Read This Changes Everything Page 71


  About the Author

  I have been passionate about writing since I was nine years old and have won prizes for my poetry, stories, songs and plays. I began meditating (just like The Beatles did) in 1972 and became a practicing Buddhist in 1996.

  With these Volumes in The Spanners Series, I hope to delight fans of paranormal and romance by blurring the lines between fact and fiction in a multiverse of multiple timelines, often including exciting elements of utopian, multiverse science-fiction and Buddhism. My sci-fi /romance/ speculative fiction/ paranormal books for New Adult/adult/YA audiences are intended to be unique, exciting, thought-provoking, moving and amusing.

  Volume I, This Changes Everything, became FREE as an ebook when Volume II released.

  Volume II, This Changes My Family and My Life Forever, released in April, 2014 as an ebook.

  Volume III, This Is/Is Not the Way I Want Things to Change, released 12/8/15 as an ebook.

  Both Volumes II and III are available as Print-On-Demand (POD) books starting late in the fall of 2015.

  Look for Volumes IV - X in 2016 – 2021 as ebooks and in POD format.

  I will be posting excerpts of the upcoming Volumes on the The Spanners Series' FB and G+ pages via my blog and Twitter (see below for links).

  Visit my YouTube channel for book trailers, author readings and talks about the themes and science in The Spanners Series, plus more:

  Born Jewish on the cusp of Leo and Virgo, my life has been infused with change. I write, swim, read and host my Google+ Hangout On Air (HOA) *CHANGES* conversations with authors, LIVE almost every Wednesday, 10 - 11 AM Eastern time, USA, from St. Louis, Missouri, since August of 2014. Join in the fun by commenting and asking questions during the live show on G+ or Youtube, or visit archived *CHANGES* shows:

  If you are an author or know one, learn more about and get yourself scheduled on or recommend someone as a *CHANGES* guest: / 

  I blog regularly on wide-ranging topics and include reviews, interviews, guest blog posts and excerpts from my books. Visit and comment, follow, "like," and share!

  In my "other" professional life, I have worked as an educator and upper-level, nonprofit manager in colleges, universities and private nonprofits for over thirty-five years in New England (every state), New Mexico and the San Francisco Bay Area before returning to live in St. Louis, MO, in August, 2014. I earned and sometimes utilize a BA in Elementary Education, a Master's (M.Ed.) and a doctorate in education (Ed.D.).

  Interacting With and Finding Sally

  Thank you for reading and considering the implications of The Spanners Series. Talk it up! Tweet! Post! Write to the author! Blog your opinions and responses!

  I want readers to know: '"I change my books based on readers' suggestions! Also, I would be delighted to visit your Book Club or class if you are using one or more of the books in The Spanners Series. Ask me to co-develop curricula, projects and activities for your group/class members!"

  You will want to visit on Facebook, where I am known as “Sally Sue Fleischmann Ember,” and have a Spanners Series page: or my website to find out when the next Volume will be available.

  I am also very active on Google+ as “Sally Sue Ember” and on my Spanners Series page:

  Follow the author on Twitter @sallyemberedd and please Tweet about this book and The Spanners Series!

  For photos, images, music, bios and other memes relevant to me as an author and directly to The Spanner Series, please visit my boards on Pinterest: "The Spanners Series includes..."; "Inspirations for the Earth locations in The Spanners Series"; "Music of The Spanners Series"; "Space Shots I like"; "Books that changed my life"; "TV shows and movies I actually like"; "Writers I Love";"Resonating Pins" (from others' boards); "Blog Posts"; *CHANGES* Episodes; and, "Flora and Fauna that amaze me." I also put up promos for my own and other authors' books on occasion via "Book Billboards " and other sites favoring Indie Authors. Please follow my Boards on

  News and Other Information

  I am experimenting with CROWDCREATING sections or upcoming Volumes VIII (for and seeking youth and New Adults) and IX (for and seeking adults) of The Spanners Series.

  If you'd like to participate by making story or character suggestions, writing a portion or an entire chapter or collaborating in other ways, please email sallyember at yahoo or ssfember at gmail and tell me a little about what Volume or portion you'd like to help create,

  Put "CROWDCREATOR" in the subject line.

  Must contact the author by January 1, 2017, for Volume VIII and July 1, 2017, for Volume IX to be considered for inclusion in the CROWDCREATION.

  For a list with updated publication dates and a brief synopsis of each of the upcoming Volumes of The Spanners Series, go to page 477 in this Volume for Appendix A.

  Appendices B, C, D, E and F provide extra information, such as Glossaries and People lists of those affected and involved with the Many Worlds Collective as mentioned in this and other Volumes (which Sally continues to add to as we go further into the series), plus the Ackerman-Branon Family Tree and the entire list of the Excellent Skills Program Levels and subskills.

