Read This Changes Everything Page 9


  “'They' Never Leave: the MWC and Earthers; or, Crop Circles, Alien 'Abductions,' Whitley Streiber, Roswell/Area 51 and other MWC Blunders"

  Opening Remarks given by Dr. Clara Ackerman Branon, Ph.D., Chief Communicator and Liaison between Earth and the Many Worlds Collective

  Global Unity Leaders Council #1, 6/8/15, The Hague, The Netherlands

  Dr. Branon: Thank you. [Applause dies down.] From about millions (or even billions) of years ago through the European Middle Ages, the Ancient Egyptians; the Mayans, Aztecs, and Incas in Central and South America and Mexico; the Palestinians and Israelites; the Indians (on the subcontinent of India); the Japanese; the Ancient Romans; and, the British Islanders and Europeans in the Middle Ages, there are pictographs, hieroglyphics, oral histories and written accounts of UFOs, visitations, and other signs of the presence of those from the MWC, even though it was not widely known or accepted until early in 2013, when they allow me to make our conversations public. [Laughter]

  Actually, once we Earthers begin to understand that we have to expand our definitions of “life” and of what could house “intelligent life,” we review other findings and realize: the MWC presence is constant on Earth. Evidence abounds.

  Scientists find signs in Australia from as long ago as 3.5 billion years ago that we learn after 2012 are from the first visits of some from the MWC. Remnants of their ships and some aliens' bodies become fossilized. Confusion arises because there is no carbon and we believe for our entire existence until recently that ALL “life” has to be carbon-based. Not so.

  As Buddhists know for millennia, “life” doesn’t have to have any form or even be visible to human eyes or known by ordinary means of observation. I’m not talking about ghosts or anything “paranormal,” although, until credibility is established for all of this information, many people assume that “formless” means something “woo-woo.” [Laughter]

  In 2001—a small coincidence?—science-fiction author, Sir Arthur C. Clarke, most famous for 2001: A Space Odyssey, claims that recently returned photos from NASA's Mars Global Surveyor show evidence of trees and bushes on Mars! Scientists cannot agree or disagree with him in any uniform way.

  The MWC admits to having contact with him prior to his having written that and most of his other books. The MWC considers having him as the liaison instead of me! They would have liked to have him go public in 2013, but Sir Arthur dies in 2008 in most timelines. We miss you, Sir Arthur! [Scattered applause]

  Countless other websites, articles and research discuss that known drawings and photos depict thousands upon thousands of pieces of evidence of MWC contact. Anecdotes support that many Earthers know of and/or have contact with MWC beings ever since the beginning of our habitation of Earth as humans.

  What I and many E.T. enthusiasts can’t understand are the reasons that it takes so long for all of this to be believed? What are you all waiting for? [Laughter]

  What I myself can’t understand and what I discuss at length with the current members of the MWC here on Earth is: how or why are many previous MWC members so careless? If the idea is that the MWC visits prior to mine are to be “silent” or “invisible,” visiting incognito to monitor and observe, why is there so much evidence of their being here? Why do Earthers have so many drawings, photos and stories of sightings of craft, of contact, of abductions from the MWC, knowing they’re coming and going, so often?

  Here is what I learn.

  The MWC has millions of planets in membership at this time. If you think of membership in the MWC as a rite of passage for a inhabited orb, much the way Gene Roddenberry—the late, much-admired creator of Star Trek, so popular in the mid- to late-twentieth century and even today—depicts planets that join the “Federation,” that type of membership would be akin to a planet’s Bar/Bat Mitzvah, Quinceañera, or other "coming of age" event. In that way, orbs that first join the MWC are like young adolescents. They are considered adults, in some ways, but they are not mature, not in full control of impulses, not fully grown. Before you get all judgmental, remember, humans: our brains don’t fully form until our mid-twenties; neither do rational, considered decisions or judgments. [Laughter]

  “Joy riding,” “drag racing,” tee-peeing neighbors’ properties—sneaking around during the night, draping toilet paper over trees, shrubs, rooftops, mailboxes, cars—experimenting with intoxicants, breaking rules and curfews, pulling pranks, engaging in unsafe and risky behaviors of all kinds occur as common behaviors in almost every culture among immature humans. So, it's no surprise, really, to discover that many off-world species share this unfortunate phase of development with us.

  Who makes crop circles? Think of this as alien teens' graffiti, such as that on many Earthers' high schools' and cities' walls. Adolescent members of the MWC who steal their “parents’” vehicles and come to Earth on a dare make crop circles as their "tags," a kind of proof that they are here. They capture evidence of their time on Earth in what we call “photos” and take them back to show their friends. Sneak in to Earth, make a few crop circles, take a selfie and go home: these lead to acceptance in one's peer group, make them "cool."

  Who abducts humans and pretends to put in probes or experiment on us? As we all now know, there are no evil aliens; there are no such experiments. But, “adolescents” from hundreds of planets use these ruses as hazing rituals, a kind of “blood in” to join their local “gangs,” metaphorically speaking. They even use the same disguises or costumes over and over for many centuries of our time to make it seem as if the same alien species are returning even when they are not the same at all. The "grays" and the insect-o-pods become our nightmare aliens, but most of them aren't here at all.

