Read Three Point King Page 47

  Chapter 35:

  Coach Roderick stood at the head of four long tables jammed together at Po' Boy Pizzeria. The entire team came to the celebration with some of the team's parents. Ironically, Greg and Jack's mom both came as they were supposed to meet up for an evening date. Gina had insisted that Greg come to the celebration prior to the date so that she could take Jack and Ox home after the celebration. Jack could tell that Greg wasn't particularly happy about attending, but he knew his mom probably didn't give him much of a choice.

  Jack could smell sweet tomato sauce, pizza dough, and baked cinnamon. He had never been to the Pizzeria before, but Ox was extremely excited when Coach Roderick announced after the game that he was buying dinner for the entire team at Po' Boys. As the smells of the pizzeria perfumed the air and the team laughed, Coach Roderick finally called the tables to attention.

  "I want to thank all of you for a wonderful season of basketball...I can't think of any other team I've been a part of that has overcome so much adversity to accomplish something. The league office has informed me that we have earned the number eight seed in the tournament and that the other seedings and pairing for the first round of the tournament will be out by tomorrow morning."

  The team cheered loudly. Jack caught a glimpse of Coach Roderick staring at Greg. Greg was paying no attention to the celebration. He was checking something on his smart phone and had a fake smile on his face.

  "Ok...Ok...We've got a lot of work to do this week. This tournament is's single elimination and we won't get any breaks, but we've got more unity than any team in the tournament..."

  The team cheered again as the proud parents applauded.

  "I also want you to make an announcement that I should've made sooner, but I've put off for a while."

  The tables fell into a quick silence. Greg managed to lift his head from his smart phone.

  "I've been offered an opportunity to coach at the University in Boulder...It's not every day that a division one basketball program knocks on your door and makes you an offer. Some of you boys will know what I'm talking about in about seven or eight years. I love coaching at Davis. I left a coaching job at a small college to come to Davis and build this program. Your team has confirmed to me that I have built this program. I don't know who will coach next year, but I do know that I have built an expectation and this team will carry it through next year with or without me."

  Jack looked around the tables. Many of the adults were taking the news fairly well. Greg had a huge smile on his face, but the players all looked depressed. Jack immediately stood up.

  "Looks like we're all just gonna have to be good enough to go to Boulder and play for Coach in college!"

  Keevan clapped his hands together and stood up. Ox stood up and shouted, "We're going to Boulder!" The rest of the team followed suit and applauded their Coach. Jack was surprised when Coach Roderick looked at him with all the sincerity of a lost puppy and mouthed the words "Thank you".

  Shortly after the announcement the tables were ladled with pizza, bread sticks, salads, and potent cinnamon dessert pizza. The team instinctively turned to the food and started devouring the feast before them.

  About half way into the meal Coach Roderick stood up to go the restroom. Greg got up and followed him. Jack felt bad because his mom and Greg weren't eating. They had dinner plans for later. Jack watched his mom fidgeting and thought about asking her what was wrong. Instead, he kept eating hoping that if he finished quickly he and Ox could be dropped off at home.

  After a few minutes Coach Roderick and Greg emerged from the bathroom. The two were in the middle of what appeared to be a heated conversation. Jack couldn't get a read on what was happening. Greg was pointing his finger into Coach Roderick's chest and Coach Roderick was puffing out his chest further towards Greg. Before the situation escalated Jack's mom jumped from her chair and stepped in between the two coaches and ushered Greg outside of the Pizzeria. Jack jumped up and followed her. When he got outside his mom was visibly upset with Greg.

  "I thought I told you to leave it alone!"

  Jack definitely knew something was wrong. He interrupted his mom.

  "Leave what alone?"

  "Jack you don't need to be a part of this...go back inside and finish we can get going."

  Jack's mom pointed towards Greg's car as if scolding him to go to his room. Greg stood completely still.

  "I think he has a right to know Gina."

  "Know what?"

  "Your mom won't tell you, but I think it's time you know for yourself."

  "Don't do this Greg...not tonight."

  "I don't have a choice Gina...the man practically admitted his guilt by what he just did."

  Jack didn't have a clue as to what was going on.

  "Do one of you want to tell me what's going on?"

  "What your mom isn't telling you Jack is that your coach has been using your basketball team to make money."

  "What do you mean...we're a middle school team?"

  "That's exactly it're a middle school team who plays in the premiere basketball league in the state. Your coach has or should I say had one of the most successful team in the league and has been being paid off by boosters and agents to get access to his players."

  "That doesn't make any sense Greg...I've never seen anyone like that around our games."

  "Your right Jack...he doesn't give them access to his players until they're off his team. He's arranging illegal meetings with former players who are doing well in high school. He has a history too Jack. He got fired from coaching high school in Utah for accepting bribes from boosters and agents who wanted access to his players. He doesn't play by the rules Jack!"

  "Then why did he get offered a job from a college?"

  "Your quick Jack...but that's just it...our league has been investigating him for the last two years and we had almost built a case to ban him from the league...when the boosters found out what was about to happen they swept in and rescued him...he'll probably be fired before the next basketball season even starts. The league has agreed to let him coach your team in the tournament, but he won't be welcomed back after that."

  "I don't believe it."

  "Fine don't have to, but I'm telling you the truth...and that whole incident with Ox and Josiah was especially concerning to the league. You boys are lucky we didn't throw you out of the league."

  Jack's stomach felt like a cinder block was just dropped in it. He had no response to Greg's comment. He looked up at his mom.

  "Go get Ox Jack...we need to get you boys home."

  Jack meandered back into the Pizzeria with his head down and shoulders hunched. He looked at Coach Roderick disappointedly when he walked back in. He called for Ox to go. Coach Roderick came over to Jack.

  "I don't know what they told you Jack, but the fact is I'm one hundred percent honest. I've never tried to mislead anyone. This team has always been my priority and I wouldn't be leaving unless I was being forced out. That man outside will not stand for a predominant Black team to win his white washed league...this is not about me's about him."

  Jack reexamined Coach Roderick's face. He didn't know why he had just unloaded all this information on him, but he knew there were two sides to this story.

  "Thanks Coach. I'll be at practice...we're gonna see this thing through to the end."

  Coach Roderick smiled at Jack and then patted him on the shoulder.

  "I's thought you'd say it time to go?"

  "It is Ox...let's's waiting."