Read This Too Shall Pass Page 26

  The tap on the window pulled her attention from the babies. Alexis smiled at Bernie. “Can she come in?”

  “I can’t let her in here, but the doctor here can,” the nurse admitted with a smile and a nod right toward Dr. Baker.

  Cory waved a hand and met her at the door. There was only one other baby in there and he was with his mother, and honestly, he didn’t really care about the hospital rules.

  “Oh my, God, Lex. You have twins! Is this real life?”

  “I don’t think so.”

  “They look exactly alike. Are they identical?”

  Alexis looked to Cory for the answer.

  “Yes, both babies roomed in the same sac for the past nine months or so. You avoided the prenatal care, so we can’t say for sure how long that really was. I’m guessing they’re a couple weeks early.”

  “How much did they weigh?”

  “Thing one weighed five, one, and thing two weighed four, nine,” Cory explained. Alexis smiled at his clarification, or was it at him. Something happened while she was out cold, something she couldn’t explain, maybe another miracle, but she didn’t hate him. She was too grateful, too happy, and too proud for hate.

  “Do you want to hold them, Bernie?”

  “Let’s go back to your room. I don’t want to get in trouble for having a party in here,” Cory suggested. He took the baby with the tube and the nurse took the other one. Bernie helped with the wheelchair and then both babies were placed back into Alexis’s arms. Her eyes went from one baby to the other. Twins? She still couldn’t believe it. It did make sense when she thought about it. There were lots of times she could feel a butt, and then a head, but they were too close together, and then there were the times where she swore she could feel three feet. Those were the times she worried something was wrong, the baby was deformed or something. She promised herself every time that she was going to call Dr. Dalton, and she never did. How could she have been so stupid?

  “Where are we going?” Alexis questioned when Cory pushed the button for the double doors, in the wrong direction.

  “We’re going to get rid of your family. They’re never going to leave, not until you tell them you’re okay.”

  “My family? Do they know? About the twins? Two babies?”

  “Yes, they’ve all seen them through the window.”

  One worried mother, three brothers, three sisters, four of their spouses, and Paige, all came to their feet.

  “You can’t touch them yet, but here she is. She’s fine,” Cory announced.

  Lola was the defiant one who didn’t listen. She strolled right to them and hugged Alexis with tears. And then the threat came. “If you ever do something like this again, I will personally kick your ass.”

  Everyone in the room laughed, but not at the threat. It was the curse word. Lola didn’t say that word or any other cross words. She did that time and she meant business. After a short visit to show her family she was okay, Cory wheeled her back to her room. Bernie followed.

  “When did you get here, Bernie?” Alexis wondered as the babies were once again snatched from her arms.

  Bernie held her elbow and helped her into bed. “I followed the ambulance.”

  Alexis frowned, eyebrows turned in while her shoulders straightened, trying to ease the pain. “You’ve been here all day? I’m so confused. I don’t remember anything. I think I remember going into the operating room, and,” Alexis paused while she remembered, “Cory, I remember you yelling at the doctors. Is that right? You were mad.”

  “Yes,” Bernie answered for him. “I thought he was going to kill someone.”

  “Did you ride with Cory?”

  “No, Cory went in the squad. I was right behind it.”

  As soon as Alexis was back in bed, the babies were handed back. Tiny little grunts and squirms melted her heart. “Should I feed them?”

  “Not, yet. They both just ate. Let’s let the pain meds wear off. Next time we’ll give you something nonnarcotic,” the nurse explained.

  “I’m going to give you and Cory your time. I’ll come back in the morning,” Bernie explained.

  “Don’t you want to hold them?” Alexis didn’t want her to leave. She was afraid of her time with Cory. Especially with the hate she’d been carrying for so long being omitted from the picture. She didn’t trust herself.

  “I’ll hold them in the morning. Oh, and I’ll have Paige follow me to your house to drop off your car.”

  “Why do you have my car?”

  “Mine was on empty,” Bernie smiled. She hugged Alexis and kissed both tiny babies on the forehead before heading out.

