Read Those Dang Chihuahuas! Page 2

  Nicole used telekinesis to bring Cindy back into the wall. Belle saw it and stepped back in.

  “I believe you. My karate practices have been like magic since ‘yall came! Well, you might have to prove it to them!” Skylar pointed to the two freaked-out girls in the corner of the fire wall.

  The fairies grouped together, and then they nodded. “Fairy test!” They yelled together.

  “So, how are you going to prove we’re fairies?” Cindy snorted.

  “Well, first of all, we’ve been giving you the test the whole time! We knew there was something special about you, so we have been tracking you down. It was Chloe’s idea to do it; she’s the one who makes all of our crazy ideas.” Brandon whispered.

  “When we came into your house, we were trying to see if you could hear us. And you did! And now that you burst through a fire wall, we basically have proof, but we will have to make a few more tests.” He continued.

  “Well, you have a better chance of wiping the mind of a rock than running tests on me and my sisters.” Cindy growled.

  Nicole snapped. “Why’d she do that?” Belle asked. Belle appeared under her fingers.

  “Yup. She’s a fairy. Only fairies can do that.” Nicole said.

  “Don’t you dare do that to me!” Cindy growled.

  “Too late!” Chloe snapped and Cindy appeared under her fingers, too.

  “I’m living a nightmare….” Cindy said.

  “You don’t have to do that to me!” Skylar said. She spread out her hands and tried to make magic.

  “NOOOOOO!!!!!” Phoebe grabbed Skylar’s hands.

  Brianna growled, “I’d rather eat my pets than let you dum-dums get magic!”

  “Man, Phoebe and Brianna have bad tempers!” Skylar giggled.

  After that, it was silent for a few seconds. Belle and Cindy broke that silence. “WE’RE NOT FAIRIES!!!!!!” They grabbed Skylar, broke out of the wall, and ran home.

  Chapter 9

  The next morning, the girls were watching TV. “I’m scared. I have gym today, and I either don’t want something to happen to you guys, or I don’t want it to happen while I’m gone.” Belle said.

  “Don’t worry! We’re the oldest! We can take care of ourselves!” Cindy replied.

  “Besides,” Skylar joined in, “I don’t think those guys are going to be back, and since it is NOT a dream, they probably don’t mean any harm at all! Maybe they just want to play with other people like us!”

  “Well, they keep saying that we’re fairies too, so they probably just don’t want PEOPLE friends. They want to convince us we’re fairies, too so we will be part of their horrible scheme.” Cindy growled.

  “Bye, Guys!” Belle said as she left the tiny brick house.

  Cindy sighed. Skylar plopped down on the small sofa. “It’s boring without Belle!” Skylar groaned.

  “Let’s go outside!” Cindy said.

  “Ok, whatever.” Skylar said as they opened the door.

  They had different reactions to what was behind the door. Of course we all know what was behind it. Skylar saw the fairies and said, “Wow. I really should have seen this coming!”

  “Get me out of this dream…..” Cindy said.

  Nicole said, “Miss us?” and grabbed Skylar by the hand and flew off. Chloe, Phoebe, Brandon, and tiny Brianna were left with Cindy.

  “You know, if my mom would let me, I’d say and do some things I’m not supposed to!” Cindy growled. “Now, I’d like to say something called, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

  Cindy ran as fast as she could. Unfortunately, Chloe grabbed her arm. “Get off of me!” she yelled.

  “Calm down! We’re not scary! There’s nothing to be afraid of!” Chloe made a hand cuff of ice around Cindy’s arms.

  “Yes there is: You!” Cindy yelled and bit the cuff so it’d break. It did. She ran off.

  Chloe gave up on this little girl. She’d make a horrible fairy! Cindy hid under a tree and took a nap.

  Chapter 10

  AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cindy heard. She jumped out from under the tree. It was Skylar! Get me out of here! Help!

  “What are they doing to Skylar?!” She told herself and ran to the back of her house.

  She was not very surprised to see a little girl held captive in a block of ice by five fairies that in Cindy’s mind were losing their minds! What was she to do? Yeah, she didn’t know either……..

  “LET GO OF MY SISTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!”She yelled. Nicole, Chloe, and doggie form Brianna, realized something was about to happen. Something bad….. They went and chased her.

  “Man, I wish I would’ve never picked up those DANG Chihuahuas!” Cindy growled underneath her breath.

