Read Three Point King Page 33

  Chapter 24:

  It had almost been a week since Jack was at school. Despite his mom trying to convince him to switch schools, Jack was convinced that the only way to fight through the hurt of what happened was to finish the school year at Davis. The school decided to suspend Jack and Ox for five days from school. Jack thought it was silly the school suspended Ox when they knew he wouldn't be able to come back to school for at least three weeks. Josiah was expelled from Davis, but Keevan got off the easiest. He was suspended for two days and was not allowed to play in the basketball game that all four boys missed.

  Jack had not thought about basketball at all since the fight, but he would be forced to face the music in the next few minutes. Mr. Roderick called Jack's house the previous night and asked Jack's mom to bring him to school early so that he could have a sit down with Keevan and Jack. Jack's mom tried to insist that she be allowed to sit in on the meeting, but Mr. Roderick was just as tough over the phone as he was in person. Jack knew that the meeting might decide whether he would be allowed to play ball for the rest of the season.

  As Jack walked into the school he felt tense about what was about to happen. He checked in with the main office who sent him down to Mr. Roderick's office. As Jack knocked on the door he could see Keevan sitting in Mr. Roderick's office. Mr. Roderick had Jack come in and take a seat right next to Keevan. Jack couldn't find the strength to look at Keevan, so he looked right into Mr. Roderick's eyes who was his usual stalwart self.

  "Thank you both for joining me this morning gentlemen...As you both know, your actions last week are inexcusable. Those actions led to the expulsion of one of your teammates and left another one of your teammates in a situation where his life was jeopardized...Now. Before you say anything...I will have you both know that you will not be allowed on my basketball team until you two make peace and work this out."

  Jack felt angered and relieved all at the same time. He was relieved that he still had a chance to get back on the team and anger that Keevan was being given the same opportunity. It took a little while for Jack to muster enough nerve to say something. When he knew what he wanted to say he thought of Mrs. Cordova and her advice to not be a zebra.

  "I'm sorry I punched you Keevan."

  "Good Jack...Do you have anything to say Keevan?"

  Keevan sat with his arms folded, head down, and face scowled.

  "Keevan...would you like to say something?"

  "I don't know Coach...I don't know if I can be friends with him."

  "I'm asking you to be his teammate Keevan...Can you do that?"

  "Not sure coach."

  "I see...Jack? Would you like to say anything to Keevan before I dismiss him from the basketball team?"

  Keevan immediately perked up in his seat, but Mr. Roderick put his hand up refuting Keevan's attempt to say something.


  "Good...go ahead and tell him."

  Jack looked directly at Keevan. Keevan looked back at him with all the hate in the world cringing around his face.

  "I can't lead this team by myself Keevan...I need you to help me...I need you to be my teammate...We don't have to be friends...but we can win games together."

  Keevan's scowl softened and his arms unfolded.

  "I'm sorry Jack...I've treated you like dirt since you got here...I'll play with you if coach allows it."

  Both boys turned to Mr. Roderick who had the faintest glint of a smile on his face.

  "I'm glad we got that you two have a lot of work to do. We lost terribly over the weekend and we play the Hawks this week. Are you both up to working together?"

  Jack nodded his head and Keevan responded positively too. Mr. Roderick dismissed them from his office. Jack walked out in the hallway and headed towards his locker. Keevan caught up to Jack and stopped him.

  "Thanks for saving me Jack...I'll do better."

  "We both will do better."

  "See ya at practice."


  Jack couldn't believe what just happened. It was almost as if he had been introduced to a totally different kid. He let out a half smile and got back into his regular routine for the day.