "Sir our neighbour was snoring like anything and we were not able to sleep properly"Goku said slowly, as soon as he spoke this, a sound of laughter burst out in the hall,we were not knowing what was going to happen with him but the moment was really hard for us when that devil spoke again "who else was there with you?","no one sir,I was alone,"the foolish said, we both were nearly unconscious when he said this.

  "Your good name mr?".

  Sir Gopal Krishna upadhyay. "

  Goku said pressing his lips,"so Mr Gopal, please don't tell the lie otherwise your journey would stop without beginning"when he said it our hearts as if stopped beating,what he was doing,he should tell our names and after the punishment we will be released,it was just a small matter"no sir I was alone,no one was there".

  "I am sorry to say but it's your last day in this school,if you want to stay tell the name and get off".

  The old man was now on his pinnacle of anger,but Goku kept quiet looking towards the floor, the next one minute seemed to be an hour when the old man again opened his mouth to curse our friend.

  "Mr Joy please make his TC ready we don't want such a student in our college to melt it's reputation",Farhan holded my hand and we both saw in each others' eyes and then raised our hands together,it was really a very big moment for us ,we both got stand up and moved towards our friend,with one feeling in our hearts that if we will be discarded then together .I don’t know why we were doing thisfor him within a meeting of just few hours but we were on our way now.

  The old man was very happy at his victory over us,after a minute we were standing together with Goku when we looked at him,it was clearly denoted by his face that he was not happy with our decision,"so you are the one? " the old man said looking at us as, if we would have been some dish then he would have eaten us without cooking,his face was not less than a hungry tiger,he than turned towards me,blinking his eyes in which I saw nothing rather than fire.

  "Mr Rajendra,right?".

  "Right sir"I said without fear,it was the first time when I was feeling completely strong.

  "The son of Mr.Murlidhar,my old friend,don't you have a single worry about the reputation of your father,will you feel good when the world will know you by your father's name and not your father by your’s,think,just think for a while,"he was trying to get over me but I was also very strong at that moment,at the same time I was shocked to knew that he know my father.

  "I will have to talk with him on this,otherwise you will be out of hand",I was expecting that he would speak more but he didn't and went on to take the mike.

  "I hope you will be enjoying your classes which are going to start from tomorrow.."as he said it,all the people started to move out and within a few minutes the hall became empty, even a teacher was not there,from the noise that was coming from the crowd could be easily identified,that they were talking about us"how disgusting they are,very naughty",while from a few the sound of praise was also coming,"very daring these guys are,cool".

  The old man stand quite for a while looking at us,"see that painting you three..,"he said looking behind us,we all turned back,there were many on that side,we were not knowing which one to see,but when he asked"how cruel that man looks,isn't it?", Farhan as well as I moved our heads up and down like jokers.

  "Which one sir,there are many?"Goku asked turning his head towards our so called principal.

  "That first one foolish.".

  "Oh sorry sir please continue"Goku said and again looked towards the pictures,we both and princi..were looking at him smiling,at that time when we should have a serious face,and also we were expected to,it was becoming very,very hard to control our laugh,we however fighting with ourselves managed to control but when I looked behind at him,I was unable to control myself and a burst of laugh came out,I tried to get quiet but it was thousand times more difficult to control as compared to nature's call,the old guy was making a face,his brows were completely tightened,nose became stretched,accompanied by mouth moving upward,who could control his laugh seeing such a great face,and as I started ,Farhan joined me too.

  "Quite you idiots ,thinking as if it's a vegetable market,and you all are the vendors,shouting vegetable,vegetable."

  The sound our inner joy was coming out with our laughs' whose increased sound was increasing our old man's temper ,but the sound didn't last for long and changed into wailing within a few minutes,a thin stick came penetrating the air and attacked our hips' ,a loud sound came from our mouths' of pain and we all turned towards the man.

  "I don't said you to show your ugly faces to me now"he shouted and we again turned to the picture,I can bet if my hippos' would not have turned red like tomatoes"I said in a very short voice so that it do not reach the old man.

  "They would be chillies and that also burning"Farhan said, but Goku was now looking at the picture very seriously,"they won't be Mr Sharma",the old man heard us,curse his ears'.

  "So you are the students of this great college?"the old man asked as if making it sure that he was the only foolish who gave us admission,we didn’t give any reply,"are you not?"he again shouted"yes,sir."we all three said in a single shout,"so you should know that who is the person in that picture,"I was not knowing anything about that man,but I was at least this much sure that he was someone from the famous detectives .

  "A detective sir",I said in a very low voice.

  "I was expecting this only from you,foolish,know nothing about the profession in which you are going,he is a famous criminal,who had killed seventeen people including five detectives who tried to catch him,he is the most sharp minded criminal that has ever survived,really dangerous,named Bose,Satyendra Bose ".It could be easily identified from the face of the man that he was mad but I didn't expect him to be such a one that he would hung the pictures of criminals instead of heroes,really disgusting .I was sure that both my friends were also thinking this."but why sir there should be the pictures of one who had caught such a man"Goku said,without looking behind "yes, you are right there should be, now look towards me"we all looked straight towards him.

  "The pictures which are hanged behind you are of the criminals and the rest which you are seeing on this side in front of you are of the great people who risked to catch them ".

  We all looked upwards, in front of all the criminals were the photos placed but there was none in place of two,the one which we saw now and the one which was at last. Bose was looking fascinating with his moustaches and beards.

  "Is he not caught till now?"Farhan was now also taking interest in this.

  "He is a history ,he died freely, no one was able to catch him until his last breath,"the old man was talking in a way as if he is a fan of this guy,"and that one,is he also not caught yet,""yes he is also not in the hands till now,twenty murders and ten train robberies,he is also a master,he thinks in a way no one else and does the things in a way that no one else can,he is a winner."

  "Is there anything different which he did expect what yousaid now?"Goku asked looking at the fellow standing in front of us.

  "Winners don't do different things but they do the things differently,"we were looking at him as if he is the man who is having a completely different mind,"now its the time for your punishment,two nights at graveyard.

  "What" we said in a one shout "gra...graveyard?",

  "Yes,and I bet you are going to enjoy yourself",he said and moved out leaving us alone with this horror thought,but what the thing was which we can do,we were looking at each other as if we are not having any fear but our hearts knew that how horrible it was ,we then moved to our rooms with our heads looking at the floor,all in the corridor were looking at us,the feeling was very awkward which I would never like to feel again,with sad faces we sat on our bed.

  "Didn't he find anything else for us? There are
thousands of ways to give punishment,he may have told us to take ten or twenty rounds of football court outside,or he would have not given us food for today,but enjoy yourself, two nights at graveyard,"I said in a voice which was quite similar to the one who gave us such a harsh punishment,"but one thing is good,"we both were looking at Goku who saw something good in this.


  "We will not have to hear those loud snores today in the night"he said and burst into laughing,we also joined him it was the way in which he make us happy even in the harsh conditions,"what about my books I am not having a single one"Goku said to divert our mind towards another thing,"so we should take it today"Farhan said","we don't know the right place ,so how we could be able to do it?”.

  “Find a shop and then buy it”, “it will become a panic”.

  "We should not worry about that,also we will have a look of the place,I am sure that we will be having an ice cream parlour here,"Farhan was really in a mood to move out,he was not like me,lazy.



  "He is right,and what's here for us to do,we will get bored."Goku also supported him,"so the decision is final,we are going out for a nice walk".

  When we moved out after an hour or later,it was a shocking thing that the corridors were all empty,their not a single student