Read Ties To The Blood Moon Page 34

  Chapter 30

  I ran right into Joseph when I exited the cave, only he wasn’t alone. James and Joshua were also there. I tried to push away from him, but I was so hysterical he couldn’t understand what I was trying to say, and he just held me tightly. Luna came out a minute later rubbing her hip. She had slipped and fallen on the icy floor. Any other time we would have probably had a good laugh, but not now, not after what Luna told them.

  “Let me go. I have a new quest now. I have to find out where Zane is hiding my mom,” I screamed, and fought to get away from Joseph.

  “What are you talking about?” Joseph asked skeptically.

  “My mom was in the cave, only she wasn’t in the cave.” I stared at Joseph with pleading eyes. “I know it sounds crazy, but I saw her, and she didn’t die in the fire…Zane took her!”

  “What do you mean your quest has changed? Gen, if we don’t find the crest and take it back to the throne, Zane wins.” Joseph stared into my eyes, and he looked confused and hurt. He was squeezing my arms too tightly, but I didn’t care.

  “My mom isn’t dead. I have to find her.” I tried to pull away.

  “Where? Where will you go to find her? You don’t even know where Zane is.” Joseph scoffed.

  “You know where he is, and you can take me,” I replied.

  “No! He won’t, Gen,” Joshua snapped.

  My gazed shifted between Joseph and Joshua. “Yes he will, James,” I said, then peered at Joseph. “Tell him, Joseph. Tell him you will take me to Zane’s hideout,” I pleaded.

  Joseph released his grip on my arms. His lowered his eyes toward the ground, and shook his head. “I can’t…I’m sorry.” He turned his back to me and walked away.

  “Don’t you see? He’ll kill her if I don’t find her…please!” I collapsed to the ground, leaning back on my knees, sobbing uncontrollably.

  “Gen.” Joshua pulled me to my feet, and spoke softly. “He’s going to kill her anyway.” He had this super sad look on his face. “But, if we get the crest, maybe we can use it as a bargaining tool to get your mom back.”

  Luna wrapped her arm around my shoulders. “He’s right, Gen. It sounds like our best option.”

  “When the time comes, how do I know you’ll keep your word?” My gaze shifted between Luna and her brothers.

  “Because, I give you my word.” Joseph stepped in front of his brothers. “If it comes down to Zane releasing your mom in exchange for the crest, I’ll personally give it to him.”

  They all peered at me, waiting for an answer. I let out a deep sigh and dropped my shoulders. “Okay… I’ll do it.” I said, trying to hide my trepidation.

  “All right, you guys. Keep your eyes and ears open in here. I doubt Zane is planning to let us take the crest and just walk out,” James said, leading the way.

  I hadn’t paid attention to all the different passageways when I entered the cave the first time. I had a hard time concentrating. All I could think about was my mom being alive, and I couldn’t wait to get home and tell Aunt Bev.

  “Smell that?” James asked, stopping and turning to the rest of us. “We’re getting close. Stay alert,” he whispered as evenly as he could before he started walking again.

  Between the lingering adrenaline of seeing my mother, and my heart starting to race with fear, I knew something was about to happen. I just didn’t know what or where, but I could have probably guessed if I really tried.

  I watched James shine the flashlight up toward the ceiling as the passageway opened to a large cavern. Did I say large? I meant huge. The ceiling was at least four stories high, and the entire room was covered in ice.

  James shined the light at some markings visible behind the ice. “I know this is the right room, but I don’t see anything resembling a crest.”

  Luna and I started across the cavern. At first, we didn’t see anything either. But when she swung the light across the far wall, a sparkle caught my eye.

  “There’s nothing here,” Luna called out.

  “Wait a minute,” I said, grabbing the flashlight from her. “Look!” I rushed over to the far wall. Just underneath a layer of ice I saw what appeared to be a large tomb.

  “That’s just great. How are we going to break through the ice?” Joshua threw his hands up.

  “I guess we’ll have to go outside and find some sharp rocks to beat against the ice,” Joseph said, dismayed.

  “If we do that, we might break the crest, and then it will be of no use to us,” James replied severely.

  The back of my neck starting heating up again. At first, I didn’t think anything about it. But it kept growing hotter, much hotter than before. Without saying anything, I placed my hand against the back of my neck for a few seconds, then reached out and touched the back of Joseph’s hand.

  “Ouch!” He jumped up from his crouched position, and rubbed his hand. “Damn it…what was that?”

  Luna shined the flash light on his hand, displaying a burn mark across it.

  I had already placed my hand back on my neck, and moved in front of the wall. I allowed it to heat up as long as I could stand it, then placed my hand against the ice directly over the crest. The ice promptly began to melt and run down the wall.

  “How are you doing that?” Joseph asked earnestly.

  I just smiled, because the truth was, I didn’t know. It really made me think though. As much as I had fought against coming, and doubted everything Luna’s grandfather had told me, having the ability to melt the ice brought it all together. Maybe it really was my destiny to take the throne as the princess.

  Luna shined her light on the melted area of the wall, and I pulled the crest loose. As soon as I touched the metal and stone a strange feeling surged through my whole body, taking my breath away. I wasn’t prepared for what happened next.