Read Ties To The Blood Moon Page 3

  Chapter 3

  When we got back to Aunt Bev’s house, I mean home—whether I liked it or not this would now be my permanent place of residence—I ran up the stairs and slammed my bedroom door. With balled fists, I began pacing the floor like a caged animal looking for a way to escape. Staring down at the floor, tiny red dots suddenly appeared, scattered here and there. The more I paced the bigger the dots grew, until I finally stopped and knelt down to see what they could be.

  When I opened up my hand, my palm was red with blood. I quickly opened the other and it was the same way. I promptly jumped to my feet and hurried into the bathroom and turned on the cold water. I didn’t have to look too closely to see the slits in the palms of both hands. In the midst of my anger I had unknowingly dug my fingernails into my palms. I so need to trim my nails.

  I took a wet washcloth to my room and cleaned up the floor then went downstairs to borrow some nail clippers. I almost had a heart attack when I rounded the corner and saw William with his back leaned against the kitchen counter. Aunt Bev was talking with someone, but it wasn’t him.

  I quietly backed up to the hallway and peered in the mirror. My reflection was enough to scare anyone. My hair had always been extremely kinky in the past just like one of those cheap frizzy-haired wigs, but now the curls had relaxed quite a bit, which I didn’t understand. My face greatly resembled that of a gothic girl turned psycho due to tears and mascara. Mental note: Buy waterproof mascara.

  After a quick spit and tissue face wash, I hurried back down the hallway toward the kitchen. I stopped abruptly when I heard my name. Aunt Bev had said, “Genevieve doesn’t know yet.” Who could she be talking to about me. I wanted to stay quiet and keep listening, but as I was inching my way backward, I bumped into an end table and knocked over a lamp.

  “Gen? Is that you?” My aunt called out. Who else could she have possibly thought it was? I mean, we were the only two living here, we didn’t own any dogs or cats—which by the way, was something I intended to change—and as far as I knew we weren’t expecting anyone.

  “Yeah,” I answered reluctantly. My mouth went dry and my heart fluttered at the thought of being in the same room with William, yet I couldn’t understand why. Sure, he was the most gorgeous guy I’d ever laid eyes on, but I had seen plenty of hot guys before, and never had this kind of reaction. Maybe it was the Alaskan air or something.

  “Genevieve,” Aunt Bev called impatiently. Come in here, there’s someone I want you to meet.”

  “Coming.” I back-stepped to the mirror for one last look. Staring at my reflection I suddenly wondered why I was bothering. A guy as hot as he was would already have a girlfriend…or three.

  “Gen, I’d like you to meet Ezekiel Novak and his son William.” Aunt Bev was leaned against the stove next to a tall dark haired man who looked entirely too young to be William’s dad. His features were as smooth as silk and his skin was a creamy pearl color. When my eyes met his, a sudden feeling of embarrassment came over me, like he knew my thoughts.

  “N-nice to meet you. I would have shook his hand, but didn’t want him to see how bad mine was shaking all on its own.

  “Hello, Genevieve. This is my son, William.” When Mr. Novak spoke, his voice was smooth and his tone even, almost melodic and hypnotizing.

  My tongue promptly felt swollen and stuck to the roof of my mouth so I couldn’t speak, all I could do was stare. I felt my body tremble and I grabbed the edge of the counter.

  “Hi Genevieve.” William smiled, and right away my legs grew weak and shaky.

  “Call m-me…” I floundered, and my voice trailed off. The room grew dark and the last thing I remembered was falling.

  When I came to, I was on the couch and Aunt Bev was blotting my head with a cold wash cloth. “What Happened?”

  “You fainted. You have a fever.”

  I pushed the cloth and her away. “I’m not sick. I feel fine.”

  “Gen, your skin is hot. Look how red it is,” Aunt Bev insisted.

  But when I raised my arm my skin was its normal white color. I furrowed my brow. “What are you talking about,” I said, still utterly confused.

  After she inspected my arm, I watched her expression change from worry to confusion. “But-but, I don’t understand. Gen, your skin was red as fire, and extremely hot to the touch.”

  “Well, I’m fine now, just hungry. I can feel my stomach churning.” I smiled and then it quickly dawned on me that William and his father had been there when I passed out. “Oh my God.” I slapped my hand against my forehead. Aunt Bev came rushing back from the kitchen.

  “What is it? Are you feeling sick again?” She sat down on the edge of the couch.

  “No. Just humiliated. William saw me pass out. That’s it. I’m quitting school.”

  Aunt Bev smiled. “Don’t be silly. He seemed genuinely concerned about you. Here.” She handed me a sticky note. “His cell number. He said for you to call him later if you felt up to it.”

  “I might if I had my cell phone turned back on,” I said dryly.

  “It’s already done, and I charged it for you today.”

  I got excited.“You did? Really?” Smiling, I jumped to my feet, not knowing which direction to go in.

  “It’s in your room.” Aunt Bev pointed toward the stairs.