  I am also running a CROWDFUNDING campaign to get the rest of my ebooks into print, improve the audio quality of my talk show, fund the next books' covers and fund other expenses on Patreon. Donate $4 or more and get Rewards: a free ebook, discounts on her editing/proofreading/writing tutoring services and more:

  The Spanners Series logo and cover art for this and other Volumes are by WillowRaven.

  All books in this series are published by Timult Books.

  Special Thanks

  “Thank you” seems inadequate, but THANK YOU to all my Beta Readers, proofreaders, character-inspirations and readers for your excellent suggestions, ideas, questions, complaints and other help to improve this and other Volumes, past and future, of The Spanners Series. My books are better because of you and I do NOT blame you for any errors, mistakes or problems, either. Please don't be mad at me if I didn't implement all of your thoughtful suggestions.

  Many extreme thanks to the members of my ever-expanding network of authors and writers, such as my wonderful *CHANGES* conversation between authors guests; those in the Facebook groups, especially authors in Clean Indie Reads, Fantasy and Science-Fiction Net, and Gutsy Indie Publishers; those in Google+ Communities, especially User2User-LIVE! and the group that produces and participates in Lights, Camera, HOA!

  Gratitude overflows to my family: my mom, Carole Harris; my sisters, W. Ellen Fleischmann and Lauri Fleischmann Stern; my son, Merlyn Ember, and his wife, Lauren Harrison; my brother, Dr. Jonathan Fleischmann, M.D., and his wife, Laura, and all my nieces, nephews, grandnieces and grandnephews for supporting and inspiring me (knowingly or not) all along the way.

  Finally, I am eternally grateful, in this and every lifetime and timeline, to my dear teacher, Lama Padma Drimed Norbu (who is and is not the model for Lama Sangyay), and many members of my sangha and to all meditators for your guidance, support, examples and care.

  May all beings benefit.

  Appendix A

  The Spanners Series: Volumes I – X, for adults, new adults and young adults

  Dr. Clara Ackerman Branon, 58, begins having secret visits from holographic representations of beings from the Many Worlds Collective, a consortium of planet and star systems in the multiverse. When Earth is invited to join the consortium, the secret visits are made public. Now Earthers must adjust their beliefs and ideas about life, religion, culture, identity and everything they think and are. Clara is selected to be the l
iaison between Earth and the Many Worlds Collective and she chooses Esperanza Enlaces to be the Media Contact. They team up to provide information to stave off riots and uncertainty.

  The Many Worlds Collective holos: train Clara and the Psi-Warriors for the Psi Wars against the rebelling Psi-Defiers; communicate effectively with many species on Earth and off-planet; eliminate ordinary, elected governments and political boundaries; convene a new group of Global Leaders; and, help deal with Clara's family's and friends' reactions. 

  In what multiple timelines of the ever-expanding multiverse do Clara and her long-time love, Epifanio Dang, get to be together and which leave Clara alone and lonely as the leader of Earth? This Changes Everything spans the 30-year story of Clara's term as Earth's first Chief Communicator, continuing in nine more Volumes of The Spanners Series.

  Are you ready for the changes?

  Intrigued by multiple timelines, aliens, psi skills, multiverse romances and planetary change? Clara and the alien Band of holos are back. As Earth's first Chief Communicator, Clara leads the way for interspecies communication on- and off-planet and for figuring out how to deal with simultaneous time and multiple timelines in the ever-changing multiverse.

  Fighting to support these changes are the Psi-Warriors, led by its reluctant leader, Chief OverSeer Rabbi Moran Ackerman, against the Psi-Defiers, led by one of the oldest friends of the Chief. Moran reveals his struggles and successes with his Excellent Skills Program training experiences on the new Campus and at home.

  Stories in This Changes My Family and My Life Forever come from younger Spanners as well as Clara via “Snapshots” of her earlier life with anecdotes from Epifanio Dang, her on/off lover, and Esperanza Enlaces, Earth's Chief Media Contact, and others about the first five years of The Transition.

  What would you do with the changes?

  Clara, Moran, Espe, Epifanio and the alien Band of holos are back in Volume III, This Is /Is Not The Way I Want Things to Change of The Spanners Series. The Psi-Defiers launch increasingly violent protests during this five-year Transition, attempting to block Earth's membership into the Many Worlds Collective. To join, Earth's nations and borders must dissolve and the Psi-Warriors must prevail in their battles against the rebels.

  Clara, continuing as Earth's first Chief Communicator, also juggles family conflicts and danger while managing and being one of the instructors for the psi skills training Campuses to help Earth through the Psi Wars. Clara timults alternate versions of their futures as the leaders' duties and consciences force them each to make difficult choices across multiple timelines while continuing to train and fight.

  Will the Psi-Warriors' and other leaders' increasing psi skills, interspecies collaborations and budding alien alliances be enough for Earth to make it through The Transition intact? If there is no clear path for Clara's and Epifanio's love, does she partner with Steve or go it alone?

  What do you do with wanted/unwanted changes?

