Read This Changes Everything Page 16


  MWC Collective Artists’ Guild's Philosophies and Policies on Off-Planet Installations

  Approximate Earth Locations and Date: Teotihuacan (Mexico) and Sudan (Africa) Pyramids, 250 BCE

  FROM: MWC InterGalactic Council, Earth Subcommittee

  TO: Many Worlds Collective Artists’ Guild (MWC AG)

  PURSUANT TO: Teotihuacan (Mexico) and Sudan (Africa) Pyramids, Implemented as of Earth Dates circa 250 BCE


  ► Moving materials between galaxies without the proper permits

  ► Installations that are almost exact duplicates of one another on the same planet on completely separate continents and across hundreds of linear Earth years

  ► Text and pictographs in several separate but lexicographically similar languages for cultures that have no apparent encounters.

  Subcommittee Bailiff: These are just the most egregious and flagrant violations of the Guild’s policies and philosophies. There are many lesser charges that are attached in the final determination of this hearing. These include, but are not limited to:

  ► unauthorized transport;

  ► unauthorized visitations (dream, holos and physical);

  ► unauthorized videos of each installation; and

  ► unauthorized posting of said videos on various MWC media outlets.

  Subcommittee Chair: It is the Guild’s obligation and duty to supervise, monitor and constrain its members. The Collective Artists' Guild leaders are severely falling short in all of these responsibilities.

  There are grave penalties, sanctions and bans which may be enacted and enforced if that is this Subcommittee’s determination, which could lead to the temporary commandeering of the Guild's leadership itself.

  We accept testimony from each of the five leaders.

  Artists' Guild Leader, Northern Planets, Physical Art:

  We complete our investigation and discover which of our Guild members are involved. We have the list of names, here [List submitted to Bailiff].

  We determine that a complete cultural Re-set would be necessary in order to remove the installations and all evidence of the methods used to complete them; we do not recommend that. We recommend instead that the installations remain and other means be utilized to assist the human Earthers with assimilating these methods and this knowledge.

  It is possible to eliminate just the cultural and scientific knowledge foundations without doing a complete Re-set, but since that type of action and its consequences are outside of our knowledge base, we cannot make any recommendations regarding that option or any of its permutations and combinations. Timult by those with more expertise than we have in our Guild must occur before determination.

  In addition to the penalties exacted by the Council’s judgment, we also begin our own internal disciplinary procedures. We inform the Council of these here [Files given to Bailiff].

  Artists' Guild Leader, Southern Planets, Fire Art:

  There are no Fire methods, other than the heat necessary for forming some of the materials, used in these installations or recorded, nor any other type of Fire Art involved in these violations.

  We plead exemption from these charges. None of our Guild members is a participant.

  Artists' Guild Leader, Eastern Planets, Air Art:

  There is no music installed or recorded, nor any other type of Air Art involved in these violations.

  We plead exemption from these charges. None of our Guild members is a participant.

  Artists' Guild Leader, Western Planets, Water Art:

  There are no Water Art forms installed or recorded, nor any other type of Air Art involved in these violations.

  We plead exemption from these charges. None of our Guild members is a participant.

  Artists' Guild Leader, Central Planets, Multidimensional and Nonphysical Art:

  We are still investigating the level of participation of our Guild members.

  It is probable that the following Multidimensional and Nonphysical Art media are involved in these Earth installations:

  ► levitation;

  ► telekinesis and psychokinesis;

  ► telemetry;

  ► teleportation;

  ► remote and close controls of photons, magnetism and gravity;

  ► telepathic projection;

  ► transmutation of matter; and,

  ► matter phasing.

  The use of any or all of these methodologies is not approved or authorized on Earth and certainly should not be shared with or utilized in view of Earthers.

  This last violation, being seen creating the pyramids, doubles the penalties for all mentioned violations. If our investigation yields probative evidence, we submit to the Council’s judgment.

  We request six to ten more cycles to complete our investigation and to discover which of our Guild members is directly involved and to be held accountable.

  Subcommittee Chair: We complete the receiving of testimony from all five Guild leaders.

  We agree to the request and assign a period of seven to nine cycles for the Central Planets, Multidimensional and Nonphysical Artists' Guild to complete its investigation and submit the outcomes to this Council. At that time we will make our final determinations.

  This Hearing is Adjourned until ten cycles from today. Thank you all for your cooperation.