Read Then You Happened Page 2

  I needed to go home and get ready for tonight. I grabbed a bunch of files from my desk and called James to meet me out in front. As I left my office, I turned to Sasha and told her that she could go home for the day. When I stepped outside the building, James wasn’t there yet, so I decided to run across the street to Starbucks and grab a coffee for the way home. They had a sign on the door that said “Open during construction.” When the hell did this start? I walked up to the counter and was greeted pleasantly by Anna, the barista girl.

  “Hello, Miss Adams. The usual?”

  “Hi, Anna, and yes.”

  As I looked around the shop, I noticed a man staring at me. He was dirty, covered in dust, and he was wearing one of those yellow hard hats. Besides all that, the one thing that caught my attention beneath all that dirt and grime were his green eyes. It was the way they looked at me. If they caught my attention from that far away, I could only imagine what they’d do to me up close.

  “Here you go, Miss Adams,” Anna said as she handed me my coffee.

  I pulled out my wallet and paid her. “What’s going on here?” I asked.

  “We’re expanding.”

  “Oh. I see. Well, happy expanding.”

  I glanced over one more time and he was no longer looking at me. Instead, he was giving orders to one of the other workmen. When I walked out the door, James was waiting for me with the limo door open.

  “How did you know I was here?” I asked.

  “I saw you through the window,” he replied.

  “Oh. Good job.”

  James shut the door and, before he pulled away, I looked out the window and saw green eyes staring at the limo from the door.

  Chapter 3


  Wow, I thought to myself as I watched the limo pull away. She had to be the most beautiful girl that I’d ever seen. I was blown away by her eyes when she caught me staring at her.

  “Give it up, man,” Paolo said as he patted me on the back. “She’s way out of your league. I mean, way out.”

  “How do you know that?” I asked.

  “Did you see what she was wearing? That expensive tailored business suit and not to mention those Jimmy Choos.”

  “How the hell do you know she was wearing Jimmy Choos?” I asked.

  “Trust me, man. I know Jimmy Choos when I see them.” He smiled as he walked away.

  I laughed as I shook my head and then walked over to the counter. “Hey. That woman that was just here. The one in the suit. Do you know who she is?”

  “You mean Miss Adams?”

  “Was she the one in the business suit?”

  “Yes. That’s Miss Adams. See that building across the street?” she said as she pointed across the shop.

  “The one that says Adams Advertising?”

  “Yeah. That’s her company. She’s the CEO.”

  I gulped. “Wow. Thanks.”

  “No problem.”

  I walked back to where Paolo was standing and he put up his hand. “I heard. Sorry, man, but I told you. Way out of your league.”

  “Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Anyway, I want you guys to finish this wall before you leave. We have to stay on schedule.”

  “Are you done for the day?”

  “Nah, I’m going to head over to the Marino’s place to make sure Joey’s on schedule. I’ll see you guys back here in the morning.”

  I hopped in my truck and, before I pulled away, I stared at the building across the street. I couldn’t get her eyes out of my mind. A corporate woman. A beautiful corporate woman who was indeed way out of my league.



  I pulled out my Chanel black dress from the closet. When I walked out, I was startled when I saw Kirsty sitting on the bed.

  “Jesus, you scared me. How many times do I have to tell you not to sneak up on me like that?”

  “Oh, please. I’m not sneaking up on you. You were buried deep in the depths of that monstrous store you call a closet. It’s not my fault you can’t hear anything when you’re in there,” she said as she thumbed through the Cosmo magazine I had sitting on my nightstand.

  I rolled my eyes as I held up my dress. “What about this?”

  “Perfect. Why am I not surprised the price tag is still on it?”

  “I haven’t had a chance to wear it yet.”

  “I saw James downstairs.” She smiled.


  “He’s so hot. Why do you have this paged marked?”

  “What page would you be referring to?” I asked as I leaned over the counter and touched up my mascara.

  “Your best sex ever: 20 moves from cuddly to crazy. Are you planning on getting wild and crazy with your suits?”

