Read This Too Shall Pass Page 20

“You could have told me that last night. Oh yeah, that wasn’t what you had on your drunk mind.” Alexis felt instant insecurity mixed with rage. How stupid could she be?

  Cory walked to her side behind the island and took her hand. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to come off so cold. I’m supposed to be downstairs in ten minutes. Are you okay?”

  “Yes, I’m fine,” Alexis replied in a softer, less angry tone. “I’ll get them ready.”

  “Thank you. Tap shoes?” he questioned again, smiled and walked away with his cup of coffee, leaving Alexis staring after him confused.

  “Can we wear our tap shoes?” Riki asked with dancing feet, Kinley close behind.

  “Yes, absolutely,” Alexis rebelliously agreed. She tried to dress Kinley first, but she threw a tantrum when Alexis attempted to remove the noisy shoes. She had to laugh at her when she walked toward the glass in nothing but the patent-leather shoes and white diaper. She giggled when she saw her reflection and moved her feet quickly like her big sister had.

  Cory was showered and dressed ten minutes later, rushing Riki to hurry. He tried to argue the tap shoes, but Riki whined, explain that Alexis already said she could wear them, and Kinley screamed to the top of her lungs when he tried to trade hers out. Alexis sucked both her lips between her teeth to keep from laughing.

  “You did this on purpose,” he accused while he tossed the diaper bag over his shoulder and hurried them along.

  Alexis didn’t deny or admit the factual truth. “Will you be back before the wedding?”

  “I doubt it. The wedding is at two. It’ll probably be later in the evening. You okay here?”

  “Yeah, I might venture out for lunch and some shopping.”

  “Please stay close and be careful.”

  “Yeah, I will,” Alexis promised while opening the door for his full hands. The door closed behind her with a click when she leaned her back against it, sighing with something. She didn’t know what. Aggravation about not being included. Missing Cory walking down the aisle with Kinley and Riki. Boredom from not having anyone to share the exciting city with. Confusion about what happened the night before. Stupidity for letting it happen. The loud sigh was from numerous accounts, zooming in and out of her mind.

  Most of the breakfast was placed in the refrigerator. Maybe Cory would come home drunk and hungry again. Alexis plopped a tart strawberry into her mouth, shaking her head while she thought about the intimacy with Cory. Why couldn’t she do this? Why couldn’t she be strong around him, and give him what he deserved? When did she become this weak minded damsel in distress? Alexis was the strongest person she knew, except when it came to Cory. Cory could crumble the foundation right out from under her in three point seven seconds. Why?

  Magnificent shower heads pointed in every direction there was, coming from the white and gray tile. The shower left Alexis redesigning her bathroom in her mind, trying to accommodate the multi showerhead heaven. A mental note was planted to let the girls play in there before they left. They would love it.

  Alexis pulled on the soft robe, feeling the fatigue from no sleep and mental exhaustion. She thought about dressing and going out shopping, but changed her mind five minutes after laying on the sofa. She only meant to close her eyes for a second. Her hand covered the knobby knee, poking out of her side and her mind went to Cory, kissing her belly and whispering that he loved him, or was that for her? Snuggling to her side, and pulling the blanket from the back of the sofa, Alexis settled in for a power nap. A power nap that turned into three hours.

  Her arms and legs stretched with a grunt while her eyes tried to focus on the green numbers across the room. Noon? No way. That had to be wrong. Moaning from an arm or a leg in the ribs, Alexis sat up and stretched again. The light on her phone let her know of a new message. Her finger swiped it and she smiled. Ellen had sent her multiple photos while she slept her life away. Kinley sat in a chair, wearing a diaper while some young girl put makeup on her. Alexis thought it was ridiculous, but cute. Riki was in the next one, wearing a beautiful white gown, her hair piled on top her head, and the tap shoes. That made her laugh, and then the one of the two of them together, matching dresses, standing in front of blue lit fountain. That one melted her heart, until she looked beyond the fountain. A group of well-dressed guests stood in a circle, Dr. Camille Giovani right in the middle, beautifully dressed.

