Read Ticonderoga: A Story of Early Frontier Life in the Mohawk Valley Page 6


  The return of Lord H---- without his guide and companion, CaptainBrooks, caused some surprise in Mr. Prevost and his daughter, who hadnot expected to see any of the party before a late hour of thefollowing evening. Not choosing to explain, in the presence of Edith,the cause of his parting so suddenly from the hunter, the youngnobleman merely said that circumstances had led him to conclude itwould be advisable to send Woodchuck in the boat with Walter, toAlbany, and his words were uttered in so natural and easy a tone thatEdith, unconscious that her presence put any restraint upon hiscommunication with her father, remained seated in their pleasantlittle parlor till the hour for the evening meal.

  "Well, my lord," said Mr. Prevost, after the few first words ofexplanation had passed, "did you meet with any fresh specimens of theIndian in your short expedition?"

  The question might have been a somewhat puzzling one for a man who didnot want to enter into any particulars, but Lord H---- replied witheasy readiness:

  "Only one. Him we saw only for a moment, and he did not speak withus."

  "They are a very curious race," said Mr. Prevost, "and albeit not verymuch given to ethnological studies, I have often puzzled myself as towhence they sprang, and how they made their way over to thiscontinent."

  Lord H---- smiled. "I fear I cannot help you," he said. "Mine is acoarse and unstudious profession, you know, my dear sir, and leads onemuch more to look at things as they are than to inquire how they cameabout. It strikes me at once, however, that in mere corporealcharacteristics the Indian is very different from any race I everbeheld, if I may judge by the few individuals I have seen."

  "Bating the grace and dignity," said Edith, gayly, "I do think thatwhat my father would call the finest specimens of the human animal areto be found among the Indians. Look at our dear little Otaitsa, forinstance. Can anything be more beautiful, more graceful, more perfectthan her whole face and form?"

  Lord H---- smiled and slightly bowed his head, saying: "Now many afair lady, Miss Prevost, would naturally expect a very gallant reply,and I might make one without a compliment, in good cool blood, andupon calm, mature consideration. I am very poorly versed, however, incivil speeches, and therefore I will only say that I think I have seenwhite ladies as beautiful, as graceful, and as perfect as your fairyoung friend, together with the advantage of a better complexion. Butat the same time I will admit that she is exceedingly beautiful, andnot only that but very charming, and very interesting, too. Hers isnot exactly the style of beauty I admire the most, but certainly hersis perfect in its kind, and my young friend Walter seems to think so,too."

  A slight flush passed over Edith's cheek, and her eyes instantlyturned toward her father. But Mr. Prevost only laughed, saying: "Ifthey were not so young, I should be afraid that my son would marry thesachem's daughter, and perhaps in the end take to the tomahawk and thescalping knife. But joking apart, Otaitsa is a very singular littlecreature. I never can bring myself to feel that she is an Indian--asavage, in short, when I hear her low, melodious voice, with itspeculiar song-like sort of intonation, and see the grace and dignitywith which she moves, and the ease and propriety with which sheadapts herself to every European custom. I have to look at herbead-embroidered petticoat and her leggings and moccasins before I canbring it home to my mind that she is not some very high-bred lady ofthe court of France or England. Then she is so fair, too; but that isprobably from care, and the lack of that exposure to the sun which mayat first have given and then perpetuated the Indian tint. To use anold homely expression, she is the apple of her father's eye, and he isas careful of her as of a jewel, after his own particular fashion."

  "She is a dear creature," said Edith, warmly, "all soul, and heart,and feeling. Thank God, too, she is a Christian, and you cannot fancy,my lord, what marvellous stores of information the little creaturehas. She knows that England is an island in the midst of the salt sea,and she can write and read our tongue nearly as well as she speaks it.She has a holy hatred of the French, however, and would not speak aword of their language for the world, for all her information and agood share of her ideas come from our good friend Mr. Gore, who hascarried John Bull completely into the heart of the wilderness and kepthim there perfect in a sort of crystallized state. Had we but a fewmore men such as himself amongst the Indian tribes, there would be nofear of any wavering in the friendship of the Five Nations. There goesan Indian now past the window. We shall have him in here in a moment,for they stand upon no ceremony--no, he is speaking to Antony, thenegro boy. How curiously he peeps about him--he must be looking forsomebody he does not find."

