Read Through With Love Page 12

  Especially now, with Paul added to his stable of safe fucks.

  The good thing was, he could add Tim and Paul to his party lists more frequently than he might otherwise, because he didn’t have to worry about bullshit stupidity interfering and fucking it all up. They were married, not single and looking.

  He was through with love—that was the safest way to live his life.

  Still, it pissed him off to think Vern not only had a wife and kids, but apparently grabbed side pieces when he felt like it. He had it all, and then some, moral ambiguity notwithstanding.

  Why can’t I have it all, too, when I’m doing everything else right, ethically?

  Because you can’t afford to lose it all, dumbass. It nearly killed you the first time.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Kent surveyed his living room just before Tim and Paul were due to arrive. He’d draped sheets over everything earlier to keep the furniture from getting spooged or covered in lube. Sure, he wiped the leather down after every party, but still, it kept things…hygienic.

  Nothing ruins the mood of a good orgy more than something grossing a person out.

  That’s why he had the rules set up the way he did. There were plenty of wipes and garbage cans all over, bowls of condoms and gloves and individual packs of lube, and hand sanitizer, among other things. People thought he was just schmoozing when he wasn’t fucking or being fluffed, but he was actually carefully watching. Making sure his rules were being adhered to, making sure everyone was having fun, that no one was being the bad kind of asshole, chatting people up and introducing them around, if they were new.

  That’s also why he carefully curated his party lists and didn’t hesitate to cut someone off if they so much as gave Kent a hint of stepping over the line.

  Fortunately, those instances were few and far between. The guests were good about looking out for each other in multiple ways, from making sure someone who appeared to be alone was at least pulled into conversations, to picking up what looked like an orphaned cup or plate and tossing it when getting rid of their own garbage, to someone grabbing a canister of wipes and handing them over to a guy who might otherwise have his hands—and ass—full and be in need of one.

  A pervy sort of brotherhood.

  It made him feel good watching and seeing people having fun.

  He was also a voyeur, in addition to an exhibitionist.

  He’d told Tim and Paul to come early, since this was their first party at his place. He wanted to go over the rules with them alone and personally.

  Plus he wanted time alone with Paul to talk before the other guests arrived. To see if he would be willing to meet the monster close up and personal tonight, and not just sucking on it. He’d been dying for a sample of that man’s ass ever since he’d first met him, and felt a little twinge of the friendly kind of envy that Tim was the lucky bastard who’d put a ring on his finger.

  Hell, he’d be interested in both men’s asses. A cute set like that? Who wouldn’t want to tap them both?

  Hmm. Talk about squad goals.

  Except he wouldn’t push, wouldn’t nudge. Just put things out there, and see what happened. Wednesday night had been a delightfully unexpected encounter that he had to admit he never saw coming. What had started out as a dark and emotionally nasty evening had flipped into the best night of his life.

  Which led to a damned great morning, too.

  And now?

  It’d opened up all sorts of possibilities between him and the men.

  Between Thursday morning and now, he’d chatted on the phone and in text with both men several times. Tim had told Kent he didn’t mind if he and Paul had private conversations, as long as it was expected Tim could ask to see them at any time.

  Except Kent had included Tim on all the text chats. He didn’t want the man to think he was trying to snipe Paul from him. Nothing was farther from the truth.

  They were a matched set, and he wanted both of them.

  He heard the intercom chime when someone punched in a gate code. A quick glance at the control panel in the kitchen told him it was the code he’d given to the boys.


  He already had the front door open and stood waiting there when they drove up. “Find it okay?”

  Tim’s eyes were wide. “Dude, this place is huge!”

  “Eh, it’s home. I have fun. Come on in.”

  He led them inside. “Look, you can have the guest room tonight, if you want, or you can sleep with me in the master bedroom. But stash your stuff in my room for now. During the parties, I keep it locked and no one can get in.” He showed them the lock pads, and the men opted to do just that.

  Then Tim smiled at Paul and pointed at him, circling his finger. “What’s with that?”