  Dr. Clara Ackerman Branon, Ph.D., 67, is the Chief Communicator, main liaison between Earth and the Many Worlds Collective delegation, since December, 2012. It is now almost ten years later. Changes in Attitude, Changes in Latitude focuses on the MWC ESP (Excellent Skills Program) training, Levels 1 – 12, from the perspectives of: Clara; the five-member delegation—The Band—from four planets in the MWC, who are the main trainers of all Earthers; the Chief Media Contact, Esperanza Enlaces, 39; and, a few of the students (ages 13 – 35) of the first Earthers’ MWC ESP trainings. The ESP and OSes' training and stories about the first leaders of the Psi-Warriors and the renegade Psi-Defiers are featured in this Volume.

  Dr. Clara Ackerman Branon, Ph.D., 68, the Chief Communicator, main liaison between Earth and the Many Worlds Collective, begins this role in December, 2012. The Spanners Series’ Volumes I – IV discuss the first ten years or so of this arrangement. Spanning the Transformative Years: The Interstitial Changes moves “sideways” in this same time period and even earlier ones, filling in gaps in the stories, experiences, emotions, relationships and public events not able to be discussed in detail in prior Volumes. The narrative voice alternates frequently, much as it does in prior Volumes, but is mostly the perspectives of: Clara; her partners/not partners, Epifanio (Fanio) Dang, 67, and Dr. Steve Jasny, 68; her son, Zephyr Branon, 43; and, the first Earthers to lead each branch of the Earth-based chapters of the OverSeers (OSes), including Rabbi Moran Ackerman, 38, Chief of the Psi-Warriors.

  Dr. Clara Ackerman Branon, Ph.D., 72, the Chief Communicator, main liaison between Earth and the Many Worlds Collective, begins this role in December, 2012. From the start, there are doubters, skeptics, and disbelievers. The Only Constant is Change depicts the various methods that Clara and Esperanza Enlaces, 45, Chief Media Contact, along with Clara’s friends and family, utilize to persuade and otherwise bring along dissenters (Fragmenters and Trenchers) so that all Earthers may become full members of the MWC before the “drop dead or drop out” deadline of December 31, 2027. Graduates (ages 13 – 35) of the MWC ESP (Excellent Skills Program) trainings (detailed in Volume IV) are instrumental in these efforts. The final battles between the Psi-Warriors and Psi-Defiers occur in this Volume, as well as more details of the Sequestering (Qing) of the Trenchers’ leaders and unreformed members.

  Volume VII: Earth’s Mid-Life Changes in the Multiverse [due to be released in 2018, Smashwords, Amazon and elsewhere]

  Dr. Clara Ackerman Branon, Ph.D., 78, the Chief Communicator (CC), main liaison between Earth and the Many Worlds Collective (MWC), “sees” many versions of timelines and has regular “previews” of coming events in the multiverse, known as timulting, even before she is the CC. As the only Earther to graduate as a Level 12 in the MWC ESP (Excellent Skills Program) training, Clara now has to navigate the timultaneity of the middle years of her CC term (2022 – 2032) while trying to lead a semi-normal life with: her partners/not partners, Epifanio (Fanio) Dang, 77, and/or Dr. Steve Jasny, 78, and their respective children and grandchildren. Difficulties arise in Earth’s Mid-Life Changes in the Multiverse as Clara occasionally loses track of which timeline she’s in, with whom, and which outcomes to anticipate. All her psi-Penalties for timulting come crashing down around her and she has to make the most difficult choices of her life. “It is never too late to be who you might have been.” - George Eliot.

  Volume VIII: Remaking Ourselves: Change Comes from Within, the Youth Speak [due to be released in 2019, Smashwords, Amazon and elsewhere] ***CROWDCREATED WITH YOUTH and NEW ADULTS

  The Many Worlds Collective (MWC), a consortium of planet and star systems all around the multiverse, includes Earth in its membership since December, 2012. Over a thirty-year, increasingly Utopian period, Earthers who survive are adapting and adjusting. Although many changes in politics, climate, government and safety are obvious, the most important and significant changes are within each individual Earther, human and non-human. Volumes VIII and IX share the individual stories of “everyone"―ordinary people, primates, cetaceans and cephalopods―as they learn to live in this forever-transformed and transforming multiverse. Remaking Ourselves: Change Comes from Within, the Youth Speak focuses on stories from young Earthers (ages 10 – 25).

  Volume IX: Remaking Ourselves: Change Comes from Within, the Adults Speak [due to be released in 2019, Smashwords, Amazon and elsewhere] ***CROWDCREATED WITH ADULTS

  The Many Worlds Collective (MWC), a consortium of planet and star systems all around the multiverse, includes Earth in its membership since December, 2012. Over a thirty-year, increasingly Utopian period, Earthers who survive are adapting and adjusting. Although many changes in politics, climate, government, and safety are obvious, the most important and significant changes are within each individual Earther. Volumes VIII and IX share the individual stories of “everyone"―ordinary people, primates, cetaceans and cephalopods―as they learn to live in this forever-transformed and transforming multiverse. Those who barely avoid Sequestering are possibly the most interesting of all. Remaking Ourselve
s: Change Comes from Within, the Adults Speak focuses on stories from Spanners (ages 26-over 100 years old).

