Read Ties To The Blood Moon Page 40

  Chapter 35

  Thunderous booms vibrated the plane and lightning strikes hit all around us as we began our descent through the clouds. Luna’s brothers tried to act all cool, but I saw right through them. They were just as frightened as us girls. I had came back up to the front at Luna’s insistance, but I really wanted to be with William.

  He seemed to be the only one completely untouched by the storm. He leaned back in one of the back seats with his eyes closed, and hands clasped together, resting them across his waist. I kept looking at him out of the corner of my eye, but he never moved. We had just shared the most wonderful moment and now he was acting as if the whole thing never happened.

  My mind switched to what Luna had told me. Why would her grandfather make a deal with a monster like Zane? Maybe he never intended for us to find the crest. But why would he risk the safety of his grandchildren?

  “Hey,” I whispered to Luna, who was frantically chewing on her thumb nail, and squeezing the hell out of my hand. She closed her eyes tightly each time she saw a bolt of lightning. “We’re not going to die.” I patted the top of her hand and she cracked open her eyes just in time for the plane to jump around from the wind pockets.

  I glanced back at William, again, and something struck me as odd. If I didn’t know better, I’d have sworn he was dead. There is something totally not right about him, and I’m going to find out just what it is.

  When the turbulence subsided enough that I could walk in the plane without being thrown around, I told Luna I’d be right back, and hurried away from my seat before she could think of a reason for me to stay.

  William still hadn’t moved when I got close. I was about to tap his shoulder when more turbulence caught me off balance. William moved with lightning speed, reaching up and grabbing my arm. Just as I started to fall in the opposite direction he pulled me down into the seat next to him.

  “What was that all about?” I asked skeptically, my heart hammering in my chest while he helped me buckle my seatbelt.

  “Did you want me to let you go flying across the plane?” He asked with a perplexed look on his face.

  “No,” I smiled sheepishly. “Of course not. I meant, how did you move so quickly?”

  William just grinned slightly and shook his head, like he thought I was ungrateful he’d kept me from busting my butt.

  I sat quietly, nervously fidgeting with my long fingernails while trying to figure out the best way to approach William with my questions. I kept taking sidelong glances until the last time I peeked at him, he was staring straight at me, smiling. I took that as my cue. “I need to ask you something, and I would like a straight answer.”

  He didn’t say a word. Instead he propped his elbow on the arm of the seat closest to me and rested his chin on his hand, staring into my eyes.

  “I’m just going to be straight.” I paused and took in a deep breath, then sighed. “From the first time I saw you in the school cafeteria I have felt something. I tried to chalk it up to teenage hormones gone wild, but it was something way more deep than that. Right from the start the attraction was too strong, almost intoxicating. That’s not normal.”

  He continued to gaze into my eyes, almost like he already knew what was coming.

  “I’m not stupid. I’ve noticed things about you, but I guess I was just so content to be with you, I let it all go by. And who gets introduced to the idea that they’re dating a werewolf, and doesn’t bat an eye? What are you, William?”

  His smile faded, he pursed his lips and a crease slowly formed on his forehead. “Before I answer that question, are you absolutely sure you want to know the answer? Remember that old saying…be careful what you wish for-”

  I quickly cut him off. “William,” I whispered severely. “Just please tell me.” I struggled unsuccessfully to hold back my emotions.

  “All right.” He let out a deep sigh and took my hand. He turned his body in his seat, resting the side of his knee on the arm rest, so he was facing me directly.

  I wasn’t sure why he did that either, unless he was afraid I might try to run when he told me. If it was that bad, maybe I didn’t need to know after all. My whole body shook violently, and my throat was so dry, I felt like I had swallowed a giant ball of cotton.

  His expression turned completely serious, almost grave. “Genevieve, I don’t want you to freak out or anything, and you can ask me anything you want….just don’t hate me.” There was an overwhelming sadness in his voice.

  “Okay, now I really am freaking out.” I tried to smile, but he suddenly got this look like a sad little boy, and it broke my heart. Seeing him like that caused my whole body to shake worse than I’d ever thought possible.

  He leaned in really close to my face and whispered. “I’m a vampire.”

  It was over so quickly, I thought I’d heard him wrong. I stared out the window trying to absorb what he had just said. “You’re a-” I trailed off. for some reason I couldn’t quite wrap my head around what he’d said. I guess deep down I wasn’t ready to comprehend his confession.

  The thought of coming from a normal family where werewolves, and vampires, and God only knew what else that didn’t exist was no longer a reality for me. Everything I had been raised to believe suddenly turned into a complete lie. It even made me wonder about my mom and dad.

  William nodded. “Afraid so. It’s not that I was trying to keep it from you, I just didn’t think you were ready to hear it yet. I was going to tell you when we got back to Alaska.”

  I quickly shot him a look, but didn’t say anything. It’s not that I didn’t want to, I just couldn’t. I guess him telling me he was a vampire solidified the fact even more that in my world there really were things that went bump in the night.

  “Please don’t hate me.” He stared at me, his eyes pleading for forgiveness.

  “I don’t hate you, William. Actually, I’m sort of relieved.” I forced a tiny smile. I’m glad you’re not “normal”.” I did air quotes for normal.

  His mouth curved up into his sexy sideways smile. My heart rose and fell all at the same time when he took my hand and wiggled his fingers to interlace them with mine.

  “It explains the animosity between you and them.” I motioned toward Luna and her brothers.

  “Yeah, we’re not the best of friends, but we do have a common enemy…Zane and his lycan slaves. Vampires and Adlet made a pact to work together. It was our only chance to defeat him. We kept his kind under control for a while until someone learned of your existence and told him. He wants the throne, and he’ll stop at nothing to get it.”

  “How do you know him?” I asked, but William ignored my question, acting like he hadn’t heard me.

  Before I could ask him again, the pilot came over the intercom and announced we were on our final approach, and for some reason he wanted to see William.

  “We’ll talk later… I promise,” he said, appearing almost relieved the pilot had called him. He kissed my hand, then sprang from his seat letting my hand fall as he hurried up the aisle and disappeared through the cockpit door.