  “You’re still dressed.”

  Kent had stripped down to his usual party wear, shorts only, which would be shed immediately upon reciting the rules to his guests later.

  “Sorry, Daddy.” Paul flashed Kent a grin and started peeling off clothes.

  “May I?” Kent asked.

  Tim grinned. “You may, and you don’t need to ask permission. I meant it—blanket permissions for you, within our agreed rules.”

  Kent grabbed Paul and pulled him in for a long kiss, grabbing his ass and squeezing hard, making Paul moan. “I can’t wait to play with you later, boy. Even if it’s only to feel that eager mouth of yours again.”

  “Yes, Sir. Me, too.”

  Kent turned to Tim and arched an eyebrow at him.

  Tim stepped in and kissed him, pulling Kent’s hand onto his bulge and squeezing. “You did say cigars are allowed on the lanai, correct?”

  Kent grinned. “Yeah, they are. And you’ll have to beat the bottoms off you wanting to fluff you while you’re enjoying one.”

  “Who says I’ll stop them?” Tim glanced over at Paul, then met Kent’s gaze again. “My only request for tonight is I’d love to DP him with someone. Depending on the mood he’s in, he can be a party favor, if he wants. Or if you want to hog him beyond that, that’s fine, too. I want him to have fun.”

  Paul blushed when Kent focused on him again. “Someone wants to play piggy tonight, hmmm?”

  Paul eagerly nodded. “Yes, Sir. I’ve never been to something like this before, where I could not worry about…logistics.”

  Kent revised his plan in his head. No ruining Paul tonight after all. He wanted the guys to have as much fun as possible, and would have two or three other eager guys here tonight who’d want to ride the monster anyway.

  “Save a little room in that greedy piggy belly to swallow a load from me, then. That’s my request. And before we all go to bed tonight, I’ll lay a new set of stripes along your ass for you.”

  Paul grinned and eagerly nodded again. “Yes, Sir.”

  * * * *

  Tim wasn’t sure what time it was Sunday morning, but there was bright light trying to stream through the bedroom blinds, and there was a mouth doing a damned good job sucking his cock.

  He reached down and instead of Paul found Kent.

  Okay, then.

  They’d ended up sleeping in Kent’s bed that night—morning?—where Paul had blown Kent after Kent had spent thirty minutes using implements on him over the end of his bed rather than taking him into the back bedroom and using the mini dungeon there.

  While Kent had done that, Paul had blown Tim, then blew Kent.

  Kent lifted his head and smiled. “Hope you don’t mind I wanted to sample your goods.”

  Tim laughed. “Not at all. Where’s the boy?”

  “Getting us coffee.” Kent went deep again, rolling Tim’s eyes back in his head.

  Oh, holy fuck!

  Sure, Paul was amazing at oral, and Tim had been fluffed by some damn good guys last night.

  But Kent…


  He hoped the guy was okay swallowing, because when Paul walked in with their coffee, Kent sent Tim over the edge.

  He grabbed Kent’s head and fucked his cock deep into the guy’s throat as he erupted, and Kent stayed with him, swallowing every drop.

  When Kent sat up, he took his coffee—in a Doctor Who TARDIS mug—from Paul and sipped it. “Perfect, boy. Thank you. Excuse me, I’ll be right back.” He climbed out of bed and headed for the bathroom.

  Paul beamed and set Tim’s on the nightstand next to him, leaning in to kiss him. “Good morning, Daddy.”

  “Let me see your ass.”

  Paul turned and Tim ran his fingers over the bruises that had been hot, red welts hours earlier. “How’s it feel?”

  Paul shook it at him, smiling. “Great.”

  Kent returned and sat up against the headboard, putting his coffee safely on his nightstand. “Okay, boy. My turn.”

  Tim sipped his coffee and enjoyed watching Paul go after Kent’s cock with his mouth and hands. After a few minutes, he set his coffee aside and leaned in to kiss Kent, wanting to be a part of this.

  “I feel like a kid with new toys,” Kent admitted with a grin. “Like it’s Christmas or something.”