  Silence was not only heard, but felt as well when the nurse left them too. Alexis stared down at her tiny miracles in shock, and disbelief. Two babies.

  “Two newborns, an almost two year old, and a five year old. Whose life is this? How the hell am I supposed to take care of all these kids?”

  “You’re going to let me help. And I don’t mean every Wednesday and every other weekend either.”

  “You couldn’t feed them anyway,” Alexis joked in a sad tone while her mind and eyes stayed focused on her babies. She wasn’t ready for any sort of real conversation with him. Not yet.

  “Can we name them?” Cory asked as he tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. He wasn’t going to make this easy.

  “Riki wanted Paisley.”

  “I know. I love it. Which one?”

  Alexis studied the dainty features. That didn’t work. They were the same. Exactly the same. “This one,” she decided, picking the baby with the tube.

  “Okay. What about a middle name.”

  Alexis looked up to his eyes, staring intently at her rather than his baby girls. She looked back to Paisley and replied, “Bernice.”

  “Paisley Bernice Baker. I love it.”

  “Now what about thing two?”

  “I want them to match. What goes with Paisley?”


  Alexis frowned, eyebrows instantly toward her nose. “We’re not naming her Elvis. Can you be serious?”

  “I am. Not the Elvis part.”

  The features on her face softened and her eyes went back to the sleeping baby in her arms. “Paisley and Presley. I love it. Do you want to pick the middle name?”

  “Ellen’s middle name is Rose.”

  “Hello Paisley Bernice and Presley Rose Baker,” Alexis quietly spoke. Presley opened one eye and closed it right back. The smile at Cory caused a gaze, a trance between them. Alexis held his stare, feeling emotions she wasn’t sure how to relate to. Feelings she wanted, yet didn’t, knowing it could go either way, good, or bad.


  Coming home with two babies was twice the fun as coming home with one. Alexis already couldn’t imagine her life without them. They were so much alike, yet different. Cory already wanted to paint their fingernails different colors to keep from mixing them up. Alexis wouldn’t let him. Not even one. She had zero problem telling them apart. Paisley’s little arm went over her eyes when she nursed, her hands were always opened, and she squeaked like a little mouse. Presley nursed like she was starving to death, her little hands were always in fists, and when she cried it was like a lion, not a mouse.

  Riki ran to the front porch as fast as she could, Sam right behind her with a coat. Cory didn’t bring her to the hospital like he had when Kinley was born. Riki was just getting over being sick, and Cory didn’t want her spreading her germs around the hospital. As much as Alexis and Riki both begged, he wasn’t having it. He made her wait.

  “Hurry up!” she squealed while bouncing up and down, flailing her hands in excitement.

  “Let me come around and help you. It’s slippery. Wait there,” Cory ordered.

  Alexis briefly lost the smile toward Riki. “I’m fine. I know how to walk on ice.”

  Cory ordered her to stay put again and got out of the truck, and then he ordered Riki. “Get in the house, it’s freezing out here.”

  “I can??
?t. I’m too excited. I’ve been waiting for months.”

  Alexis laughed and let Cory take her hand. Damn. She was sore. Way more than when she had Kinley. “Thank you for letting me be here,” he said while helping her out of the too tall truck.

  “Nobody else would come and get me, but you could have brought my car. It’s not as tall.”

  “I wanted to bring my babies home in style,” he teased with a dimpled smile.

  Alexis pulled her hands from his. He was crazy if he thought he was going to jump right back in where he left off. Crazy! “Bring my babies in before Riki has a heart attack.”

  Cory took her hand again without an explanation and walked her all the way to the top step. Alexis let him without protest.

  “Lexis!” Riki squealed.

  “Hi, baby. I missed you so much. I can’t bend down yet. Come inside so I can sit down and hug you. Where’s your sister?”

  “She’s sleeping. She’s grouchy.”

  “I think she just misses her mommy,” Sam suggested, holding the door open, stopping her long enough for a hug. “I’m glad you’re okay.”

