Read Three Women Page 10

  Her hair was blond and very short. Elena thought she dressed better than most mothers. She had a nice blue wool dress, simple and long. Tall women could wear slim long things like that. She tried to imagine what she would look like in that blue dress, for she almost never wore dresses. She was surprised how attractive Chad’s mother seemed. She knew the woman had little money, but she spent it well. Elena liked her better than she had expected to. She understood why Chad preferred her. She was soft and quiet to be with. She didn’t butt in. She wished her own mother were more like that. Chad’s mother was soothing and flattered them. She thought she understood better than Evan did why Chad was crazy about her. Evan just saw a sad middle-aged woman who couldn’t even figure out what she wanted to eat for lunch. No, Evan didn’t get it. But she did. The next day, she let Chad know, and he was grateful, she could tell.

  Chad lived way over in Back Bay on Beacon Street on the side toward the Charles River. The buildings were taller there and they didn’t match. Chad’s father had the top floor of a six-story building that was supposed to look like some of the older row houses, but didn’t really. Some days a housekeeper was there, Mrs. Garcia. They never went near the place when she was working. Besides, it was a longish walk. It was furnished with chairs and sofas and tables that all seemed too big, as if made for a giant, in dark woods and with carving on the chairs.

  One Thursday Chad wanted them to come over. First he showed them his room. It looked out on the river. He had a Nintendo and his own TV and stereo. He put on Ozzy Osbourne. Suzanne would only have one TV in the whole house, and she acted as if watching it would produce instant brain rot in Elena and Rachel. Elena perched on the window ledge, admiring the view. It was early spring, but there were sailboats already. He took them into his father’s bedroom and opened the top dresser drawer. “Look at this.”

  It was a revolver, with a black handle and a shiny body.

  “Your father has a gun in his drawer?”

  “He has lots of guns. But this is my favorite. It’s a classic. Smith & Wesson .357 Magnum.” Chad sighted along it and Elena ducked out of the way. “It’s not loaded,” he said. “He doesn’t keep bullets in them.” He rummaged in the drawer and pulled out a heavy little box. “These are the cartridges. Want me to show you?”

  “Put that down,” Evan said. “This is stupid. Who wants to get shot playing with a gun?”

  “I wouldn’t mind it,” Chad said with a big grin. “But I know what I’m doing.”

  “Famous last words,” Evan said.

  “Charles the not so great taught me how to shoot. It’s one of the few things we can stand doing together.”

  “You mean he takes you hunting?” Evan made a face. “Like bravely blowing holes in bunny rabbits?”

  “I won’t do that anymore. No, we just go target shooting at a range.”

  “My mother has a gun,” Elena said.

  “How come you never showed it to us?” Chad asked.

  Elena had never thought of it as anything to show. “She keeps it locked up. She’s always been terrified I’d play with it when I was little, or Brat Rachel would get into it. She and this lawyer friend of hers go target shooting, like your dad. I don’t even know where she keeps it. It goes out of the house in a green bag when she and this woman Marta go off, like on Saturday morning.”

  “How come your mother has a gun?” Evan asked. “I mean, I can’t imagine my parents having a thing like that in the house.”

  “She and her friend at the firm they’re in do a lot of domestic violence cases, and sometimes the husbands or the boyfriends come after them. Besides, they enjoy it, her and her girlfriend, going shooting. Like they’re playing macho.”

  “I like guns.” Chad leveled the gun at the wall. “When I’m shooting at targets or skeet shooting, I pretend it’s his head. Pow!”

  “You really hate your father.” Evan sat down on the bed, caressing the black velvet spread. Evan didn’t care about guns any more than she did. She knew the velvet bedspread made him think about sex.

  “He’s really hateful.” Chad remained standing.

  “I don’t hate my parents. I’m not close enough to them to have any strong emotions. They’re like, my landlords, you know. Nobody I feel much about, but they take care of repairs and keep things running.”

