Read The secrets of Dorta Page 8

,they closed the gate but didn't said that we should remain outside"he said and started climbing up we kept on looking him,he was not afraid a little bit and with a great perfectness he reached the top and started the next side. Farhan and I looked at each other for a single second,smiled and then ran quickly towards the goal like Ronaldo.

  "Goku would have reached the place,".

  "We are also going to be there in a few minutes,".

  We were so joyful at that time that there was not a single thought in our mind about what will happen when we will reach in side and the people there will be seeing us coming from the top.As we rose up,we get a scene that was really not expected,the people standing there looked at us as if they were waiting for us only,"hey"I said waving my hands and then had a look downwards,it was quite familiar to see Goku,standing in the front of them,we also moved downwards under their inspection,and joined Goku ,we were expecting that the old man,Mr Ash,so called would be this time completely resticating us from the college.

  "So now in this case you will be having any else problem".

  "No,sir,but we were a little bit busy sir,".

  We both looked at Goku in order to make sure that he is in his senses ,"so,you see gentlemen ,they were a little bit busy,"he said giving stress on the “little bit".

  “We are willing to hear what kind of work was it which kept such a foolish guy busy".

  "Sir, we were doing inspection sir,"Goku said in such a confidence way that for a single second we also got in confusion that may we would have inspected something,the principal was not a man to be trifled with,he looked at us for a moment and then there happened a thing,which was not expected.

  "I want you in class in next second,run now"as he said it we looked at him in a suspision"don't you hear me,run".

  We run like criminals and didn't stop until we reach the class,which had already started,we had not taken a bath,and our hairs were looking like as if they can be converted into a brush.We quickly reached the class room with our books in hand.

  "May I come in sir?"

  We said together,inside was a man with curly hair and a normal height, he allowed us to come in side,our first class was of"the history of detectives",it was a boring subject but the way in which the man was teaching was really awesome,he developed in us an interest for the subject,so the conclusion was ,that the class was really good,there was a gap of some minutes in which we got a time to talk.

  "I am really surprised that the man didn't give us punishment,"I said seeking for the next period .

  "I don't think that the man is so rude you know,but he just pretend to be like this,"Goku said speaking in the favour of the old man.

  "I don't think he is like this,may be he would be in a good mood at that time or he would have thought an another punishment for us"I kept my view.

  "Why are you discussing about the past, now forget about that,what about the man that took the first class ,isn't he a very good teacher,"Farhan said.

  "Yes he was,what's his name?".

  "Yaseen,Mr Mohammad Yaseen" came a familiar voice from behind,Priyanshi was there with a pile of books.

  "Do you know him?",Goku said who was expected to do the same.

  "He is the best personality you would ever find,there would be no one as perfect like him in clutching the criminals,he works in such a way that even they themselves are not able to know about their catching."

  Priyanshi was really very fascinated with his personality,"yeh,really he is having a kind of perfectness,"Farhan added.

  Our whole day went on very nicely,we were already so famous ,sorry infamous that we didn't have to introduce ourselves,that night we managed to have a good sleep in the graveyard because now we were having a perfect option for Goku to sleep on the branches,but we make it a little bit easy for him by placing a cloth on it,and the next morning also we,reach there on time ,that abnormal grave was not given any importance by me,our problems were solved and now the things were going easily,but until Goku was with us,how the ultimate peace can be achieved,two days after the starting of our classes,in the first period only, something happened which was not at all admired ,when we entered the class Mr Yaseen was not there,we three sat together,and then a boy came with long hair,he was white,white as an Indian ,he was quite smart,the girls who were earlier busy in some Gossiping were now looking at him with pointed eyes,he gave a jerk to his head,due to which his hair moved forward.

  "Isn't he nice?".

  A girl sitting besides us said to Priyanshi.

  "No, he is not,I don't like such persons,he is just a fool trying to fool us,”.

