Read Three Weeks Page 27


  April's days were lengthening out in showers and sunshine and cold eastwind. Easter and a huge party had come and gone at Verdayne Place, and theLady Henrietta had had her hopes once more blighted by noticing Paul'sindomitable indifference to all the pretty girls.

  He was going to stand for Parliament in the autumn, when their very oldmember should retire, and he made that an excuse for his isolation; he wasworking too hard for social functions, he said. But in reality life wasgrowing more than he could bear.

  Captain Grigsby had sold the old _Blue Heather_ and bought a new steamyacht of seven hundred tons--large enough to take him round the world, hesaid--and he had had her put in commission for the Mediterranean, and shewas waiting for him now at Marseilles. Would Paul join him for a trip? heasked, and Paul hesitated for a moment.

  If no news came by Friday--this was a Monday--then he should go to Londonand deliberately find out his lady's name and kingdom. In that case tocruise in those waters might suit his book passing well.

  So he asked for a few days' grace, and Captain Grigsby gave a friendlygrowl in reply, and thus it was settled. By Saturday he was to give hisanswer.

  Tuesday passed, and Wednesday, and on Thursday a telegram came for Paulwhich drove him mad with joy. It was short and to the point: "Meet Dmitryin Paris," Then followed an address. By rushing things he could just catchthe night boat.

  He went to his father's room, where Sir Charles was discussing affairs withhis land steward. The man retired.

  "Father," said Paul, "I am going immediately to Paris. I have not even timeto wait and see my mother--she is out driving, I hear. Will you understand,father, and make it all right with her?"

  And Sir Charles said, as he wrung his son's hand:

  "Take care of yourself, Paul--I understand, my boy--and remember, Grig andI are with you to the bone. Wire if you want us--and let me have yournews."

  So they had parted without fuss, deep feeling in their hearts.

  Paul had telegraphed to the address given, for Dmitry, that he would be inParis, and at what hotel, by the following morning. He chose a largecaravanserai as being more suitable to unremarked comings and goings,should Dmitry's visit be anything of a secret one. And with intenseimpatience he awaited the faithful servant's visit.

  He was eating his early breakfast in his sitting-room when the old manappeared. In all the journey Paul had not allowed himself anyspeculation--he would see and know soon, that was enough. But he feltinclined to grind this silver-haired retainer's hand with joy as he madehis respectful obeisance.

  "The Excellency was well?"

  "Yes." And now for his news.

  Madame had bid him come and see the Excellency here in Paris, as not beingso inaccessible as England--and first, Yes, Madame was well--There wassomething in his voice as he said this which made Paul exclaim and questionhim closely, but he would only repeat that--Yes, his lady was well--alittle delicate still, but well--and the never-sufficiently-to-be-belovedson was well, too, his lady had told him to assure the Excellency--and wasthe portrait of his most illustrious father. And the old man lowered hiseyes, while Paul looked out of the window, and thrilled allover. Circumstances made things very difficult for Madame to leave thesouthern country where she was at present, but she had a very strong desireto see the Excellency again--if such meeting could be managed.

  He paused, and Paul exclaimed that of course it could be managed, and hecould start that night.

  But Dmitry shook his head. That would be impossible, he said. Much planningwould be needed first. A yacht must be taken, and not until the end of Maywould it be safe for the Excellency to journey south. At that time Madamewould be in a chateau on the seacoast, and if the Excellency in his cruisecould be within sight, he might possibly land at a suitable moment and seeher for a few hours.

  Paul thought of Captain Grigsby.

  "I will come in a yacht, whenever I may," he said to Dmitry.

  So they began to settle details. Paul imagined from Dmitry continuing tocall his Queen plain "Madame" that she still wished to preserve herincognito, so, madly as he desired to know, he would wait until he saw herface to face, and then ask to be released from his promise. The time hadcome when he could bear the mystery no longer, but he would not questionDmitry. All his force was turned to extracting every detail of hisdarling's health and well-being from the old servant, and in his guarded,respectful manner he answered all he could.

