Read Then You Happened Page 6

  “Tell me exactly why she’s having this party,” I said to Kirsty.

  “It’s an art auction to raise money for women of domestic violence. The money raised will go to Haven Hills.”


  We entered the living room and, immediately, Ava ran over to me.

  “Thank God you’re here.”

  “Hey, sis. What’s wrong?”

  “Delia. That’s what’s wrong. She’s been driving me nuts all day. You know how she gets when she decides to host a party.”

  Delia glanced my way and slithered her way over to me. “Sierra, darling. Thank you for coming. Hello, Kirsty.”

  “Hello, Mother,” I replied. “Nice turn out.”

  “Yes, it is. I sure hope you’re going to buy some art, since you can certainly afford it. It’s for a good cause.”

  I looked at her and put on my fake smile. “I don’t understand why you even have these things. You can certainly afford just to hand over a huge donation to the shelter. Why go through all this?” I deserved an Oscar for my performance.

  “It’s to make people aware, darling. Now if you’ll excuse me, I think we’re about to start.”

  “To make people aware, my ass. It’s to make her look good,” I said as I polished off my wine. I looked over at Ava, who was laughing at me. “Where does she keep the tequila? The really good, expensive kind?”

  “Downstairs, locked in a cabinet. I don’t know where Clive hides the key.”

  I motioned for Kirsty and Ava to follow me downstairs. I looked around the room to see if I could figure out where Clive was dumb enough to hide the key. My eyes darted to the corner where a tall, fake tree sat. I walked over to it and lifted the bottom. Hot damn, there was the key.

  “How did you know that was under there?” Ava asked. “I never would have thought of that.”

  “I remember growing up that Delia would always hide shit under plants.”

  I took the key and inserted it into the cabinet. I took out the bottle of Rey Sol Anejo Tequila. It cost a mere four hundred dollars a bottle. I pulled off the cap and inhaled its sweet, savory scent. Now, if Royce was wearing this when I saw him, George might never have to come to mind. I grabbed a wine glass and poured some tequila in it.

  “Would you like some?” I asked Kirsty.

  “No. I’ll stick with the wine.”

  I pointed my finger at Ava. “You don’t ever drink this and you forget that key is under there. Understand?”

  “Yes,” she sighed.

  We walked back upstairs. The auction was just starting. We took our seats in the back and patiently waited for the first painting to be auctioned off. I glanced over and almost had a heart attack when I saw Don walking towards me with a woman on his arm.

  “Hello there, Sierra.” He smiled as he sat down next to me.

  “Go sit somewhere else,” I whispered with a smile on my face.

  “These were the only two seats left. Look around.”

  “That better be Milania you’re with.”

  “It is.” Don cleared his throat. “Milania, baby, I would like you to meet Sierra Adams. She’s the CEO of Adams Advertising.”

  “It’s nice to meet you.” She smiled as she held out her hand.

  Poor woman. She had no clue what a cheating whore her fiancé really was. Two paintings were auctioned off; the third was one I was very interested in. The bidding started at $1,000. I raised my hand and then Don outbid me. No big deal at first because it was for charity. We were up to $8,000 and he leaned over and whispered to me.

  “Fuck me one last time and it’s yours.”

  “It’s mine regardless, and when I win it, I am going to shove it up your ass.”

  He looked at me and bid one last time. When I bid $10,000, I placed my hand on his and held it down while I dug my fingernails deep into his skin.

  “Sold to Sierra Adams.”

  I let go of his hand and smiled. “Don’t fuck with me or I’ll spill the beans to your pretty little fiancée.” I finished off the tequila and got up from my seat. I snagged one of the waiters and took a glass of wine from the tray. As I was drinking it, rather quickly, Delia came up to me.

  “Thank you for your contribution, darling. It’s a lovely painting.”

  “It is. Isn’t it?” I slurred.

  She shot me a look and walked away. Five glasses of wine later, and Kirsty had to help me to the limo. James met us halfway down the driveway and picked me up and carried me.