  While she was talking to herself, Chloe noticed a chance and her and Nicole took a grasp on her arm. “Get off of me!” Cindy yelled.

  Enraged, Cindy flipped their arm with hers on top of theirs then. Crack! Pop! Cindy had no idea what it was. Next thing she knew, her hands were hot, smoke was coming out from the ground, and Nicole and Chloe were on the ground, covered with ashes.

  “What the heck?!” she said.

  Brianna knew what happened. Brianna saw. She knew how it worked. “You electrocuted them.”

  “Wait, what?!?!”

  “You electrocuted them with your magic!” Brianna scampered off in terror.

  “What on Earth did I do?” Cindy asked herself.

  Chapter 11

  She thought for a second. I don’t like this. Everyone knows it. But, I am NOT going to let them torture Skylar like they did to me!

  She walked over to Brandon, Phoebe, and Rose. “Hey, listen. I just electrocuted Chloe and Nicole, and Brianna is scared to death. Do you want the same to happen to you?! Didn’t think so.” Cindy growled.

  Without warning, Nicole came up and made a fire wall around Cindy. Cindy was enraged. She had been pranked by some dang Chihuahuas that weren’t even Chihuahuas, got tortured by fairies, and then feel the shame of letting her sister get tortured too. It was just too much.

  She punched the walls. It faded with a big burst. BAM! Dark blue magic skidded across the small yard. Cindy screamed as loud as she could, “LET GO OF SKYLAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

  But everyone knew something was different. Something happened. Cindy was not in her cute tank top and jeans anymore. She was wearing something that she never thought she’d wear. She was wearing a dark blue dress. It a lightning strike on the top and had little water droplets on the bottom. At first, she didn’t realize it, but two lightning-shaped wings sprouted from her back.

  “What just happened?” She whimpered when she saw the brand new dress. The wings started to flutter. They did it on their own. Cindy didn’t do it. It happened by itself. She started to levitate in the air.

  She basically fainted when she saw herself levitate. She went out like a light. The wings and dress disappeared, too. She fell flat on the ground. “Ouch!” Brianna scrunched. “For the first time, I feel bad for her!”

  When she got up, Nicole went to pounce on her. “Stop, Nicole.” Chloe held her back in an ice wall. “Let her be.” Then, everyone looked up to see Belle arriving with the worst expression on her face that you can possibly think of.

  That night, Cindy, Belle and Skylar made sure the fairies weren’t around, then started talking. “I think I’m losing my mind. Am I?” Cindy pounded her head with a book.

  “I don’t think so, Cindy. I saw it with my own eyes.” Belle replied.

  “To be honest, I believe them, and I like it!” She flashed red magic. She turned into a vampire.

  “Skylar!!!!” Cindy and Belle yelled and kicked her in the shins.

  Chapter 12

  Meanwhile, at the fairies’ house, Chloe was determined. “Guys, we had a big accomplishment today. Cindy turned into a fairy. Skylar used her magic and so did Cindy. They will probably be more scared of us now, but they’ll probably believe us.” She pointed out.

??But when will we find our three long lost sisters from the car wreck?” Brianna asked.

  “Guys, don’t you get it? These are our sisters. They just don’t know it! They have magic! They don’t remember! Remember when Mom let Nicole try to drive the car? Me, you, Phoebe, Brandon, Chloe, and Skylar were in it! Nicole wrecked it and Skylar got hit the hardest, so she got amnesia. Cindy was too wild, and Belle was too young to learn about the magic. They didn’t know, and they still don’t recognize us. Maybe if we try a little harder, they will.” Rose tried to explain.

  “Yeah!” they all yelled.

  Chapter 13

  Skylar had karate practice again the next morning. Cindy and Belle were talking together at the breakfast table. “We’ve got to watch out. We know we’re one of them. We can’t let them know, though. If they know they’ve won, no telling what they could do.” Cindy said.

  “Well, something isn’t right about them. I feel….a connection…… between them, like….. I’ve seen them before. Like this magic….. I feel like I’ve always had it… and we did too! And since they’ve came, I’ve suddenly been awesome at gymnastics. I can cut flips in the air!” Belle replied.

  “Well, let’s just keep a look out.”

  Suddenly, a little white squirrel perched on the windowsill. “Aww…. Look at the cute thing! He doesn’t have any crazy fairies chasing him!” Cindy giggled.