  “Stop calling them suits, and no, I am not going to get wild and crazy. I was tired and I didn’t want to lose my place in the magazine.”


  “Don’t you have somewhere to be?” I asked. “Like maybe downstairs with James?”

  “Good idea,” she said as she jumped up from the bed.

  I finished touching up my makeup and I ran my fingers through my wavy hair. I slipped into my little black dress, put on my Jimmy Choos, grabbed my evening bag, and headed downstairs. James whistled as I walked into the kitchen.

  “Two nights out in a row. I think I deserve a raise.” He winked.

  “Very funny.” I smirked.

  Kirsty was sitting at the table, swooning over James. She looked like a lovesick puppy dog.

  “Who is it tonight?” James asked.


  “That guy? There’s something off about him.”

  “Right? That’s what I told her. But she insists he’s okay,” Kirsty interjected.

  “Are the two of you finished? I have an art gallery to get to.”

  James and Kirsty laughed as I walked out the door. Kirsty yelled, “Make sure to show Don your twenty wild and crazy sex moves.”

  I flipped her off as I climbed in the limo. I couldn’t stop thinking about Green Eyes. I kept picturing the moment I looked over and saw him staring at me. He definitely was hot, and the way his t-shirt clung to his body showed off his muscular arms and a hint of ripped abs underneath. That was from a distance. I could only imagine what that body looked like up close. The suits I dated, their bodies were okay. Nothing to write home about, that was for sure. They were in shape. They had some muscle tone, but nothing compared to Green Eyes.

  “Earth to Sierra,” James said as he looked back at me.

  “Huh?” I said as I snapped out of my daydream.

  “Your date is waiting for you outside the gallery. Look.”

  “It’s not a date, James.”

  “Whatever you say, Sierra.”

  He opened the door and helped me out. “I’ll be going home with Don tonight, so pick me up in the morning around seven.”

  “Will do, Sierra. Have a good night.” He smiled.

  I looked at Don, who gave me a small wave, and then I looked at James and rolled my eyes. I put on my fake smile as I walked over to him.

  “Look at you, sexy beast.” He smiled as he tried to kiss my lips. Thank God I had quick reflexes. I turned my head so his lips hit my cheek.

  “Hello, Don. Shall we see what this art gallery has to offer?”

  “Of course.” He smiled as he put his hand on the small of my back.

  We toured the gallery and mingled with some very influential people. I was known in L.A. Actually, I was known around the world. I was the youngest female ever to be put into a CEO position of a top advertising firm. Hell, any firm, for that matter. Every time the waiter would walk by, I grabbed a glass of champagne and downed it.

  “Are you ready to be fucked senseless?” Don whispered in my ear. “I’ve been staring at that pussy all night and I want to spank that hot, firm ass of yours until you scream so loud, I come.”

  Seriously? I thought to myself. “There will be no spanking tonight, Don.” The truth was that I was still a little so
re from Royce’s not-so-tender hand last night.

  “Behave yourself or no kinky sex,” I said. I almost gagged myself.

  We climbed into his limo and he couldn’t wait. His tongue traveled down my neck as his fingers forcefully made their way into me. I gasped.

  “I’m surprised you’re not wet,” he whispered as his tongue slid down my cleavage. “I’m as hard as a rock already.”

  My mind traveled to where it always did with these guys: George Clooney.

  “Yeah, there you go, baby. Now you’re dripping. I want you to fucking come. Do you understand me?”

  “Yes, Geo—Don.” Oops. I almost slipped up.

  “Good,” he said as his fingers fiercely probed inside me.

  “Ah. Oh my God. You’re so hot. I’m going to come. Don’t stop. Don’t stop Geo—Don.”

  “Yeah, baby, say my name. You know I love it when you say my name.”

  I couldn’t scream out his name for the fear that I’d yell out George’s name. I tightened my thighs around his hand as my orgasm took over.