  “In you go,” he said as he put me inside. “Too much of a bad day for you, Sierra?”

  “It was a bad day, James.”



  I grabbed my bags and looked around the apartment to make sure I didn’t forget anything. All looked good. I spent last evening cleaning up so I could get my deposit back. I also thought about Sierra; one time too many. I walked down to the rental office and handed in my keys. I wasn’t sorry to be leaving because this place wasn’t exactly what I would call home. It was old and not well kept, but it was the cheapest place I could find. I climbed in my truck and headed over to Sierra’s house. Her guest house was bigger than my apartment, so I was looking forward to having more room. Plus, with her house being behind gates, I didn’t have to worry about someone stealing my tools from my truck. I pulled up and rang the bell at the gate. Suddenly, I heard a voice.

  “Who are you?” she asked in her accent.

  “My name is Cameron and I’m staying in the guest house.”

  “Oh, you’re the builder boy. I’ll let you in.”

  I chuckled at her response. The gates opened and I pulled in the driveway. As soon as I got out of the truck, a woman came from the house.

  “I’m Rosa, Sierra’s maid. I’ll show you to the guest house,” she said as she looked me up and down. “You’re cute. You have great muscles and you’re tall. I like tall men.”

  “I’m Cameron Cole. It’s nice to meet you, Rosa.”

  A car pulled in the driveway and Kirsty got out. As she stomped up the driveway, she looked at me and Rosa.

  “Where’s Sierra, Rosa? She’s not answering her phone.”

  “She’s not up yet. I tried to wake her, but she yelled at me to go away.”

  Kirsty rolled her eyes. “Oh, hi, Cameron.”

  “Hi, Kirsty.” I waved. “Why won’t she get up?” I asked.

  “Let’s just say that she drank too much last night at her mother’s dinner party.”

  Rosa told Kirsty to go inside while she took me to the guest house. She opened the door and handed me the key.

  “I hope you’re not sloppy. I have enough to do around here without having to work extra hard and cleaning up your mess. Bed sheets are changed every Monday morning. I will be in here twice a week to dust, vacuum, clean the bathroom, and mop the floors. So don’t leave anything lying around.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” I smiled.

  Rosa went back to the main house and I took my bags to the bedroom. So, Sierra drank too much last night. I got the impression she liked to drink. I bet she was really adorable when she was drunk. I shook my head to stop thinking like that and went to the main house. That was when I saw her coming down the stairs in a short, pink satin robe. Her hair was a mess and her eyes were tired. But, damn, if she didn’t look amazing.

  Chapter 11


  “Fuck me,” were the words that flew out of my mouth as I stopped midway down the stairs and saw Cameron standing there.

  “Excuse me?” He smiled.

  Oh what the hell, I thought. This was me on most mornings after I drank, and with him going to be working on my house, I was sure this wasn’t the last time he’d see me like this.

  “Sorry. I look like shit. Get used to it and I need coffee.”

  He chuckled as I walked past him and he followed me into the kitchen.

  “Coffee?” I asked.


  “Rosa, two coffees.”

  She rolled her e
yes at me as she took two cups from the cabinet. “No looks today, Rosa.”

  “Maybe you shouldn’t have drank so much last night and then you wouldn’t look like this,” she said as she moved her hand up and down in front of me.

  Again, Cameron chuckled. “Aren’t you supposed to be at the office?” he asked.

  “I took today off. I have work I can do at home, but I think I’m just going to relax by the pool today.”

  “Yeah, she just took the day off as of fifteen minutes ago. You just can’t do that, Sierra. I have meetings scheduled,” Kirsty said with irritation.

  Rosa handed me my cup. “Listen, I’m the CEO. It’s my company and I can take a damn day off. I’m hung over and just need to relax by the pool. Cancel the meetings. Reschedule them. I’m not going in today.”

  Kirsty sighed. “Fine. I’ll be at the office if you need me.”

  As Kirsty walked out, I heard her yell from the hallway. “Your painting is here.”

  “Oh good. Tell them to bring it in the kitchen,” I yelled.