  Alexis’s smile turned sad and her heart broke while she felt left out and rejected. Camille was invited to the wedding, but the mother of their granddaughter wasn’t welcome. A sudden urge to go home flooded her emotions. She didn’t like Chicago the last time she’d come, and she didn’t like it much better this time. Shopping wasn’t going to happen. Alexis didn’t want to shop. She wanted to be with Riki, Kinley, and even Cory. She should have been there with him and Camille Giovani shouldn’t have been there at all.

  The entire afternoon was spent receiving photos of the girls, and Cory. Alexis paid close attention to what was going on in the background of every photo. None of them had Camille until after the wedding. She was seated right behind Cory’s family’s table, still looking like a million bucks. Every time Alexis got another photo, she messaged Ellen to send more, telling her she wanted to see everything. The bride and groom, Cory and the girls, Cory’s parents, the huge wedding party, the food, the decorations, you name it, Alexis asked for it. The photo of the food reminded her that she hadn’t eaten since breakfast.

  Her mind wandered while her knee bounced nervously, up and down. Should she do it? She didn’t have to go inside to the reception. She could just get dressed and go to the restaurant, maybe mosey around a little and take a little peek. She chose a black pants suit, only because it was leftover from being pregnant with Kinley. She wasn’t about to go out and buy anymore maternity clothes, sure she was done after this one. She did take notice of her hair and makeup, wanting to have at least a little ammunition, just in case she happend to get lost and bump into Cory or Camille.

  She didn’t have to worry about that. The Trump Hotel was huge. The restaurant wasn’t even close to where the Baker wedding was. The gatekeeper standing in front of the white and gold wrapped podium wasn’t going to let her in anyway. She exhaled and made her way to the restaurant, defeated. Might as well eat alone, she thought, wallowing in self-pity.

  Alexis sat in a dark corner made for a romantic couple, alone. It must have been a pregnancy craving. All she wanted was the seafood platter again. The same one she’d eaten the night before. She ate about half of it alone and then took a walk. A short walk. It was cold and the heels she’d chosen weren’t made for walking, let alone the cool temperature. Alexis was back in the condo alone by seven, twiddling her thumbs. The girls had to be exhausted by now. Did Kinley get a nap? Did they get enough to eat? Were they being watched? No that was dumb. Of course they were being watched. They had Ellen and Cory.

  She tried to stay in her pretty clothes with the heels, the makeup, and her pinned hair, hoping Cory would be bringing the girls and coming back soon. For the first time in months Alexis let herself think of possibilities. Maybe they weren’t completely broken. Maybe he still felt what she did, like she had in his arms the night before. Maybe, just maybe, there was an ounce of hope.

  She gave up just before nine and changed into flannel pink and blue, pajama pants with a pink T-shirt. The matching top wouldn’t button around her stomach anymore. Her eyes darted to the time on the television and then the blink on her phone. She smiled at Riki and Kinley dancing in the middle of the dance floor, Riki holding both her little hands. And then she saw Cory, smiling right behind them, but not at them. He was holding Camille in his arms with his lips a fraction from hers. Alexis jumped when the fancy chime rang from the hall.

  Ellen carried sleeping Kinley and Riki walked tiredly behind her, shoes tapping with every step. “They’re beat. They’ve had a very long day.”

  “Where’s Cory?” Alexis asked while she took Kinley, sliding the tap shoes from her feet.

“He’s still down there. I’ve had enough Baker snobs for one day, too. I’m going to my room.”

  “You’re staying here, too? I figured you would have to go back to the Bakers’ and cater to them. Riki, honey don’t lay down yet. Let’s get your dress off. You should jump in the shower,” Alexis said as she watched Riki plopped to the sofa.

  “I’m too tired.”

  “Cory didn’t tell you? I don’t work for the Baker’s anymore. I’m only here because he asked me to come and help with the girls.”

  Alexis turned back to Ellen with a frown. “Cory doesn’t tell me anything. I thought you had a contract.”

  “I do. I did. I broke it a little over a month ago. It’s fine. I’m okay. I should have done it when Cory left.”

  “Ellen will you read me a story?” Riki asked in a whiny voice, kicking off her own tap shoes.

  “Of course I’ll read you a story. Is that okay?” Ellen asked after the fact.

  “Yes, of course. I’m going to change Kinley. Riki come and change your clothes first,” Alexis ordered in a loving tone. She was so tired it was cute.

