Read Thoughts and Observations on the Holidays Page 1

and Observations on the Holidays

  a collection of poems

  By Steven Olofson

  Copyright 2014 Steven Olofson

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  Poem Listing

  Christmas Observations

  Snowdrift Arrow

  Into Tomorrow

  Christmas Complete

  A Baby Was Born

  Created from the Heart


  One More Christmas

  More Christmas Observations

  In the Silence

  Find Peace

  Christmas Box

  The Visit

  Real Magic


  Listen to the Boy

  Child in a Stall

  Listen to that Whisper

  There is a Whisper

  A Thread

  Reindeer Jam

  Christmas Cat & Mouse

  About the Author

  Connect with Steven Olofson

  Christmas Observations

  Snow covered lights

  Give witness to carols being sung

  On this peaceful night in December

  Hot chocolate and cookies

  Await the joyful skaters

  Gliding on the frozen lake

  Asleep on the mantle

  The cat stands guard

  over all that has been readied

  A circling train rings the tree

  surrounded by gifts of love

  awaiting their intended receivers

  Enjoying the sights

  of this peace filled time

  warming ourselves in love

  Snowdrift Arrow

  Snowdrifts build a ramp

  To a decorated roof line

  Pointing to a specific star

  With a holy declaration

  Waves of golden light

  Filter through the frosted window

  From a flagstone hearth

  Warming soul and stocking feet

  Purring from venerable Gus

  Curled asleep at my feet

  Magnifies the arrant peace

  Of this holiday time

  Into Tomorrow

  The joy that beams

  on a child's face

  at the sight of Elfin gifts

  The peace that calms

  as the purring from Aslan

  nestled on my lap

  Take it into tomorrow

  The sharing of carolers

  singing and huddled

  with scarves and smiles

  The warmth of seasonal lights

  glowing beneath

  a crystalline blanket

  Take it into tomorrow

  The hope for tomorrow

  that was given in a child

  born as Morningstar

  Take it into tomorrow

  Christmas Complete

  On a distant hill

  Glowing by stars and moon

  A search is in progress

  Quested with my task

  I proceed with careful eyes

  Through the reflecting crystals

  In a hilltop stand

  Is my prize and goal

  I carefully bring it home

  Lambent reflections

  Dancing throughout the room

  Illuminate the evergreen arrow

  With crackling hearth

  And purring from Skittlepuss

  My Christmas is complete

  A Baby Was Born


  the children play

  It's a snowy day

  Making snowmen in the yard

  They raise a cheer

  That everyone hears

  As they finish him with some eyes


  the fire is bright

  It is quite a sight

  As the flames jump from log to log

  The Christmas tree glows

  as it puts on a show

  and you're warmed by the one you love

  What will I get this year

  I have made it quite clear

  That I really don't know what I want

  But I say to you

  A bright Good Yule

  And remember that a baby was born.

  Created from the Heart


  The snowman stands vigil

  over colored lights

  glowing beneath blankets of white

  Silently welcoming visitors

  to mid-winter celebrations

  The full moon

  gently illuminates the scene.

  In the distance

  the music of the season is heard

  Not off key

  Not on

  But created from the heart


  Crackling logs in the fireplace

  warm the house

  with heat and golden light

  As a child sleeps

  the cat at her side

  purrs softly releasing peace

  Out by the fire

  two lovers sipping brandy

  sharing the fire and their love

  Under the tree

  gifts of every kind

  Some were bought

  others made

  but all created from the heart


  There is a whisper

  on the snowflake that falls

  on the calico tree in the square

  The Whisper reaches the tufted ears of Magician

  curled and asleep in the rustic manger there

  The Whisper bestows a peace

  The Whisper is the birth

  of a special child

  One More Christmas

  One more time of joy

  One more time of gentleness

  One more time of strength

  One more time of peace

  One more Christmas

  For us

  More Christmas Observations

  The twist of a bulb

  in a soon to be colorful string

  of light-points

  suspended in tree and bow

  The silent gentle sway

  of tinsel threads

  in the movements

  of the pine scented air

  The joyful singing

  of carolers entering the house

  for hot Tom & Jerry's

  to warm the heart and the body

  The slow decent

  of reflecting crystals

  on sills and walks

  muting sounds and blanketing the earth

  The peaceful strength

  of the placing

  of a Christ-child figure

  in the family nativity

  In the Silence

  In the silence of a candles flame

  A child of peace was born

  A celebration is shared

  Hope is rekindled

  In the silence of a candles flame

  Peace illuminates the heart

  The light of Truth

  is not to be hidden

  Find Peace

  in the songs

  of the holidays

  in the form

  of a child born

  in the dawn

  of a new year

  in the love

  of friends at your side

  find peace

  above all... find peace

  Christmas Box

nbsp; What is in your Christmas Box?

  Take the key, release the lock

  Reach inside and hold it tight

  Bring it out into the light

  What is in your Christmas Box?

  Of solid wood without a knot

  What you dream is deep inside

  Release it now and love will guide

  In childhood I remember

  The gifts of Christmas Eve

  The songs we sang in church that night

  The smell of evergreen

  Christmas day the gifts are wrapped

  And stacked beneath the tree

  My mother said I had to wait

  My Christmas Box awaited me.

  As I am an adult now

  With children of my own

  The magic has returned to me

  In ways I'd never known

  My grandchild comes to visit

  He brings a gift to me

  The contents of my Christmas box?

  'Love' has been returned to me

  The Visit

  In a cottage on the hill

  Far from the busy town.

