Read Tiger Time Page 4

  Quiet? Someone was screaming and pounding outside her door, and he wanted her to be quiet? He stepped back toward her, lowered his mouth to her ear and whispered, “This could get bloody. We should head down the fire exit. I don't want to put you in danger. I’ll come back and deal with them once I get you out of here.”

  She nodded. She turned to grab the picture of her parents from the bedside table. If she didn’t make it back to her apartment, she wanted to have the memento. Tossing it into her purse, she headed for the window. Ty already had his duffle bag slung across his chest, and he held his car keys out to her while motioning for her to go. She made no move to take the keys. “Not without you,” she whispered.

  Ty didn't take his attention from the door. “I’ll be right behind you. You’re my mate, I won’t leave you. Now go.”

  As they ran down the fire escape, the sound of her apartment door slamming to the floor followed them. It slowed her for a moment. “No, Tabby, come on.”

  As they reached Ty's car, which was right by the steps, someone leaned out the window and yelled, “You can't protect her forever. We’ll find you!”

  Adrenaline coupled with fright caused all the blood to rush to her head. Her breath caught in her throat.

  Ty said nothing, just got into the car and sped away. Once they were out of immediate danger and Ty was driving outside of the city, she turned in her seat. “Ty, who were those men? What did they want?” She placed a hand over her still rapidly beating heart.

  He didn’t take his eyes off the road. She wasn’t sure if that was because of the speed they were traveling or because he couldn’t look at her. “That was Pierce and his gang. Pierce is the were-tiger who killed your parents.”

  “What? You mean that's him? He looks to be only in his twenties.”

  Ty briefly looked away from the road and raised an eyebrow at her. “I tell you he’s the one who killed your parents, and all you can think about is how old he looks? Most people would want to go back and kill him themself.”

  “Well, trust me, it’s not like I wouldn’t like to, but I don't think I could do much harm to him. After all, he killed my parents. I haven't even gone through the change yet, so I’m still basically human. But he looks young; he couldn't have been around when my father was alive.” She shook her head in confusion.

  He reached for her hand, bringing it to his lips. “I’m glad you have some common sense and you don't let your emotions get in the way. Pierce isn't as young as he looks. Shifters age a lot slower than humans. Pierce is really in his forties. Just so you know, the clan has been after Pierce since he killed your father. The clan has the right to demand Pierce’s death for killing one of our kind. Pierce knows we want him dead for it, and he’s been in hiding. I was on the original team sent to find him. We were on his trail for a while, only a day or two behind him, but he went into hiding. We have sent men out every time we get a hit, but this is the first real proof we’ve had that he is alive. I promise he’ll pay for what he did to your father, but it was not worth it today. I couldn’t put your life in danger to settle a debt.”

  “Ty, once I go through the change, I want to go after him.”

  He gave her a look that let her know he wasn’t for that idea. “We’ll see after the change is complete.” His tone told her he would fight her on the subject later.

  There was nothing she could do at that moment to change his mind, and it didn’t really matter now. They had more important issues to deal with. She let it go and moved onto another subject. “How old are you?”

  He left out a slight laugh before answering. “The better question is how old do you think I am? How old do I look?”

  “Ty, don't play games. Just tell me.” Tabitha crossed her arms and rolled her eyes.

  He rubbed her hand. “Come on, babe. I want to know what you think. I promise to answer after you tell me how old you think I am.”

  “Okay fine.” She looked him over, trying to guess the right age. He said tiger shifters looked younger, but she didn't want to guess too old. “Umm...Twenty-four?”

  “So you’re saying I look twenty-four, or that's how old you think I am?”

  She turned even farther in her seat, rested her back on the car door, and propped her left leg on the seat, giving her a better view of him. Also, in turn, allowing him a clear view of the nasty look she was giving him. “I think you look younger than twenty-four, but you knew my father. I’m just now going through the change at nineteen. I would guess you went through the change when you were my age, which means you’re a lot older than that, but if I guessed too high, it would be an insult. So please just tell me.”