  Alexis changed Kinley without her moving and then placed her in the crib rather than the floating bed. She couldn’t stop thinking about Cory being downstairs with Camille, drunk, and horny. Surely he wouldn’t. Would he? Of course he would. They weren’t together. No, no, he wouldn’t do that.

  “I don’t see the diaper bag,” Alexis announced while looking around for Kinley’s bag.

  Ellen looked to Riki, settled by her side to read the book.

  “Oopsie,” Riki quietly said with a troubled expression, like she was going to be in trouble.

  “Where is it?” Alexis questioned.

  “By the elevator. Downstairs.”

  “Ugh, child…Where? I’ll run down and grab it.”

  “Right by the door. On the bench.”

  “I can go, Alexis. You’re already in your pajamas,” Ellen offered.

  Alexis smiled and tilted her head. “I’m barely stepping out, but even if I wasn’t, I wouldn’t care much. That’s the big difference between the city and the country. We don’t judge what’s on the inside and we sure as hell don’t care what you think of us on the outside.”

  Ellen smiled and opened the book. “That’s what I love about you.”

  The wish for clothes came about three floors down, curiosity getting the best of her. Was he with her? Maybe she could sneak down the hall without him seeing her, just a peek. Nobody knew her there. It wasn’t like they were going to go tell him some crazy chick in pajamas was outside spying on him. They didn’t know her from Adam. The diaper bag was right where Riki said it was. Alexis tossed it over her shoulder and made her way toward the reception. She got a few stares as she made her way down the extravagant hall, gold lights, illuminating a stream of grace down each side the wall, but they were only workers. The party was over, the gatekeeper gone, leaving only the staff to clean up the mess. Alexis stood at the door and looked in, observing the remnants of a prodigal reception.

  “He left,” the familiar voice spoke from behind her. Alexis turned and watched Dianna Baker walk into the room and retrieve her purse. “The girls were adorable today. Thank you for letting them be a part of this. You can probably catch him.”

  “You’re welcome,” Alexis replied, not knowing what else to say. Cory’s mom wasn’t what you would call nice to her. Maybe she was turning over a new leaf. Maybe her daughter’s wedding was a symbol, new beginnings or something. Dianna gave her a haughty look from head to pajama pants, and walked past her without another word, leaving her alone. Okay, maybe not. He left? What did that mean? Should she call him? Text him? Leave him alone? Where was he going?

  Alexis walked back the way she’d come, toward the same restaurant she had eaten at just hours before. The foyer of the hotel held a few of the leftover wedding party, talking in groups, and waiting for their cars. Alexis took a deep breath when she saw Cory, a half a grin forming on her lips. He looked so handsome in his tuxedo, the kind of man any women would want on her side. The same deep breath halted in her throat when she watched Cory smile, walk right up to Camille, and take her hand. All she could do was watch while they made their way to the sidewalk where they stood holding hands, waiting for her car. Alexis swallowed a dry lump and watched, hoping he was just seeing her off. How could he do this after last night? Hurt turned to anger when Camille wrapped her arms around his neck and they kissed. Cory kissed her like he kissed Alexis while the clan of overdressed people watched, like it was perfectly okay, heartless to the fact that he had a family.

  There was no thinking involved. Alexis stormed through the fancy glass doors, not waiting for the doorman to open it for her, and right up to Cory and Camille.

  “Lex? What are you doing?” Cory questioned with scrutiny while he took a step away from Camille, noticing her attire.

  “You brought her? She’s pregnant again?” Camille asked with the same distasteful look his mother had just given her. She knew. Dianna Baker set her up. She knew her son was leaving with the successful city doctor. She wanted her to walk out there.

  Cory stopped Alexis with an arm around her waist when she went after Camille. What the hell? Alexis wasn’t a violent person. She’d never been in a fight in her life. First time for everything. She was ready to rip the head off this bitch.

  “Alexis, stop. This isn’t the time or the place for this,” Cory ordered when Alexis struggled to break his grip.

  “Let’s go Cory,” Camille demanded with a cocked hip. Alexis tried going after her again.