  Volume X: For Better, For Good, For Now: Exchanging Selves [due to be released in 2020, Smashwords, Amazon and elsewhere]

  Dr. Clara Ackerman Branon, Ph.D., 87, the Chief Communicator, main liaison between Earth and the Many Worlds Collective, is about to retire from this role after almost 30 years (2012 – 2041). Join Clara as she reminisces through the CC’s log, news stories written by the Chief Media Contact for this entire period, Esperanza Enlaces, 60, and conversations with her husband/not husband, Epifanio Dang, 86, other family and friends from previous Volumes in this final Volume of The Spanners Series, For Better, For Good, For Now: Exchanging Selves. Readers have been sending in questions and suggestions to author, Dr. Sally Ember, since Volume I was published. Sally responds to them through the stories in this final Volume.

  Appendix B

  Preliminary Glossary for The Spanners Series

  by Sally Ember, Ed.D.

  as explained by Esperanza Enlaces, sometime narrator, Journalist and Chief Media Contact for Chief Communicator, Dr. Clara Branon, Ph.D.

  [See "The Dark Side" for other terms and explanations not found here]

  ALT = According to Linear Time. Used to explain temporal sequences as opposed to simultaneous nowness, and the use of past or future tense in verbs.

  APC = After Public Contact. APC becomes “AppCee” whose logofication becomes a stylized English “A” superimposed over a lower-case “c.” Vocalize as “AppCee.”

  BPC = Before Public Contact. Becomes BeePCee (pronounced BeepCee), logofication as a stylized English "B" over a lower-case "c."

  CC or CeeCee = Chief Communicator. Main Earth liaison selected by the MWC (Many Worlds Collective) to relay information and be the unofficial leader APC during The Transition and then official Leader for the Member once the MWC membership is established, for a limited term. Dr. Clara Branon, Ph.D., is Earth's first CC.

  ESP training = Excellent Skills Program education, with 12 levels, details depicted in Volumes II and IV. All forms of what many human Earthers from Western cultures consider "paranormal" and "extrasensory," siddhis or yogic, in Eastern cultures, or psi skills by many others, are included. ESP training is mandatory for all CCs (Chief Communicators) and OverSeers (OSes)/Officers or Psi-Warriors (see Appendix C for types of OSes), and offered to many others APC (After Public Contact).

  fish = IntraPlanetary Communication System. Also known as the Interspecies Communication System begins as a semi-acronym, “IntraPlanCS,” which morphs into “i-planCS,” which becomes “i-planX,” and then logofies into a slanted, stylized “i-“ beside an “X,” which Zephyr Branon names the “i-fish,” and then simply the fish. (Thanks to Douglas Adams' five-volume "trilogy," The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, in which he introduces multi-language, internal translators called "Babel fish.")

  Global Unity Leaders Council = Political governing group facilitated by Clara comprised of AppCee leaders from each major population area and many smaller areas on Earth, including non-humans.

  iD and Access = Individual Access technology. Gives Earthers Access to all information, links, media via one's own internal Access point or iD to the MWC Resource Library. Symbol is just the slanted “i” leaning onto a very fat “D,” pronounced “eye-Dee,” with the emphasis on the first syllable instead of the second, not to be confused with “Eye-Dee,” for "ID," emphasis on the second syllable, which still means personal identification for many MWC-ers.

  IGC = InterGalactic Council. Governing body of the MWC (Many Worlds Collective), whose reports, Implementations, adjudications and decisions appear in most of these Volumes.

  MWC = Many Worlds Collective. Interplanetary association of most sentient beings in the multiverse. MWC's Hologram Delegates to Clara are known as "The Band," and choose the names Led, Janis—Diana, Mick and Ringo. Membership by inhabited orbs is voluntary. MWC membership usually occurs after an issued invitation and a successful Transition, which are preceded by many informal and often, secret visits/contact over a specified period of time, resulting in the selection and training of a Chief Communicator for that Member (Earth's first CC is Dr. Clara Branon, Ph.D.).

  mwcw = Many Worlds Collective Webview. Similar to the Earth's Internet from the 20th - 21st Centuries, but interplanetary.iDs Access (see above) information from the mcwc, mostly. Also known as the 'verseweb or just the Verse.

  OPTS = Optimal Positioning Temporary Suit; Optimal Personal Traveling Suit. Worn by humans for interstellar, underwater, flying, different gravity and breathability, for humans' traveling to or existing in hostile environments. Made fashionable, inexpensive and comfortable and therefore, widely available, by Jessica Engel, Violet Engel's oldest daughter/one of Clara Branon's nieces, in May, 2015.