  The squirrel’s face went from cute and chubby to really mean and about to bite or pounce when it heard that. Chip, Chip, Chip, Chip, Chip! It growled. It had called a very odd army. It was him, the white squirrel, an orange one, a zombie (Phoebe, of course), a lab, a giraffe, and a wolf.

  “Shoot.” Cindy slapped herself. “Not again.” Belle opened the door and the girls ran for their escape. “SQUIRELLS IN MY HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SQUIRELLS IN MY HOUSE!!!!!” Cindy screamed.


  “SHUT UP, BELLE! WE’RE IN A CRISIS HERE!” The zombie grabbed her by the neck and the white squirrel jumped on her shoulder. The thing on her shoulder turned into Chloe and the zombie, Phoebe, just stayed the same. Phoebe never changes unless she really feels like it.

  “Boo.” Chloe giggled.

  The giraffe put her hoof on Belle. The orange squirrel jumped on her shoulder. “Miss me?” The giraffe said as she turned into Nicole and the squirrel turned into Brianna. The lab and the wolf turned into Rose and Brandon.

  Chloe froze the sisters again. “Ok, how do we get them to remember us?” she asked Nicole, the oldest. (She’s twenty-six)

  “Step one: use the book to get them to name their powers!” Nicole handed Chloe an old red book.

  Chloe unfroze them. “Alright, Cindy, you’re first. Read this. If you can, you’re not a fairy. No fairy ever has.”

  Cindy glanced at it. “It says, ‘You’re a human. You’re normal.’”

  “WHAT?!?!” Nicole and Chloe screamed at the same time.

  “I don’t get it.” Belle cocked her head as she read it.

  “This is crazy! She turned into a fairy, used her powers, and the book says she’s human.” Nicole said.

  “Wait. Read this page.” Chloe yanked this book out of Nicole’s hands and flipped the pages.

  Cindy read out loud, “You are Cindy, the amazing half-fairy, half-human. You are also half weather fairy, half music fairy.”

  “Wow, Cindy, you are awesome! Belle, now, find a page you can read.” Rose grabbed the book and handed it to Belle.

  Belle flipped a few seconds. “This one. It says, ‘You are a gymnastics fairy’. Awesome!” She cut a flip in the air.

  “Girls,” Phoebe said with her gruff voice, “We big fairies gotta talk. You stay in bubble or me hurt you.” Phoebe made a dark bubble around them.

  “Time to give up?” Belle asked.

  “Yup.” Cindy replied.

  Chapter 14

  Skylar walked into the yard. “Uh, hey…um…guys….. Where’s Belle and Cindy?” she asked. Chloe spread her hands. “Please don’t freeze me again! I’ll do anything! I believe in the powers! They don’t! I do! I’m NOT on their side like I usually am!” She put her hands up and whimpered. “Sorry, I talk fast when I’m scared.”

  “Fine, get your sisters to believe in us, and then come back. Then, we’ll teach you to use your powers.” Chloe turned around to continue the talk with the others. She turned back to Skylar. “Wait. Come here Skylar. We have to talk to you about something.” Skylar walked in the group of fairies.

  “Listen, guys. I know my powers. You don’t have to teach me, but I’m not a regular fairy. I’m a monster fairy, like Phoebe.” Skylar said.

  “You…..” Phoebe growled. “…..Are the worst sister in the world! I wish I was never related to you!!!!” She jumped forward, trying to strangle Skylar.

  Just in time, Skylar turned into a vampire and sent a magic burst to send her off. It worked. She turned back. “The cool kind, as you would say….” She turned to Chloe.

  “Whoa.” Brianna stared. “She’s my new BFF. Sorry, Phoebe. You’re outnumbered.” She fluttered up to Skylar’s shoulder.

  “Get off of me!” Skylar yelled and slapped her off. “Now, why’d she say I was her sister?”

  There was a silence. Then, Rose asked, “Is it time?” Everyone nodded.

  “Look, there’s a reason we’ve been chasing you down. We’re not friends from school. There’s a reason me, Brandon, Chloe, Rose, Phoebe and Brianna have been following you and your sisters.” Nicole pointed out.

  “Well, there must be a real good reason you guys hang out Phoebe!” Skylar laughed. Phoebe growled, but Chloe froze her.

