Read Then You Happened Page 10

  “Thanks, Rosa. We’ll see what happens.” I smiled.

  I washed up, changed out of my dirty work clothes, and headed to Sierra’s office. When I pulled up to the curb, she was just walking out of the building.

  “Hey, stranger.” She smiled.

  “Hey, beautiful. Are you ready to pick out some tubs and toilets?”

  “I guess.” She laughed. “Don’t forget about our first dance lesson tonight. The class starts at six o’clock, so James will be by to pick us up around five-thirty. I brought my stuff with me, so we can just go back to my house after we shop.”

  “What am I supposed to wear to this class?”

  She looked at me and twisted her face. “Shit. I don’t know. I better call Kirsty and ask her.”

  She dialed Kirsty and, after a few expletive words, she hung up and looked at me. “Well, I guess we need to stop at the dance store and pick up some shoes.”

  “Shoes? What kind of shoes?”

  “Dance shoes. I’m swear I’m firing her.”

  I put my hand on her knee and told her to relax. “Do you know where the nearest dance store is?” I asked.

  She called her secretary, Sasha, and told her to find one. Sasha texted her the address and it ended up being about five miles from where we were.

  “I guess we’re going to get some dance shoes,” I said as I raised one eyebrow.

  Chapter 17


  The little bell that hung above the entrance made its cute little ringing noise the minute we opened the door. A tall and very thin woman walked over with a smile.

  “Hello. How can I help you today?”

  “We need shoes for ballroom dancing,” I said.

  “Okie dokie. We have our men’s selection on this wall and our women’s on this wall over here. For you, I would recommend this one.” She smiled as she handed me the little-heeled shoe. “And for the gentleman over there, I would recommend this shoe.”

  Did she really just say “okie dokie”? She brought us our sizes and I tried them on. They were kind of cute. I looked over at poor Cameron and he stood there, looking down at his feet.

  “Aw, look at you. You look like a professional dancer.” I smiled.

  “You’ll pay for this.” He pointed.

  “Excuse me, miss. What kind of clothing do we wear for ballroom lessons?”

  She glanced over at Cameron. “Do you have black dress pants and a black t-shirt?”

  “Yes,” he replied.

  “Then you’re all set. As for you,” she said as she looked me up and down. “I have the perfect outfit for you. If you’re going to dance, you might as well do it in style, right?”

  “Of course. I like the way you think.” I smiled.

  Cameron rolled his eyes.

  “Then you must try this on!” she said as she handed me a light pink body suit with a sheer skirt attached to it.

  I took it from her and looked it over. I took it in the dressing room and tried it on. When I walked out to show Cameron, he whistled.

  “I’ll take it.” I smiled.

  Once we were finished at the dance store, we went to look at bathroom stuff. I really should have hired an interior designer to do all this. When we arrived at the store, I was overwhelmed at first until Cameron helped me. Over an hour later, I picked everything I needed for both bathrooms and we headed home.

  “You have extremely expensive taste,” Cameron said.

  “I can’t help it. It’s in my blood.” I smiled.

  As we were on our way home, Cameron pulled into the parking lot of a drugstore. “Why are we stopping here?”

  He looked over at me and smiled. “I need to pick up something.”

  “Oh, so do I.”

  We walked in together. Even though we went opposite ways, we ended up in the same aisle, in front of the boxes of condoms. We looked at each other and smiled.

  “I see we had the same idea,” he said.

  “Great minds think alike.”

  “Would you like to pick which ones?” he asked as he waved his hand over the choices.

  “You pick. Wait,” I said as I grabbed a box from the hook. “Look at these: ultra-thin and warming pleasure. I like warming pleasure.” I smiled.

  He closed his eyes for a moment and put his hand in his pocket. “Can we try them out later? Please. Because being in the aisle with you, looking at condoms, is unbearable.”

  I laughed. “Of course we can try them out later. I’m excited to feel that warming pleasure.” I winked.

