Read Till Death Do Us Part Page 55

  Chapter 26

  By the time we got back to Boonsboro, there was a light snow falling. Cathy's mom wasn't kidding though, despite the weather, the parking lot was full. Since there was no place to park, I offered to park the car after we dropped everyone off. I could tell Cathy wanted to come with me, but despite the long ride, she still hadn't thawed out. I'd just parked when the bus turned up the road toward the school. I quickly got out and waved as they passed—the first to greet the hometown heroes—my hero.

  The boys waved, but as the bus passed, the brake lights suddenly lit up the late afternoon haze. The doors opened and Coach popped his head out.

  "That you, Izzy?"

  "Hey Coach." I yelled back.

  "Well come on." He waved me toward the bus.

  I thought back to Jason's mom and my exchange back at the stadium. "No, that's okay, you go ahead, I'll catch up."

  Coach ducked his head back in the bus, not thinking I could hear what he was saying. "That young lady of yours is being hard headed again."

  The backdoor opened and Jason climbed over a pile of equipment bags and dropped down to the pavement. He slammed the door and then turned toward me. He looked angry, but I knew he wasn't.

  "I don't want to spoil your triumphant return." I yelled.

  He pulled his shoulders up, head down and started a determined march toward me. Maybe he was angry. The snow flurries had turned into a real snow storm, but I was melting, burning up inside. Jason was wearing that long-sleeved, white, second skin—the one that left nothing of his sculpted chest to the imagination.

  "Oh." I purred.

  His legs were covered by Warrior blue sweats and his white socks were stuffed into a pair of those athletic sandals. By the time he got to me, he had a light covering of snow on his hair, but his face was stern.

  I shook the snow out of my hair. "I don't want—"

  He kissed me. His teammates hooted and hollered from the bus. Without so much as a word, he scooped me up in his arms and started back toward the bus. I wrapped my arms around him, resting my head against his chest. We arrived at the door to the bus all too soon.

  Jason set me down on my feet. "After you."

  I climbed the stairs to Coach's embrace and a flurry of cheers.

  "Congratulations, Coach."

  I've never seen a bigger smile and his joy was infectious. I gave him another hug.

  Jason climbed the stairs behind me and the bus driver closed the doors. Jason turned me toward the aisle down the center of the bus. "Well, what are you waiting for?"

  I pushed back against him overwhelmed by the strong male scent."

  "Open up some windows, guys." Jason yelled. "It smells like a locker room in here."

  The bus driver opened the door and started forward as a bunch of the players lowered their windows. The testosterone dissipated quickly. Jason leaned forward and whispered in my ear. "They'll just think your hands are cold."


  I put both my hands up and started down the aisle. Jason held me at my waist for balance although he knew it wasn't necessary. One-by-one the boys slapped five with me as I congratulated them.

  "Afraid that ain't gonna do," Matt said when I got to him. He stood and wrapped his arms around me in a bear hug. "Tell you what, if me and Lisa weren't an item, I'd give that scrawny quarterback of yours a run for his money."

  I patted Matt's cheek. "Not a chance."

  The boys around us burst out laughing.

  Jason and I made it to the back by the time the bus pulled up to the school.

  "The locker room is over there." One of the boys at the front of the bus said to the driver as he pointed to the far end of the parking lot.

  "We're going in through the gym." Coach said to the boy and then turned to the rest of us. "We're going in through the gym. Drop your bags just inside and act—well just enjoy the moment."

  The boys started to get off the bus.

  "What's he talking about?" Jason said to me.

  "Yeah," Matt added as he and Alex joined us.

  I pointed out the window. "Didn't you notice?"

  "Yeah, so it's snowing." Matt said, stating the obvious.

  "I think she means all the cars." Alex said.

  I nodded with a big smile. "Party time!"

  "That's what I'm talking about." Matt headed for the exit, whisking Lisa along with him.

  "Shall we?" Alex said.

  "After you, man, after you." Jason replied.

  We followed Alex down the narrow aisle and then down the steps onto the sidewalk. Alex looked to either side.

  "She's waiting inside for you." I said.

  Alex looked back with a big grin and then raced into the gymnasium.

  Jason leaned down and kissed me.

  I pushed back after a short moment—much shorter than I would have liked. "Afterwards, Jason—for me, please."

  "Mom put you up to this?" He sulked.

  "No, I actually think she'd prefer we walked in together, but this is your moment—" I pressed my fingers across his lips as he tried to object. "This is for you. I'll slip in behind you—I won't be far. Just say the word and I'll be there with you."

  "I love you. I gotta be the luckiest guy in the entire world." He kissed me again and then pressed the door open to a flurry of flashes.

  I waited until the commotion moved away from the doors and slipped inside. The bleachers and gym floor were packed—hot and the human element intense—I would have to stay close to the door. The team gathered in the middle of the gym floor, right on top of the Warrior logo and he cheerleaders lined up to do a cheer. Lisa stopped them when she spotted me.

  She ran over to where I was standing. "Come on, you deserve this too."

  I knew it would be pointless to argue so I followed her toward the team. "You mind if I do the cheer with you?" I said.

  "Do you know the one that goes with the fight song?"

  "Yeah, I do."

  "Cool. You stand next to me."

  "Don't you lead the cheer."


  We lined up, me next to Lisa, but when I tried to ease back in line with the other girls, one of them pushed me back up with Lisa. The band started and we did the fight song. Everyone started cheering when we finished.

  "Nice." Lisa said when we were finished.

  "Impressed, right?" I joked.

  "Yeah. I wish you would have been on the team with me."

  "Thanks, that's nice of you to say."

  "No, I mean it. You're really a nice person. I hope we get to know each other better the rest of the year." The football team started one of their chants. "Gotta run. See ya."

  I took advantage and moved back closer to the doors. One of the janitors had opened them and there was a cool—human cold breeze blowing in. I inhaled deeply.

  "It gets hot quickly when there are so many bodies packed in like this." Jason's mom said, walking up near me, but keeping her distance from the open door.

  "It does."

  "I'm sorry you didn't come in with Jason, I was hoping for a picture of the two of you."

  "It was Jason's moment."

  "I meant what I said about the two of you earlier."

  "I know, it was really sweet of you."

  "Mrs. Hall said there's never been an outpouring of support like this as far back as she can remember." Jason's mom said to change the subject.

  "You must be so proud."

  "Yes, it's all a parent really wants is to see their child happy and successful."

  "Did you get to talk to him? What did the scouts say?"

  "No, not yet—there will be time for that later, right now I just want him to revel in the moment."

  "I'm sorry his father couldn't be here to see this." I said.

  "Tom would have loved it." She moved closer to the doors and the cold air to keep from crying, but I could see the tears in her eyes.

  "I'm sure he would have."

  We stood silently for a moment, watching the fest
ivities and I'm sure she was collecting herself.

  "You know something?" she said.


  "I think—after he got over how much of a distraction you are—Tom would have liked you too." She frowned. "I didn't mean that the way it sounded, it's just Jason's father was—lets say overly focused. I'm sure he would have grown, as I have, to adore you."

  "I don't know what to say. Aren't you still afraid I'll ruin him?"

  "No, I think you'll save him." She got up on tiptoes and peered across the room. "Want to go see if the boys left any food?"

  "Sure." I took a deep breath before we left the cool outside air. 'Save him,' what did she mean by that?