  Re-set = Changing a timeline's circumstances, outcomes, or trajectory by focusing on one or more particular events' key "forks" and then changing one or more pivotal circumstances, choices, decisions that precede or coincide with that fork. A Re-set allows all "future" ALT [According to Linear Time] events to unfold slightly and perhaps quite differently, from that fork "onward." Beings who have the ability (Advanced Levels in the ESP (Excellent Skills Program) training) may focus on a multiverse "fork" and allow for alternate timeline(s) to emerge for experiential, educational or actual living purposes, then choose or collaboratively select which timeline to make primary.

  Return and ReInvolvement = Similar to Buddhist and Hindu understandings, a sentient being's consciousness is separate from its physical form and therefore may be released ("die") at any time. If the consciousness is going to take physical form again, there are several possible options. The heart/mind may be constrained to ReInvolvement (must become newly incarnated or "born" into a physical form, often a similar species form, due to lessons unlearned or karma unfinished; usually do not retain memories and may lose skills and abilities depending on karma). The heart/mind is eligible to choose to Return (become incarnated with full retention of previous memories, skills, abilities), in order to be helpful to current beings; may change forms from previous depending on need. Some beings are eligible for and choose liberation: their heart/minds remain free of physical forms, blending with oneness; for those who do not incarnate.

  Snap and Fling = used to describe the sound and the action of bringing an object to oneself or sending it away using telekinesis; also, general terms for the sounds and effects of using other ESP (Excellent Skills Program) skills.

  Spanners = Earthers who are alive as the century turns from twentieth to twenty-first, especially those who live almost equal numbers of our lives' years in both centuries. Also, all those who are alive both before and after The Transition (see below). For a longer description of all that Spanners signify, see Volume I, This Changes Everything.

  Thetes = Humans with synesthesia, overlapping sensory perceptions are known as synesthetes, then Thetes. Thetes become primary translators and interpretators for humans with all other species.

  Timult and Timultaneity = Noun/verb, adjective. The act of intentionally viewing, being aware of, knowing of events, people or possibilities occurring in more than one timeline; also, that these multiple timelines exist and have varying circumstances. Terms invented/coined by Zephyr Branon. Also, other verb forms, such as timulting.

  Timulters = Beings who can perceive more than one timeline's occurrences among the multiverse. Dr. Clara Branon is the first known intentional timulter who has no ESP (Excellent Skills Program) training prior to her first timults.

  Transition = first 5 - 10 Earth years APC (After Public Contact) with the MWC (Many Worlds Collective) for Earthers.

  Appendix C

  The Dark Side of The Spanners Series

  by Sally Ember, Ed.D.

  as explained by Dr. Clara Branon, Ph.D., main narrator

  Toughness = how much energy a material (or person) can absorb without breaking. As carbyne's toughness becomes well-k
nown in the early part of the 21st century on Earth as both the material used most in space travel and interstellar communication (reacts best in temperatures 25º C or lower), carbyne's toughness becomes the metaphor best understood as the way to describe my experiences as the Chief Communicator. Carbyne is stronger than steel or graphene, thinner yet stiffer than any other form of carbon, including diamonds, and lighter as well; most importantly, carbyne can be "grown" as well as mined.

  Fragmenters (Fraggers who Frag) = Usually Earthers; opposite of well-meaning Spanners. Fraggers disintegrate, pull apart, ruin cooperation, destroy unity, incite conflicts and disagreements, refuse to compromise. They are Conservatives, fear-mongers, or disbelievers despite ample evidence. Many are fundamentalists, entrenched in archaic sections of their beliefs, hence, the Trenchers are their extremists.

  As slang, "being Fragged" involves having an individual Fragger or a group of them interfere with and/or ruin Spanners’ plans for peace, harmony, multiverse travel, ESP trainings, intergalactic travel, etc. Can even be used when no Fragger is involved, much the way current Earther humans talk about Mercury’s retrograde status as the “cause” of problems with travel, communications, and planning.

  Trenchers = Usually Earthers; extremists among the Fraggers, ones most difficult to deal with. Known for digging in, refusing to listen to reason or information that contradicts their views, being Reactionaries, resorting to violence, abusing dark psi and using other nefarious means (kidnapping, murder, sabotage, causing harm in other ways) to prevent The Transition or success of Earth’s inclusion in the Many Worlds Collective or cooperation with the InterGalactic Council and any other worlds’ representatives.

  Being Trenched involves being sabotaged, kidnapped, murdered or otherwise seriously harmed by a Trencher. As slang, "being Trenched" also means being taken advantage of to the point of ruination, being conned into bankruptcy or swindled out of one's property, etc.

  Psi-Warriors = PWs; Not always Earthers; those with exceptional psi skills and abilities, with or without the MWC (Many Worlds Collective) ESP (Excellent Skills Program) training.

  From Spanners’ perspectives, PWs are on the “right” sides of these conflicts, ones who utilize their psi powers to fight Trenchers and to persuade (sometimes not ethically or properly) Fraggers to alter their opinions.

