Read Three Point King Page 8

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  Jack was lucky he did not run into the two football players the rest of the day. He could tell thought that the boys had probably talked about him because when he walked down the halls people would look at him and whisper in the ear of their friend. Jack officially felt just as isolated in his new school as he did at his old school. The only highlight came in industrial arts at the end of the day where all the students were so interested in repairing an old computer that they had no time to pay attention to Jack. Jack was assigned to work with a group of kids who were chubby and nerdy, but they embraced Jack into their group without a problem. They taught Jack about what they had learned so far about computers and Jack caught on pretty quickly to the concepts of what was going on.

  After school Jack stopped by the office to see if he could get assigned a locker. One of the secretaries told him he would have to see Mr. Roderick in the security office. Jack got pretty excited by the prospect of meeting his dad’s hero again. When he arrived at the security office Mr. Roderick was yelling at a boy and a girl for making out in the hallway. Jack could tell that both kids were pretty upset and Mr. Roderick was not letting anything slide. After he dismissed them Jack went into his office.

  “I was told I could get a locker here?”

  “Nobody walks into my office without my permission!...Now try that again!”

  Jack walked out of the office and collected his thoughts. He questioned if this could really be the same Manley Roderick that played Jayhawk basketball. Finally he mustered up enough courage to knock on the opened door.

  “May I help you?”

  “Can I have permission to come in Mr. Roderick; I was told I could get a locker here?”

  “Nobody CAN have permission, but they MAY have permission.”

  Jack immediately rolled his eyes and was glad that Mr. Roderick couldn’t see him.

  “May I have permission to come in Mr. Roderick?”

  “Yes…you MAY come in.”

  “I was told that I could get a locker from you.”

  “You were informed correctly.”


  “Jack Hampton”

  “Student ID number?”

  Jack didn’t know he was supposed to have an ID number. He quickly thought of his schedule and pulled it out of his back jean pocket. He was in luck, his student ID number was printed on the top of the page.

  “Five, six, eight, one, nine, nine.”

  “Computer checks you out. Looks like you need an ID card too.”

  “I guess so, it’s my first day Mr. Roderick.”

  “And how is it that on your first day you made the two toughest kids in seventh grade mad at you?”

  Jack watched as Mr. Roderick printed off his locker assignment and situated the digital camera to take a picture for Jack’s ID card. Jack wasn’t sure if he should respond to the question.

  “I asked you a question Jack…are you going to answer?”

  “I’m sorry Mr. Roderick…I didn’t expect you to know what happened today.”

  “I know everything that goes on in this school. It’s why I’m the only security guard. This school would not be safe if I didn’t know everything and I assure you Jack that I know everything that goes on here.”

  “So how did you get them mad at you?”

  “I thought you knew everything?”

  “How do you think I know everything?...Do you think I have some magical ability or some secret video camera roaming the halls. I watch and I listen to as much as I can. So are you gonna tell me or do I have to find out another way?”

  “Well I sat down at their table and questioned them about me being an athlete.”

  “Are you an athlete Jack?”

  “I shoot hoops.”

  “That doesn’t make you an athlete Jack and you shouldn’t confront kids that are bigger than you.”

  “I don’t back down from anybody Mr. Roderick. My dad told me I should always stand up for myself…he said he learned that from watching you play basketball.”

  “So you must be from Kansas…am I right?”

  “Yes…I’m from Parsons…my mom and I just moved here.”

  “No daddy to come along with you?”

  “My dad left my mom and me…we don’t know where he is.”

  “That’s the same story a lot of the kids in this school have, but they aren’t from Kansas.”

  “Did you really play for the Jayhawks or am I getting that wrong?”

  Mr. Roderick looked uncomfortable for the first time. He went back to adjusting the camera and getting the computer ready for Jack’s picture.

  “You better get ready for your picture…now smile.”

  The camera flashed and Mr. Roderick started typing and clicking the mouse at his computer disengaging from Jack. After a minute or so Jack’s ID card was being printed.

  “Here you go Jack. This is your ID card and your locker assignment. Stay clear of those football players tomorrow and if they lay a hand on you come and find me. I had a run in with them last year and I don’t think they want to tangle with me again…and if you really think you’re a ball player I expect to see you try out for the basketball team in two weeks. We start practicing in October and this season we may need all the help we can get.”

  “Are you the coach or something?”

  “Or something. Keep your head down and don’t get into any trouble…you hear me?”

  “I hear you Mr. Roderick, but you didn’t answer my question about…”

  “I don’t talk about my playing days Jack. I’m a security guard first and a coach second…that’s all you need to know. Are we clear?”

  “Yes Mr. Roderick.”

  “Good…now get out of here so I can do my job.”

  Jack walked out of the office slowly as Mr. Roderick sat down at his computer. He couldn’t believe he had just met his dad’s hero and that he had a chance to try out to be on his basketball team. Jack couldn’t wait to go home and tell his mom.