Read Ties To The Blood Moon Page 59


  A huge grin covered my face while driving my aunt’s truck. Somehow, I had managed to land on my feet after falling two stories. I was quickly finding out being a vampire had more perks than I ever realized.

  When I turned onto the main road, a bunch of red and blue lights flashed ahead in the distance. I didn’t think anything about it because car accidents seemed pretty common in Alaska.

  When I got closer, I spotted a rusted pick-up truck smashed all to hell and laying on its side in the ditch, and my heart stopped. I whipped my aunt’s truck off the road, and jumped out. “Oh god,” I screamed, running toward Luna’s grandfather’s truck.

  A group of cops were standing around at the top of the hill and attempted to stop me when I was running down the hill. “Hey you! Come back here,” One of the cops yelled, and bolted after me.

  When I reached the truck, I checked underneath and inside, but it was empty. It was odd that the windshield appeared to have been busted from the outside. I looked closer and that’s when I spotted large dents in the hood. I inched a few steps nearer, trying to get a good look inside the truck. I threw my hand over my mouth and gasped, stepping back after I saw bloody claw mark gashes in the back of the seat.

  I felt a hand grab my arm, and without even thinking I spun around, and swung.

  “Whoa, Genevieve,” William whispered, grabbing my fist and gazing down at me with tender eyes.

  I looked up at him wondering how he always seemed to find me, or just show up exactly when I needed him. I buried my face in his chest. “It’s all my fault.” My words came out muffled.

  “Everything bad in life is not your fault,” he said, gently, stroking my hair, and pressing me against him. “Shh, here come the cops. Let me do the talking.”

  “You kids know anything about this?” A short native state trooper asked in an even tone.

  “It’s our friend’s truck. Was anybody hurt?” William asked, sounding innocent.

  The cop took one look at William and was totally captivated. When he spoke, I heard the lust in his voice. I remember William saying that vampires could literally get away with anything in a human setting. All we had to do was get a human to look us in the eyes and they would become completely spellbound.

  “Um, we didn’t find anybody. The truck was empty when we got here. it looks like maybe a pack of wolves got whoever it was,” he said, motioning us to follow him. The whole time we walked he kept looking over his shoulder at William. “See the drag marks?” He asked, and pointed to the ground. “We followed them to the edge of the woods, then they just disappeared.”

  When we walked back to the truck, Luna and Joseph were standing beside it. Joseph had his arm around her shoulders and she was crying silently. She glowered at me.

  “You guys, I’m-”

  William cut me off, squeezing my arm a little too tightly. “Not now,” he whispered harshly, and nodded toward the group of cops on top of the hill. “Let’s go to my house. We’ll talk there.”

  “I’m not going anywhere with her!” Luna gave me a disgusted look. “She’ll get us all killed.”

  “Joseph, take the truck and follow us to my cabin. We’re going to get the twins back, but first we need a plan.”