  She didn’t care about the stares. She didn’t care about his mother watching with a smirk. She didn’t even care about the ginormous stomach. Alexis was out for blood and she didn’t care what one person in the entire tainted city thought about her. What an evil place, full of malevolent people. Alexis was seeing red, a fury she’d never felt in her life.

  “I fucking hate you. You go, Cory. Go ahead. I don’t need you. I’ve never needed you,” Alexis assured him with gritted teeth and a straight finger.

  “I’m not going anywhere, Alexis. Just stop it.”

  “Cory,” Camille said from the side. Once again Cory held Alexis back. Was this chick for real?

  “Camille, just go.” Cory ordered with a stern glare over his shoulder.

  Camille’s eyes walked down Alexis’s attire. “Seriously, Cory? You’re going to let this come between us—again?”

  Cory held a death grip around Alexis’s waist. She was determined to get to Camille and her condescending stare.

  “At least she’s good at one thing,” Camille stated with hateful words, staring right at her pregnant belly.

  “That’s right you fucking whore. You wouldn’t know what a family was if it fell to your feet. None of you would, but don’t worry. It’s not his. Go, go with her, Cory. I want you to.”

  “Alexis, Oh my God. Stop. What has gotten into you?”

  Alexis jerked away, but took a step back, away from the staring, fancy dressed, snobs. Her eyes searched them out, one by one, all looking at her like she’d gone mad. She had. Her fingers jolted the ring from around her finger and she held it in her fist.

  “You can all take your money, your successful careers, and your high-class act, and shove it up your asses. Who the fuck do you think you are, judging me? And you, you low life mother fucker. You can go to hell,” Alexis yelled, tears streaming down her face. The ring hit Cory’s chest and then the sidewalk. For the first time since they’d gone their separate ways, Alexis knew without a doubt, they were finished.

  The fight continued inside when Alexis stormed away and Cory followed. “Alexis will you please listen to me?” Cory begged.

  Alexis kept walking, ignoring the stares. Her voice had changed to an eerie calm. “Listen to you? You mean like you did me?”

  “I didn’t sleep with anyone.”

  “No, but you would have. You still can. Hurry, you can probably still catch her.”

/>   “Alexis, I wasn’t going to leave with Camille.”

  “Yeah, that was obvious. You were just going to make out with her in front of everyone and then what, Cory. Send her on her way?”

  “We were going to hang at a club we used to go to. I wasn’t leaving with just her.”

  Alexis shook her head and snorted. “She was there last night, wasn’t she? Did you get drunk with Camille last night?”

  Cory pushed the button to the elevator, telling the attendant he didn’t need him. “She was there. I know what you’re thinking and it’s not true. I wasn’t thinking about anyone but you last night. I swear.”

  “Yeah, right. Go have fun, Cory.”

  “Please don’t do this. I thought we were taking a step forward. I don’t want to fight.”

  “Stop,” Alexis ordered with one hand, keeping him from entering the elevator with her. “I don’t want you to come up with me. Go with your friends.”

  “I would rather be with you.”

  “Would you?”

  “You think you have the right to judge me? You think you have the right to check up on me, walk around here in front of my family and friends in your pajamas?”

  Alexis snorted and cut him off, stopping him from telling her what else she didn’t have the right to do. “I wasn’t checking up on you. Ellen forgot the diaper bag.” The doors closed and Alexis went up. Without Cory. Riki was sound asleep with her head in Ellen’s lap.

  “What’s wrong?” Ellen questioned.

  “Nothing, everything, this family. I just want to go home.”

  Ellen smiled a sad smile and hugged Alexis. “He’s a good man, Alexis. He is. I raised him.”

  “But he still belongs to them.”

  Ellen was the only normal person there, closest to the people back home. She didn’t pry, only wished her well, and made her promise to call when she had the baby, assuring her intent to visit.

  Alexis paced the floor. She stood in front of the city behind the glass and back to the table. Back and forth. She just wanted to go home, sleep in her own bed, and put this all behind her. A new sense of wellbeing had been born in an instant, and she wanted nothing to do with Cory Baker. Nothing. Sleep wasn’t even an option, and she didn’t even try. Fast paced adrenalin, pumping through her veins worked like speed. There was no way she was sleeping. Wondering where Cory was and what Cory was doing kept that swiftness pushing through her body.