Read Tied to a Boss Page 7

Chapter Six

  Seeing the same clowns as before when they came to pick up their re-up package from Kenny K’s ass at the same trap house, only this time to see Kenny K outside with his clowns, Alinna waited until Vanessa parked the Lexus Truck, then they both climbed out.

  Walking around the back end of the truck just as Vanessa was closing the driver’s door, Alinna saw the surprised look on Kenny K’s face as she and Vanessa entered the front gate.

  “What the fuck are you two doing here?” Kenny K asked turning towards both Alinna and Vanessa as she stood on the porch with his face balled up. “I don’t remember telling you or this he-she bitch to come around my spot.”

  “Kenny K, look,” Alinna told him ignoring the way he was talking to them. “We’re here to tell you that it’s over. We’re done fucking with you and dealing with your bullshit.”

  “Bitch, what’d you say?” Kenny K barked at Alinna stepping off the porch. Walking up to Alinna. “Bitch, who the fuck do you think you talking to?”

  “You heard what the fuck I said, Kenny K,” Alinna told him, staring hard inside of his eyes.

  “Bitch, you must have forgot …” Stopping confused, he watched as his boys were shot dead, and looking to the right only to see a large guy holding an AR-15 who was the cause of his boy’s being chopped up like Swiss cheese.

  Feeling the recognizable feeling of a gun at the back of his head, Kenny K froze and heard, “Turn your punk ass around, nigga.”

  Doing as he was ordered, Kenny K slowly turned around only to face off with a light brown-skinned guy he never saw before. “Man who the fuck are you? I ain’t got no …”

  Kicking out forward and connecting his boots into Kenny K mid-section, knocking him down to his knees, Dante lowered his burner aiming it at Kenny K as Alinna stepped up beside him.

  “You were saying something, nigga?” Alinna asked smiling a nasty smile down at Kenny K as he kneeled, looking at her while trying to catch his breath. “I told you before shit was gonna change. Now look at your soft ass.”

  Seeing Dre walk back out of the trap house carrying three backpacks, Alinna looked over to Vanessa, and then towards Dre then focused back on Kenny K. “It’s been nice talking with you, but I gotta go now.”

  Turning away and staring back towards the Lexus truck after seeing both Dre and Vanessa jogging off around the trap house together, Alinna heard Dante’s Glock ring out once, twice, and then twice more by the time she stopped at the driver’s door to the truck.

  “I’m driving,” Dante told Alinna as he jogged up beside her at the driver’s door holding up the truck keys Vanessa tossed him as she and Dre took off.

  Getting inside the Lexus and cranking it up by the time Alinna walked around to the passenger side and was climbing inside the truck, Dante smashed out from in front of the trap house. They flew up the street and took a right at the corner fish tailing the truck.

  “You know you should really be a motivation speaker,” Dante told Alinna glancing over to her. “All that talking you were doing to those cowards. Fuck all that. We’ve been planning this shit for four days and you stood talking like a clown for seemingly four years.”

  Playfully punching Dante in the arm, she smiled over at him and rolled her eyes as she reached for the half-smoked joint that was inside the ashtray. “How the hell did you and Dre get around the back of the house so fast?”

  “We’re hood-niggas’s, shorty,” Dante answered smiling over at Alinna. “We jumped the back gate and ran around the side of the house while you was still talking, running your damn mouth.”

  “Fuck you, Dante,” Alinna told him, blowing thick hydro weed smoke. “You and Dre still hitting Rico across town tomorrow?”

  “Pretty much,” Dante answered just as his cell phone went off, and then seconds later Alinna’s phone went off.

  Pulling out his cell phone, Dante looked to the screen only to see Angela calling. “Shit.”

  Looking over to Dante hearing him as she pulled her iPhone from her pocket, Alinna shook her head at Dante with a mixed attitude. She looked at her cell phone screen and saw that it was Miguel calling. “Yeah Miguel, what’s up?

  “What’s up my heart, where are you?”

  “Driving, why?”

  “I have my friend here I told you about. He’s ready to meet you.”

  Smiling at the news, Alinna asked, “When does he want to meet?”

  “Now,” Miguel answered. “How soon can you be at the Starbucks on 82nd and 21st Avenue?”

  “Gimme twenty minutes.”

  “You got fifteen,” Miguel told her, and then hung up the phone.

  Ignoring him hanging up on her, Alinna looked to Dante to tell him the good news only to see his balled up face and the way his right hand was gripping the steering wheel. “Dante what’s wrong? What happened?”

  “Nothing, I’m good,” Dante answered, staring straight ahead as he drove.

  Wanting to push him into telling her what was wrong with him but decided against it, Alinna figured he would tell her if he wanted her to know but instead said, “Guess what? You remember I told you about the friend I know that supposed to introduce me to Geovani guy?”

  “Yeah I remember, what about him?”