  “Look at this.” Chad pulled open a drawer in the nightstand next to the bed and pulled out a pistol. “This is just a .22 Ruger, but he’s had it for years and he’s fond of it. He has a warm feeling for his guns he never had for my mother or for me.” Chad put the Ruger back in its drawer. He flourished the Smith & Wesson and then put it away too.

  Evan had always been in control, of her, of Chad. But today with the guns, Chad was taking control. He was running things his way. He opened the locked door of his father’s study with a credit card. “Do you have your own credit card?” Elena asked, surprised.

  “Sure. But it has a really low limit. Just eight hundred dollars. That’s really a crock. Anyhow, I saw this in a movie. Isn’t it cool? Come on. This is Charlie’s office. See, that’s his shotgun from when he used to go hunting. The last time he went was with a bunch of other investment sharks, to a game farm where like they have tame tigers you get to murder for fun. It’s a Remington 12 gauge. Aren’t you surprised how much I know about guns? That’s his liquor cabinet. Want anything?”

  “How about a scotch?” Evan said. “I’m going to ask my parents for a Visa card too. Great idea. I bet they’ll give it to me.”

  “He drinks only single malt. You’ll like it.” Chad handed the bottle to Evan, who took a swig and almost choked. Sometimes when they could get it, they drank beer or wine, but they almost never had hard liquor. Chad however could swig it without blinking. He must have practiced, she thought. She took a careful sip. It made her eyes water. Chad then took a small sip. She was watching his throat to see how much he swallowed. Then he handed off the bottle to Evan. “You can hold on to it,” he said. Evan was drinking more than both of them put together. After a while he lay down on the leather couch. Chad pointed at his father’s big TV. “I’ll show you what he watches in here.” He loaded it with a tape.

  “Is that pornography?” Elena asked. She had never seen any.

  “What do you think it is, Roadrunner?” Chad laughed. “Sit on my lap.”

  Evan was out of it. It was as if they were alone. They had never been alone together. Chad was different with her this time, slower. He kissed every part of her body. After the first ten minutes, the tape ran on, but they didn’t look at it. She was convinced he had got Evan drunk intentionally. Afterward she realized that afternoon, the afternoon of the guns, everything changed. That was when Evan lost control of the three of them, and Chad came out on top. That was the first time that Chad had sex only with her and not with Evan too. It was the first time she had sex only with Chad. It felt almost as if she was being unfaithful to Evan, doing it with him passed out on the couch. That was when everything began to be different, the way it was until the end.



  Suzanne and Elena were eating an early supper of Chinese takeout, before Suzanne took the shuttle to see Beverly in the hospital. “Why don’t you come to New York with me? You’ve always been your grandmother’s favorite. All you’d have to do is throw underwear in a backpack and we’ll fly down together.”

  “She wouldn’t want me to see her like that.”

  “I think she’s glad for any company. She’s bored to tears.”

  Elena threw down her chopsticks. “I can’t do it!” she shrieked. “You know I can’t stand to see death and dying!”

  Suzanne cringed. “I’m sorry. I thought maybe you’d gotten over it—”

  “I’ll never get over it.” Elena rose and stalked from the table.

  Suzanne found the routine of taking the shuttle to La Guardia every weekend and back again Sunday night grueling and depressing, but her presence helped ensure a decent level of medical attention for Bever
ly. She hoped it cheered Beverly up, although it was difficult to tell. This weekend Beverly was furious. Suzanne could feel the waves of anger coming off her mother, making her feel like an inadequate ten-year-old.

  “Mrs. Blume can use her vocal cords,” said the speech therapist. “They are not paralyzed. Her stroke has affected her speech center. But she can relearn to speak, if she would only try.”

  “I’ll have a conversation with her about trying,” Suzanne promised. Beverly used to get angry when anyone called her “Mrs.” Blume, for she was proud that she had never married, but here she could not protest.