  Lord H---- rose and went to the window, and in a minute or two afterthe Indian stalked quietly away and disappeared in the forest.

  "What could he want?" said Edith. "It is strange he did not come in. Iwill ask Antony what he sought here," and going to the door she calledthe gardener boy up and questioned him.

  "He want Captain Woodchuck, Missa," replied the lad. "He ask if he notlodge here last night. I tell him yes, but Woodchuck go away earlythis morning, and not come back since. He 'quire very much about him,and who went with him. I tell him Massa Walter and de strangegentleman, but both leave him soon. Massa Walter go straight toAlbany, strange gentleman come back here."

  "Did he speak English?" asked Edith.

  "Few words," replied the negro. "I speak few words Indian. So patch'em together make many, missy;" and he laughed with that peculiar,unmeaning laugh with which his race are accustomed to distinguishanything they consider witty.

  The whole conversation was heard by the two gentlemen within. On Mr.Prevost it had no effect but to call a cynical smile upon his lips,but the case was different with Lord H----. He saw that the deed whichhad been done in the forest was known to the Indians; that its doerhad been recognized, and that the hunt was up; and he rejoiced tothink that poor Woodchuck was already far beyond pursuit. Anxious,however, to gain a fuller insight into the character and habits of apeople of whom, as yet, he had obtained but a glimpse, he continued toconverse with Mr. Prevost in regard to the aboriginal races, andlearned several facts which by no means tended to decrease theuneasiness which the events of the morning had produced.

  "The Indians," said his host, in answer to a leading question, "are,as you say, a very revengeful people, but not more so than many otherbarbarous nations. Indeed, in many of their feelings and habits theygreatly resemble a people I have heard of in central Asia, calledAlghanns. Both, in common with almost all barbarians, look uponrevenge as a duty imperative upon every family and every tribe. Theymodify their ideas, indeed, in case of war, although it is verydifficult to bring about peace after war has commenced; but if anyindividual of a tribe is killed by another person in time of peace,nothing but the blood of the murderer can satisfy the family or thetribe, if he can be caught. They will pursue him for weeks and months,and employ every stratagem which their fertile brains can suggest toentrap him, till they feel quite certain that he is beyond theirreach. This perseverance proceeds from a religious feeling, for theybelieve that the spirit of their dead relation can never enter thehappy hunting grounds till his blood has been atoned for by that ofthe slayer."

  "But if they cannot catch the slayer," asked Lord H----, "what do theydo then?"

  "I used a wrong expression," replied Mr. Prevost. "I should have saidthe blood of some other victim. It is their duty, according to theirideas, to sacrifice the slayer. If satisfied that he is perfectlybeyond their power, they strive to get hold of his nearest relation.If they cannot do that, they take a man of his tribe or nation andsacrifice him. It is all done very formally, and with all sorts ofconsideration and consultation, for in these bloody rites they are themost deliberate people in the world, and the most persevering, also."

  A few days before, Lord H---- might have plainly and openly told allthe occurrences of the morning in the ears of Edith Prevost, butsensations had been springing up in his breast which made him moretender of her feelings, more careful of creating alarm and anxiety,a
nd he kept his painful secret well till after the evening meal wasover, and she had retired to her chamber. Then, however, he stoppedMr. Prevost just as that gentleman was raising a light to hand to hisguest, and said: "I am afraid, my good friend, we cannot go to bedjust yet. I have something to tell you which, from all I have heardsince it occurred, appears to me of much greater importance than atfirst. Whether anything can be done to avert the evil consequences, ornot, I cannot tell; but at all events, it is as well that you and Ishould talk the matter over."

  He then related to Mr. Prevost all the events of the morning, and wassorry to perceive that gentleman's face assuming a deeper and deepergloom as he proceeded.