  At fifty-three, Kent was twenty years older than Tim, but he damn sure didn’t fuck like it. “Feels like we just got the keys to the toy store,” Tim said.

  Down below, Paul snorted around Kent’s cock but didn’t interrupt the blowjob.

  “You guys gotta come over next Saturday. Got this one guy, Boyd, if I can get him to come out, he’s one of the Doms I told you about. Great guy, known him a while now.”

  Tim pinched Kent’s left nipple, making him gasp. “I should have the boy ready to meet the monster by then.” He smiled. “I’ll just leave him here with you on that Sunday, since you’ll be leaving for Miami on Monday morning, right?”

  Paul let out a needy moan around Kent’s cock.

  Tim reached down and ruffled his hair. “Was that a yes, boy?”


  Kent wrapped his hand around Tim’s cock and squeezed. “Think I can talk you into wanting to meet the monster?”

  His cock hardened in Kent’s hand. “I’ll think about it. Let me see how he handles it first. If he can’t handle you, I know I can’t.”

  * * * *

  Kent was doing his best not to blow in Paul’s mouth right now, to hold back and make this last. The thought of maybe getting to fuck both of them was almost too much for him to take. “You guys are gonna spoil me rotten, you know that?”

  “Hey, me getting a few nights of uninterrupted sleep will spoil me rotten,” Tim joked.

  Paul again choked back laughter around Kent’s cock.

  Kent reached down and shoved Paul’s mouth deeper onto his cock, making Paul moan in the needy, greedy way Kent was quickly becoming addicted to. The kid had not only gotten DP’d last night by Tim and another guy, but had been passed around to several guys for fucking, DP, and spit-roasting.

  By the time Kent had played with Paul before bed, the guy had worn a sweet, glazed expression Tim had assured Kent meant he was a very happy camper.

  Between last night, next Saturday, and then the several days he’d have Paul all to himself…Kent knew he would need a break from the guy.

  If nothing else, to pull his brain back into his head and gain some perspective. If he spent too much time with Paul and Tim, he’d want to keep spending that kind of time with them—or more—and that wasn’t a good thing.

  Not when it would eventually come to an end.

  Besides, he had another prospective partygoer to talk to next week after his return from Miami, a co-worker of a guy who’d been on the list for years. Kent had already talked to him once and had a suspicion he’d be perfect for Boyd, but wanted to talk to him one more time before giving him the party deets.

  He’d already set up a private small event for the newbie that Saturday after his return from Miami. Just needed to get Boyd on board to show up. Kid needed a small, intimate “coming out” party of sorts, because he was not only new to the area, but recently out of the closet and had very few male-male encounters, plus he wanted to be a submissive.

  He was going to get his cherry popped in multiple ways, and Kent knew Boyd would be the perfect Dom to do the popping.

  Of the sexy, kinky kind. Kent already had three other guys he’d invited, and just needed to get Boyd to say yes to make it perfect.

  Plus a weekend off would give Paul and Tim time alone to rest, recover, and talk about the previous week and their time apart.

  Yeah, I need some time away from them.

  Because every time he looked into Paul’s green eyes, or met Tim’s intense brown gaze, he was feeling an uncomfortably pleasant sensation he knew meant he was getting in too deep emotionally.

  This had to stay fun, light.


  Besides, they were fucking married. Wasn’t like there’d even be room for him in there.

  No, best to have a weekend off.


  Damn, Miami was going to be a lot of fucking fun.

  * * * *

  Exhausted, Paul sprawled in the passenger seat for the ride back to Tampa late Sunday afternoon. Between his drained balls and his sore and well-fucked ass, he knew he’d sleep damn good tonight.


  He glanced at Tim. “Huh?”

  Tim laughed. “Did we fuck your brains right out?”

  “I think so, yeah. Thinking’s hard. Everything’s hard. Well, except for my cock, which feels like it’s going to fall off.”

  “Is that a complaint?”

  “Didn’t say that, Daddy.”