  “I need to get out of this aisle. Are you ready?” he asked.

  We took the box up to the counter and the cashier looked at us and smiled.

  “Have you ever used these?” I asked.

  I thought Cameron was going to die.

  “I haven’t personally used them, but let me ask Matt. “Hey, Matt,” she yelled across to the next register. “Have you ever tried this one?” she asked as she held up the box.

  Cameron put his hand over his eyes and shook his head. “What?” I asked.

  “Yeah, I have. My girlfriend loves them. Good choice, dude.” He smiled as he looked at Cameron.

  “I don’t need a bag.” I smiled as I put the box in my purse and paid the cashier.

  We hopped into Cameron’s truck and he looked over at me. “I don’t think I’ve ever been so embarrassed in my life.”

  “What? Why? I wanted to know if they were any good. They say on the box they’re new. So, isn’t it better to get someone’s opinion on them first?”

  He just shook his head pretty much the whole way home.


  “Where are you? We have to leave!” Kirsty spoke as she busted through my bedroom door.

  “I’m ready.” I smiled as I came from the bathroom in my new dance outfit, twirling around.

  “Ugh. Where did you get that? I love it. Now I feel like a slob,” she whined.

  “You look great in your cropped yoga pants and tank top.”

  We walked downstairs and James and Cameron were waiting for us in the foyer. I took one look at Cameron all in black and just about had a major orgasm. He had one hell of a body.

  “Look at you, all dolled up like a princess.” James smiled.

  “You mean a queen.” I winked.

  “After you, my queen,” James said as he opened the door.

  We climbed in the limo and Cameron looked around. “This is nice.”

  “You’ve never been in a limo before?” I asked.

  “Nope. This is my first time.”

  “How does one get to be thirty years old and has never been in a limo?”

  “It’s called the simple life, Sierra. You should try it some time.” He smiled.

  “Uh, no thanks. I like my limo.”

  He looked at me with those green eyes and there was something in them that made me feel like he was going to show me the simple life in North Carolina.



  She looked amazing in her cute pink dance outfit. I couldn’t wait until tonight. All I wanted to do was to make love to her again and hold her in my arms. The way we fell asleep last night was bliss. Our bodies fit perfectly together like the right two pieces of a puzzle.

  We arrived at the dance studio and as soon as we walked through the door, the instructor clapped his hands and told us we were late. The rest of the class stared at us.

  “So sorry.” Sierra said to him.

  He told us where our places were as he proceeded to teach us the box step. “” He clapped as he repeated it over and over again. We practiced individually first and then after about twenty times, he told us to grab our partners and practice as a couple. I smiled as I held out my hand to Sierra. She placed her hand on my shoulder and we began to do the box step.

  “Oh, sorry,” she said as she stepped on me.

  “It’s okay.” I smiled.

  I looked over at James and Kirsty and they seemed like naturals. Even the instructor commented
on how well they were doing. After what seemed like several minutes, the instructor showed us how to apply the box step to the waltz. I couldn’t stop laughing because once we started that, Sierra was all over the place.

  “Stop laughing.”

  “I can’t help it. You’re funny.”

  “I hate this kind of dancing. It makes me feel really old.”

  “You can show me how you rock and roll later.” I winked.

  Class was finally over and we climbed in the limo.

  “That was so much fun!” Kirsty exclaimed.

  “I don’t like it. I would rather learn belly dancing or something fun,” Sierra said.

  “When we get a belly dancing client, then you can take belly dancing classes.”

  When we arrived at Sierra’s house, I overheard James ask Kirsty if she wanted to have a drink before he took her home. Her face lit up and I thought she was going to pass out. I followed Sierra inside and she set her purse on the counter. I walked over to her and placed my hands on her hips. I wanted to make love to her.

  “Are you ready to try out those new condoms?” I asked.

  “I sure am.” She smiled as she leaned in and kissed my lips. “Let’s rip and roll, baby!” she said.