  At least the room was a little less grim. Beverly was installed with two other stroke patients. One was much older than Beverly, a white-haired woman whose skull had been partly shaven for some procedure. The other was a woman in her forties, who wept constantly. She talked and talked. Suzanne heard the nurse call her Tammy. Tammy rattled off an occasional coherent sentence in the middle of babble and obscenities. She could not seem to stop talking, but she also could not seem to understand a word anyone spoke. The tears seemed to have no connection with what came out of her mouth. “Lazy fucking son of a bitch eat shit!” she would say. “Rover wants a cracker. Done the dirty laundry. Wrong dishes.”

  Suzanne sat on an uncomfortable chair beside the bed and talked earnestly at Beverly. She tried to decide the best approach. Sympathy? I know how you’re suffering, Mother…. Beverly hated pity. At least her mother’s face had straightened out. The nurses combed her hair occasionally. Suzanne had brushed it for her an hour ago, but it was standing straight up as if indignant. She decided to be blunt and straightforward. Attack and insist. “Mother, you have to try. You must do what the therapists ask you to.”

  Beverly printed in that awkward crooked left hand, BAD DOG.

  She stared at Beverly, clutched with fear. Was Beverly going crazy like the woman in the next bed. No. Her eyes were lucid. “You mean, they’re trying to train you like a dog. Obedience training.”

  Beverly nodded wildly.

  “But, Mother, if they don’t get you to cooperate, you’ll never speak again.”


  “Mother, you aren’t going to die. That isn’t an option. You’ll live for years and years, so you have to learn how to communicate again. You have to get better. You must take seriously what they’re trying to teach you.”


  “Well, do you want to dirty yourself? You’re practically an infant in what your body will let you do. Don’t you want to take back control?”

  Now Beverly was weeping, only from the left eye. The other just stared.

  It felt so odd. Instead of feeling ten now, she was her mother’s mother giving her childhood instructions: learn to dress yourself, learn to speak so that others can understand you, learn to feed yourself, learn to tie your shoes and wipe your behind. No wonder Beverly was humiliated and furious. It was unjust that a mature and intelligent woman should have to go through this forced childhood; it was not right that Suzanne should have to play this hectoring role. Sometimes when Beverly glared at her, she wanted to tell her mother, all right, don’t learn a thing. Rot in your bed!

  She pulled herself closer. “Look, you’re in great shape compared to What’s her name, Tammy over there. At least you aren’t blathering.”

  Beverly actually made a noise that could have been a laugh. She printed, GET ME OUT

  “I can’t.” Suzanne felt desperate. “You have to do what all the therapists show you. You have to cooperate, Mother. Or you’ll end up in a nursing home. The occupational therapist, the physical therapist, the speech therapist…”

  WANT GO HOME. The conversation was extremely slow because Beverly had to laboriously print the words with her left hand.

  “You’d starve to death. You wouldn’t be able to feed yourself, to dress yourself, to get food in. Mother, you have to learn to do these things. You have to. If you really mean to get out of here, you have to work at all the stupid things they try to make you do. You can’t get into college until you finish grade school.”


  “Actually you went for two years, remember?” She was a little frightened that Beverly didn’t seem to remember that.


  Suddenly Beverly sat up in the bed and began to sing, “We Shall Overcome.”

  Suzanne ran for the nurse. “She can talk now! She can talk!”

  The nurse stuck her head into the room and shook her head. “That’s just singing. A lot of them can sing when they can’t talk.”

  “But if she can form the words to the song—Listen to her!”

  “Don’t ask me why, but often the ones who can’t talk can sing songs they used to know. It’s just that way.” The nurse turned and swished off.

  Whenever she tried to question anyone on the staff, from the chief doctor down to the therapists and nurses, she always came upon a blank wall closing off her march into answers. She began to realize it was not because they were withholding knowledge, but because they didn’t possess it. The brain held secrets in its wrinkled gray convolutions, a mysterious organ as stroke was still a mysterious disease.

  “Mother, I understand all this is humiliating, but there’s no going back. You have to obey these therapists and nurses, no matter how condescending they are. You have to try to walk. You have to try to speak. You have to try to hold the spoon. Things will only improve if you stubbornly try to do things, instead of stubbornly refusing.”


  “Oh, yes, you were.” Suzanne snorted. “But, Mother, the only one who can get you out of this damned place is yourself. Don’t fight me. Don’t fight them. Fight your illness!”