  "This is most unfortunate, indeed," said Mr. Prevost, at length. "Iquite acquit our poor friend Brooks of any evil intent, but to slay anIndian at all, so near our house, and especially an Oneida, was mostunlucky. That tribe or nation, as they call themselves, from thestrong personal regard, I suppose, which has grown up accidentallybetween their chief and myself, has always shown the greatest kindnessand friendship toward myself and my family. Before this event I shouldhave felt myself in any of their villages as much at home as by my ownfireside, and I am sure that each man felt himself as secure on anypart of the lands granted to me as if he were in his own lodge. Butnow, as they will call it, their blood has stained my very mat, andthe consequences no one can foresee. Woodchuck has himself escaped. Hehas no relations or friends on whom they can wreak their vengeance."

  "Surely," exclaimed Lord H----, "they will never visit his offence onyou or yours?"

  "I trust not," replied Mr. Prevost, after a moment's thought, "but yetI cannot feel exactly sure. They will take a white man for theirvictim--an Englishman--one of the same nation as the offender.Probably it may not matter much to them who it is, and theaffectionate regard which they entertain toward us may turn the evilaside. But yet these Indians have a sort of fanaticism in theirreligion, as well as we have in ours--the station and the dignity ofthe victim which they offer up enters into their consideration--theylike to make a worthy and an honorable sacrifice, as they consider it;and just as this spirit moves them or not, they may think that anyonewill do for their purpose, or that they are required by their god ofvengeance to immolate someone dear to themselves, in order to dignifythe sacrifice."

  "This is indeed a very sad view of the affair which had never struckme," replied Lord H----, "and it may be well to consider, my dear sir,what is the best and the safest course. I must now tell you one of theobjects which made me engage your son to carry my dispatches toAlbany. It seemed to me, from all I have heard during my shortresidence with you, especially during my conference with Sir WilliamJohnson, that the unprotected state of this part of the country leftAlbany itself and the settlements around it unpleasantly exposed. Weknow that on a late occasion it was Dieskau's intention, if he hadsucceeded in defeating Sir William and capturing Fort George, to makea dash at the capital of the province. He was defeated, but there isreason to believe that Montcalm, a man much his superior both inenergy and skill, entertained the same views, although I know not whatinduced him to retreat so hastily after his black and bloody triumphat Fort William Henry. He may seize some other opportunity, and I canperceive nothing whatsoever to impede his progress or delay him for anhour, if he can make himself master of the few scattered forts whichlie between Albany and Carrillon or Ticonderoga. In the circumstances,I have strongly urged that a small force should be thrown forward to acommanding point on the river Hudson, not many miles from this place,which I examined as I came hither, with an advanced post or two stillnearer to your house. My own regiment I have pointed out as betterfitted for the service than any other, and I think that if mysuggestions are attended to, as I doubt not they will be, we can giveyou efficient protection. But I think," continued the young nobleman,speaking more slowly and emphatically, "that with two young people sojustly dear to you--with a daughter so beautiful and in every way socharming, and so gallant and noble a lad as Walter, whose high spiritand adventurous character will expose him continually to any snaresthat may be set for him, it will be much better for you to retire withthem both to Albany, at least till such time as you know that thespirit of Indian vengeance has been satisfied, and that the real perilhas passed."

  Mr. Prevost mused for several minutes, and then replied: "The motivesyou suggest are certainly very strong, my lord, but I have strangeways of viewing such subjects, and I must have time to considerwhether it is fair and right to my fellow countrymen scattered overthis district to withdraw from my share of the peril which all whoremain would have to encounter. Do not argue with me upon the subjectto-night--I will think over it well, and doubt not that I shall viewthe plan you have suggested with all the favor that paternal love canafford. I will also keep my mind free to receive any further reasonsyou may have to produce. But I must first consider quietly and alone.There is no need of immediate decision, for these people, according totheir own code, are bound to make themselves perfectly sure that theycannot get possession of the actual slayer before they choose anothervictim. It is clear from what the Indian said to the negro boy, thatthey know the hand that did the deed, and they must search for poorBrooks first, and practice every device to allure him back before theyimmolate another. Let us both think over the matter well and conferto-morrow."