  “Did you really just say that?” I chuckled.

  “Yep. Come on; rip and roll!”

  She took the condoms from her purse and tore open the box. She pulled out the shiny silver package and held it up. “This better provide the warming pleasure it says it does.”

  “Don’t you worry about it,” I said as I took down the straps to her leotard. “If it doesn’t, I promise to provide you with all the warming pleasure you want.”

  “Okay, let’s go. Up the stairs now! I can’t wait any longer,” she said as she grabbed my hand and we went up to the bedroom.

  We had enjoyed a shitload of foreplay. Probably the best foreplay I’d ever had or done. She was begging me to fuck her, which turned me on even more, so I grabbed the condom from the nightstand and ripped open the package. I placed it on the tip of my dick and as I began to roll it down, it ripped. I looked at Sierra and laughed.

  “Wow. This isn’t good,” I said.

  “No, it’s not. Let’s try another one,” she said as she took another condom from the box.

  I once again ripped the package and began to roll it down my dick. When I got halfway down, it started to rip. “What the hell!” I yelled.

  “Take that off,” Sierra said as she took another condom from the box. “Let me do it. Maybe you’re using too much force.”

  “Too much force? If it’s doing that by my hand putting it on, what’s it going to do when I’m fucking you?”

  “Shush,” she said as she took hold of me and began to slowly roll the condom down my hard cock.

  “What the fuck!” she said as it tore. “This must be a bad batch or something.”

  “Now what?” I asked with desperation.

  “Oh no. I’ll be right back,” she said as she flew from the bed and into the bathroom.

  “What’s wrong?”

  She walked out of the bathroom with a sad look on her face. “I just started my period.”

  I put my hands up in the air. “Of course you did.”

  “Would you like to see?” she asked.

  “No. Of course not. I believe you. It’s just the timing sucks.”

  She walked over to me and placed her hand on my chest. “I know, but there’s a bright side.”

  “What’s that?” I said as I put my hands on her hips.

  “By the time my period is over, we won’t have to use condoms anymore. I’m on the pill.”

  I looked at her in confusion. “Then why were we using them?” I asked.

  “Because I just got on it for my cramps. That day that I went to the doctor, he gave me a prescription for them. So I should be good to go and condom free in about a week!”

  “But if you started your period, then you can’t get pregnant.” I smiled.

  “True, but I don’t have sex while I’m on my period. That’s just gross.”

  She sat down on the bed and looked up at me and smiled as I stood in front of her, naked.

  “Let me make it up to you.” She smiled before wrapping her lips around my cock.

  Chapter 18


  Over the next few days, I worked extra hard to make sure I didn’t have to worry about anything while I was in North Carolina. Cameron and I didn’t see each other very much because I worked really late and he was gone by time I got home. I would see him in the morning for coffee, but that was about it. I found that I missed him and our little talks. Work was really getting to me and I sort of looked forward to this trip with him. I just wished it was somewhere like Belize, Aruba, Hawaii. You get my point. I was far from a small-town girl and I was used to my comforts. I hoped that I was going to be able to handle it. Kirsty was running around like a maniac, trying to get things ready for my party. My period seemed to be over and I wanted nothing more than to have sex with Cameron. I missed his big cock. Royce and a few other gentlemen kept calling me and asking me to “visit” them, but I always came up with an excuse not to. I liked having Cameron around and that was what scared me. I was in my bedroom, trying to pack my suitcase, and unsure of what to bring, so I sent Cameron a text message.

  “Can you come up to my room? I have a packing question.”

  “Sure, I’ll be up in a minute.”

  I pulled out three pairs of Jimmy Choos and a couple of my Chanel dresses. A few moments later, Cameron walked in.

  “What’s up?” he asked with a smile.

  “I don’t know what to bring to Lake whatever.”

