Read Through With Love Page 6

His mouth started watering, even as his cock hardened, throbbing. “Sure.”

  Tim stepped inside and closed the door behind him, locking it. He snapped his fingers and pointed at the floor in front of Paul’s desk.

  Before he realized he’d done it, Paul was already on his knees.

  Tim reached for his belt and had his cock out by the time he made it to Paul. “I woke up hard,” he whispered, “and knew I’d have to save it for you, baby. Sorry, but Daddy can’t wait until lunchtime to do this.”

  Paul reached for Tim’s thighs, holding the backs of his legs as he went deep on Tim’s cock without even needing to be told what to do.

  Tim gently cradled Paul’s head in his hands, stroking his hair as Paul blew him. “You be a good boy for me today, and maybe I’ll fuck you over your desk tonight before we leave.”

  A soft whine escaped Paul, making Tim chuckle. “That’s right, baby. I’m going to take good care of the things you need taken care of. And don’t worry—when it comes to work, you’re still the boss. Just remember who’s in charge when we’re alone. We also need to come up with a codeword for you to use when you need to signal me about something around vanillas.”

  His fingers tightened around Paul’s head. “Never forget—no cheating. You ask me if you want to do something. No one has breeding rights to that ass but me.” Tim took over, spinning Paul down the rabbit hole as he started fucking his mouth.


  He was a goner. No way in hell could he say no to the guy.

  Not that he wanted to.

  Tim lasted for about ten minutes before finally thrusting deep, hard, and holding himself in place with a quiet grunt as he fed Paul a load of hot cum straight from his balls.

  Only after he’d finished did he ease back, keeping his cock in Paul’s mouth but loosening his grip on his head. “Get every drop out of there, baby.”

  Paul traced the slit with his tongue, lightly sucking, swallowing, wishing he could spend all day just like this.

  Finally, Tim pulled out and tucked himself in, fastening his slacks. Then he helped Paul to his feet and kissed him, holding him.

  “Dinner tonight, my place. I’m cooking. We need to talk. Plan to spend the night, if you’d like. You’ll have time to run home and grab stuff first, because I’ll need to go to the store anyway. Plus, I don’t think you’ll be in a mood to drive when I’m finished with you. Not if I do things right.”

  Paul nodded. “Yes, Sir.” His own cock ached, throbbing in his slacks.

  He wobbled a little on his feet as Tim released him and headed toward the office door. “Oh, and Mr. Sauer?”


  Tim turned and dropped him a playful wink. “Hope you have a productive work day today.” He unlocked the office door and slipped out, shutting it behind him.

  Paul slumped into one of the chairs in front of his desk. If it wasn’t for his hard and aching cock, and the fresh taste of cum in his mouth, he wouldn’t even believe the interlude had happened at all.

  For his part, Tim acted completely professional all day, from their morning meeting until the end of the day, and acting as if nothing had changed between them.

  Other than the cock shot he sent Paul’s private cell phone late that afternoon, along with a short message.

  Ready for seconds tonight.

  And he’d just managed to finally convince his own cock to soften.

  * * * *

  Tim suppressed the evil giggle threatening to escape him as he slid his phone back into his pocket and fastened his slacks. He washed his hands before leaving the bathroom and avoided passing Paul’s office on his return to his own cube.

  He couldn’t help it. He could see how flustered Paul had acted all day despite Tim going out of his way to remain professional. Not like a cock shot could make Paul much more flustered.

  Paul had damn well better get used to it. Tim was a sadistic fuck, and while he would never pull anything that would be identifiable in front of coworkers or clients, Paul would face a fairly constant stream of things like this while they were together.

  Just wait until I start making him come to work wearing a vibrating butt plug.

  When he was preparing to leave, he’d planned to stop by Paul’s office, except Paul had Laura in there and was talking to her. So he simply held up a hand to wave as he passed, not stopping to see if Paul waved back. But in the elevator on the way down, he sent Paul a text.

  I expect you by 7. Text me if you’ll be later, or face the consequences.