  “He wants to meet right now.”

  Looking over to Alinna, seeing her smile Dante looked away and asked, “Where at?”

  “Starbucks off of 82nd and 21st,” Alinna told him. “You gonna go with me, right?”

  Glancing over back to Alinna, Dante said, “Fuck it,” in his head deciding Alinna over Angela, turning the Lexus truck around heading back in the other direction, and catching the smile Alinna shot him.

  $ $ $

  Pulling inside the Starbucks parking lot fifteen minutes later, Dante found an open parking spot then both he and Alinna climbed out of the truck.

  Heading towards the front entrance just as the door swung open, Alinna saw Miguel walk out of the Starbucks with a huge smile on his face as he headed directly at her.

  “My sweetie…”

  Upon seeing Dante when he stepped over the front of her just as Miguel walked directly into him, Alinna never had the chance to say anything and never would have. Dante kicked out Miguel’s left leg as he grabbed and twisted his left arm behind his back as Miguel dropped to his left knee.

  “What the fuck!” Miguel yelled in pain, reaching for his right side arm at his only to feel the barrel of a gun pressed to the side of his head.

  “Dante, it’s alright,” Alinna spoke up with a small smile on her lips. “This the friend I told you about.”

  Dante released Alinna’s heavyset Spanish friend who slowly stood to his feet and rubbed his arm while staring at him. Dante stuck his burner back inside the front of his jeans as Miguel spoke directly to Alinna. “You called this guy, Dante? As in the same Dante who has half the drug dealers in the city scared shitless?”

  Nodding her head still smiling, Alinna introduced the two. “Sergeant Miguel Ruiz, meet my boyfriend Dante.”

  “Your boy…” Miguel stated, looking from Alinna to Dante then back to Alinna. “But you sell drugs and he’s a jack boy. How can …”

  “Aren’t we here to meet someone about business or were there other reasons we drove way out here?” Dante asked, cutting Miguel off.

  Staring at Dante briefly and slowly shaking his head, Miguel looked over to Alinna and shook his head again as he turned and began walking back towards the coffee shop entrance.

  “Your boyfriend, huh?” Dante asked, looking over to Alinna as they followed behind Miguel.

  “Don’t read too much into it,” Alinna told him, smirking at Dante as she stepped inside the Starbucks behind Miguel with Dante following behind her.

  Following Miguel over to the table at the back corner of the Starbucks where a young Spanish man sat talking on a cell phone, Alinna stood beside Miguel in front of the guy’s table noticing Miguel walking around with a confused look upon his face.

  “You must be Rodrig
uez?” the guy spoke up, laying his cell phone down onto the tables standing up.

  “And you are?” Alinna asked, taking the guy’s hand and shaking it.

  “Mario Sanchez, meet Alinna Rodriguez,” Miguel introduced, finally getting into the conversation.

  “You’re not what I expected,” Mario told her, pulling out a chair for her as he slowly looked her over with a small smile.

  “I’m not sure what you were expecting,” Alinna replied as she sat down in the seat that was offered to her. Ignoring the way Sanchez was looking her.

  “I’m just really surprised at how beautiful you are.”

  “Sanchez, look kid,” Miguel interrupted getting Mario’s attention. “Let’s just stick to business. You really don’t want to go there with Alinna, trust my words on that.”

  Looking back to Alinna and seeing the small smile on her sexy pouty full lips, Mario decided to wait his time out and changing the subject by saying, “So you’re looking to connect with Mr. Geovani are you?”

  “I’ll be honest with you, Ms. Rodriguez; this type of business isn’t really a business for a woman. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that you’re not able to handle yourself, but what I am saying is that Mr. Geovani is very … how can I put this? Mr. Geovani does not trust his time or his business with just any and every one.”

  “So basically what you’re telling me is that me doing some begging for you for Mr. Geovani to even consider having a sit down with you,” Mario explained and then gave a smirk while adding, “However, I am willing to do what I must for your Ms. Rodriguez. But what am I to receive for my hard work and time?”

  “Sanchez don’t …”

  “What exactly are you looking for in return?” Dante asked, as he appeared next to Mario at the table.

  “What the hell?” Mario asked, hopping up from this seat only to have Dante forcefully shove him back down in the seat. “Who the fuck is this guy? What the hell is going on?”

  “I tried to warn you kid,” Miguel said, shaking his head at Mario with a look on his face. “This is the reason why I told you to stick to business, kid.”

  “Who the fuck is this guy?” Mario asked again looking up at the guy that was standing over him.

  “Mario allow me to introduce you to my business partner and boyfriend, Dante Blackwell,” Alinna smiled at seeing the expression on Mario face.

  Pulling a chair over from the table next to them Dante turned the seat backwards sitting down, he asked, “So can we get business done or not? Straight answer - yes or no?”