  He chuckled. “Comfort clothes, Sierra,” he said as he looked on the bed and saw my Jimmy Choos. “No heels, especially those. Bring some shorts and tank tops. Maybe a pair of jeans and a couple of t-shirts. And one dress, just in case we go somewhere nice.”

  “Like one of my Chanel dresses?” I asked.

  “Umm. No. Like one of your long dresses. What are those things called?”

  “You mean a maxi dress?”

  “Yes.” He smiled. “We need to talk about something,” he said as he sat on the bed.

  “Why do you sound so serious?” I asked nervously.

  He took in a deep breath. “I need you to do me a favor.”

  “What is it?”

  “Don’t get mad.”

  “I’ll try. Just tell me what the favor is.”

  “Can you please dress very casual when we’re in North Carolina and try not to look like a CEO/millionaire type of girl?”

  I narrowed my eyes at him.

  “Listen, Sierra. I come from a small town and everyone there isn’t like you.”

  “What’s wrong with me?” I asked.

  “Nothing’s wrong with you. Absolutely nothing.” He smiled as he took hold of both my hands. “It’s just you’ll stick out and I don’t want you to be uncomfortable. So no Jimmy Choos, designer dresses, or expensive purses. Just simple.”

  “But I don’t have ‘simple’ clothing and I’m not a simple girl. I’m from Los Angeles. I run one of the largest advertising agencies in the world. This is who I am and how dare you try to change me.”

  “I’m not trying to change you. I swear I’m not. I just want you to be comfortable and I don’t want you to ruin your expensive clothes.”

  Was this worth the argument that I was getting ready to have with him? I was suddenly having flashbacks of Ryan. He used to tell me that he wished that I would dress sexier. One night, we were going out and I bought the sexiest dress I could find. When I put it on and showed him, he told me that I looked like a whore and not to embarrass him in public by wearing it. That was a couple of months before he left Los Angeles. God, he was an asshole. An asshole with a small dick. I looked at Cameron and told him not to worry and that I’d pack simple.

  He pulled me down on top of him as he fell back on the bed. His lips pressed against the flesh of
my neck and I could feel him getting hard beneath me.

  “I’m still on my period,” I said.


  “Yeah,” I lied. “Sometimes, I can have it for ten days. It just depends on the month.” I was a little ticked off at him and I didn’t want to have sex with him.

  “Okay,” he sighed.

  “I better go shopping for simple clothes,” I said as I got up.

  “Make sure to pick up a pair of hiking shoes. There are some amazing hiking trails I want to take you on.”

  I smiled at him as he walked out of my room. Fuck my life. How the hell did I agree to this? I grabbed my phone and sent Kirsty a text message.

  “We need to go shopping, now.”

  “I can’t. I’m getting things ready for tonight.”

  “Ugh. Fine. I’ll just take James.”

  “Oh, I’m jealous, but I can’t. I have too much to do still. Don’t forget I’m doing this for you.”

  I rolled my eyes and called James.

  “Hello, Sierra. How can I assist you?” he answered.

  “You know I hate when you answer the phone like that. I need to go shopping and I need to leave like now.”

  “I can be there in ten.”

  “Thanks, James.” Click.

  I could always count on James. After all, I knew he was one of the highest paid drivers in LA. He told me all the drivers gathered, like a pack of wolves, and talked about what they liked and didn’t like about their employers while they played cards. They shared secrets and sometimes James would give me the dirt on some of L.A.’s finest socialites. He would stun me. No. Not really. I knew these bitches and I wasn’t surprised. I stepped into the kitchen as Rosa was cleaning up.

  “I have to go shopping for simple clothes,” I said to her.

  “What?” she asked.

  “For my trip to Lake whatever with Cameron. He wants me to dress simple and not look like a CEO/millionaire type of girl.”

  “You are going to a small town, so it would probably be in your best interest to dress like everyone else there.”

  “Thanks for taking his side, Rosa.”

  “No sides, senorita. I’m just telling the truth. You’ll want to be comfortable while you’re there and you won’t be in your fancy clothes.”