  He pulled out his fingers and got down on the floor of the limo. He forcefully pushed my legs up, pulled my panties down, and went to town. I lay back and rolled my eyes. For a split second, Green Eyes popped into my head and, suddenly, I was about to come again. What the fuck! I thought.

  “Don, don’t you dare stop. I’m about to come again,” I said with bated breath.

  “Already? Fuck. They don’t call me ‘the king’ for nothing.”

  Green Eyes. Green Eyes. I thought of him as Don’s mouth was clamped around my pussy, his tongue flickering in and out. My body shook as I came again.

  We pulled up to Don’s house and he got out and opened the door for me. “I need to fuck you right now. I need to come right now. I fucking need your pussy wrapped around my cock,” he yelled.

  “Whoa, Don. Settle down, big boy. First, we need to do a couple shots of tequila,” I said as I walked through the door. “You know the routine.”

  “Come on, Sierra. Do you really need the tequila?” he whined. “I think you had your fair share of champagne at the art gallery. We can do the shots after I fuck you.”

  “No. No. No,” I said as I waved my finger. “No shots, no sex.”

  He sighed as he walked over to his bar and set two shot glasses in front of me. He took the bottle of tequila and poured it into each glass. I took one glass, held it up, and threw it back. The burn felt so good. I picked up the other glass and did the same. Don stepped out from behind the bar and pulled down the straps to my dress, exposing my tits. He grabbed them forcefully as he kneaded them and pulled at my hard nipples. He led me over to the chaise lounge.

  “Get on here and stick that beautiful ass up in the air. I’m fucking you right here, right now.”

  I got into position as he straddled me and slapped my ass. I flinched. “No spanking,” I commanded.

  “Sorry. It was begging me to, baby.”

  I rolled my eyes and got my head in George mode. Don took down his pants and I heard the condom wrapper tear. He forcefully entered me as he thrust in and out as fast and hard as he could. “Baby, oh baby, your pussy is amazing,” he kept saying over and over again. Of course it was George I pictured saying that to me.

  “Oh my God, the king is about to come!” he screamed. “Come with me. That pussy better come with me!” he continued.

  I began moaning in a high-pitched voice. Faking an orgasm when needed was my specialty.

  “Call me ‘the king’ as you come!” he exclaimed.

  “Oh. Oh. Oh my God. King!” I screamed as I faked an orgasm.

  “Oh yeah,” he moaned as he pushed deep inside me and stood there. He pulled out and rolled the condom off his cock, then walked over to the trash can behind the bar and disposed of it. I climbed off the chair, grabbed my dress and panties, and went upstairs to his bedroom. I was exhausted and I just wanted to sleep. He followed behind me and climbed into bed.

  “Oh, by the way, I just want you to know that I’m getting married,” he said.

  I rolled over and looked at him. “WHAT!” I yelled.

  “I know, baby. Don’t be upset. I still want to fuck you from time to time. This won’t change things.”

  “I didn’t know you had a girlfriend!”

  “Yeah. It’s a status thing. I really have no choice. It’s kind of like a business deal. You understand, right? But don’t worry your pretty little head; she’s not that great in bed. In fact, I think the king is too much for her.”

  Fucking unbelievable. I just fucked a guy with a fiancée. That went against my number one rule. I got up from the bed and grabbed my phone from my purse. I sent a text message to James.

  “I need you to pick me up at Don’s house now!”

  “Sierra, it’s two in the morning.”



  I slipped on my dress as Don lay there and watched me. “Baby, what are you doing? Get that pretty little ass of yours back in my bed.”

  I turned around and pointed my finger at him. “You listen to me. I don’t have sex with guys that have wives, girlfriends, or fiancées. I’ve been that woman and I know what it feels like,” I yelled as I left his room and stomped down the stairs, looking for my shoes. “You’re all alike. A bunch of fucking scum-sucking bottom feeders who think you can just have any woman you want. Oh, and by the way,” I said as I turned to him before opening the front door. “That last orgasm; I totally faked it!”

