Read Three Point King Page 15

  Chapter 11:

  Jack stepped out of the shower and took a deep breath of steam. His senses heightened as his bare feet hit the cold floor. He couldn’t believe how quickly two weeks flew by. He was now only a day away from his tryout with Mr. Roderick’s team and two days away from the tryout with Greg’s team. Jack wiped the small mirror in the bathroom with a hand towel and looked at himself. He was still chubby, but he could tell he was putting on muscles in his legs.

  Jack and his mom had been visiting Greg and Amanda every weekend since Greg’s wife moved out and Amanda and Greg talked about all kinds of things on their visits. Amanda usually sorted out her feelings about her mom and brothers. Jack resented Amanda’s brothers for not being more loyal to their dad and talked about his friend Ox. Jack thought about what Amanda had told him over the weekend about his legs. But, Amanda had complimented Jack on his muscular legs over the weekend. Jack was unsure if she was flirting with him or if she was truly paying him a compliment. He tried to stop thinking about the incident and focus on his upcoming tryouts.

  Jack remembered how Greg had been really positive about Jack trying out for his team and promised him if he made the team that he would find a way to get the league to scholarship his fees, but Jack still desperately wanted to play for his dad’s hero at Davis. He was able to find out that all Davis basketball players were exempt from paying fees because the school paid to be part of the league through some grant the school received. This would be the week that Jack would find out where he would play ball.

  After getting dressed and eating breakfast Jack walked to school. The weather was finally starting to cool down and Jack had finally started to wear a jacket for the cooler early morning walks to school. When Jack was two blocks away from school he turned around sensing that someone might be following him. Jack was surprised to see the two football players standing with Ox.

  “What’s up Ox?”

  “Don’t be talkin’ to our homey witout permission boy!”

  Jack scowled at the same kid who had punched him in the gut a few weeks ago. He only knew him in his mind as short football bully and the other kid as big football bully. But for some reason they had shown up with Jack’s friend.

  “Ox be tellin us you gonna tryout for our team…what’s up wit dat?”

  “Yeah…I’m gonna make the team too.”

  “No you ain’t boy! Ox here to tell you you ain’t trying out…tell him Ox!”

  Ox looked at Jack with puppy dog eyes and then lowered his head towards the ground.

  “You can’t tryout for da team country boy.”

  “Tell him why Ox!”

  “Cause I lose my garage if you tryout…don’t tryout…please…for me?”

  “What did they tell you Ox?...this isn’t right fellas…leave Ox out of it.”

  “No white boy be tellin’ us what to do! Now get outta here fore we hurt ya and don’t show up to tryouts tomorrow!”

  Jack looked at Ox who was visibly uncomfortable until Ox gently nodded his head for Jack to leave. After two careful stares into both bullies eyes, he turned around and walked to school.

  Whatever just happened caused Jack to fill like he was either going to cry or hit something, maybe we was going to do both. He continued to walk to school and knew that he would go directly to Mr. Roderick. If the coach of the team wouldn’t help him no one would.

  Jack walked into the school before the bell rang announcing that students could enter the building. Usually the only kids allowed in were those who got breakfast in the cafeteria. Jack walked right past the main office, two teachers talking in the hall, and another teacher who had just made a pile of copies. He stopped at the open door of Mr. Roderick’s office and took a deep breath and then knocked.

  “How can I help you?”

  “Mr. Roderick. It’s me Jack Hampton. I need to talk to you about something important.”

  “You’re not supposed to be in the building yet Jack. Are you sure this is the right time to talk?”

  “I just got threatened by two kids on the way to school.”

  “Okay Jack come on in.”

  Jack walked into the office and caught the whiff of Mr. Roderick’s straight black coffee. There was also a hint of fresh soap to the aroma of the office. Jack didn’t know if it was the two smells combined or the incident that just happened, but he started to drop tears out of his eyes.

  “Did those kids hurt you Jack?”

  “No sir…they threatened my best friend if I try to make the basketball team.”

  Jack felt a little better after he unloaded the burden he was just given, but his eyes were still misty. Mr. Roderick remained perfectly calm.

  “Who’s your best friend Jack?”

  “His name is Ox.”

  “I was beginning to wonder if Ox was still around…are you sure you want to be friends with someone as violent as Ox?”

  “He’s not violent Mr. Roderick.”

  “Jack. Don’t tell me about Ox. I know him very well and suppose that he will probably be on his way to juvy before the holidays.”

  “Mr. Roderick…I know what happened with Ox and it’s not his fault…he was set up by the same two boys who just threatened me.”

  “And who are the two boys Jack?”

  “I don’t know their names…but they play football.”

  “It’s probably Keevan and Josiah…they’ve been known to throw their weight around here and there…they also happen to be the best athletes at Davis.”

  Jack’s heart sank as he watched Mr. Roderick reveal a slight grin.

  “So they’re your favorites?”

  “Don’t take that tone with me Mr. Hampton.”

  “Those kids are threatening to kick my friend out of the place he lives in!”

  “That’s enough Jack. I will tell Keevan and Josiah that you have a choice to try out for the basketball team, but I can’t control what they do outside of this school…You’ll need to learn that there are only certain things we have control over…now go cool down and if you show up tomorrow I’ll give you a fair shot to make the team.”

  Jack bit his tongue and nodded his head and left Mr. Roderick’s office. As he left the office the first bell rang and Jack knew it was only a matter of time to decide what he would do. Jack decided he better go to class even though he wanted to go find Ox. He would have to figure things out after school got out.