  Let Paul imagine what those would be.

  He was in his truck and about to leave when Paul texted back.

  Yes, Daddy.

  Tim grinned, relieved.

  Game on.

  It’d been a while since he’d cooked for anyone, much less had someone to cook with. After a quick run through Publix, he made it home and unloaded the groceries. Then he changed into shorts—and nothing else—prepared a few things he wanted to use tonight, and started busying himself with dinner.

  He’d hold off on the shower because they’d likely end up in there together soon enough anyway.

  Paul knocked on his door at a quarter ’til seven. When Tim answered, he smiled at how gorgeously nervous Paul looked. He carried his laptop case and a duffel bag slung over his shoulder.

  “Perfect timing,” Tim said, stepping aside as he opened the door wider. “Come on in.”


  Tim shut and locked the door behind him, took Paul’s things from him and set them aside in the entry, and pointed at the floor.

  Paul sank to his knees the way he had earlier, without hesitation.

  It hardened Tim’s cock again.

  He stepped in, cupping Paul’s head in his hands as he stared into his beautiful green eyes. “We’re going to play tonight, don’t worry. But we’re going to do some talking, too. Understand?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Tim stroked his brown hair, loving the soft feel of it between his fingers. “I will end this immediately if you cheat on me. By cheating I mean you go out and do something we haven’t agreed on together. No second chances for that, either. It’s a really bad trigger for me. Understand?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Tim brushed his thumbs across Paul’s cheekbones. “I take it you have some pretty deep needs to be met.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Get pretty horny sometimes?”

  He nodded, his cheeks turning that adorable shade of pink.

  “Might be times I’m not in the mood and I use toys on you. Might be times I take you to the club and direct the things that happen to you there. You can safeword, but you’re trusting me to take care of you, and I won’t abuse that trust or take the responsibility lightly.”

  “That’s what I want, Sir.”

  “We really should see if we can get hooked up with a gay swingers group locally. I like the club, but I don’t like having no control over who’s there. If we could find us a few trusted regular partners so I could give you carte blanche permissions with them, that’d be perfect.” He lightly raked his fingers along Paul’s scalp. “Is it going to bother you seeing me use other guys?”

  “No, Sir.”

  “And yes, you get veto rights, too. What if I one day hit a point where I say that’s it, no more swinging for either of us?”

  * * * *

  Paul studied Tim’s face. “I’d trust you to know what’s best for us and take care of me.”

  “That’s a lot of trust to be putting in me so soon, don’t you think?”

  “I’m not marrying you yet, Sir.”

  A chuckle escaped Tim and he grinned. “That’s the backbone I want to see.” He ruffled Paul’s hair and reached for his hands, helping him stand. “Get naked, pup. Then you can help me with dinner.” He pulled him in for a kiss. “You’re always naked when we’re home alone unless I’ve given you permission not to be. Understand?”

  From the second Tim had put him on his knees, P
aul had felt the sweet pull of subspace. “Yes, Sir.”

  He quickly stripped and followed Tim into the kitchen. Dinner was easy tonight—a pre-marinated pork tenderloin and pasta salad as the side dish. Once the meat was in the oven and the pasta salad in the fridge, Tim led him to the living room and put him on his knees again in front of him while he sat on the sofa.

  “I see your cock is hard, pup.”

  “It’s been that way most of the day, Sir.”

  “Daddy like.” He patted his thigh, but instead of the anticipated blowjob Paul thought he’d be giving him, all Tim wanted him to do was rest his head against his thigh. “I want to talk about last night.” Paul’s eyes dropped closed as Tim’s nails once again raked his scalp.