  All I heard as the door shut was, “No you didn’t.”

  I sat on the bench in the middle of some flowers and waited for James. About ten minutes later, he pulled up. He got out of the limo in a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt. I got up from the bench, wiped my teary eyes, and climbed into the limo.

  “What happened?” James asked.

  “Why are you in sweatpants and a sweatshirt?”

  “Sierra, it’s two thirty in the morning. I was asleep.”

  “Sorry,” I said as I looked down. “I’ll make sure to include a bonus in your next check.”

  “No need to do that. You know I’ll always pick you up no matter what time it is. It’s not like this is the first time and I’m sure it won’t be the last.” He smiled.

  I stared at him. Kirsty would be dying right now if she saw him like this. “He told me that he’s getting married, so I high-tailed it out of there as fast as I could.”

  “What an asshole,” James replied.

  “I know. He said that it wouldn’t change anything and that we could still have sex. Do you believe it?”

  “To be honest, coming from someone that calls himself ‘the king,’ I do believe it.” James chuckled.

  “I hate men. No offense.”

  “None taken.” He smiled as he looked at me through the rearview mirror.

  James opened the gate and pulled up the driveway. He got out, helped me from the limo, and walked me up to the door. “Listen, Sierra. You need to stop doing this shit with these guys. You deserve better than them and you most certainly deserve to be treated better.”

  “Shut up, James. You’re my driver.”

  “I’m your friend,” he said as he kissed my forehead. “Good night. I’ll see you in about five hours. Sleep off that tequila.”

  I rolled my eyes as I shut the door and leaned against it. I clutched my purse tightly against my chest. I took in a deep breath and headed upstairs. As I slipped into bed, the feeling of loneliness crept in. What was I chasing?


  “Wake up, sleepy head. It’s time to rise and shine!” Kirsty said.

  “What the fuck time is it?” I asked in a pissed-off tone.

  “It’s six a.m. and it’s a beautiful day,” she said as she walked over to the window and pulled back the curtains. “Damn, I will never get used to that view.”

  “Go away and shut the fucking curtains!” I said as I put the pillow over my head.

  “Nope. By the way, I thought you were spendin
g the night at the king’s house.”

  “He’s a fucker and it’s a long story. I need coffee. Lots of strong black coffee and some aspirin. Tell Rosa to fix me some dry toast. Whole wheat.”

  She walked over to the intercom. “Rosa, Sierra needs strong black coffee, dry whole wheat toast, and some aspirin.”

  “Coming right up, Miss Kirsty,” Rosa replied.

  I moaned as I rolled over, holding the pillow tight against my throbbing head. Too much champagne. It wasn’t the tequila. Tequila didn’t let me down. It was that damn champagne. Two glasses and I was fine. Five glasses – I was feeling it the next day.

  “Sierra, you need to get up now,” Kirsty whined. “I want to hear all about last night.”

  “Just give me thirty more minutes. I’ll give you a raise if you just give me thirty.”

  “As tempting as that sounds, I’m afraid I can’t.”

  I heard the door open and Rosa’s voice as she set the tray on the dresser.

  “Come on, senorita. It’s time to get up.”

  She grabbed one arm and Kirsty grabbed the other as they pulled me into a sitting position.

  “Ugh. You two are fired.”

  “This is what happens when you drink too much.” Rosa scowled as she put the tray in my lap. “Now eat the toast, take the aspirin, and drink the coffee. You’ll be okay in a bit. And hurry up and go to work. I have to change your bed sheets today and I don’t want to get off schedule. This house is big and it takes me longer to clean.”

  “Don’t forget that I doubled your pay when I moved here. I know it’s a lot bigger than the apartment I was living in.”

  “That’s why I can’t get off schedule. Now hurry it up,” she said as she walked out of the room.

  Kirsty laughed as she sat on the bed next to me. “I love her. So, tell me what happened last night and why I found you sleeping in your bed when I came over.”