  “Well,” Nicole continued, “We are sisters and brothers.”

  “So, what’s this have to do with me?”

  “Cindy, You, and me…” Chloe whimpered, “…….are triplets.”

  Skylar’s eyes went white. So many memories. She remembered them. The amnesia was gone. Skylar remembered. It was too much. She remembered the car wreck. She fainted.

  Chapter 15

  Rose shook her until she woke up. “So…. You guys are my sisters and Brandon is my brother?” Everyone nodded.

  “Unfortunately you are……..” Brandon groaned.

  “You can’t tell Cindy. Tell Belle, but not Cindy. She was always crazy, so when she was little, so she never learned about the magic. We just never told her. Maybe by looking at it now, it was a bad idea.” Nicole jumped forward.

  “Ok, um, what…do I do now?” Skylar asked.

  “Get Cindy and Belle out of Phoebe’s wall, since we can’t risk having Phoebe throw another tantrum. You have the same powers, so you should be able to do it. Oh, get Belle over here, then, put Cindy in another wall until she either believes us, or at least calms down! She’s wild!” Rose said.

  Skylar walked over to her sisters in the wall. She erased it. “Thank goodness you’re here Skylar. Look, me and Belle have decided to calm down. We know we’re fairies.” Cindy sighed. “Oh, and we know you are too, so we won’t kicked you in the shins anymore.”

  “Well, um, I guess I’m done here. Come here.” She grabbed her sisters’ arms. She slammed Cindy against the fence and made another dark wall around her, then brought Belle with her to the fairies.

  There, they were ready for Belle. Skylar and Belle arrived. “Alright, time to get down to business, you’re our sister.” Brianna said quickly. Everyone stared at her for going so fast with it.

  “I knew it! I never knew I was a fairy, too…. I mean, I believed it after the book...Cindy didn’t want to let ‘yall know she believed them, and well, I just don’t know how to put it! I just knew that there was a connection!” Belle jabbered.

  “Ok……” Chloe froze Belle’s mouth. Nicole gave her a dirty look and melted it.

  “Just don’t tell Cindy!” Brandon jumped in the conversation.

  “Okay!” Skylar and Belle went to get Cindy out of the wall. Skylar got her out.

  “See ‘yall tomorrow!” Belle and Skylar waved bye to Chloe and the gang.

  That night, Cindy and Belle had a little “Family Meeting” in the basement. Belle told her everything that happened that day. Even the sister thing. Cindy really didn’t care. She just didn’t care. Why? She was tired of it. The last few days were just too much for her.

  Chapter 16

  Knock, knock! Chloe banged on the door the next morning. Cindy was making breakfast for them.

  “Mornin,’ sis!” She said as she opened the door. Chloe stared at the girl who had just called her “Sis”.

  “Here, let me help you with breakfast.” Nicole said as she sent a fire ball at the toast and toasted it. Chloe chilled the orange juice. Brandon powered up the stove. Brianna shrunk herself, slid under the pancakes on the griddle, and flipped them. Phoebe just tore into the biscuits.

  “Oh, and since when are you not screaming and running like a fool again?” Brandon sneered.

  “Shut up! Belle told me what had happened last night, all the facts about the family, car wreck, all that kind of stuff. I decided it’s not worth running from my triplet, so I’m just going to keep calm, and carry on.”

  “So, um, do you want to learn how to use your powers now?” Nicole unusually bounced.

  “Ummm…. No….I don’t. I know I can’t run from it, so I just might as well forget about it. I guess I just don’t want to be a part of it.” Cindy replied.

  Nicole’s face went pale. She grabbed her book. “But, But you, you have to!”

  “Why?” She smacked.

  “’Cause if you don’t, um, music fairies will turn evil, and uh, weather fairies turn into monsters, so, um, you’ll turn into an evil monster fairy that will try to kill the rest of the good fairies like you really are!” Rose grabbed the piece of toast out of her mouth and jumped on top of the table and yelled.

  “Uh…. That’s definitely not going to happen.” Cindy ran upstairs to wake up Belle and Skylar. Chloe could just see the dark wings flickering on her back.

  Chapter 17

  “Knock, Knock!” Cindy sang as she knocked on Belle’s room door. “Breakfast’s ready! Oh, Chloe, Nicole, and the gang are here too!”

  Belle groaned. “Ugh, Can I sleep one more hour?” she turned over.