Read Three Point King Page 23

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  By the time Jack's mom had made her way through the produce section at the super market Ox had insisted that he talk to the manager of the store to find out what they were using to keep the floors so polished. Amanda was engaged in conversation with Jack's mom and Jack for the first time all day felt a little out of place.

  "Are you two gonna talk the whole way through the store?"

  "Oh...sorry Jack, I thought you ran off with Ox."

  "There are nicer ways to impose on a conversation Jack...besides...Amanda and I have lots in common."

  "Like what?'re way older than her."

  "Amanda is a swimmer and that happens to be my sport...or at least it was until college."

  "I think you both are just girl talking."

  "Well that's part of being a girl Jack...and I don't have many girls around me...just my dumb brothers."

  "That's do you want me to go find Ox so you two can girl talk?"

  Amanda looked quizzically at Jack's mom. After a few seconds of silence Jack's mom came to a confirmed decision.

  "I think it would do you some good to listen to girl talk...someday this might come in handy."

  "Really think it's gonna come in handy?"

  " zip your lips and try to learn something."

  "Well...Amanda...before we were interrupted I was telling you about the cranberry salad I wanted to make for dinner."

  "Do you usually put walnuts in it?"

  "Not all the time...but if we can find some feta cheese then I think we should. The two flavors really go good together."

  "Sorry mom...I don't mean to interrupt again...but I think I should go find Ox."

  "Are you already bored?"

  "No...but I think those workers are trying to get Ox to leave the store...check it out."

  Jack pointed to the front of the store and saw worker dressed in a tie along with a clerk who were trying to corral Ox.

  "We better all go up there...come on Jack, let's go save your brother."

  "He's not my brother."

  "Yes he adoption...remember?"

  "Oh yeah! I remember."

  Jack had never seen his mom so concerned at a grocery store before. He and Amanda followed her as she hurriedly pushed her grocery cart right up to the manager of the store. By the time she reached the round manager and robust clerk who were with Ox, Jack and Amanda were still several feet behind, but were in prime position to watch Jack's mom in action.

  "Thank you so much for finding my son."

  "This is your son ma'am?"

  "Yes he is...he has this terrible obsession with floors...we're working on it with come along Ox."

  "I don't mean to be rude ma'am, but this kid shoplifted from our store last month...we need to escort him to a police car that should be outside soon."

  "Is this true Ox?"

  "No ma'am...I ain't been here fore' today."

  " family just moved here a month ago from Kansas and up until today we have been living on the other end of town...I think you've made a mistake."

  "We have video evidence ma'am."

  "Are you lying to me Ox?"

  "I ain't lying...dem guys don't like me cuz I's black."

  "Is that what this is about?"

  "Listen ma'am...we have video evidence of someone that matches the description of your so called son here...when the police get here we can sort it out."

  "He is my adopted son and we aren't waiting around for your lousy police officers to get here. Me and my money are leaving and not coming back...we won't be subject to this kind of harassment!"

  Gina took Ox by the wrist and motioned for Jack and Amanda to follow her out the store. Jack had never seen his mom yell at another adult before and he could tell she was madder than a hornet. She quickly ushered everyone into the car and pulled out of the parking lot.

  "Were you telling me the truth back there Ox?!"

  "I's told you ma'am...I ain't been in no white boy store fore'"

  "I took you into my house out of the kindness of my heart and I expect you to be completely honest with what happened back there?!"

  "I's go up to da service counter and ask for da manager...he come down and I asks bout' dat shiny floor...he look at me like I's stupid...den dat white boy come to da manager and whisper in his ear...dat manager start tellin' me bout' floors and da store...den dat white boy come back and is all up in manager ear...dats when dem fools try to get me to go to some office...I's says no way and dem freak out...den you comes and saves the day Ms. H."

  "Are you sure one of your jobs didn't bring you down this way?"

  "I's tellin' da truth."

  "Alright you know how I feel about better take note of this too Jack."

  "I got it mom."