Read This House to Let Page 8

certain responsibility. Itwas to be hoped the sudden infatuation for a pretty face would expire asquickly as it had been born.

  Perhaps a closer association with the bounder brother would produce achastening influence. But then Jack seemed bounder-proof. Had he notalluded to a well-born cousin, beside whom Burton shone as a polishedgentleman?

  Anyway, he must not desert his young and very impulsive friend. But itwas with considerable reluctance that he accompanied him to Rosemount onthe Monday night.


  Eight o'clock was the hour appointed for dinner, this fact scoring inthe Burtons' favour, as evincing a knowledge of the habits of goodsociety. Even a few of the most select hostesses in Blankfield, whoought to have known better, made a base compromise with half-past seven.

  The two men arrived about five minutes before the time. The younghostess was awaiting them in the drawing-room, attired in some filmycreation that made her look very charming and ethereal. Soft lightsfrom shaded lamps played about her, and lent a touch of perfection tothe picture.

  Mr Burton was attired in the usual conventional evening dress of theEnglish gentleman. One would have guessed him the sort of man who wouldwear a ready-made tie. Not at all. He had tied the bow himself, andwith a masterly hand. Pomfret even, who was admitted to be the BeauBrummel of his regiment, could not have done it better.

  It is generally supposed that a common man looks more common still whenhe dons evening attire. "George" was an exception to the rule. Hisblack clothes became him, and lent him a certain air of dignity, whichwas wanting when he assumed everyday garments. Even Murchison,prejudiced as he was against him, was forced to admit to himself thatthe "bounder" for once looked quite respectable. Pomfret, ever leaningto the charitable side, felt quite enthusiastic over him, and contrastedhim favourably with his own cousin, who could boast blue blood on bothsides.

  Norah Burton played the hostess as to the manner born, greeting thevisitors with just the right degree of cordiality, quite free from theeffusiveness of most of the Blankfield hostesses. And Burton, takinghis cue from her, was hearty without boisterousness.

  The young subaltern's heart warmed to her, she was so gracious, sosweet, and about her there hovered such an air of calm dignity.Rosemount, no doubt, was honoured by the introduction of suchdistinguished visitors, viewed merely from the social point of view, butshe did not permit a suspicion of this to escape her. Rather, judgingby her demeanour, the visitors were honoured by being admitted toRosemount.

  "Rather reminds me of a young queen entertaining her subjects," Pomfretremarked afterwards to his friend in a rather enthusiastic outburst."I'm not speaking of the `county' of course, but these Blankfield womenmake you feel they are overwhelmed with your condescension in coming totheir houses, that they are hardly fit to sit at the same table withyou."

  The dinner was plain, but well-cooked. The appointments were perfect,snowy napery, elegant glass and cutlery. One neat-handed maidservantwaited, and waited well. Mr Burton carved the dishes that werecarvable, there was no pretence at an _a la Russe_ banquet. Their smallestablishment could not cope with that, and they did not attempt it.There was a generous supply of wines: hock, burgundy and champagne.

  And Mr Burton, strangely subdued, was quite a good host, hospitable butnot pressing. Murchison thought he must have been having some lessonsfrom his sister, who seemed intuitively to do the right thing Stillsuspicious, he was sure that she had been steadily coaching him how tocomport himself on this important night.

  For, after all, it must be a feather in their caps, that after havingbeen coldly cast aside by the _elite_ of Blankfield, they had capturedfor their dining acquaintance two of the most popular officers of theexclusive Twenty-fifth.

  And Murchison, ever on the watch for any little sign or symptom toconfirm his suspicions, had to admit the pair were behaving perfectly.Not the slightest sign of elation at the small social triumph manifesteditself in the demeanour of either. Dinner-parties like this might be acommon occurrence for all they showed to the contrary.

  The substantial portion of the meal was over. Dessert was brought in,with port, claret and sherry, all of the most excellent vintage. Thehouse was a small one, and not over-staffed, but there was no evidenceof lack of means. Perhaps the Burtons were wise people in not keepingup a great show, but spending the greater part of their income on theirpersonal enjoyments.