  "Oh God,I am also saying to whom,I am really afraid about your choice,"the another one said but she did not reply,Yaseen sir then entered the class and we all wished good morning to him, as the lecture went on he explained us about how Mr Howard started an agency and then the series went on,Goku suddenly dropped his pen,he bent down to pick it up,sir also looked for a while behind and then again busied himself in writing on the white board ,we also didn't disturb ourselves,after 1 minute or more he asked me to give a pen may be because his one was not working, which I gave him,we didn't talk at least with each other but sir said in a calm voice.

  "You should give it some jerks and then again it will be started,"we were astonished,we were so quite but then also he has got our voice ,Goku tried his best to jerk it and really it got started.

  "Thanku sir ",Goku replied.

  "Now I think you should meet me in my room at ten"he said looking at Goku ,Goku looked behind as if Mr Yaseen was saying to some one else.

  “He is talking to you Goku.”

  Priyanshi from behind said pushing him forward.

  "I sir?".

  “Yes Mr Gopal Krishna upadhyay,you only I hope you are not so busy ."

  "No I am not sir"


  After five minutes the class got over and we were out,Goku was a little bit late, we waited for him for ten minutes but he did not come up.

  "Where he is,he should have come up till now,we should get in side",said Farhan,we moved in side but we found no one .

  "They are not here".

  "But we were outside only and I didn't see them also coming out,".

  "Me too,"I added,we were quite surprised by their sudden disappearance,the men who were standing before in side were now not there,what a sudden disappearance .

  "We should move out,they would have gone when we were talking,"Farhan said and I followed him to our next class which was at the top floor,"he is quite smart he would have gone with Priyanshi," but she is also with her friends see there" Priyanshi was really there and I waved my hands in the air.

  In the next class Goku was not there.Mrs Reema explained the mentality of criminals while performing a crime, when almost half of the period was ended,came a voice.

  "May I come in mam",our heads turned towards the sound at the same time as if we were some robots,it was Goku who was lanking with his bag,Mrs Reemas spectacles were down at the nose and her brows tightened,a fool would have also make it out that she was quite angry but our friend was a little bit more from that, he kept looking at her smiling,"nice time to come Mr...".

  "Goku mam"he helped her to find his name.

  "Ok,Mr Goku ,I don't think that its your real name,".

  "Yes my pet name mam ,the real name is Gopal Krishna Upadhyay."

  “What a big fool he is telling his pet name to his teacher ,completely mad","so Mr Gopal Krishna upadhyay that's a good time to enter the class, isn’t it that you are trying to draw our attention towards you",Goku’s smiled widened a little bit.

  "No mam "he said,"I was with Mr Yaseen",as he said, this time her face turned red and she seemed to be really angry.

  “ So now also go to him ,I hope he will allow you in his,class" ,"but I,had already attended his class."We were not able to understand that why he was indulging himself with such a teacher.

  "If you had attended his class then you should stand outside and wait till we had fini
shed ok, now get out"she shouted at him .

  Goku at this moment also was having a smile on his face and without raising any question he moved out side,the lecture continued and Mrs Reema was not at all concerned about the fact that Goku was not from among those whom she can handle, we came to know about his true intention only this time, earlier we saw him as a free man who was not having any way in his life but again as his habit he was moving on a way of his own,Goku was writing the things standing outside also,which the teacher was speaking to us, she was in a dilemma that by not allowing him to the class she is giving him a punishment, that he would not be able to understand the things ,but Goku sitting outside also was listening to his teacher,I smiled a little at the ignorance of Mrs Reema and again busied myself in her lecture .After nearly fifteen minutes the class got over.

  "Where were you,we waited for a long time outside the class,and when we moved in there was no one ".

  "And we also didn't see any one coming outside so where were you,"Farhan added,Goku remained quite for a short time and then said 'we moved out with others only and he scolded me a little for creating disturbance,just this only"he stopped here.

  "That doesn't take so much time friend if you don't want to tell us then don't, but please don't tell lie it doesn't seem good in front of the person's training for detection "I said.

  "The time will tell everything you know but the things which I had said are not wrong trust me."He said and we went towards our food court.

  At nine thirty approx Goku got him self