  Psi Wars/fights/battles occur between PWs and Psi-Defiers.

  Psi-Defiers = PDs; Hypocritically, while claiming not to believe in psi, PDs utilize it as their chief weapon. PDs are usually Earthers but can be anyone with exceptional psi skills and abilities, with or without MWC ESP training. PDs utilize (some say abuse) their powers to oppose Spanners and especially PWs (and other pro-MWC-ers).

  Spanners view PDs as being on the “wrong” sides of these conflicts. Psi-Defiers can sometimes persuade (usually not ethically or properly) by invading dreams, sowing doubt and fear, and indoctrinating children or others to gather more Fraggers and Trenchers.

  PDs are often already Trenchers, so they claim religious freedom, grace from their deities, and other bases for their powers and positions.

  OverSeers = OSes (pronounced Oh Essess); those (not initially Earthers, although more join as Earth’s involvement in the MWC continues) with top-level ESP training within the MWC, like the Secret Service for the IGC (InterGalactic Council), who monitor, regulate, and protect members of the MWC from threats, using psi as well as more conventional methods to control Fraggers, Trenchers, and Psi-Defiers all around the multiverse. Ultimately, OSes can banish intractable enemies of peace and harmony to specifically designated multiverse timelines to keep them there where they are unable to cause further harm. This becomes the way to imprison/Sequester the worst criminals, who can’t be rehabilitated, until they are Reinvolved.

  OSes include the Enforcers (OSEs, pronounced OhEssEes), Investigators (OSIs, pronounced OhEssEyes), and espionage/covert Special ops teams (OSOps, pronounced OhSops) each with their own “stars” in The Spanners Series (mostly in Volumes II, III, IV, VI and IX).

  Sequestering = Qing (pronounced cueing); the ultimate punishment, deemed necessary when potential members of the MWC refuse to reform and are violent threats to that orb's peace and harmony. Qing involves sending individuals or groups to the MWC’s prison-type multiverse timeline, until they are cooperate or are Reinvolved. Often referred to as being Qed (pronounced cueued) when someone is relegated to one of these timelines as their punishment. OSIs (pronounced OhEssEyes) often use references to Qing as a threat to get information during investigations.

  Reminds many Earthers quite negatively of tactics used by secret police in many totalitarian regimes, such as for South American countries’ disappeared, USSR’s sending political prisoners to the Gulag, or USA’s use of "extraordinary rendition" and imprisonment in Guantanamo, all without any legal process. Therefore, Sequestering is very closely monitored.

  Decisions for an individual to be Qed must be determined by many judges, with regular imprisonment, first, while awaiting confirmation that Qing is the only option left to preserve public safety (much like the death penalty process, when that is still in use). Or, if you're a Warehouse 13 TV show fan, Qing someone is like having a villain "bronzed." Or, if you're a Superman movies fan, similar to the exiling of the criminals who attempt a coup right before Krypton explodes. To Q someone is to order them Sequestered.

  Communication after being Qed is quite limited; no friends or family members have visitation or contact with those who are Qed. All communication must be pre-approved and go through certified Q Communicators who are able to timult and communicate with those in alternate timelines.

  Once an individual is Qed, s/he rarely comes back into this timeline until their ReInvolvement (see Appendix B, Glossary).

  Psi-Penalty = psi-P; the “price” that I, as the Chief Communicator, and others must “pay” when utilizing ES (Extraordinary Skills) to timult as we discover that we must choose between personal satisfaction or temporary happiness and more lasting, global harmony and peace (psi-Ps are the main reasons I am not with Epifanio in many timelines). A psi-P reveals a trade that must be made, but it is often made with great sorrow, sacrifice, honor and integrity.

  Sometimes the psi-P is known only to the one paying the price; sometimes, others know. Some psi-Ps are quite public, especially during Transition, so most Earthers know a psi-P is sometimes necessary.

  I often mourn or complain by saying that I am psi-Ped (pronounced sigh-peed) whenever I most miss Epifanio.

  Appendix D

  Actual Human Visits/Contact

  by the Many Worlds Collective Before Public Contact and

  those Referred to in The Spanners Series (partial list)

  Journalists, Photographers, Artists, Musicians and Writers

  ► Edwin A. Abbot, author, notably of Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions.

  ► Douglas Adams, author, notably of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series.

  ► Isaac Asimov, author, notably of The Foundation series.

  ► Edward Bellamy, author, notably of Looking Backward: 2000-1887.

  ► L. Frank Baum, Gregory MacGuire, Stephen Schwartz, Winnie Holzman, writers/ composers/ lyricists for Oz plays and books, including the musical, Wicked.

  ► Vanna Bonta, author/actor, 1958-2014, notably of Flight: A Quantum Fiction Novel, in which quasars are powered by and paired with black holes.