  “Did anyone ever tell you you’re cute when you’re frustrated? Because you are.” He grinned and briefly glanced back at the road. “I was one of the few people that went through the change at a very young age. Normally, the change happens in your early to mid-twenties. I went through it when I was nine. I believe the youngest person ever to go through the change and live was eight. That person was your father. I don't believe anyone has beat that record since. Therefore, I am twenty-eight. Does that bother you?”

  Relief flooded her. “No, not at all. I was worried you would have said ninety or something.” She settled back into the car seat. “Where are we going?” The yellow line in the middle of the road sped by, giving no indication of their whereabouts or destination.

  “I thought it would be a good idea to get you out of here. I know this little place about an hour outside of the city. Once we are somewhere safe, I need to call Raja. I think it might be best for us to find a quiet place to stay until your change, before returning to Alaska.”

  She stared out the window as the guilt ate away at her. She didn't want to mess up Ty's life because people were after her. Plus, didn't the clan need their Alpha? “Ty, I would understand if you wanted someone else to stay with me until I go through the transition so you can go back to your clan. I’m sure you have someone you trust that can keep me safe. The clan needs their Alpha.”

  Ty pulled the car to the side of the road and after putting the vehicle in park, turned his body to face her. The look on his face wasn't friendly. “First of all, no one can keep you as safe as I can. I’m one of the best. Second, you’re my mate, and it’s my number one priority to keep you safe. The clan has Raja, and just because I’m not there in person at the moment doesn't mean they don't have their Alpha. I will be in direct contact with Raja at all times, and if I’m needed, we can be there in a matter of hours. The clan will understand.”

  Her heart skipped a beat. She’d never had someone care for her like he did, so much that they were willing to change their life for her. “I'm sorry. This is all new to me. I feel bad you’re changing things in your life for me. I’m no one special.”

  “I know this is all new to you. Just let me care for you. You’re someone special to me and the whole clan. Not only are you my mate, but you’re Queen of the Tiger Clan. You are our Alpha female. After you have changed, you will take your rightful place beside me. They will respect you and love you the same as I do. Okay, maybe less than I do since I’m your mate. I don't want to hear you say you’re no one special again.” He leaned over the seat to kiss her. “You’re going to be fine. I promise.”

  Chapter Seven

  The rest of the car ride was quiet. Tabitha was lost in her thoughts, and Ty was giving her the time she needed to understand everything that had happened. Before long, she noticed they were driving in the middle of nowhere. On both sides of the car, all she saw were trees, trees and more trees. No houses as far as the eye could see. “Where are we going?”

  “Not much farther. We’re going to a cabin Raja owns up in Wind Ridge, Pennsylvania. Raja kept it because of the great location. It’s right on the other side of Ryerson Station National Park, so when he changes, he has a lot of free area to run and not draw attention to himself. He loves to come back here whenever he gets a chance. He gave me a key before I left, in case I needed it.”

>   “Why are they trying to kill me?” Could Alice’s murder tie into this too? There’s no way. How could it? She tried to shake the thoughts but they refused to go. They stayed in the back of her mind, nagging her.

  Ty never flinched as if he were waiting for her to ask. “It's a long story, Tabby, but in short, your father's line of tigers have been given special gifts. No one knows why, but some say your father's line was among the first tigers, and you were royalty. You’re the last tiger from any of the lines of royalty. You have to be protected at all cost.” He rubbed his thumb over the back of her hands. “Without trying to be too insensitive, you must carry on the line. We are unsure what will happen if you don't. Some believe the tiger shifters will die off, never being able to have more children, and others believe that if you do not carry on the line, we will all drop dead with you. Most tigers will do anything to protect you. Pierce is not one of them. He wants to kill all tigers.”

  Thinking the whole tiger population depended on her was just too much to bear right then. She put it in the back of her mind to think on later. “You said he was a tiger shifter. If what you say is true, then why would he want to kill me? He would die if I die.”