  “I’m not sure …”

  “Yes or no?” Dante interrupted staring hard at Mario.

  Slowly nodding his head while staring back at Dante, Mario answered, “Yeah, yes I can get the meeting set up.”

  “Good,” Alinna spoke up, smiling from across the table at Mario.

  $ $ $

  “How the hell did you get mixed up with this guy, Alinna? What the hell?” Miguel said as they stood outside the Starbucks parking lot follow their meeting with Mario.

  “Miguel, I’m not about to explain to you who I’m dealing with – business or personally, just make sure you stay on Mario and this meeting,” Alinna told Miguel before turning to leave only for Miguel to grab her arm stopping her.

  Quickly releasing her after realizing what the hell he was doing, Miguel looked up only to see what he expected. He reached for his side arm only a few seconds to late. Dante’s two Glocks seemed to fly from his waistband and into his hands just as Dante walked up behind Alinna.

  “Miguel, just handle what I asked you to handle please,” Alinna told him. Staring at Miguel a moment but then turned away saying as she walked around Dante, “Dante, let’s go.”

  Sliding both of his burners back into his waist of his jeans and staring hard at Miguel, Dante turned his back and followed Alinna back to her truck.

  Back behind the wheel after letting Alinna inside, Dante started the truck and backed out of the parking spot, asking, “How the hell did you hooked up with that dude?”

  “It’s a long story,” Alinna answered but added don’t pay Miguel any attention.

  “I don’t like or trust that dude.”

  “You don’t like or trust anyone, Dante.”

  “I trust you,” Dante replied looking from the road over to Alinna.

  Meeting his eyes, Alinna stared until Dante focused back on the road, she asked, “What do you think of the meeting with Mario?”

  “I don’t trust him.”

  Smiling a devious smile as he cut his eyes over to Alinna, Dante asked, “So you’re letting me and Dre at this dude?”

  “That was our agreement right?” Alinna said smiling back at Dante winking her eye at him.

  Nodding his head and smiling harder, Dante focused back on the road already thinking ahead about what they may come up with from this Geovani hit.

  $ $ $

  Making it to Alinna’s townhouse ten minutes later after stopping at the gas station, picking up gas, and Alinna buying a box of blunt wrap’s for herself and a box of Vanilla and Mild’s, Dante parked the truck besides Dre’s Avalanche then he and Alinna climbed from the truck.

  Heading up to the front door, Alinna unlocked and opened it. She led Dante inside just in time to see Vanessa. A few minutes later, Dre stumbled down the stairs.

  Seeing Vanessa’s hair messed up and her jeans opened in front while Dre’s shirt was half on and his jeans also open in the front, Alinna looked back at Dante smiling at Dante who was also smirking.

  “You want something to drink, Dante?” Alinna asked him, smiling still as she headed for the kitchen.

  “What you got shorty?” Dante asked, shaking his head at Dre and Vanessa again as he followed behind Alinna.

  “Yo fam, let me holla at you,” Dre called out following Dante from behind.

  “Alinna, I can explain,” Vanessa told her girl as she grabbed two bottles of Corona from the refrigerator.

  Taking the beer from Alinna, Dante looked to Dre and asked, “What came back from the hit, braw?”

  “That is if you two got around to checking it,” Alinna added jokingly.

  Laughing at seeing the look on both Dre and Vanessa’s faces as he and Alinna headed to the den, Dante said, “Braw, just get the stuff and bring it to the den.”

  Looking to Vanessa as she looked at him, Dante asked, “So what now?”

  “Just come on Andre,” Vanessa told him, grabbing the front of Dre shirt leading him back upstairs.

  Once both Dre and Vanessa got the three backpacks and met them in the den, Dante and Alinna went through the bags together.

  “I called Amber and Harmony. They should be here soon,” Vanessa spoke up from beside Dre.

  Hearing Vanessa but not responding, Alinna looked at Dre seeing him counting small bills from one of the three backpacks. “It’s about two bricks of coke and a pound of weed, but one of the bricks is already broken down in ounces and twenty’s even ten’s and five dollar stacks.”

  Nodding his head in understanding but continuing to count the money, Dante paid no attention to the knocking at the front door.

  “What’s up y’all?” Amber asked a few minutes later after Vanessa went to answer the front door, walking into the den with the others.

  “Where’s Harmony?” Alinna asked Amber, looking from Dante.

  “I don’t know, she called me and said she was taking care of something. She should be here soon I guess,” Amber answered, looking at the weed and coke on the glass coffee table, plus the money Dante was counting.

  “Y’all did the hit?”

  “There’s $11,000 and some change here,” Dante told the group as soon as he finish counting.

  Nodding her head, Alinna said, “Alright y’all, I’ll tell Harmony later. Y’all listen up, Dante and I just met with the Geovani guy. A meeting is being set up with Geovani and us.”