  ► Jorge Luis Borges, author, notably of El Jardín de Senderos que se Bifurcan (The Garden of Forking Paths)

  ► Elizabeth Mann Borghese, author, notably of My Own Utopia.

  ► Suzy Mckeen Charnas, author, notably of Walk to the End of the World and Motherlines.

  ► Arthur C. Clarke, author, notably of 2001: A Space Odyssey, and Childhood's End.

  ► Bruce Coville, author, notably of short story, "Am I Blue?"

  ► Ian Fleming, author, Jamaica, “Golden Eye” estate, February 2 -16, 1952 (limited publication permit, fiction only, granted).
  ► Sally Miller Gearheart, author, notably of Wanderground.

  ► Robert Heinlein, author, notably of Stranger in a Strange Land.

  ► James Bond Johnson, photographer, Roswell, NM, USA, July 8, 1947 (photography permit granted).

  ► Ursula K. LeGuin, author, poet, notably of The Left Hand of Darkness.

  ► John Lennon, musician, political & social activist, author, founding member of The Beatles, songwriter, notably of "Imagine"; husband of Yoko Ono at time of his assassination/ ReInvolvement, 1980.

  ► Doris Lessing, author, notably of The Sirian Experiments series.

  ► Portia Nelson, singer, songwriter, poet, notably of "Autobiography in 5 Chapters."

  ► Marge Piercy, author/poet, notably of Woman on the Edge of Time.

  ► Joanna Russ, author, notably of The Female Man.

  ► Ethel Snowden, author, London, England, January 1- 3, 1920 (dream visitation only) (term “Iron Curtain,” inspired/required, for book, Through Bolshevik Russia).

  ► Starhawk, author, notably of The Fifth Sacred Thing.

  ► Bruce Sterling, author, b. 1954, notably of Tomorrow Now: Imagining the Next 50 Years.

  ► Jules Verne, author, notably of Paris in the Twentieth Century.

  ► Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, poet/author, notably of "The Song of Hiawatha."

  ► Emma Watson, feminist, actor, notably in the Harry Potter films.

  Politicians and Spiritual Leaders

  ► Aung San Suu Kyi, General Secretary of the National League for Democracy Party, Yangon, Burma, May 27, 1990 (general instructions; Gandhi clause invoked).

  ► Dr. P. Joseph Goebbels, Minister of Propaganda and National Enlightenment, Berlin, Germany, May 1, 1943 (dream visitation only; Berlin Wall concept seeded).

  ► Jesus Christ of Nazareth (yes, that one).

  ► Premier Joseph Stalin, Moscow, USSR, September 1, 1945 (dream visitation only). (implementation of “Iron Curtain” on geo-political borders, inspired/required).

  ► President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, Liberia, October 6, 2011 (dream visitation only; aftermath of winning Nobel Peace Prize, inspiration and instruction; permit awarded, The Daily Show interview, November 14, 2011).

  ► President Franklin D. Roosevelt, Washington, D.C., USA, December 1- 2, 1941 (second contact; mandate to form United Nations awarded; paralysis revocation refused).

  ► Prime Minister Golda Meir, Israel, March 18, 1969 and September 1, 1974 (instructional contact).

  ► Prime Minister Winston Churchill, London, England, April 27 – May 1, 1945 (dream visitations only; use of “Iron Curtain” in speech, inspired/required).

  ► His Holinesses the Dalai Lamas I - XIV, spiritual and political leaders of Tibet (same Returners each time).

  Law Enforcement/Government/Military Personnel, Aviators, Scientists and Astronauts

  ► Roger Boisjoly, Engineer, Space Shuttle Challenger, January 27, 1986 (dream visitation only; memory lapse induction).

  ► Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac, OM FRS, English theoretical physicist, 1902-1984, antimatter based on relativistic quantum mechanics.

  ► Amelia Earhart, Aviator, Pacific Ocean, near Howland Island, July 2, 1937 (airborne retrieval; MWC member, disguise permit revoked).

  ► Dr. Dian Fossey, Ph.D., American zoologist, primatologist, and anthropologist, author, notably of Gorillas in the Mist.

  ► Dame Jane Morris Goodall, DBE, Ph.D., English primatologist, ethologist, anthropologist, and UN Messenger of Peace, author of over 120 books.

  ► Dr. Temple Grandin, Ph.D., author and research zoologist, notably of Animals Make Us Human

  ► Linda Ham, NASA Manager, Space Shuttle Columbia, February 1, 2003 (dream visitation only; memory lapse induction).

  ► Frank J. Kaufmann, Army Consultant, Roswell, NM, USA (permit to reveal, then confuse, then retract all information about both crashes, inspired/required).

  ► Ray Kurzweil, American author, computer scientist, inventor, futurist, director of engineering at Google, b. 1948, notably of The Age of Intelligent Machines, The Age of Spiritual Machines, The Singularity is Near.

  ► Dr. Thomas Lewis, Dr. Fari Amini, Dr. Richard Lannon, psychiatry researchers, professors, authors, notably of A General Theory of Love.

