Read Till Death Do Us Part Page 14

  Chapter 7

  While not a complete success, our efforts to divert more dear into the area was somewhat helpful. We also left our scent along some of their migratory routes which Benjamin hoped would turn more in our direction. There wasn't much more we could do. Before heading home, we hunted again, then regrouped on a ridge about thirty miles from home.

  "Elizabeth—Mom, could we talk?" I said.

  "What is it, child, what's been bothering you so? You were so happy just a few days ago. Are you concerned about our feeding grounds? I'm sure we are not going to have to relocate anytime soon, at least not until the end of your school year."

  "I wish it was that simple." I slumped down against a fallen tree.

  "What then?"

  "It's Jason's mom, she hates me."

  "Hates you? How is that possible, you're such a sweet girl and you and Jason get along famously."

  "I'm not really sure she hates me, but more, what I am."

  Elizabeth's face turned sullen.

  "No, no, she doesn't know what I am, not like that. She thinks I'm bad for him."

  "Explain what you mean by bad."

  "I'm not good enough for him, I'm going to ruin his life, drag him down, like that."

  "I suppose I could say the same about Jason."

  "But I thought you liked him."

  "I do, we all do, and what he's done for this family is truly remarkable. We will always be in his debt, but you yourself said he can never be a real part of our family and because of that, one day he will hurt you, it is inevitable, he is only human."

  "I won't change him, or let him be changed, ever."

  Elizabeth patted my shoulder. "I know." She thought for a moment and then asked, "What do you need from me?"

  "Your advice."

  She sat down on the log next to me. "Certainly. What did you mean by 'she hates what you are'?"

  "She used to like me."

  "What changed?"

  "Me, I became this."

  "What? What are you saying?"

  "I didn't tell you this before, there didn't seem to be any point, but if you're going to try and help, you need to understand something, but you halve to promise not to overreact."

  "Very well, I'll do my utmost to remain calm."

  "Eleven years ago, before all this, Jason and I knew each other." Elizabeth did her best, but the shock on her face was evident. "I was around twelve and Jason five. Our mother's knew each other and used to go shopping in Port Angeles together. Jason and I would play hide and seek in the clothes racks and my mom said Jason's mother adored me."

  "I see." Elizabeth said trying very hard to maintain an even tone.

  "Of course, she has no idea I'm the same girl, but if she liked me then, why not now? Could I be that different?"

  Elizabeth thought for a moment. "Do I recall you saying she lost her husband?"

  "Yes, he was the one I destroyed on our way back from Washington."

  "Ah," Elizabeth said, "and he still loves you so very much, even after that."

  "You said Jason loves me? I thought—"

  "Dear, I may not approve, but I am not blind to the ways of one's heart." She paused again. "The answer you are looking for is, yes. Yes, you can be that different, in so many ways. As a child, you posed no threat to her family, to her son, to her, but as the beautiful, young woman you've become, to a lonely mother of a single child, you pose an enormous threat. I would imagine she is frightened to tears that you will take him away from her."

  "That's what Jason says. They even fought over it and Jason told her his heart belongs to me, but that she will always be his mother." I looked at Elizabeth intensely. "He even tried to runaway tonight—he wanted to stay with us—he thinks of us as his family."

  Elizabeth's eyes turned sad. "Poor woman, I can only imagine how she must feel."

  "How do I fix it?"

  "You cannot, 'fix it', I am afraid only time can soften her heart."

  "Jason thinks I should talk to her."

  "Admirable, but what could you possibly say?"

  "Jason thinks that if she understood just how much I love him, and that I'm not going to hurt him, she might ease up."

  "The problem with that line of thought is, she already knows how much you love him, and how much he loves you." She paused as if considering. "Are you prepared to walk away from him?"

  I shook my head. "I'm afraid that's impossible, we're meant to be together—after everything that has happened in our lives, from when we were children to now, we were destined to be together—I really believe that—Jason believes that."

  "But you are from two different worlds now and you won't—"

  "I don't know what the future holds, I just know we are meant for each other."

  Elizabeth stood. "I am afraid I do not have the answers you seek, but I will think about what you have said. And Izzy, there is no need for the rest of the family to know what you have told me about your past."

  "I understand." I got up and we joined the others. It was time to go home.