Read Till Death Do Us Part Page 27

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  Saturday's home coming game was a blow out. The Warrior's were back in top form, hitting on all cylinders as some of the dads called it. Despite the significance of an undefeated season, a lot of the girls left at halftime to start getting ready for the dance—there were manicure's—pedicures'—hair—makeup and of course pictures. I wasn't too worried, my skin was flawless—one of the perks of my kind—I didn't need to worry about paint since the dance was at night—and I was used to doing my eye makeup.

  When the game ended, I walked down to the fence to meet Jason.

  "Hey," Lisa said as she approached.


  "About tonight, the homecoming queen, I just want you to know, however it goes, I'm not after Jason."

  "No, I know that. Are you wearing a costume?"

  "I'm going as Cinderella—don't you think it'll be perfect? I already know what you're wearing."


  Lisa nodded. "Well, good luck, gotta run."

  "See you there, good luck." I called after her. "What is he up to?"

  "What's who up to?" Jason said.

  "You! Lisa just told me she knows what I'm wearing—I haven't even seen it."

  "But you know what it is, right?"

  "Sure, well I think so."

  "I fail to see the problem then. Besides, you know how much I love to surprise you."

  "Jason," I cautioned, "what don't I know?"

  He wrapped his arm around me. "It's fine, everything is arranged."

  "Not so sure I like the sound of that. What does arranged mean?"

  "Just play along, you won't be disappointed. One thing though—"

  'Uh oh, here it comes,' I thought.

  "I'm going to meet you there."

  "What? You're not picking me up? Why?"

  "Please, just trust me. Our mother's have set this all up. Tink is going to bring you in the Rover—he has the time table, so make sure you're ready on time."

  "Jason," I warned.

  "Come on, it's a big night and it turned out okay last year, right?"

  My thoughts raced back to that beautiful night under the twinkle light umbrella by the river. "It was beautiful."

  "Then just trust me, it'll all be worth it." He kissed me. "Gotta go." He jogged off toward the locker room. "You better get going, you don't want to be late."