  Some of these “adolescents” crash, just as some drag racers and joy riders do. Sadly, some die in those crashes or other accidents while visiting Earth, due to carelessness, bad judgment and plain bad luck; many would say karma. Hence, Roswell and then Area 51 occur, in New Mexico, USA, circa 1950.

  For better or worse, the IGC of the MWC decides to use these accidents to try to distract Earthers from other, more dangerous Earth endeavors, for example, nuclear war, and to aid in explaining all the other visitations. But, they do not decide to go fully public at that time. Many wish they do.

  Being alien is not a guarantee of any type of perfection, believe me. All beings make mistakes. [Laughter] MWC members who are invited to be members prior to Earth’s joining are more technologically and socially advanced; no question. But, they are not perfect at any stage or age.

  The IGC stages many "implementations," what many call "interventions" that are intended to assist Earth from "behind the scenes." We could argue about their tactics or success rate, but ALT, what's done is done.

  How many Earth authors have contact with MWC members that are not publicized at the time? These communications are not allowed to be, except as fiction. In keeping with that tradition, I fashion my own memoirs as a compilation of science-fiction novels. However, truth only works as fiction to a point….

  In addition to authors, many amateur and professional artists as well as musicians, playwrights, poets, dancers and vocalists also have occasional or repeated contact with members of the MWC, as do some naturalists, especially those who wander far from “the beaten paths.” Astronauts, of course, physicists, politicians, scientists and philosophers are also visited. Hundreds of us. All keeping the secret or believing themselves to be deluded or dreaming. For centuries. For millennia.

  How do we stay so willfully in denial for so long in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary?

  The pyramids and the rituals that accompany their use—mummies, ceremonies, costumes, art—in Egypt and Mexico are almost identical. Yet, humans of those times have no apparent means to travel from one continent to another. How do we explain this cross-pollination except by knowing of contacts among members from the MWC with key Earthers in several locations at once?

  In March, 2012, fossilized camel-lik
e bones (smaller and without humps) are found in Central America: how do dromedaries' ancestors exist in the deserts in both Africa and Central America thousands of years ago? We now know some of these occurrences are not authorized by the IGC, but they happen, nonetheless.

  Spiritual leaders from many traditions have MWC encounters as do some followers, but most of these encounters are not only privatized, but squelched, censored, and even sanctioned to the point of death. Think witch hunts, the Spanish Inquisition and excommunication of “free thinkers” and you are right. Or, the luckier individuals who experience these communications or dream visitations are treated more positively because they are considered “prophets,” “saints,” or “channels” for the “divine.”

  Shamans from early Tibet, Siberia, and Navajo/Hopi traditions have so much in common, linguistically, ceremonially, philosophically and behaviorally as to be almost indistinguishable. Twentieth-century geneticists and linguistic researchers prove but cannot explain that the Tibetan, Sanskrit and Navajo languages and physical genotypes are among those that are the most similar to one another while being the most distant geographically. Contact with, transport by and influences from the MWC explain all of this and more.

  Knowing that the MWC’s many millennia of contacts have integrated and “contaminated” human cultures from all across Earth generates the “unified theory” of human history on Earth known as “seeding.” Publicizing, proving and accepting seeding also begins to foster the elimination of racism and many other types of discrimination based on heritage, genotypes, physiognomy and religion. Differences among humans cannot be attributed to deficiencies or excesses, but, rather, to the original ways and locations we are seeded from other planets to Earth.

  Many of you know of the human genogram projects in which individuals send in blood or other DNA samples and then learn who one's Last Common Ancestors, or "concestors," and geographic origins are. It is shocking and quite humbling to find out that, for example, the darkest Africans may be as closely related to blond, blue-eyed, white Swedes as to Africans one state over. DNA can't lie.

  The Nazca Lines in Peru exhibit and most of what Erich von Däniken, courageous author of Chariots of the Gods who celebrates his 80th birthday this year [Applause], knows that many of Earth's oddities come from early visits and encounters with members of the MWC who guide new visitors to Earth. These visitors establish residential bases here, trying to monitor Earthers responsibly without letting us go too far in self-destructive directions.

  Callers to and invited expert guests on Coast-to-Coast AM, Dreamland write emails to those radio shows’ hosts, Art Bell, George Noory, and many others, in which they often describe and tell stories, giving evidence and discussing research about UFOs, ETs and other “paranormal” activity that can almost all be traced to the MWC’s presence and visits here. Not all of those folks are wackos. [Laughter]

  So, I think it is with great relief and even joy that many Earthers learn of the existence of the MWC and Earth’s place in the multiverse. Once we know how many other types of intelligent life exist for us to meet, not everyone is glad or can manage to weather these changes successfully, but most are.

  Fraggers and Trenchers, especially those who become Psi-Defiers, are the resisters, disbelievers and complainers, but they are a small though intensely active minority. Soon to be quelled by our amazing OverSeers and Psi-Warriors, including their Chief, my nephew, Rabbi Moran Ackerman [Ackerman stands; applause]

  Because Earth is in such dire need of guidance, requiring protection from ourselves and the consequences and potential outcomes of our actions, the MWC delegation becomes public with me in late 2012 and the rest of Earth in early 2013. We must cooperate to avert about ten kinds of disaster.

  Gratitude would be the appropriate response. I wish everyone could understand this. [Standing ovation].