Read Till Death Do Us Part Page 58

  Chapter 27

  A few weeks had passed since States. We had an awesome assembly to recognize the team's accomplishment. Ms. Moore presented Coach with the state championship banner and after all the players signed the back, Coach raised it up to the beam in the gym where it would hang permanently. He dedicated the win to hard work, determination and sacrifice. He told all the students that they were a part of the victory and that they should reflect back on this victory and what it took to accomplish when they faced obstacles in their lives. It really was an elegant speech.

  The basketball coach really pressured Jason to play, but Jason decided he'd rather concentrate on his studies and who could argue with that—it was why we were here. Jason and I had settled down into a nice, blissful routine—it was an amazingly beautiful, tranquil time. We even made an effort to go out to the movies with Cathy and Alex, and Lisa and Matt. When I thought back to last year, that was pretty incredible by itself.

  Jason and I were staying in with my family tonight. Elizabeth and Melanie had decided to have a formal family dance to celebrate Hayley's joining the family on a permanent basis. The girls all wore the traditional southern belle dresses and the men, their formal attire—even Jason rented an old fashion styled tux for the occasion. He surprised us all with a period correct playlist on his boombox for dancing.

  During a break, Elizabeth brought out an assortment of crackers and canned soda's on ice for Jason.

  "Thank you ma'am," Jason said, as he sat down on the sofa next to me.

  I swear he'd been practicing the old southern dialect and seemed to be enjoying what I would describe as role playing.

  "You're quite welcome."

  "Any of you heard of a town called Clemson?" Jason said during a lull in the conversation. "It's in South Carolina."

  "Ah, yes," Benjamin nodded, "in the foothills of the Appalachians I believe."

  "Exactly. It's a small town in a very rural part of the state—lots of wide open spaces and game."

  "What brought that up?" I asked.

  "There's a university there, Clemson University, I got a letter from their Athletic Department yesterday—"

  I slapped his shoulder. "And you didn't tell me?"

  "I wanted it to be a surprise."

  "Did they offer you a football scholarship?" I pressed.

  "Not exactly. They said they saw me in the state final and liked what they saw."

  "But?" I asked.

  "They think I can play for them, but they have a limited number of scholarships and they wouldn't be able to offer me one—it's a big deal though, they're a Division I school, they play on the National level."

  "Well, it can't be that big of a deal if they didn't offer you a scholarship." I concluded.

  "They made it sound like if I proved myself, they might the following year. I mean, I understand, we're talking Maryland here, not really a prominent state for football recruits—heck it was just dumb luck they saw me at all, they were there to see and offensive lineman from another school."

  "What about the school's academics?" Benjamin asked.

  "That's just it, while they're known for their Agricultural Program, the have a really great Architecture Department, and well, after helping you with the house, sir, I'd like to give architecture a try."

  Benjamin nodded. "Excellent choice. You are quite skilled at the design work involved." He chuckled. "Of course you would have to familiarize yourself with other forms of labor."

  "Can you afford it?" I asked.

  "I'm not sure. I'd probably have to work part time and well if I didn't get the scholarship the second year I'd have to transfer to a smaller school. It's a lot of pressure—putting all my eggs in one basket kind of thing."

  "Doesn't Frostburg have an Architecture Department—they offered you a full scholarship." I said.

  "Sure, that's still an option, but the game is sparse there."

  "I fail to see what the local wildlife has to do with your decision." Elizabeth said.

  Jason looked over to her. "It matters a great deal. I want Izzy to come with me."

  Elizabeth tried to look concerned, but the corners of her lips turned upward.

  "You didn't think I was going to just walk away when high school was over did you?" Jason continued when Elizabeth didn't respond. "Izzy and I are forever—well, my forever at least." He turned toward Benjamin. "Of course with your approval sir, ma'am."

  "Ah," Hayley interjected, "why don't you just add Jason to the family—it's what he wants, right?"

  I jumped up and spun around to her. "Not an option!"

  "Okay, okay, I didn't realize." Hayley said, putting her hands up non-combatively.

  "Sorry, it's a sensitive subject." I sat back down.

  Jason pushed the play button on his boombox. "How about another dance?"

  We danced for another hour at least. I think we were on the third time through Jason's playlist. Elizabeth and Benjamin had taught us a few new steps and Jason and I were actually pretty good. I did notice Benjamin and Elizabeth step out for a little bit.

  "Probably my fault." Jason said. "I'm getting a little toasty under the collar."

  I pulled in close and rested my head against his chest. "Yes, yes you are."

  "Ah hum." Benjamin cleared his throat—totally unnecessary so something was up.

  Jason leaned down and pressed the pause button. Melanie, Nathan, Hayley and Tink closed in around Jason and I. Benjamin and Elizabeth were standing arm-in-arm in the entranceway to the parlor. When it was quiet, Elizabeth tugged at Benjamin's arm.

  "Jason," Benjamin said, "we would like to pay for your education. At Clemson if that is your choice."

  "I couldn't—" Jason started.

  "The family money is used for investment purposes and I believe you are an excellent investment. I cannot think of a better use for the money."

  "Here, here." Tink said.

  Nathan nodded approval while Melanie silently clapped like an excited little girl.

  "You've done so much for me." Jason said. "I don't know what to say."

  "Say yes." I said.

  "One more thing." Elizabeth said. "As far as you and Izzy's relationship goes, we support the two of you one hundred percent. Of course the final decision lies with the two of you, but know we all support you and may I add, you are two remarkable young people."

  "Yes! Yes!" I said, jumping into Jason's arms.

  He set me down as Benjamin approached and extended his hand to shake. "Thank you, sir."

  Benjamin pulled him into a short hug. "My pleasure, son."

  Elizabeth approached us and extended her hand, palm down.

  Jason looked at me confused.

  "She wants you to kiss the back of her hand." I whispered.

  Elizabeth smiled as Jason bowed and gently kissed the back of her hand.

  "Thank you, ma'am."

  Elizabeth's face registered the intensity of Jason's touch. She backed away. "You'll excuse me." Benjamin followed her out through the back of the house.

  We turned to the smiling faces of my family.

  "Wow," Jason said softly, "anyone else?"

  Melanie shook her head.

  "No way," Hayley said, " Izzy already ruled out the joining the family thing."