  “Even if the tigers didn't die off with your death, he would be killed. I would not take it lightly that he killed my mate. Second, Pierce is not a born tiger like you and me. He was bitten. He cannot fully become a tiger. He can only change on the night of the full moon, and then he is a cross between a man and tiger. It is against everything we believe to bite a human; however, once in a while, we have a rogue shifter that will bite a human. That’s what happened to Pierce.”

  “You said Pierce becomes a cross between a man and a tiger. What happens to us when we change?”

  “You, my dear, will most likely be one of the rarest tigers alive. He looked at her with amazement in his eyes. “You father's line was Golden Tabby tigers, also known as the Strawberry tigers. Seeing your beautiful strawberry-blonde hair makes me think you will be a beautiful tiger. When you change, you will take the body of a tiger completely.”

  Tabitha had never seen a tiger in real life, just pictures. It would be amazing to see what she looked like when she was a tiger. “You said I would be a Golden Tabby, but what do you look like? Are you also a Golden Tabby?” Trying to picture Ty as any type of tiger was hard; he was such a handsome man with black hair and bright blue eyes.

  “No, I’m not a Tabby. I change into a Bengal tiger. I was a born tiger like you, so I change into the full tiger.”

  She leaned back into the car seat, picturing Ty as a Bengal tiger. It made her wonder. “Can we only change during the full moon?”

  “Since we are born-tigers, once we go through the change, we can change forms anytime. However, most less dominate shifters have to stay in their animal form for a number of hours before they can shift back and once they shift back, they sleep for ten to twelve hours.” Ty took his eyes away from the road to look at her. “You’re taking this very well. When your father told me what was going on, I freaked. I thought he was crazy and wanted nothing to do with him. I thought he’d escaped the loony bin.”

  Tabitha looked down at her hands, because she was scared to ask but wanted to know what it was like. “Ty, I hate to ask but . . .” She paused but figured it was worth a shot, “will you shift for me?”

  Ty eyes budged slightly with shock. “I don't know, Tabby. If you get freaked out about what you see, it could scare you and make your shift harder. If you fight the change, it will hurt. You need to just go with it and let the tiger take over your body.”

  “But I need to see it. I need to know what's going to happen to my body. Will I still be me inside of a tiger body or will the tiger take over and make me uncontrollable? You’re the only one I can ask. Please, Ty.” She reached a hand out and laid it on his well-muscled arm.

  As Tabitha waited for him to answer her, they pulled into what looked like a small, hidden side road. He sighed. “Okay. Please remember it might look scary, but really it’s not as bad as it looks. Tomorrow night I will, okay?”

  She leaned over to kiss his cheek. “Thank you. Just one question: how long until you think I will go through the change? Not before tomorrow night, I hope.”

  Turning his head slightly so he could meet her lips yet still keep an eye on the road, he kissed her back. “No, you won’t go through the change before I can shift for you. You’re close, but not that close.”

  Chapter Eight

  The cabin finally came into sight after what seemed like a two-mile drive on the dirt road. “Once you’re settled, I’ll call Raja. If there’s still cell service out here. I’m going to tell him to send a few of my best soldiers to protect you. They should be here tomorrow sometime. I’ll have Raja get them on a plane first thing.”

  Slowly getting out of the car, Tabitha had to admit she was disappointed that he was calling in others to protect her. She enjoyed their time alone together and didn’t want it to come to an end. She had hoped they could pick up what they started back at her apartment once they reached the cabin. Are there other woman in the clan fighting for his attention? Will they be jealous because I’m his mate? Will they treat me different knowing I’m the Alpha’s mate?

  “Tabby, what's wrong? Your mood changed once we arrived here. I know it’s not perfect, but it’s the safest place right now. Very few people know Raja has this.” Ty opened the cabin door.

