Read Till Death Do Us Part Page 46

  Chapter 21

  Elizabeth managed to force several more sips of the putrid deer blood in me. The truth was, it was restoring my strength—not much, but some, even though it did nothing to quench the thirst for human blood. After what seemed like an eternity, there were footsteps on the front porch. Just one pair, but heavy. The door opened slightly. My chest pressed hard against the plastic as I inhaled the most wonderful human aroma ever. This was what, and whom I wanted, but the scent was weak, watery—it didn't matter.

  Benjamin, Melanie and Hayley joined Nathan around me. The odds weren't good, but if I could get lose just long enough to sink my teeth into Jason—that's all I wanted—all I needed. Nathan slapped my hand again and scowled at me.

  "Is he prepared for this?" Elizabeth said to Tink.

  "I'm ready." The most incredible, masculine voice replied.

  "Slowly, Tink."

  The door pushed open a little and I could see feet, Jason's feet, but not on the floor. I began to scratch at the plastic with my other hand.

  "If you don't stop," Melanie said, "we won't let Tink bring him in."

  "Izzy, are you alright?" Jason said. The other burning started, the one deep inside, not thirst, but it was quickly over powered.

  Elizabeth's face filled with empathy as Jason must have come into her view.

  "It's going to be okay, Izzy, just hold your breath." Jason said.

  "Ahhh!" I screamed, snapping my razor sharp teeth at the air.

  Tink withdrew with Jason and the door closed. "Give her a minute and we'll try again." he said.

  Jason said nothing.

  I drew in Jason's lingering aroma.

  Elizabeth shook her head, but Benjamin made a motion to try again.

  "Tolliver." Benjamin commanded.

  The door opened and again I saw Jason's feet. Tink continued forward ever so slowly—Jason's knees—his hips cuddled in Tink's arms. Why was Tink carrying him? I was holding my breath, hoping I could control my thirst long enough for Jason to get closer, but I couldn't resist a slight sniff. As beautiful as Jason's scent was, it was off from what I remembered. But then again, how could anything really be that incredibly succulent.

  Finally Tink turned the corner and I could see Jason's face. He was so pale, almost vampire pale. If not for the sound of his heart, and his scent, I might have thought they had changed him. It was one way they could have gotten so much of his blood.

  "Put me down, Tink." Jason pointlessly, whispered. He staggered when his feet hit the floor, but he regained his balance. Tink stayed by his side. Jason's eyes slowly scanned up my plastic, cocoon until his gaze met mine. He smiled—obviously forced.

  I didn't realize it, but I must have been doing the lure your prey thing. "Don't you want to kiss me?"

  Jason took an awkward step forward, but Tink intercepted him.

  I pressed harder. "Kiss me, Jason."

  Tink wrapped his arm around Jason's waist and whisked him outside.

  "No! Bring him back! He belongs to me—he's mine!" The ferocity of my rant startled the others.

  "I think we're finished here." Nathan said.

  Outside, on the porch, Jason said, "Let me try again."

  "I don't know." Tink replied. "Maybe Nathan's right, it's just too soon."

  "I don't want to leave her like this, it has to be eating her up."

  "Okay, one more try. Be strong for her."

  This time, Jason led Tink into the room. And this time, his eyes were fixed on mine from the start. They drew me in and I could sense his pain. He walked slowly until he was only an arm length away. Melanie and Nathan pressed closer against my sides. Jason reached his shaky arms toward my face. I pulled my head back slowly so I could strike when they were close enough.

  "No!" Benjamin commanded.

  I struck as Jason dropped his hands to his sides. They were too far away. I tried to lure him back.

  "Don't, Izzy." Jason whispered. "That's not what you want."

  "You don't know what I want! How dare you?" I thrashed at my plastic prison, but all I could manage to do was shake from side-to-side.

  Jason didn't flinch. "We—us, that's what you want—what I want, to be together again."

  His scent—the blood pulsing through his veins was still over powering, but there was that other feeling again.

  Jason knelt down, and looked up at Benjamin. Benjamin nodded and Jason reached out and pressed his hands against the tops of my bare feet. A new, but familiar sensation took hold of me. Jason looked up at me and smiled as the sensation spread up my legs. It looked like he was feeling the same thing. This warmth—not fire—warmth that continued to radiate through my body. It was calming, tranquil, magic. My body began to relax until the sensation got to my throat. Despite the beauty of what I was feeling—what Jason seemed to be feeling, I fought it.

  "No! It's a trick. Stop it! Stop!"

  Jason let go and the calming sensation was immediately overcome by my thirst for his blood. He stood slowly, with great effort seeming oblivious to my outburst. He looked at the others briefly, and then back to me. "I love you. I've missed you so much I can't begin to tell you how sorry I am that I let this happen to you." He eased back.

  "This is your fault. I hate you! I hate you!"

  My family drew in closer around me to control my struggling, but I saw Elizabeth escort Jason out onto the porch. I stopped so I could hear their conversation.

  "Are you alright?" Elizabeth said.

  "Yes—no, I hate seeing her like that especially since it was my fault."

  "This was not your fault. If you had not drawn the blood like you did I don't think we would have ever gotten her back."

  "Elizabeth is right." Benjamin said, joining them on the porch. "Your blood was just enough of a distraction that we got the jump on him. I'm only glad we were able to spare Izzy. You are to be commended for your bravery."

  "But I wasn't even there."

  "Ah, but a man who makes a sacrifice—risks his own life—for another is a hero in my eyes. And, in this case, you not only risked your life for Izzy, but for all of us—for my entire family. I will forever be in your debt."

  "Thank you, sir. I never knew how strong I could be until being strong was the only choice I had."

  "Goodnight then, son." Benjamin's heels clicked. "I'll send Tink out to help you home."

  The door opened and Benjamin walked back in. As soon as they made eye contact, Tink started for the door.

  "I am also forever in your debt." Elizabeth said. "Tink, you'll see he gets home safe."

  "Yes ma'am."

  "I think you will sleep a little easier tonight." Elizabeth said, obviously talking to Jason.

  "No, not till we get her back." Jason said. "I'll see you tomorrow."

  "Do you think you will be up to it, you are still so weak."

  "I'll be here, if I have to crawl. There is no other choice."

  "Bless you. Goodnight."

  The door opened and Elizabeth returned. It was quiet on the porch, Jason was gone.