  A handsome-looking man walked into the kitchen with the painting I bought last night. “Are you Sierra Adams?” he asked as he looked me up and down.

  “Yeah. That’s me.”

  He had a smirk on his face. “Can you sign here, please,” he said as he handed me the pen.

  “What’s that look for? Haven’t you ever seen a woman hung over before?”

  His eyes widened and Cameron looked at me. “Sorry, miss. I think you look good.”

  “That’s better.” I smiled as I handed him the pen and paper back. “Thank you for delivering this. Have a good day.”

  He walked out and Cameron began to laugh. “What?” I asked.

  “You totally had him flustered.”

  “Well, then, he shouldn’t have looked at me like that.”

  “You’re right; he shouldn’t have. But look at the way you’re dressed. He couldn’t help it.”

  I bit down on my bottom lip because I thought Cameron was telling me in a subtle way that I looked sexy. I took the wrapping off and revealed my painting.

  “Do you like?” I asked as I looked at Cameron and Rosa.

  “It’s pretty. What is it?” he asked.

  “The streets of Italy. See this café right here?” I asked as I pointed to the painting. “That’s the last place my dad and I had breakfast together before he died.”

  Cameron looked down. “I’m sorry. It’s a beautiful painting.”

  “How much did that cost you?” Rosa asked.

  “Ten thousand.”

  “Ten thousand dollars for a painting! You’re joking, right?” Cameron asked.

  “No, I’m not. Not only was the painting special to me, but the money is going to Haven Hall for domestic violence.”

  “Oh. That’s a good cause, but still.”

  I didn’t expect him to understand. I was sure ten thousand dollars was a shit load of money to a guy like Cameron.

  “Can you hang it for me?” I asked.

  “Where do you want it?”

  I walked over to the empty wall by the table. “Right here. That way, I can stare at it when I eat breakfast and think about my dad.”

  “You don’t eat breakfast in here,” Rosa said.

  “Well, I’m going to start.”

  “You two need to scatter. I’m not used to having people in the house while I’m trying to clean. Now go. You’re throwing off my mojo.”

  “I’ll go get my tools and hang that painting for you. Then, I’ll get started on your closet. Paolo should be here soon with the drywall.”

  “I’m going to get dressed. Just make sure it’s centered,” I said as I walked out of the kitchen and upstairs to take a shower.



  I went to my truck and grabbed my tool box. The thought that she paid ten thousand dollars for that painting still filled my mind. I walked back to the kitchen and Rosa poured me another cup of coffee.

  “This is the last of it,” she said.

  “Thanks, Rosa.” I smiled.

  I was digging through my tool box, looking for the anchors and nails to hang the picture, when Rosa walked up behind me.

  “Do you have a girlfriend?”

  I turned my head and looked at her. “No.”

  “Hmm,” she said. “Why not? You’re a handsome, hardworking man.”

  “Thanks, Rosa.” I laughed. “I just haven’t found the right girl yet, I guess. Plus, I’m not staying here in California for long, so it would be silly of me to meet someone here, form a relationship, and then have to leave.”

  “Hmm. We will talk more later on. I have work to finish.”

  She was nice lady. The way she and Sierra went back and forth was funny. I hung the picture on the wall and took a step back to view it. That was when I heard her voice.

  “Thank you. It looks great there,” Sierra said.

  I turned around and she was standing behind me in a sun dress. Her hair was still wet and wavy, and she had put on some light make-up.

  “You’re welcome. Are you done upstairs?”

  “Yeah. Do you need to get started up there?”

  “I want to get the plastic put down before Paolo gets here with the drywall,” I replied.

  “Rosa’s up there, cleaning up my mess. So give her a few and then go up. I’ll be doing some work by the pool if you need me.”

  There was a knock at the door and it was Paolo. “Hey, man.” He smiled.

  “Hey, Paolo. Did you get the drywall?”

  I walked with him to his truck and we carried in the sheets of drywall. “Be careful; there’s a lot of stairs,” I said.