  “Sooo…I have some emotional baggage,” Tim continued, and Paul forced his eyes open to look at him. “Obviously, I’m fine with us playing around. Together.” He eyed Paul. “Consensual swinging. I got my trust shattered by a guy I thought was perfect, and with three of us in the relationship, it was times two when he cheated and broke our hearts.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Not your fault. So I’m not ruling out us swinging like we did last night. I enjoyed the hell out of that. However, that comes with an iron-clad caveat—I must be with you, unless I’ve specifically given you permission to go on your own. Which I probably would. That goes both ways. If you don’t want to go out one night and say I can, great. If you say no, you’d rather I didn’t go without you, I stay home.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Tim and Paul time.”

  “But I like calling you that.”

  Tim apparently didn’t want to die on that hill, so he pressed forward. “Never lie to me. I’m talking big lies, not little white lies like what you bought me for a present. I catch you lying, we’re done, no second chances. That goes both ways, too. I’ll never cheat on or lie to you. I might mindfuck the hell out of you, but that’s different. I think we’re both adult enough to know the differences there, correct?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “You asked last night if I’m a sadist. Talk to me more about your needs.”

  He nuzzled his face against Tim’s thigh. “I love being restrained, especially while being taken hard. I enjoy being used. Spanked, beaten.”


  “I mean, yeah, some. Not cutting my flesh open sort of pain.”

  “Sitting on a well-spanked ass the next morning?”

  He shivered with pleasure. “Yes, Sir.”

  “Go on.”

  More nuzzling as his eyes dropped closed. He wanted to work his way up to Tim’s crotch, but suspected he’d be stopped before he got that far. “It’s a mental reset for me. A vacation from life so I can…breathe again.”

  “I am sadistic in many ways, but mostly sexually. I’m not a hard-core sadist in terms of doling out pain. I’ll do what I’m comfortable doing for you, and we’ll see about finding Tops who are more your speed if you need more than I can give you. Maybe trade them a blowjob or fucking for a beating, if you like them like that. Does that sound fair?”

  His cock throbbed but he didn’t dare touch it. “Yes, Sir.”

  “Look at me, pup.”

  Paul forced his eyes open and stared up at him.

  “When it comes to work, you’re in charge. I meant that. What happens between us outside our jobs, or outside the office, does not bleed into it.” Tim smiled. “Well, maybe some sexy things, like this morning.”

  His smile faded. “Outside of work? I’m in charge. I’ve been cheated on, and it fucked my head and my heart. I’ve tried a couple of relationships where I wasn’t in charge and it was more an equal partnership, and neither of us were happy like that. So I’ve accepted this about myself and I won’t settle for less.

  “I get that this is the real world and you need input. You will get that. I will also never violate your hard limits. But you have to be willing to accept the default that, not including your hard limits, you might not get your way about things unless I decide to let you have them. Think about that long and hard. I don’t want to fall harder for you than I already have just for you to decide in six months that this game isn’t fun anymore. This is me, who I am, all the time.”

  “You’ve…fallen for me?”

  He stroked Paul’s hair. “Yeah. Dude, I was lusting after you when you hired me. If I’d had the slightest inclination at our interview that you were into me? I would have had you bent over the desk and been fucking you then.”

  Paul maintained their gaze, but lowered his lips to Tim’s thigh, kissing his warm flesh. “I would have let you, Daddy.”

  Tim’s gaze narrowed, even as the corners of his mouth quirked in a sexy smile. “Daddy’s going to put his pup through the wringer, at first. I’ve got a lot of energy to burn off. We’re going to do a lot of things together, work a lot of things out of both of our systems, and then we can decide where we go from there long-term.”

  That almost sounded like they weren’t going to be a “couple” at first. “Can you please explain that last part?”

  Tim stroked his hair again. “Which part?”

  “Where we go long-term. Right before that. Are we not… exclusive right now?”

  “Yes, and no.” He cupped the back of Paul’s neck. “I want to be married. Doesn’t mean we can’t swing after we get married, but marriage means we’ve reached a point where we’re both certain what we have between us is for life, and that’s the primary focus of what we have.

  “Right now, let’s be honest—if you could go to the club with me every night, you would, wouldn’t you?”

  Paul nodded.

  “And you’d suck nearly every cock I ordered you to suck, wouldn’t you?”