  The cabin was small and cozy. A little kitchenette to the right of the door provided just the basics. The king-size bed with a red and black quilt was pushed up against the far wall with a trunk at the foot of the bed. Leaving the center of the room for the couch and chair. There wasn’t a television, just a small CD player on the coffee table. Whoever came here wouldn’t be spending much time indoors. Maybe too small, if Ty is in a hurry to get away from me. She eyed the bed and couch, not sure which one she could make it to. Her body was exhausted, and she felt downright awful.

  She must have made the unconscious decision on the bed, because next thing she knew, she was plopping down on it. Her eyes feeling like lead, she wanted to lie down, but she could feel Ty’s gaze on her.

  Without opening her eyes, she knew he was in front of her. She could feel his presence the same way she could feel the sun on her skin.

  “Come here; let me make you feel better.”

  “You should call Raja. He needs to know what's going on, and that way they can start making arrangements for your soldiers to be sent here.” Her shoulders were slumped and her voice deflated.

  “Oh, so that's why you’re so upset?”

  “I don't know what you’re talking about.” She tried to make her voice sound sincere and kept her eyes closed, knowing they would deceive her.

  “You think I’m calling in soldiers so I can leave, don't you?”

  “Well, isn't it?” She embraced her anger. Being angry was better than crying.

  “Boy, Tabby, if you’re going to be my Queen, you must learn how to read people better. No, that isn’t why I would like guards for you. I want guards so I can concentrate on you. I don't want to run after someone who comes after you and leave you by yourself for someone else to harm. What if there was another attacker, waiting until I took off after the first one? I would feel better if I had a few more people close by, in case we need them.”

  Boy, did I read that one wrong. “Ty, I'm sorry I doubted you. I just thought you were trying to find a way out without being rude. No one has ever stuck around, so I figured why would you? Especially since people are now trying to kill me.”

  “Tabby, for this to work, I need you to trust me. I don't plan on going anywhere. If I need to go anywhere, I want you to go with me. That means if the clan needs me back in Alaska, then that's where you’re going. Don’t push me away. I'm not like everyone else. I’m your mate, and we will be together always. Once I have officially claimed you, you’ll understand. The tiger in you won't have doubts about me leaving. We fit together.”

; Tabitha knew Ty was right, but she couldn't stop the human part of her from wondering if it was crazy. Her brain was screaming at her that there wasn't even a small possibility that she could really shift into a tiger, but her heart knew everything Ty told her was the truth. This was who she was and what she was meant to be, so she had to embrace it. She looked up at Ty and smiled. “I know you’re right. I'm sorry. Please call Raja then lay with me.”

  Ty kissed her forehead before taking out his cell from his jeans pocket and stepping away from the bed. A moment later, the cabin was filled with his rich voice, making her heart pitter-patter. “There's been a small change in plans, Raja. Pierce attacked her apartment this evening.”

  A long pause while Ty listened to Raja. “Yes, we’re currently at your cabin. I thought it was best to get her out of the city, and this was the first place I thought about. I need you to make arrangements for Leo, Thomas and Felix to get over to Pittsburgh as soon as possible.” His shoulders rolling like he was anxious.

  “Great. Get Felix here right away then. Have the other two fly into Pittsburgh. We’ll pick them up at the airport when I exchange cars—with all of us we are going to need something much bigger—and then we can head there. Let me know when they’re flying in.”

  There was another long pause, and Ty started pacing the small cabin. There wasn't much room for him to pass. He was a large man in a small space, which meant he only had to take a few steps in any direction to be at the other side. A low growl came from deep in Ty's throat. “Raja, keep me informed about the situation there. We can be back in a matter of hours.”

  With that, he closed the phone and tossed it onto the bed. “Tabby, were you serious when you asked me to shift for you?”

  “Yes. Have you changed your mind?”

  “No, Tabby, I was going to shift for you now if you still want to see it. It’s a great way to relive stress and anger. Plus tomorrow, we’ll be driving, so I won't be able to.” Ty unbuttoned his shirt and tossed it on the back of the couch. “I won't do it if you’re not ready.”