  “Thank you. I’m fine, stupid but okay,” Alexis admitted, happy she had her.

  “I’m going to take a peek at these little girls and then get out of here. Doug’s making his famous chili,” she said with an eye roll. Alexis wanted to ask, but refrained, saving that conversation for a later time, when there wasn’t so much excitement going on.

  Cory came in with a car-seat on both arms, sitting them right in front of the couch. He took Alexis’s elbow and then her hand, helping her ease on to the sofa.

  “I’m sorry, Lex. I could have helped,” Sam said, apologizing for not knowing how much pain it was for her to sit that low.

  “It’s fine,” she said with a huge smile toward Riki, uncovering each babies face. She didn’t think about the pain of sitting either. Cory did.

  “Oh my, goodness. Oh, my goodness,” Riki chanted. “Can I hold them? Which one is Paisley and which one is Presley? They look the same.”

  “This one is Presley. Sit down,” Cory said, unable to hide the smile. Riki moved beside Alexis and opened her arms. “And this one is Paisley.”

  Cory laid both babies side by side in Riki’s arms. The joy on her little face while she held her new baby sisters’ for the first time was priceless. Paisley’s little arm went over Presley’s neck and they both settled little squirms, relaxing, right back to sleep.

  “They’re hugging,” Riki announced.

  “They’re used to being really close together,” Alexis explained while her hand helped support their heads.

  “I want Kinley,” Alexis requested, looking up at Sam and not Cory.

  “Oh no you don’t. Take my advice let her sleep. She’s like a bear with a splinter. Nothing makes her happy right now. Not even M&M’s.”

  “M&M’s? Are you giving my baby chocolate?”

  “Yes, it’s my go to for Kinley. Works every time.”

  “Not this time,” Riki offered.

  “Right, not this time. I would let her sleep.”

  Sam held both babies and then left, leaving Alexis with her family. Lola called and offered to bring supper, but Alexis told her no. It was freezing outside. Cory could take care of that. Sam was right about Kinley. She was a grouch, but it didn’t last long. Alexis held her, rocking her back and forth in the recliner, rubbing her back, and kissing her little head. She only missed her mommy.

  Riki couldn’t get enough of the babies. She was the proudest big sister in the entire world, and she didn’t have a bit of problem telling the little creatures apart. Cory did take care of supper, making the best homemade pizza ever. The rest of the day was spent devoted to the four little girls. Not many words were exchanged between the two of them, only to the babies and the Riki and Kinley.

  Once the girls were bathed and in warm pajamas, Alexis held her lower abdomen and walked up the stairs to read and put them to bed. Riki helped Kinley climb into her bed and covered her up and Alexis crawled in the middle. The short chapter book was a little much for Kinley. She was bored without the colorful pictures. She was standing up on the bed and then dropping to her butt, trying to get a reaction out of Alexis and Riki.

  “Maybe we should read the baby book first,” Riki suggested.

  “Good idea. Go find one.”

  The owl sounds and the theatrical way Alexis told the story settled her right down. Kinley was yawning in no time, sound asleep by the last page. Riki also yawned, situating her little body into Alexis’s chest. Alexis kissed her head and told her again how much she missed her.

  “Is my dad going to live here now?”

  “Hmm, I don’t know. Do you think he should?”

  “Yes, because you keep having more babies. You need some help.”

  Alexis laughed and hugged her tighter. “I have you for that. Do you want to read your book?”

  “No, Aunt Sam already read it to me. I want Kinley to stay here.”

  “In your bed? She might fall out.”

  “No she won’t, she’s by the wall. I want her to.”

  “I’ll see what daddy says. Can I go take a bath now? You’re good?”

  “Yeah, tell my dad to come and tuck me in, too.”

  “Okay, night sweetie. I love you.”

  “Night, love you, too.”

  Alexis descended the stairs, feeling the pain of every step. Checking on both babies, sound asleep in the same swing, Alexis told Cory to go to Riki and went to the bathroom downstairs.