  He nodded again.

  “And that’s cool. That’s fun. I have a feeling you and I are going to have a lot of damn fun. But you’re running a serious business, and I’m going to work my ass off to do my part to make it successful. We’re going to hit a point where we have to sacrifice some of that play time to focus on work to cross a tipping point.

  “Doesn’t mean we’ll never swing or play after that point, but you and I are pretty work-intense. Take Kent Corwin’s contract. I did more digging into him. If our finished software makes him happy? This could be a huge boon for the company. I’m talking it could leapfrog us to the top of a very long list of business solutions that don’t do all that ours will. Contemplate that for a moment.”

  Paul already had, and had nearly hyperventilated in fear at the thought.

  So he’d focused on the here and now and not on what might be, afraid he might accidentally sabotage it.

  “It scares you, doesn’t it?” Tim asked.

  “Yeah. Terrifies me.”

  Tim took his hands, his expression softening. “It doesn’t scare me. It thrills the fuck out of me. That means you and I are maybe a perfect pair. We can balance each other. That comes through time and trust. Right now, do you have any rules you’d like to add to the ones I’ve discussed?”

  “I’m not allowed to masturbate?”

  Tim grinned. “Not without permission, no. That’s part of my sadism. It won’t hurt you. It’s a trust issue for me. And I like hearing you beg and grovel and make deals to earn it.”

  Paul’s resistance to it melted away.

  He liked begging, groveling…and was pretty damn certain he’d love the deals Tim would force from him to earn the privilege.

  Paul nodded.

  “So that’s a yes to it?” Tim asked. “Or do we need to negotiate?”

  “It’s a yes, Sir.”

  “There might be plenty of times I tell you yes, you can. Or I might be a bastard and lock you in a chastity cage, and the only relief you get is me milking you.”


  Tim’s face lit up, and the fear that flared and curled in Paul’s stomach in response to it only made his cock harder.

  “You’ve never been milked?” Tim asked.

  Paul s
wallowed but shook his head.

  “Then I guess I know what we’re doing first thing after dinner, baby.”

  Chapter Seven

  Before dinner, however, was a small matter of housekeeping. Tim wanted to know Paul knew how to clean himself out, and made him take care of that. While he did that, Tim soaked a washcloth in water and stashed it in the freezer without telling him what he’d done.

  Then came dinner, and while Paul cleaned up the kitchen, Tim set out what he’d need in the bedroom, including a chastity cage he’d forgotten about but had earlier found buried in the bottom of one of his gear bags. He hadn’t planned to use it on Paul tonight, but now that he had decided what he would do to his pup, Tim knew it had to make a debut sooner rather than later.

  He’d spread out a couple of towels on the bed and had Paul climb up, hands and knees. There, Tim blindfolded him, put a ball gag on him, buckled leather cuffs around his wrists and ankles, pushed his shoulders down onto the bed, and attached ropes from each corner of the bed to hold him in place.

  Like that, seeing Paul’s ass in the air and exposed, Tim’s cock throbbed in anticipation.

  He reached between Paul’s legs, making him moan as Tim stroked his stiff cock. “Daddy’s pup is really horny, it looks like.” He squeezed until Paul let out a moan that was more pain than pleasure, and eased back. “Going to take care of that for you. I promised to introduce you to milking, though. I think you’re going to like this.”

  He hurried to the kitchen and retrieved the half-frozen washcloth. After loosening it with his hands so it wasn’t stiff, he reached between Paul’s legs and wrapped it around his cock and balls, giggling at the muffled shriek the other man let out.

  “Safeword or take it, pup. Part of the process.”

  Paul whined but didn’t safeword.

  Once Paul’s cock had shrunk, Tim worked quickly, applying a coating of water-based lube to the man’s cock so he didn’t chafe too badly. He fished Paul’s balls through the base part of the chastity cage, then attached the tube that held the cock in place. He locked the metal device together with a tiny padlock, one key to which was already on his own keyring, the other on a string he now wore around his neck.