  While the men were still lingering over their dessert, Miss Burton rose.

  "There are no ladies to support me, so I shall feel quite lonely bymyself," she said in her pretty, softly modulated voice. "Shall we havecoffee in the drawing-room? You men can smoke. It is quite LibertyHall here. My brother smokes in every room of the house."

  Murchison noted the subtle difference between the brother and sister.If Burton had given the invitation, he would certainly have said, "yougentlemen." The beautiful Norah would not make a mistake like that.

  Five minutes afterwards, the three men trooped into the prettydrawing-room with its subdued, shaded lights. Norah was sitting at asmall table, on which were set the coffee equipage with an assortment ofliqueurs. Decidedly, the Burtons knew how to do things when theyreceived guests.

  The "bounder" brother, as Hugh always called him to himself, had drunkvery heavily at dinner of every wine: hock, burgundy and champagne. Butevidently he could carry a big quantity. It would take more than asmall dinner-party like this to knock him over. When he entered thedrawing-room his mien was as subdued as when he had first received hisvisitors.

  They drank their coffee round the fair-sized octagonal table, and thenthey broke up. Miss Burton retired to a Chesterfield, whither Pomfretfollowed her, as he was bound to do.

  Burton bustled out of the room, and returned with a huge box ofexpensive cigars. He offered the box to Hugh, who took one with adeprecating look at the young hostess.

  "We dare not, Miss Burton. Think of your curtains in the morning."

  "Don't trouble, Captain Murchison," she said, with her charming smile."The curtains have to take what comes in this house. George doesn'toften sit in this room, but when he does he always smokes cigars. Itold you this was Liberty Hall, you know."

  The box was offered to Pomfret, who took one. "Do you smoke, MissBurton?" he asked.

  "Once in a blue moon. I think I will have one to-night, as a littletreat. It is terribly tempting, when I see all you men smoking." Theenamoured Pomfret fetched her a cigarette, hovered over her with amatch, till it was properly lighted, and settled himself again on theChesterfield. If that silly old Hugh didn't butt in, he was going tohave a nice little chat with this charming girl, who had played theyoung hostess to such perfection.

  But Hugh was safely out of the way. Burton had piloted him to acomfortable easy-chair at the extreme end of the drawing-room, and thesetwo antipathetic persons were apparently engaged in an interestingconversation. Anyway, Murchison's laugh rang out frequently.

  Pomfret, it must be confessed, was not very great at conversation. Ifthe ball were opened, he could set it rolling, but he lacked initiative.He looked at Miss Burton with admiring eyes, but although he had gother comfortably to himself on that convenient Chesterfield, he couldthink of nothing to say to her.

  And then a brilliant inspiration came to him. "I say, how gracefullyyou smoke." The young woman burst into a pleasant peal of quitespontaneous laughter. She always had a ready smile at command, but herlaughter was generally a little forced. This time it was perfectlygenuine.

  "Oh, you are really comical," she cried. "How can any girl smoke acigarette gracefully? In the first place, it is a most unfeminine thingto do. All people must smoke them in the same way, and there can neverbe anything graceful in the act."

  "Women don't smoke them the same way," replied the young subaltern, withthe air of a man who has observed and learned. "Most of them chew them,and hold them at arm's length, as if they were afraid of being bitten."

  "It's because they don't like smoki
ng, really, and only do it to be inthe fashion. Now, when I am quite in the mood, I actually revel in acigarette. I am in the mood to-night."

  Pomfret leaned forward, with a tender expression on his rather homely,but good-humoured, countenance.

  "That means that you feel happy to-night, eh?"

  She nodded brightly. "Oh, ever so happy! It is seeing new faces, youknow, after weeks of isolation," she added with a touch of almostgirlish gaiety. "It seems such ages since we gave a dinner-party. Andyou and Captain Murchison are so nice. It seems almost like a familygathering."

  "You like my friend Murchison, then? I am glad, because it is to him Iowe the pleasure of your acquaintance."

  "I think he is a dear, he seems so honest, straightforward, and soreliable." She spoke with apparent conviction. "Were you