Read Three Point King Page 51

  Chapter 39:

  Coach Roderick excused his team from watching the final game between the Yellow Jackets and Vikings, but most of the players stuck around. Ox and Keevan found Jack sitting in the Davis section of bleachers as the final game was underway.

  "What up Jack!"

  "Nothing Keevan...just checking out the game."

  "We done take it to dem Angels!"

  "Yes we did Ox...why don't you guys have a seat."

  "Yo Manda girl lookin for ya,"

  "She's here?"

  "Keevan seen her in da hall and she come ask where you at."

  "What'd you tell her?"

  "Dat you be in da bleachers."

  Jack stood up and hustled down the bleachers.

  "Sorry fellas...I'll be back."

  He could hear Ox and Keevan laugh, but he hadn't had much contact with Amanda since the incident at the Pizzeria. He hoped she would still be in the hallway.

  When he got there Amanda was talking to Alan and a couple of his friends. Jack stopped in his tracks. He stared at Amanda and then felt the gaze of the boys around her. Alan and his two buddies walked toward Jack. Glancing around the hallway he noticed there was only a concession stand vendor and a couple of young kids playing games on their cell phones at a table. Jack stood tall as the three Hawk players approached him. Amanda straggled behind them.

  "What have we here boys...a little lost puppy?"

  Jack glared at Alan in disgust.

  "Shouldn't you be scouting your next opponent?"

  "Don't tell me what I should be doing shorty."

  "I'm not interested in going back and forth with you Alan."

  "Then maybe we should just cut to the chase and take you outside."

  Alan grabbed Jack's shirt. Jack clenched his fist and looked up at the tall handsome bully. Before he could react Amanda forced herself between the two of them breaking Alan's grip on Jack. Alan instinctively pushed Amanda away knocking her to the floor. Jack followed her to the floor hoping to catch her. Before he could tell if she was alright he was being picked up by the back of his shirt and being hauled outside. Jack covered his head as the three boys took him through a large doorway. As soon as they were outside they let go of Jack dropping him on the cold ice laden cement. Then Jack felt their shoes kicking him. He continued to cover his head and face in the fetal position. He could hear the boys cursing at him and saying something about being lucky he was getting beaten now. Suddenly the kicks stopped and Jack was being picked up by Ox, Keevan, and Coach Roderick.

  "What happened Jack?"

  Jack looked into Coach Roderick's face a little dizzy.

  "I came out to take to my friend and got jumped by those guys."

  "Who were they Jack?"

  "They play for the Hawks."

  "Take Jack inside boys."

  Jack watched Coach Roderick storm back in the school and talk to the man running the concession stand. Then he disappeared. Ox and Keevan helped Jack go inside and sit down at one of the tables. Amanda came over and grabbed his hand.

  "Are you alright Jack?"

  "I'm fine...just a little shaken'd you know what was going on?"

  "Manda girl come find us and we grab coach."

  "Good thinking Ox...thanks Amanda."

  "He's gonna get what's coming this time Jack."

  "What do you mean?"

  "He's been bullying people too long Jack...he deserves to get punished."

  "Who's gonna do anything? Your dad won't suspend him and no one will believe me."

  "They'll believe me Jack and your Coach saw it too."

  "You don't get it...Coach's reputation is tainted with the league...they won't listen to him either."

  "Well Keevan and Ox saw it too."

  "You think this league run by a bunch of rich white guys is gonna believe a couple of black kids from the hood....come on Amanda, wake up! They practically did everything in their power to keep us out of the tournament,"

  "And you're still beating the odds."

  "Maybe we are, but your brother is doing your dad's dirty work!"

  "What are you trying to say Jack?"

  "I'm saying that your dad runs this league and will do anything to win! He doesn't care about anything else!"

  "He does too! He cares about me...and he cares about your mom."

  "Well my mom better wise up to your lousy dad!"

  Jack felt his heart sink as tears welled up in Amanda's eyes. She looked at Jack as her tears started to stream down her face and she ran off.

  "Way to go just lost your only witness."

  "Leave it alone Keevan...nothing's gonna happen anyway...let's go find Coach."

  Ox and Keevan helped Jack stand up. Jack could feel his ribs and back aching, but he managed to walk on his own into the gym. As the boys entered the gym Coach Roderick was walking out.

  "Where are you boys going?"

  "We're gonna finish watching the game."

  "Good....I'm going home...I can't take it anymore."

  "Take what?"

  "Let's just say we have a score to settle next weekend!"

  Coach Roderick stormed out of the gym. Jack looked at Ox and Keevan who both appeared just as shocked as he did. They found seats on a lower bleacher and watched as the Vikings upset the tough Yellow Jacket team.