  Thus saying, he shook hands with Lord H----, and they retired to theirseveral chambers with very gloomy and apprehensive thoughts.

  Next morning Mr. Prevost was aroused by a distant knocking at the hutswhere the outdoor servants slept, and then by a repetition of thesound at the door of the house itself. Rising hastily, he got down intime to see the door opened by old Agrippa, and found a man onhorseback bearing a large official-looking letter addressed toMajor-General Lord H----.

  It proved to be a dispatch from Sir William Johnson, requesting bothLord H---- and himself to attend a meeting of some of the chiefs ofthe Five Nations, which was to be held at Johnson Castle, on theMohawk, in the course of the following day. The distance was not verygreat, but still the difficulty of traveling required the twogentlemen to set out at once in order to reach the place of rendezvousbefore night, and neither liked to neglect what they considered aduty.

  "I will mount my horse as soon as it can be got ready," said LordH----, when he had read the letter and shown it to Mr. Prevost. "Isuppose, in existing circumstances, you will not think it advisable toaccompany me?"

  "Most certainly I will go with you, my lord," replied his host. "As Isaid last night, the danger, though very certain, is not immediate.Weeks, months may pass before these Indians feel assured that theycannot obtain possession of the actual slayer of their red brother;and as many of the Oneidas will probably be present at this talk, asthey call it, I may perhaps (though it is very doubtful) gain someinsight into their thoughts and intentions. I will take my daughterwith me, however, for I should not like to leave her here altogetheralone. Her preparations may delay us for half an hour, but still wehave ample time, and the horse of the messenger, who will act as ourguide, must have some little time to take rest and food."

  A very brief time was spent at breakfast, and then the whole party setout on horseback, followed by a negro leading a pack-horse, andpreceded by the messenger of Sir William Johnson. Mr. Prevost, themessenger, and the negro, were all armed; but Lord H----, who hadhitherto worn nothing but the common riding suit in which he had firstpresented himself, except in his unfortunate expedition with CaptainBrooks, had now donned the splendid uniform of a major-general in theBritish service, and was merely armed with his sword and pistols inthe holsters of his saddle.

  The journey passed without incident. Not a human being was seen forseventeen or eighteen miles, though here and there a small log hut,apparently deserted, testified to the efforts of a new race to wresttheir hunting grounds from an earlier people--efforts too soon, toosadly, and too cruelly to be consummated. The softer light of earlymorning died away, and then succeeded a warmer period of the day, whenthe heat became ver
y oppressive; for in the midst of those deepforests, with no wind stirring, the change from summer to winter isnot felt so rapidly as in more open lands. About an hour after noonthey proposed to stop, rest the horses, and take some refreshment, anda spot was selected where some fine oaks spread their large limbs overa beautifully clear little lake or pond, the view across whichpresented peeps of a distant country, with some blue hills of no verygreat elevation appearing above the tops of the trees.

  At the end of an hour the party again mounted and pursued their way,still on through forests and valleys, across streams and by the sidesof lakes, till at length, just as the evening sun was reaching thehorizon, a visible change took place in the aspect of the country:spots were seen which had been cultivated, where harvests had grownand been reaped, and then a house gleamed here and there through theforest, and blue wreaths of smoke might be seen rising up. Tracks ofcart wheels channeled the forest path; a cart or wagon was drawn upnear the roadside; high piles of firewood showed preparation againstthe bitter winter; and everything indicated that the travelers wereapproaching some new but prosperous settlement.

  Soon all traces of the primeval woods, except those which the littleparty left behind them, disappeared, and a broad tract of wellcultivated country spread out before them, with a fine river boundingit at the distance of more than a mile. The road, too, wascomparatively good and broad, and half way between the forest and theriver that road divided into two, one branch going straight on, andanother leading up the course of the stream.

  "Is Sir William at the Hall or at his Castle?" asked Mr. Prevost,raising his voice to reach the ears of his guide, who kept a little infront.