  An old man sits quietly

  Wrapped in a blanket and alone.

  The dwelling's air is cool

  As a single bulb lights the chamber.

  The knotted swept floor is bare

  Between sparse and plain furnishings.

  Outside, growing in decibels,

  Carolers raise voices and lantern.

  Stepping onto the creaky porch

  They knock and enter

  He does not know the intruders

  But knows they mean no harm

  For four years the visit has occurred

  For four years this gift has been given

  In a cottage on the hill

  Far from the busy town.

  An old man sits quietly

  Wrapped in a blanket

  But no longer alone.

  Real Magic

  I wish Teddy Bears

  Had Real Magic

  To make the world right

  To take all the pain out of living

  To wipe away tears forever

  I wish Teddy Bears

  Had Real Magic

  but they only have

  what magic we give to them

  They are but fur and stuffing

  With two eyes and a nose

  (a cute nose at that)


  the Real Magic

  is in Love.

  Love that

  makes the world livable

  makes pains tolerable

  wipes away each tear

  as they fall

  But I do still wish

  Teddy Bears

  Had Real Magic


  Snow fell

  and covered the ground

  with a fresh clean overlay

  hiding mud and dirt

  Each crystal

  had its place in a particular pile

  forming blankets of white

  that sparkle in sunlight

  Some will be trampled

  Some melt away

  Some will be thrown

  at a boy or girl

  But the snow will come

  and then go away

  As winter starts turning

  to Springtime again

  Listen to the Boy

  He was born in a manger

  so we could have a mansion

  He was born in the cold of night

  so we'd be warmed in his light

  He was wrapped up

  in rags for clothes

  so that we'd be rich in Him

  He was born of the virgin,

  to free us all from sin

  He grew up, teaching all he knew

  and telling of his Father

  who sent him down from Heaven

  to die for all humankind

  well at 32 he was crucified

  a spear stuck in his side

  3 days later He rose again

  the power of death had died

  This little babe was born so long ago

  He was a very special boy

  because he was , we now can be

  alive for ever more

  So please this time,

  this Christmas time,

  won't you listen to the boy

  Child in a Stall

  Through the eyes of a child

  See the need for peace

  With the faith of a child

  Live and work for peace

  In this world filled with hate

  Let it not be our fate

  Let us hear the voice call

  From a child in a stall

  To each in their own corner

  To each in their own way

  Work for peace and justice

  Starting here and now today

  Walk hand in hand together

  With those in need of love,

  And those who struggle just to live

  Grab the latch. Release the Dove.

  Listen to that Whisper


  is such a simple word

  and yet it is the most

  difficult to achieve

  It is silent,

  yet it shouts

  to the survival

  of humanity

  It is strong

  yet its gentleness

  exceeds all powers


  is such a simple word

  What are you doing

  to bring peace

  to where you are?

  Peace begins

  as a whisper in the heart.

  Listen to that whisper

  There is a Whisper

  There is a whisper

  In the cries of war

  In the laughter of children

  In the shouts of intolerance

  In the silence of medication

  In the noises of hatred

  In the tones of music

  There is a whisper

  It is a whisper of peace

  Whispered for those

  Who want to hear it

  Listen for the whisper

  A Thread

  There is a thread

  of invisible gold that

  connects us all with a Child

  This invisible thread

  unites us to all peoples

  To those in office buildings

  and in fields

  In places of war

  and houses of worship

  In mansions on hilltops

  and streets below

  To the young in age

  and young at heart

  This invisible thread

  is often forgotten

  except at Holy day times

  Feel the invisible thread

  and know that you

  are not alone in this world

  Reindeer Jam

  Get'n ready for His Holiday flight

  Cool Dude is rockin’ his red & white

  Shufflin', slidin'

  We reindeer are just swingin' along

  Little Dudes makin' toys for kids play

  Loading up the Santa Man's

  pimped out sleigh

  Wrappin', packin'

  from the courtyard we're swingin' along

  Reindeer harnessed and ready to fly

  Reins in hand, Big Red aims to the sky

  Rising, soaring

  We reindeer are jammin’ a long

  Chimney delivery, gifts under the trees

  All for the children that Big Red sees

  Chimneys, Mangers,

  While we reindeer are jammin' along

  Almost done as we've dropped off the toys

  Brought smiles and gifts

  for all girls and boys

  Laughing, smiling

  we reindeer are jammin' along

  Christmas Cat & Mouse

  There once was a cat

  born on Christmas Day
  A little brown mouse

  came the very same day

  The mouse liked to run

  among the gifts and the toys

  Though he hid in the stand

  when he heard the young boy

  The cat was now smarter

  when the next Christmas came

  He put out some cheese,

  catch the mouse was his aim

  As the cat it lay still, already to pounce

  The mouse saw the cheese,

  a little over an ounce

  When the time did arrive

  and the cat saw his chance

  He sprang from his perch

  as in an elegant dance

  While holding the mouse,

  tight under it's paw

  He opened his mouth and said

  “Merry Christmas to all”

  About the Author

  I have enjoyed writing and creating my own Christmas / Holiday cards for many years. This booklet contains a collection of 22 of those observations or 1,834 words, prayers, wishes and thoughts on the Holidays. I hope that you enjoy them as much as I enjoy writing. Feedback is always welcome but please be gentle.

  Peace & Hugs, Steve

  Contact the Author

  Email me: [email protected]

  Follow me on Twitter: PAmusicSwede