  His lady had indeed been very ill, Paul gathered--at death's door. Ah!this was terrible to hear--but lately she was mending rapidly, only she hadbeen too ill to plan or make any arrangements to see him. How all this madehis heart ache! Something had told him his passionate anxiety had not beenwithout cause. Dmitry continued: Madame's life was not a happy one, theExcellency must know, and the difficulties surrounding her had becomeformidable once or twice. However, the brother of Madame was with her now,and had been made guardian of her son--so things were peaceful and thecause of all her trouble would not dare to menace further.

  For once Dmitry had let himself go, as he spoke, and a passionate hateappeared in his quiet eyes. The "Trouble" was of so impossible aviciousness that only the nobility and goodness of Madame had prevented hisassassination numbers of times. He was hated, he said, hated and loathed;his life--spent in continual drunkenness, and worse, unspeakablewickedness--was not worth a day's purchase, but for her. The son of Madamewould be loved forever, for her sake, so the Excellency need not fear forthat, and Madame's brother was there, and would see all was well.

  Then Paul asked Dmitry if his lady had been aware that he had been ill inVenice. And he heard that, Yes, indeed, she had kept herself informed ofall his movements, and had even sent Vasili back on learning of his danger,and was on the point of throwing all prudence to the winds and returningherself. Oh! Madame had greatly suffered in the past year--the old mansaid, but she was more beautiful than ever, and of the gentleness of anangel, taking continuous pleasure in her little son--indeed, Anna had saidthis was her only joy, to caress the illustrious infant and call himPaul--such name he had been christened--after a great-uncle. And againDmitry lowered his eyes, and again Paul looked out of the window andthrilled.

  Paul! She had called him Paul, their son. It touched him to the heart. Oh!the mad longing to see her! Must he wait a whole month? Yes--Dmitry saidthere was no use his coming before the 28th of May, for reasons which hecould not explain connected with the to-be-hated Troublesome one.

  Every detail was then arranged, and Dmitry was to send Paul maps, and achart, and the exact description and name of the place where the yacht wasto lie. The whole thing would take some time, even if they were to departto-morrow.

  "The yacht is at Marseilles now," Paul said, "and we shall start on thecruise next week. Let me have every last instruction _poste restante_, atConstantinople--and for God's sake send me news to Naples on the way."

  Dmitry promised everything, and then as he made his obeisance to go, heslipped a letter into Paul's hand. Madame had bidden him give theExcellency this when they had talked and all was settled. He would leaveagain that night, and his present address would find him till six o'clockif the Excellency had aught to send in return.

  And then he backed out with deep bows, and Paul stood there, clasping hisletter, a sudden spring of wild joy in his heart.

  And what a letter it was! The very soul of his loved one expressed in herown quaint words.

  First she told him that now she expected he knew who she was, and as theywere to meet again--which in the beginning she feared might never be--allreason for her incognito was over. Then she told him--to make sure heknew--her name and kingdom. "But, sweetheart," she added, "rememberthis--my proudest titles ever are to be thy Loved one, and the Mother ofthy son." Here Paul kissed the words, madly thrilling with pride andworship. She spoke of her still undying love, and of her anguishing sorrowall the winter at their separation, and at length the joy of their littleone's arrival.

  "Thy image, my P
aul! English and beautiful, as I said he would be--notblack and white like me. And oh! beloved, thou must always increase thyknowledge of statesmancraft to help me to train him well."

  Then she made a glorious picture of their child's future, and Paul lay backin his chair and closed his eyes--the brightness of it all dazzledhim--while his heart flew to her in passionate adoration. She went on tospeak of their possible meeting. Her villa was but two hundred yards fromthe sea, only he must follow exactly all Dmitry's instructions, or theremight be danger for them both; but at all costs she _could not live_ muchlonger without seeing her lover.

  "Thou art more than a lover _now_, my Paul--and I am more than ever THINE."

  Thus it ended. And Paul spent most of the rest of his day reading andre-reading it, and writing his worshipping answer.

  By night both he and Dmitry had started on their homeward journeys.