  Tim laughed again. “So…Miami.”


  “You really good with that?”

  “If you are, yeah.” He shifted position so he could see Tim better, wincing as his sore ass reminded him of his fun last night. “Fair warning, I suspect I’ll want a cuddle weekend the next weekend.”

  “Yeah, Kent already said he’s got plans that weekend, so we’ll be able to stay home and let you recover.” He snorted. “I have to admit, I’m enjoying the hell out of this.”


  “You being exhausted for a change, instead of me needing to safeword for mercy.”

  “That man can fuck like he’s a goddamned teenager. I can only imagine what he was like in his twenties if he’s, what, fifty-two?”


  “Fuck. I couldn’t handle him ten years younger. Damn.”

  Tim reached over and laced fingers with him. “Never thought I’d say this, but I think we just hit our comfortable groove to settle into.”

  “Yeah, I think you’re right.”

  “Just be glad he lives an hour and a half south of us.”

  “No shit. I wouldn’t be able to walk if he lived closer.”

  “You might not be able to walk much this week anyway.”


  Tim’s grin turned evil. “I’m going to do some heavy-duty ass training on you this week, mister. You’re going to meet the monster next Saturday night.”

  “I’m not sure if I should be thrilled or terrified.”

  Tim giggled. “Yes.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  The next week was filled with Paul being…filled.

  Tim took his sadistic enjoyment to new heights, including tormenting Paul at work. By Thursday, he’d worked Paul up to wearing one of the fuck sheaths for several hours at a time, and had taken the opportunity to fuck him over his desk at lunch. It meant no cleanup for Tim, who could gleefully return to his office after zipping up.

  Paul, on the other hand, was left muttering as he hurried to the bathroom to make sure he didn’t end up with a wet spot on the ass of his slacks.

  Not that Paul was complaining, because he’d felt even hornier than normal from all the attention Tim plied him with.

  By the time Saturday morning rolled around, Tim hadn’t let Paul come in forty-eight hours, and Paul thought he was going to climb the walls. He hadn’t been put in a
chastity cage—yet—but Tim had threatened to do exactly that.

  Except Paul knew that’d only make his torment that much worse. So he’d traded everything but his soul to Tim—and he would have traded that if he could have figured out how—to avoid the chastity cage.

  Meaning Tim had received several office blowjobs, among other things.

  They headed south for Kent’s after lunch Saturday afternoon. Paul made sure he’d packed everything he’d need not just for the weekend, but for the trip to Miami. He’d be riding down and back with Kent. Tim would meet him and Kent in Sarasota for lunch on Thursday and retrieve Paul.

  If he was still able to walk.

  Tim had already scheduled the two of them to take off from work Thursday afternoon and Friday.

  Paul had a feeling he was going to need every bit of that extra recovery time.

  Not that he was complaining, because he wasn’t.

  “You okay?” Tim asked.

  “Hornier than fuck,” he muttered. “But I’ll survive.”

  Tim grinned. “Let’s see how you’re complaining tomorrow morning.”

  “No, nononono. That was not a complaint. I remember five in an hour, and you can’t trick me like that again.”

  Tim snorted. “Yeah, that was pretty funny.”

  Paul finally laughed. “Yeah, it was. Now. I mean, what, I wouldn’t let you near my cock for two days?”

  “Three. Never thought I’d ever hear you beg not to come.”

  “True story.” It had certainly changed Paul’s mind about forced orgasm torture not being torture.

  It was definitely torture.

  “If you change your mind about this weekend, or about next week—”

  “I’m a big boy, Tim.” Paul sat up a little straighter. “Are you okay with me going?”

  “I trust Kent.”

  Paul studied him. “That’s not exactly an answer.”

  “I’m fine with you going. I’m a little envious you get to hog Kent for several days, but we can’t both be away from the office that long.” Tim smiled. “I’m sure I’m fine. Are you?”

  “I wouldn’t be going if I wasn’t. I just…” Paul sighed. “I feel a little guilty leaving you behind.”