  "He said, sir, to take you on to the Hall if you should come on, sir,"replied the messenger. "There is a great number of Indians up at theCastle already, and he thought you might perhaps not like to be withthem altogether."

  "Probably not," replied Mr. Prevost, drily; and they rode on upon thedirect road till, passing two or three smaller houses, they came insight of a very large and handsome edifice, built of wood indeed, butsomewhat in the style of a European house of the reign of George theFirst. As they approached the gates, Sir William Johnson himself, nowin the full costume of an officer of the British army, came down thesteps to meet and welcome them; and little less ceremonious politenessdid he display in the midst of the wild woods of America than if hehad been at the moment in the halls of St. James's. With stately gracehe lifted Edith from her horse, greeted Lord H---- with a deferentialbow, shook Mr. Prevost by the hand, and then led them himself to roomswhich seemed to have been prepared for them.

  "Where is my friend Walter?" he said, as he was about to leave Mr.Prevost to some short repose. "What has induced him to deny his oldacquaintance the pleasure of his society? Ha, Mr. Prevost, does hethink to find metal more attractive at your lonely dwelling? Perhapshe may be mistaken, for let me tell you the beautiful Otaitsa ishere--here in this very house; for our good friend Gore has socompletely Anglified her, that what between her Christianity, herbeauty, and her delicacy, I believe she is afraid to trust herselfwith four or five hundred red warriors at the Castle."

  He spoke in a gay and jesting tone, and everyone knows the blessedfacility which parents have of shutting their eyes to the love affairsof their children. Mr. Prevost did not in the least perceive anythingin the worthy general's speech but a good-humored joke at the boyishfondness of his son for a pretty Indian girl, and he hastened toexcuse Walter's absence by telling Sir William that he had been sentto Albany on business by Lord H----. He then inquired, somewhatanxiously: "Is our friend the Black Eagle here with his daughter?"

  "He is here on the ground," replied Sir William, "but not in thehouse. His Indian habits are of too old standing to be rooted out likeOtaitsa's, and he prefers a bearskin and his own blue blanket to thebest bed and quilt in the house. I offered him such accommodation asit afforded, but he declined, with the dignity of a prince refusingthe hospitality of a cottage."

  "Does he seem in a good humor to-day?" asked Mr. Prevost, hesitatingwhether he should tell Sir William at a moment when they were likelyto be soon interrupted, the event which had caused so muchapprehension in his own mind. "You know he is somewhat variable in hismood."

  "I never remarked it," replied the other. "I think he is the mostcivilized savage I ever saw, far more than King Hendrick, though theone, since his father's death, wears a blue coat and the other doesnot. He did seem a little grave indeed, but the shadows of Indianmirth and gravity are so faint, it is difficult to distinguish them."

  While these few words were passing Mr. Prevost had decided upon hiscourse, and he merely replied: "Well, Sir William, pray let Otaitsaknow that Edith is here; they will soon be in each other's arms, forthe two girls love like sisters."

  A few words sprung to Sir William Johnson's lips, which, had they beenuttered, might perhaps have opened Mr. Prevost's eyes, at least to thesuspicions of his friend. He was on the eve of answering, "And someday they may be sisters," but he checked himself, and nothing but thesmile which should have accompanied the words made any reply.

  When left alone, the thoughts of Mr. Prevost reverted at once to morepressing considerations. "The old chief knows the event," he said tohimself; "he has heard of it--heard the whole, probably--it iswonderful how rapidly intelligence is circulated amongst this peoplefrom mouth to mouth."

  He was well nigh led away into speculations regarding the strangecelerity with which news can be carried orally, and was beginning tocalculate how much distance to travel would be saved in a given space,by one man shouting the tidings to another at a distance, when heforced back his mind into the track it had left, and came to the fullconclusion from his knowledge of the character of the parties, andfrom all that he had heard, that certainly the Black Eagle wascognizant of the death of one of his tribe by the hand of CaptainBrooks, and probably--though not certainly--had communicated thefacts, but not his views and purposes, to his daughter, whose keeneyes were likely to discover much of that which he intended toconceal.