  Sunday afternoon, Rachel was there, praying at Beverly’s bedside. Beverly must love that, but it sounded pretty, anyhow. At least it was company for Beverly, and soothing to herself. She could be quiet and bask in a moment of peacefulness. Rachel was blooming. She said she had been hiking with Michael. She tanned better than Suzanne, who freckled. Rachel freckled too, but not as extensively. How glad Suzanne had been when the fashion for a mahogany tan had faded in the epidemic of skin cancer and the destruction of the ozone layer. All through adolescence and early adulthood, she had spent a small fortune on tanning oils trying to look the way Elena looked naturally. All she got was blotchy. Her freckles got freckles.

  Suzanne watched Michael, trying to collect a sense of him. He could pray just fine, loud and sure of himself with the Hebrew. His Hebrew was more fluent than Rachel’s. He wasn’t bad-looking, thin, fine-boned, a little awkward in his movements as if his body had grown too fast for him to be used to yet. Beverly was eyeing him too. At one point she caught her mother winking with her good left eye at him. He seemed startled and then forced a smile at Beverly. He was a good boy, to come here from Philadelphia every Sunday with Rachel. She noticed that they seemed to communicate by telepathy like a flock of birds, wheeling at once, turning in the same direction, a unit. She began to suspect this was serious. That kind of communication meant they were sleeping together, perhaps even living together. She never got anything but the answering machine or the roommates at Rachel’s apartment. She was disturbed that Rachel had not confided in her, as she always had.

  In the hall outside Beverly’s room, Suzanne proceeded to try to find out. “I assume you’re coming home for Pesach, sweetheart. You can sleep in my room. Would you like Michael to come with you?”

  “We thought we’d do first-night seder with you and then second-night with his parents.”

  “Ah. The in-laws,” Suzanne said, watching Rachel’s face carefully.

  Rachel blushed. She didn’t speak. Whoops! As if by remote control, Michael appeared immediately. “I think Rachel and I better get going, Mrs. Blume.” That Mrs. Blume was her, not Beverly. “We have a meeting of our Torah study group tonight. We’re starting Exodus.”

  Suzanne was about to make her own exodus to La Guardia, when one of the hospital soc
ial workers buttonholed her. “It’s time to think of what sort of preparations you need to make for your mother.”

  “Preparations?” It sounded like a euphemism for burial.

  “You have to understand, even if she improves at a significantly faster rate than she has been able to do so far, she will never be able to live alone. Have you considered a nursing home?”

  “No! But she has an apartment….”

  “She can’t return to it. Mrs. Blume, so far your mother cannot feed or dress or toilet herself. She needs a safe environment, she needs continuing therapy long after she leaves us, and she needs care.”

  Suzanne sat on the shuttle, wanting so passionately to be home already she had the feeling she could rise and rocket home at a greater velocity on her own, without the help of the plane. What was she going to do? She could not put Beverly in a nursing home. Would she have to take her back to Brookline? Even when Beverly was healthy, her mother and she had not willingly cohabited since she was seventeen. How could they possibly manage to live together now?

  Suzanne had left home to go to college and returned only for an occasional holiday. Every summer, she had gone to summer school. She had zipped through in three years and then gone to law school. Never had she wanted to live with Beverly after she had gotten away from her. The happier parts of her childhood had been when Beverly was off organizing and she was living with her Aunt Karla. Aunt Karla loved having her there. Aunt Karla thought she was wonderful. Aunt Karla cooked succulent meals, cholents, pot roasts, chickens roasted with vegetables, goulashes—for her husband had been a Hungarian Jew who had died slowly at forty-two after being hit by a fuel truck while unloading boxes on Flatbush Avenue. He had lain in a coma for three months, exhausting Karla’s savings. Her soups filled the house with steam that could make Suzanne drunk. Suzanne felt cherished with her aunt, as if her presence were a gift. She was the daughter Karla dreamed of. When she had gone off to law school, Karla had set about finding a little girl to adopt.