  We made it up the stairs and into the bedroom. “Wow, look at this room,” Paolo said.

  “Wait until you see her closet.” I laughed as I shook my head.

  Paolo walked in and looked around. “Why are we expanding this? This is like another bedroom.”

  “She needs more shelves for her shoes.”

  “More shoes? My God, look at all the shoes she already has.”

  Just as Paolo said that, Sierra walked into the bedroom. “I’ll tell you what I told Cameron. If you’re going to walk the path of life, you might as well do it in style.”

  He walked out of the closet with a smile on his face. “I like the way you think.”

  “Thank you.” She smiled back.

  I introduced them and then Sierra walked back out. She just needed to get a rubber band for her hair.

  “Wow, dude. She’s really hot. Shit. I’d tap that ass. Out of my league or not.”

  “Don’t talk like that and I don’t want to talk about her. Let’s get to work.”

  Chapter 12


  So much for my day. Instead of canceling my meetings, Kirsty turned them into phone conferences. I sat in the lounge chair by the pool with my phone on speaker. Cameron and Paolo had been working all day on my closet. Once I finished the last meeting, I got up and went into the kitchen for a bottle of water. Rosa was cooking dinner.

  “Builder Boy doesn’t have a girlfriend,” she said with her back turned to me.


  “I think he’s a good man.”

  “You’ve known him for a few hours. He could be a serial killer, for all you know.”

  “Listen to your nonsense.”

  My phone rang and it was Delia calling. “Hello,” I answered.

  “Are you home, darling?”

  “No, I’m not. I’m still at the office.”

  “Really? Because I was just at the office and they said you worked from home today.”

  Shit. “Just joking. Of course I’m home.”

  “Good. I’m on my way over. I have something to talk to you about.”

  F.U.C.K., I mouthed as I pounded my fist on my thigh. “Okay, Mother. See you soon.”

  Rosa stood there, staring at me with a wooden spoon in her hand. “Is she coming now?”

  I nodded my head. Instantl
y, I had a headache.

  Cameron and Paolo walked into the kitchen, as they were finished working for the day.

  “It was nice to meet you, Sierra.” Paolo smiled.

  “It was nice to meet you too, Paolo.”

  Cameron smiled at me and then started to walk out the door to the guest house.

  “Excuse me, but where are you going?” Rosa asked.

  I wanted to burst into laughter.

  “I’m done for the day. I was going to take a shower.”

  “When you’re done, come back here. I cooked dinner for you.”

  “Oh, Rosa, thank you, but—”

  Oh boy, here it comes. You don’t turn down something Rosa did for you. Big mistake.

  “Excuse me, young man? I slaved over this stove all day to cook a meal for you and you’re going to refuse it?” she yelled as she shook the wooden spoon at him.

  He looked at me and I shrugged my shoulders.

  “No, Rosa. I swear, I’m not refusing it. It smells delicious. Just let me go shower and clean up real quick and I’ll be back.”

  “Okay. Hurry up,” she spoke calmly.

  I was dying and bursting with laughter on the inside. “Good job, Rosa. You probably just scared my builder off and now my house will never get done.”

  “Nonsense. Did you want to be alone with Delia?”

  “Have I told you that I love you?” I smiled.

  “You can thank me in my next check.” She smiled as she handed me a glass of tequila.

  I took a couple sips when I heard the doorbell ring. Delia had already opened the door and let herself in before I got there. My stomach tied itself in knots.

  “Hello, darling,” she said as she kissed both of my cheeks. “Did your painting arrive?”

  “Yes. I hung it in the kitchen,” I replied as she followed behind.

  She stood there and looked at it with her finger on her chin. “Do you think that’s the best place for it?” she asked.

  I rolled my eyes. “Yes I do.” I didn’t want to tell her the meaning behind the painting. She wouldn’t understand and she’d just make some rude comment about my father.

  She said hello to Rosa and walked over to the stove to see what she was cooking. A few moments later, Cameron walked through the patio door. He looked at Delia and smiled.