Read This Changes Everything Page 34


  How Ongoing Contacts and My Role as Chief Communicator Change(d) Me

  February 28, 2013

  “Try again!” Led urges.

  “I can’t seem to get the hang of this,” I explain, but I do try again. “OH!” That feels very different. Kind of like an inner release and “pop” in my solar plexus…. “There!” I shout, “I did it!”

  We all watch as the magazine lifts slowly off the tabletop and hovers right next to Led, who is jiggling in excitement. “Yes! Yes! That’s right!” he encourages me. Ringo, Mick and Janis—Diana are gathered around behind me and I can hear them making encouraging noises.

  (Their noises are difficult to characterize but you can view a vid and hear what I mean. The closest I can come to describing these is to stream water burbling over rocks, small waterfalls trickling over stones and other similar water moving sounds.)

  I am feeling pretty confident, now, and start to move the magazine over, back and forth, about six inches above the tabletop, in all directions. I start to move it a little faster and it slides through Led. “Sorry!” I exclaim, and the magazine falls to the table. “Oops!” I laugh. Of course, it can’t bump into Led; he’s not really here; he’s a holo. But, I keep forgetting that. Habits are hard to break: I say “excuse me” when I accidentally bump into posts or parked cars.

  The point is, though, I do it! I can move the magazine with my mind. Telekinesis is a very low-level ability; the MWC members who are children, as well as human yogis and yoginis from Buddhist and Hindu cultures all agree. However, mastering it is fundamental to understanding how any of the unseen forces operate and can be manipulated or encouraged by our minds. It’s like Kindergarten in the Excellent Skills Program training, which I am in my sixth week of today (February 28, 2013). But, instead of learning to build towers with small wooden blocks, I’m learning to connect with objects and invite them to move.

  I love the acronym, “ESP,” for this training; it has that special irony, don’t you think? The MWC provides this training to all CCs in our first years. Eventually, many Earther individuals are invited to participate, at whatever level s/he/it/they are able and wish to join and for however far they wish to go in the training; there are 12 levels. As I mention many times (because I'm so proud and because it matters so much to The Transition), one of my nephews, Moran Ackerman, joins me next month, in fact, and continues all the way up to becoming the leader of the Psi-Warriors and Chief of the OSOps. More on that in other Volumes of The Spanners Series.

  Here is the way the ESP training is set up. Beginning training includes Levels 1 – 4. These Levels are for “new” members and those newest to the training; some planets have a majority of inhabitants who are capped in one of these levels for whatever reasons (numbers of appendages, current levels of education or abilities which may limit their capacities, linguistic challenges, individual interest or motivation, etc.). These Levels include training in or enhancement of one’s existing abilities in: telekinesis, clairsentience (both clairvoyance and clairaudience as well as remote viewing and psychometry); levitation of the body and other objects, including short-distance “flying”; withstanding responses to pain, extremes of temperature, and changes in bodily functions to the point of controlling them. Basically, almost all of what Earthers consider “E.S.P.” (Extra Sensory Perception) or “paranormal” abilities, and what Buddhists term “ordinary siddhis.” Level 4 involves learning to use Access with and without the electronic interface, the iDs, from anywhere, as well as preparation for Accessing one's InKC (Inner Knowing Center), which really kicks in for Intermediate Levels.

  The information the MWC “downloads” into me that first night continues to be utilized for every part of my training and education. Sometimes, they instruct me to Access while I’m sleeping. Apparently, dream learning is an established methodology that most Earthers are unable to use intentionally (Edgar Cayce’s being an extreme exception to that limitation: he could put a book under his pillow and wake up knowing its entire contents, for example). MWC assistance helps us upgrade our skills. It’s kind of cool, I think; I’m still new enough to all of this that I’m feeling very excited each time I can employ a new skill.

  Before I go to sleep on a dream-learning night, I set my intention, similarly to the way meditators and others do before engaging in any behavior, especially spiritual practice, ritual or meditation. Now, I include all educational activities in that list of behaviors. I begin intentionally. I also continually set my motivation, both as a Buddhist and the Chief Communicator: “For the benefit of all beings and all localities in the multiverse, may all my actions and thoughts and their consequences be of highest possible benefit and cause as little harm as possible.” I consider and recite this prayer—my auspicious intention (finding out how similar so many prayers are to setting intention, really)—preceding all activities.

  Typically, I’m in bed ready to sleep. I say these prayers and consider what the lesson topic is (my first one is geography of the Western region of MWC members) and close my eyes. As soon as my eyes close, I feel a rush of energy moving up and down my spine and inside my energy body (what Buddhists and others term the “central channel”), bringing heat and a tingling sensation. My last clear thought is: I’m so glad to be learning this way; usually, I am geographically impaired.

  The next thing I know, I’m waking up. I have dim memories of being semi-awake throughout the night, but as if I were dreaming. Concepts, drawings, aerial and other maps in both 3-D and 2-D, astronomy charts, photographs and videos flash behind my eyes, reminding me of what I know now. I can recite the names and locations of every significant star in the Western region, its inhabited planets and the major facts about each of those planets. I can tell you where they are in relation to one another and to Earth. Wow! If I have to take a test, I know I could ace it.

  These same resources are available during the day for my ESP training lessons. But, I Access somewhat differently when awake. I use the internal holographic screen and Access library. The screen appears when I think about wanting it to appear, right in front and a little above my chest level, the perfect distance from my face to avoid wearing reading glasses. The screen works similarly to the ways our current computers do, but Led tells me that this is an adaptation made for Earthers as we are Transitioning.

  Eventually, we use the same interface all other MWCs use, but he says I’m/we’re not ready to know much about that, yet. I imagine it would be like trying to explain the process of and give instructions for faxing a document from Italy to the USA to someone from the 14th century Rome: no electricity, no telephones, no paper. What words and concepts could one use?

  I obtain permission from Lama Sangyay, my Buddhist teacher, to begin the ESP training right where my Buddhist practice leaves me off, so to speak; Buddhist meditators in some sects, as I explain to my MWC group, also advance through the same types of skills-acquisition as Levels 1 – 4 in the MWC ESP training program. And, we do this by using some of the same methods, I find out.

  Luckily for me, the MWC methods rely less on brute strength, agility, stamina, good health and youth and more on inner capacities. An individual in the ESP training could go the physical and meditative route, but since I can’t meet most of the physical challenges, there are several alternatives which still enhance and advance my meditative abilities and then use them to keep going.

  As I get close to “graduating” from Level 4, I decide to ask Ringo about Intermediate Levels. I pick Ringo because he's usually forthcoming and eager to help me. Led often equivocates or delays, looking for proof of my readiness to receive an answer to any question, sometimes consulting with the IGC to be certain of his right to respond. Janis—Diana always ask me how I'm feeling and why I'm asking. Mick responds but gets into too much detail and goes over my head.

  Ringo and I are alone this beautiful April day, so I ask him: “What comes next?”

  Ringo is silent for a long moment.

  That's n
ot like him. I wonder what's going on. Getting permission? Considering how to explain it to me? Checking news?

  Finally, Ringo replies: “Form and formless objects along with discerning with accuracy and how to recognize inaccuracy.”

  These sound like course titles, to me, but don't convey much meaning. “For precognition?” I probe.