Read This Changes Everything Page 6


  Minutes from the Fission Subcommittee, MWC InterGalactic Council

  Earth Date: August 5, 1945

  Page 6 of 9


  Council Leader: This is Galileo, all over again! How could you give fission to Oppenheimer? What are you thinking will happen? I warn you! Earthers have the maturity of 5-year-olds. Something makes them angry, then they get scared. Give them ANYTHING they can turn into a projectile and they WILL discharge it at someone!

  Earthers Science Contact #04007: He promises! Earther Oppenheimer swears to his god that they will only study fission but not share it, not use it. How am I to believe he breaks that promise? In many timelines, he keeps it! Besides, it is his colleagues at Alamo, they want to make a bomb to use it against Germany or Japan. I have to say, even with all the Re-sets on Hitler and that Emperor Hirohito, there are not a lot of working options, here.

  Earthers Science Contact #63431: I warn you, too, double-“O” 7. I tell you two a hundred Earth years ago, when you want to give nerve gas to the leaders of Abraham Lincoln’s team to prevent that USA Civil War disaster. I tell you that ending African slavery eventually happens, anyway, and the risk isn’t worth it. And, before that, in China, when ’99 wants to share the internal combustion engine with the Han Dynasty: I have to stop you both. You can’t trust Earthers. Not yet. They’re INFANTS!

  Council Leader: Enough casting blame, please. What do we now DO? We all know what happens tomorrow in Hiroshima can’t be stopped; and, again, in Nagasaki a few days later. It’s DONE! But, what about the rest of the bombs? The scientists? Can we eliminate them? Distract them? Do we have any working Re-sets for this period?

  Earthers Political, Social and Culture Contact #95472: I tell you, repeatedly: distraction IS the best method with a species at this level. They have short memories and they WILL chase the new shiny object! What do we give them? We stage a spaceship crash: they get all excited, again, about space and keeping secrets. That takes up most of the USA’s resources for decades so they won’t get far, since they do not have the quantum engine or know how to manipulate Dark Energy or travel through Dark Matter until after we go public in 2013.

  Difficulties with Earth-moon missions, especially two Apollos and the Challenger and Columbia American space shuttle problems will keep them busy for years. The two major culprits, the USA and the USSR, then have a "space race" to take attention away from their ridiculous "arms race." That works. I know it does.

  We can tie up both the USA and the Soviet Union, shore up their so-called “Iron Curtain.” Make the German division more scary and important than it really is. Then, we can place a lot of interesting hardware in MI-6, the CIA, the NSA and the Kremlin.

  Oh, and don’t forget: Chernobyl, Three Mile Island and especially Fukushima sour them on nuclear fusion reactors. Good, good.

  Who’s that author….? YES! Ian Fleming! Give him the spy toy ideas.

  Oh, and always put “enemies” concurrently on the upcoming United Nations’ Security Council so they can never agree on anything important for about eighty of their years. Drown them in discord. They even come up with an absurd acronym for their miserable, deterrent antics: MAD (Mutually-Assured Destruction). Perfect.

  With all that, instead of having more attention or money for weapons development, they’ll put a lot into counter-intelligence, NASA, their space stations and trainings. Right?

  Keep disruptions going in India, Africa, the Balkans, the Middle East: they’ll be plenty busy.

  Oh, say: Can we fetch Amelia, now? Bring her back? That would be a sensation.... She’s not too old, yet, is she?

  Council Leader: No on Earhart; she stays where she is. Her Rehabilitation is not complete. The rest sounds like an excellent plan, ‘472.

  Implementation vote?


  After a brief discussion, the Council takes an Implementation Vote and the PSC-ST-E (Political, Social, Cultural, Science & Technology focus, Earth) Plan #8224 is put into effect, as of Earth Date: September 1, 1945.

  MSC Council Liaison: #95472

  Earth contacts, names, locations, dates, main purpose of contact:

  ► Ethel Snowden, author, London, England, January 1 - 3, 1920 (dream visitation only) (term “Iron Curtain,” inspired/required, for book, Through Bolshevik Russia)

  ► Amelia Earhart, Aviator, Pacific Ocean, near Howland Island, July 2, 1937 (airborne retrieval; MWC member, disguise permit revoked)

  ► President Franklin D. Roosevelt, Washington, D.C., USA, December 1- 2, 1941 (second contact; mandate to form United Nations awarded; paralysis revocation refused)

  ► Dr. P. Joseph Goebbels, Minister of Propaganda and National Enlightenment, Berlin, Germany, May 1, 1943 (dream visitation only; Berlin Wall concept seeded)

  ► Prime Minister Winston Churchill, London, England, April 27 - May 1, 1945 (dream visitations only; use of “Iron Curtain” in speech, inspired/required)

  ► Premier Joseph Stalin, Moscow, USSR, September 1, 1945 (dream visitation only) (implementation of “Iron Curtain” on geo-political borders, inspired/required)

  ► James Bond Johnson, photographer, Roswell, NM, USA, July 8, 1947 (photography permit granted)

  ► Ian Fleming, author, Jamaica, “Golden Eye” estate, February 2 -16, 1952 (limited publication permit, fiction only, granted)

  ► Valentina Tereshkova, first female “Cosmonaut,” Moscow, USSR, June 1, 1963 (dream visitation only; space travel inspired/required)

  ► Prime Minister Golda Meir, Israel, March 18, 1969 and September 1, 1974 (instructional contact)

  ► Jim Lovell, “Astronaut,” April 12, 1970 (space visitation, telepathic communication; fourth contact; ongoing contact with USA Astronauts, PSC-ST-E Plan #4941, continuation)

  ► Vincent L. Johnson, Three-Mile Island Technical Director, Harrisville, PA, USA, March 27, 1979 (dream visitation only; memory lapse induction)

  ► Roger Boisjoly, Engineer, Space Shuttle Challenger, January 27, 1986 (dream visitation only; memory lapse induction)

  ► Alexander Akimov, Night Shift Chief, Chernobyl, Ukraine, April 25, 1986 (dream visitation only; memory lapse induction)

  ► Aung San Suu Kyi, General Secretary of the National League for Democracy Party, Yangon, Burma, May 27, 1990 (general instructions; Gandhi clause invoked)

  ► Linda Ham, NASA Manager, Space Shuttle Columbia, February 1, 2003 (dream visitation only; memory lapse induction)

  ► President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, Liberia, October 6, 2011 (dream visitation only; aftermath of winning Nobel Peace Prize, inspiration and instruction; permit awarded, The Daily Show interview, November 14, 2011)

  ► Harriet Tubman, Abolitionist/former slave, southern USA prior to and during USA Civil War, founder of the "Underground Railroad," 1825 - 1849 (dream visitations only)

  Submitted, InterGalactic Council Secretary

  Verified, Council Leader