Read This Changes Everything Page 23


  First Internet News Stories, posted simultaneously on The San Francisco Chronicle’s website as well as,, and hundreds of other sites, January 5, 2013, and the Changes Publicizing the MWC Contact Bring

  SFGate, The San Francisco Chronicle’s website, "Nation & World" tab, January 5, 2013

  Long-Awaited Proof of Life on Other Planets!

  California resident, Dr. Clara Branon, Ph.D., and her Media Contact, journalist Esperanza Enlaces, met with holograms of delegates from the “Many Worlds Collective”(MWC), a formal, voluntary assembly of beings from thousands of inhabited planets and moons within and outside of the Milky Way Galaxy, in December, 2012, and January, 2013. These meetings occurred to provide permission for Dr. Branon to proclaim publicly today the Many Worlds Collective’s existence and these delegates’ ongoing presence on Earth.

  Verified by the Editor-in-Chief of The San Francisco Chronicle, video documentation of one encounter, January 3, 2013, filmed by Enlaces, is now available via this website, SFGate. However, eschewing copyright, The San Francisco Chronicle recognizes the unusual circumstances and unique nature of this breaking story and has placed this and all future stories about the MWC and Dr. Branon’s communications with them in the public domain, in perpetuity. “This is monumental, unprecedented, historic and amazing! The reports belong to us all!”

  Enlaces’ first-hand, exclusive reports, first posted here, as well as excerpts posted by print, television and online outlets around the globe, provide incontrovertible proof of existence of intelligent life all around the Universe, or, as the MWC calls it, the Multiverse.

  “The MWC delegates’ individual identities, home planets and other detailed information will be provided in subsequent stories,” stated Dr. Branon. “Since Earthers, as the MWC terms us, cannot pronounce or even accurately hear the sounds of these individuals’ planets’ or galaxies’ designations or their names, each MWC delegate chooses to use a nickname, based on five of Earth’s celebrities: 'Led,' 'Mick,' 'Ringo,' 'Janis,' and 'Diana,' as introduced in this video.”

  According to Led, the MWC has been “unofficially” visiting Earth for many millennia. The MWC’s governing body, the InterGalactic Council, determined that it was necessary to make MWC members’ visits to Earth public and to make Earth’s membership in the MWC formal due to Earth’s impending and potentially disastrous changes and events. These exigent circumstances include: global warming and associated climate changes; dozens of nations’ desperate economic and famine conditions; and, the historically high numbers of wars and other types of violence as well as threats of violence involving nuclear and other extremely dangerous weaponry.

  The MWC has now entered into a contractual relationship with Earth, selecting Dr. Branon to be the “Chief Communicator,” Enlaces reports. Among Dr. Branon’s responsibilities are to impart much-needed information, provide training in how to access MWC’s resources and support, and assist the MWC with Earth’s Transition, a vast revamping of its global economic, environmental, political and social systems. Details on The Transition, a unique set of events and changes tailored for each new MWC member, to follow as they occur.

  Esperanza Enlaces is the sole journalist allowed direct and exclusive access to Dr. Branon and the MWC at this time. All investigative reporting will be conducted by Enlaces. Each report will be verified by Chronicle editors and then freely shared.

  Meetings between Dr. Branon and the MWC delegates’ holograms currently occur in her private home in Kirov, California, about 60 miles northwest of San Francisco.

  Return to this and other news sources for Enlaces’ updates, which Dr. Branon stated will be occurring “regularly” and which promise to include more videos of her encounters, trainings and education with the MWC delegates.

  Dr. Branon and Ms. Enlaces plead with Earthers not to come to Kirov. “Access to Dr. Branon is completely restricted. Uninvited visitors will not get to see her or the holograms at her home, anyway. Please stay where you are and watch the posted videos,” Enlaces pleaded.


  Topics: UFOs, Extraterrestrial Life, Many Worlds Collective


  This same story and excerpts from it along with professional journalists’ and readers’ comments are posted on hundreds of online media outlets, including: Reuters News Service and Reuters Investigates. These postings lead to postings and comments on Twitter, Youtube, and Reuters’ ‘blogs: Decoder, Rough Cuts, Fast Forward and the Freeland File. Reuters TV and Reuters News, CNN,, Al Jeezira, Democracy Now!, National Public Television and Radio, all major and minor cable and network news channels and many other internet news sites carry the story and video from the films Espe and then Zephyr and Leah upload frequently, for several days.

  The coverage reminds me of the media frenzy that follows the attacks on the World Trade Center towers and the Pentagon in the USA on September 11, 2001. Over and over, on almost any channel at almost any time, reporters break into ongoing programming (if there even is any other programming being shown; at first, all regular programming is pre-empted) to re-show the same video and repeat the same story.

  Each time Espe submits a new story and film, most outlets repeat the original and then add on the new. Eventually, this becomes too cumbersome, so they make a “highlight” reel that features basic information, introduces me and the five MWC delegates as well as Espe, updates viewers or readers, then provides the latest story.

  This format continues until everyone is provided with their own iDs for Access to the MWC library news and resources. At that point, 1/22/13, the MWC also provides direct links via their library to each of Espe’s newest stories and the media are bypassed. Media outlets still run video and print stories, for those who like to get their news that way. But, providing billions of human and quadrillions of nonhuman Earthers with individual iDs to Access all news and information changes journalism, reporting and all reliance on previously restricted sources of education and information forever.

  It is not so difficult to imagine in 2013, with the advent of online universities, free online private college courses and MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses), that by the end of 2015, all colleges, universities, training academies and private educational institutions that charge money cannot operate that way any longer unless they provide hands-on, onsite training and practice in skills for vocations that require them. Careers based on “book learning” or on videos and texts are now available to anyone, any time, at no charge.

  A former colleague of mine who co-produces a film in 2011 about the horrors of student loan debt is delighted! She publishes a ‘blog and announces: “No More Debt!” It’s not easy for those who profited in the past from higher education and private schools, but bringing the costs of excellent education down and Access to education for everyone are long overdue, in my opinion.

  Nonfiction writers and journalists still create and write but very little of what is produced as information becomes available only for money. By August, 2014, financial support for artists and journalists becomes public, another change long overdue. ProtectArts—subsidies for all types of artists, writers, and creators—become available globally. If I weren't Chief Communicator, the writing and publication expenses for creating this series of books would be subsidized and I could stop looking for another job!

  Most of us welcome the other changes that are slowly and sometimes swiftly wrought by the MWC, first via me and Espe and then with the cooperation of most world leaders and activists. Averting total economic collapse, ending all wars and eventually all violence, preventing further global warming and reversing some of the worst of other physical changes, reducing hunger, disease, poverty and homelessness around the world: these are only a few of the major Re-sets and improvements the MWC accomplishes in the first Transition years, 2013 -2015. [See other Chapters in this and other Spanners Series Volumes for more details about these and other changes and the various Earthers'