Read Three Point King Page 26

  Chapter 19:

  Jack looked at the menu and couldn't decide what to eat. The restaurant was loud with music playing, people talking, and football being watched on televisions mounted around the restaurant. He glanced around the table, Amanda was sitting to his left and Ox was sitting to his right. Greg and mom were across the table chatting about something and smiling at one another.

  "Whatcha gonna order Ox?"

  "No idea...dis place ain't gots no meal deals."

  "Most of the stuff comes with a side...look here...if you get the ribs you can choose three side dishes or two sides and get a salad."

  "I's don't wants no salad...but dem ribs sounds good...where dem sides?"

  "Over can get mashed potatoes, french fries, cooked vegetables, baked beans, cole slaw, or macaroni and cheese."

  "I's gonna get fries, beans, and some slaw...dat be good...whatcha gonna get?"

  "I was having a hard time deciding, but I haven't had steak since I got to Denver...that's pretty much my favorite food that I never get to eat."

  Amanda looked up from her menu and squinted her eyebrows at Ox and Jack.

  "Why do boys always love meat?...Both of you want meat...I was reading this book on how meat can really be bad for you if you eat it too much."

  "Are you gonna become a vegetarian?"

  "No...but I just don't think that meat should be your favorite food...there might come a day when we won't be able to eat meat."

  "Well I love meat and I love steak long as I can eat it I will...Ox probably feels the same about bar-b-que...right Ox?"

  "Da truth country boy!"

  "See Amanda...we just love it and can't change it."

  "But you need to see the bad things they're putting into animals and then you eat them and put it into your body...I just don't know if I agree with it."

  Jack's mom looked across the table and smiled.

  "Have you all figured out what you're going to order yet?"

  "Is Greg really okay with us ordering whatever we want?"

  "He said it was fine...go ahead and order whatever you want."

  Ox immediately opened up his menu again. He started scanning it and then licked his lips.

  "What are you doing Ox?"

  "I's gettin' dat full rack o ribs...and I's gettin' dem onion rings on dat starter menu...dat okay Ms. H?"

  "That's fine Ox...I'm sure your hungry after playing so hard."

  "You's got dat right."

  Ox continued to look at the menu while Amanda was still squinting at Jack.

  "What did I do?"

  "Nothing...I just thought you'd understand about the meat thing."

  "You've never mentioned it before."

  "That's because most people think it's silly."

  "Well if you believe in it then you should follow what you believe in."

  "I just don't know for sure yet...that's all."

  "I don't know if I for sure will always like steak my whole life...but I want it now so that's why I'm ordering it."

  "Well I just don't like food in general....sometimes it seems like a hassle to eat."

  "But food tastes so good."

  "It doesn't always taste good to me...sometimes I'd just rather have some bread and cheese or eat a bowl of cereal."

  "You've never complained about eating before."

  "That was before I read that book."

  "Well I think you should just pick something that will fill you up."

  "Good suggestion Jack...but I'll probably just order a salad or a sandwich."

  "Seriously?...You could get anything you want."

  "And maybe I just want a sandwich."

  "But you could have that at home."

  "I still think that's what I'll get."

  "Well I guess if that's what you want."

  Jack looked across at his mom who was now studying the menu. Greg glanced up from his menu and placed it on the table.

  "Shall we order everyone?"

  Jack's mom lowered her menu and nodded in agreement. The conversation continued, Greg started asking Ox questions about basketball and his life before he moved in with Jack and Gina. Jack didn't think anything of it, he was glad that Greg wasn't talking to him. Amanda continued to complain about not wanting to eat and Gina helped her work through the problem. When dinner came everyone ate without much conversation. Even Amanda finished all her food. Ox had bar-b-que sauce all over his cheeks, but never looked happier in his life.

  When dinner was over Greg drove Gina and the boys home. Gina invited Greg and Amanda in to watch a movie, but Greg declined because his team had their first game in the morning. Jack was surprised to see Greg kiss his mom on the cheek on the way out of the car. He could hardly get Amanda to say goodbye, but figured she was just in a bad mood after dinner. By the time Jack got into the house he plopped on the couch and turned on the television. Gina came in the house and immediately turned the television off.

  "You two need to go to's getting late and you have chores to do in the morning before you go to practice."

  "I just need some time to unwind mom...come on..."

  "Come on's after eight and I need you and Ox to rake leaves and mow the grass so that Greg can winterize the sprinkler system tomorrow afternoon."

  "Can Ox and I play a game or something in our rooms for a while then?"

  "Fine...but you both need to be in bed by nine thiry."

  "Cool...thanks mom."

  "You're get to bed."

  Jack stumbled down the hallway to his room and Ox followed him.

  "Whatcha wanna play?"

  "I don't know Ox...isn't there a checkers game in your closet?"

  "I's guess so...les go check."

  The boys went into Ox's room and found an old checkers set in the top of his closet. They pulled it down and set it up on Ox's bed and started to play.

  "Did you like your dinner?"

  "Is good...dem ribs was da bomb..."

  "Have you ever been to a restaurant like that before?"

  "I's been to some place wit' my mom...but dem ain't got ribs like tonight."

  "I'm glad you had a good time Ox...what was Greg asking you by the way?"

  "Dat fool jus' wants to know bout my mom's and why's I livin' wit you and Ms. H...dat's all."

  "Didn't he ask you about basketball?"

  "He asks if Mr. Crazy teach us plays...I's tell him no...we's play tough D and dat's it."

  "Smart man Ox!...He was probably fishing for something...when do we play the Hawks?"

  "I forgets...we's playin' da Tornadoes next week."

  "The who?"

  "Tornadoes...dem is a terrible's gonna play lots next week."

  "Well...we'll have to see how that shakes down."

  "It be shakin' down good for Davis...Da truth!"

  "Alright Ox...I'm getting ready for bed?"

  "Sure is...see ya tomorrow."

  "Yeah good night...and thanks for helping me out tonight...I couldn't have played without you."

  "Anytime country boy...anytime."

  Jack walked out of Ox's room feeling better than he had in a long time.