  Everything was set for a nice long soak in strawberries and cream bubbles until Cory came waltzing in like he owned the place.

  “You can’t just barge in the bathroom,” Alexis said, annoyed. Who the hell did he think he was? Cory ignored her and shut the water off.

  “Sorry, I had a feeling this is what you were doing. You can’t get in there.”

  “In where? What are you doing?”

  “In the water. You can take a shower, but you can’t soak in the tub.”

  “Why? I did it all the time after I had Kinley.”

  “You didn’t have surgery with Kinley. You can’t get in there. Can I see your incision?”

  “You’re not my doctor.”

  Cory smiled at the stubborn streak and sat on the toilet, pulling the bottom of her shirt to come to him. There was nothing sexual about it, but it still stirred emotions she hadn’t had in a while. “Stop,” he ordered playfully. First he released the wrap band, suffusing her relief, and then he removed the tape. The gauze was stuck half way toward the incision, and he stopped. “Go ahead and get a shower, let it get wet, but keep the soap out. Yell for me when you’re done, and I’ll come in and take care of it.”

  Alexis stared down with an unsure gaze, nodding in agreement. Cory stood, holding the gaze and sidestepped her. An audible breath was released when the door closed behind him. Was she ready for this? Could she forgive him and get past the last nine months of hate and animosity? Those were the thoughts running through her mind while hot water rained over her body.

  Alexis did let Cory take care of cleaning the incision. She laid on the sofa with her shirt up while he doctored her up, quiet stillness filling the air. Presley broke the awkwardness with a squeaky cry, affirming her hungry belly. Smiles were exchanged as Cory took her hand to help her up. He handed her Presley and then sat in the chair across from her with Paisley. Alexis covered herself with the receiving-blanket and lifted her shirt.

  “Don’t hide from me, Lex,” Cory quietly requested in soft tone.

  Alexis snorted and looked down to Presley latching on, but she didn’t uncover her nursing. “You don’t get that right, Cory.”

  “I can understand that. I’m sorry, Lex.”

  “Yeah, I know. Let’s not do this.” Alexis turned her attention to her baby and away from Cory’s intimidating eyes. Although she knew this conversation was coming, she wasn’t ready to have it.

  “Do you want to go up to bed? I’ll ca
rry the little ones for you.”

  “No, you can sleep up there. I think I’ll stay down here with them.”

  Cory didn’t sleep upstairs either. What little he did sleep was in the recliner. Alexis was the same. What little she slept was done on the sofa. No other words were exchanged about anything other than what needed to be said, the babies. That’s it.

  Cory was sound asleep with the chair reclined with his hands tucked behind his head. Alexis was woken around two in the morning when she tried to roll over. The pain was immediate, taking her breath as she tried to sit. It settled when she sat up, holding a pillow over the incision. The fire was burned to a low flame, needing wood. Alexis thought about it for a second, but thought better of it. It wasn’t worth the pain. The crackling fire was the only noise she heard. Mr. Dog’s quiet whisper should have been heard as well. Her eyes went to the empty rug and her heart hurt. Thoughts of everything under the sun crossed her mind. All the things Cory had said and done to her over the past few months, Mr. Dog, and her dad. Sam and Doug, Bernie, and then more of her dad. He didn’t even get to see the babies. He would have been so in love.

  “Are you crying, Lex?”

  “My dad never got to see them. He’s never going to know how special they are. I almost didn’t have them. I almost killed all of us. Mr. Dog isn’t going to protect them. I can never trust you again.” Word that made little to no sense poured out of her mouth with every tear and they continued when Cory came to her side, holding her close. Alexis cried in the crook of his neck, letting go of months of bottled up emotions. Cory didn’t say a word. His lips stayed planted on her forehead while she cried, spewing everything she wanted to say, but didn’t. By the time she’d finished, her eyes were puffy and her tears were dry.

  “I don’t know how to make it right, Alexis. I know, I’m sorry isn’t going to do it, but I am. I am so sorry. I wish you would have slapped me and told me the truth.”