  ► Jim Lovell, “Astronaut,” April 12, 1970 (space visitation, telepathic communication; fourth contact; ongoing contact with USA Astronauts, PSC-ST-E Plan #4941, continuation).

  ► Candice Pert, neuroscientist, pharmacologist, discoverer of the opiate receptor, the cellular binding site for endorphins in the brain, and author, notably of Molecules of Emotion and Everything You Need to Know to Feel Good.

  ► USA Army General Roger M. Ramey, Fort Worth, TX, USA (public repudiations made; deflection to disguise “Project Mogul,” inspired/required).

  ► Valentina Tereshkova, first female “Cosmonaut,” Moscow, USSR, June 1, 1963 (dream visitation only; space travel inspired/required).


  ► Alexander Akimov, Night Shift Chief, Chernobyl, Ukraine, April 25, 1986 (dream visitation only; memory lapse induction).

  ► Glenn Dennis, mortician, Roswell, NM, USA (memory lapse induction).

  ► Grady “Barney” Barnet, engineer, Socorro, NM, USA (permit to reveal, then retract, observations and information about first crash, inspired/required).

  ► Vincent L. Johnson, Three-Mile Island Technical Director, Harrisville, PA, USA, March 27, 1979 (dream visitation only; memory lapse induction).

  ► Harriet Tubman, Abolitionist/former slave, southern USA prior to and during USA Civil War, founder of the "Underground Railroad," 1825-1849" (dream visitations only).

  Appendix E

  Ackerman-Branon Family Tree in 2021

  Rose C. Vogel is divorced from the deceased Isaac Ackerman. They are the parents of four children, in this birth order: Thomas, Clara, Cassandra and Violet. Rose's second husband, also deceased, is Sidney Vogel.

  Thomas and Raisa Nadel Ackerman are married and have four children: Lavi, Agam, Moran and Keshet.

  Lavi and Betel Ackerman are married and have four children: Ari, Dov, Chaya and Yidel.

  Agam and Dafna Ackerman are married and have two children: Solomon and Nessa.

  Moran and Liora Ackerman are married and have two children: Orna and Ronen.

  Keshet Ackerman Levy and Ezra Levy are married and have one child: Rifka.

  Clara Ackerman and Abraham Wood are unmarried; they each add the surname, "Branon," when their child, Zephyr, is born. Zephyr is married to Kayla Marsh and they have two children, Kendall and Bryce. Clara Branon is/is not partnered with Epifanio Dang.

  Cassie Ackerman is divorced from Declan Wilson. They have three children: Leah Iris (Wilson), partnered with Josh Lasky; Caleb, partnered with Hilo Gold; and Aaron.

  Violet Ackerman Engel and Bob Engel are married and have four children: Jessica, partnered with Mike Kahn; Gabe; and twins, Dara and Shira.


  ══ married ╦ had a child ≈≈ unmarried partners

  // divorced/split up d. deceased b. born x twins

  Sidney Vogel (d. '01)══Rose C. Vogel (b. 1932)╦═╦═//╦═╦═Isaac Ackerman(d. '91) (4 kids)

  Thomas Ackerman (b. 1953)╦══╦══╦══╦Raisa Nadel Ackerman (b. 1953) (4 kids)

  Lavi Ackerman (b. 1979)╦══╦══╦══╦Betel (b. 1978)

  Ari (b. 2003) Dov (b. 2005) Chaya (b. 2008) Yidel (b. 2010)

  Agam Ackerman (b. 1982)╦══╦Dafna (b. 1982)

  Solomon (b. 2008) Nessa (b. 2010)

  Moran Ackerman (b. 1985)╦══╦Liora (b. 1985)

  Orna (b. 2010) Ronen (b. 2018)

  Keshet Ackerman Levy (b. 1988)╦═Ezra Levy (b. 1987)

  Rifka (b. 2019)

  Abraham Wood (b. 1944)≈//╦Clara Ackerman Branon (b. 1954)?/≈Epifanio Dang (b. 1955)

  Zephyr Branon (b. 1980)╦══╦Kayla Marsh (b. 1985)

bsp; Kendall (b. 2016) Bryce (b. 2021)

  Ken Grossberg (b. 1957)≈Cassandra Ackerman (b. 1960)╦══╦//═╦Declan Wilson (b. 1960)

  Leah Iris (Wilson) (b. 1988)≈≈Josh Lasky (b. 1985)

  Caleb Wilson (b. 1993)≈≈Hila Gold (b. 1994)

  Aaron Wilson (b. 1998)

  Violet Ackerman Engel (b. 1965)╦══╦══╦══╦Bob Engel (b. 1961)

  Jessica Engel (b. 1993)≈≈Mike Kahn

  Gabe Engel (b. 1998)

  Dara x Shira Engel (b. 2001)

  Excerpt from Volume II here!




  Copyright ©2014, revised 2015 Sally Ember, Ed.D.

  All rights reserved.